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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 295 KB, 1600x800, 58F08140-6DB8-4DAA-AE1E-A6CBD0FB702B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
759918 No.759918 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Blender General, where we discuss Blender, share our Blender-related works and ask for Blender-related help.

>What is Blender?
Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, video editing and 2D animation pipeline.


>Blender Market


>Useful tutorials

>Useful addons

Previous Thread: >>757494

>> No.759921

anyone tried out 2.9 yet?

>> No.759924

Always wait for a stable build.

>> No.759929

Thank you for not putting that stupid shit about sculpting in the OP.

>> No.759931
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There's already a Blender thread on the first page, why do you blendlets always need to have your safe space on every singe forum and imageboard? I don't see official Maya and Max threads on every single forum, and I don't see 3 official Max/Maya threads a day on this board.

>We are little snowflakes and deserve our own threads












>> No.759938

well, you heard him guys
start posting about blender in every thread
no more containment zone
stupid fucking newfag

>> No.759947

I will when they release 3.0 with the fuckbot mode.

>> No.759956

Almost all of the blender threads created on /3/ are made for the purpose of talking shit about blender. You are the cancer.

>> No.759958

does anyone know why when i use boxcutter, the reflected part of my mirror modifier disappears? noob here

>> No.759959

The real and only relevant questions are:

does the blender foundation support BLM
does the blender foundation support trans rights

>> No.759970

Is it normal for a bake of normals from multires 1kk tris to ~20k to take half an hour on a 3,4GHz 4 cores, 8gb ram, GTX 1050Ti?

>> No.759984

I have no doubts that they do. Dobarro for instance is in favor of preferential treatment of women to balance the gender gap and he took jabs at flat earthers and anti-vaxxers on his last stream after people started complaining about Microsoft's donation, so I'm guessing he's pretty mainstream as far as political values go. Still, they've somehow enough sense not to use their organization's name to spread their own personal views and values, so I can sort of respect that.
That's too long. Did you try baking at a lower resolution first?

>> No.759992

>they've somehow enough sense not to use their organization's name to spread their own personal views and values
>what is FOSS proselytism?

>> No.760002

Can I pay one of you fucks to rip game assets for me for printing purposes?

>> No.760003
File: 2.36 MB, 2560x2560, Edr1_pYU8AAngke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get clean sculpts like pic?
All mine look weird and covered in cellulite no matter how much smoothing I do.

>> No.760005

Only if you are doing important stuff. Nothing wrong with testing out new features. You might even find a bug to report.

>> No.760006

Easiest way is to just polymodel the thing so all the clean curvature is already there as intended
then you just subdivide it to all hell and create them creases and such where you need them.

Or if you're adamant about sculpting or find that easier than modelling - make your sculpt
do a clean retopo into a subdivadable poly mesh that capture the shape of what you sculpted but now have absolutely clean surfaces.
Then you subdivide it to all hell and create them creases and such.

>> No.760007

>Free and open-source software
>political ideology
Trying too hard

>> No.760008

Shitposting aside, they probably do but they aren't American, so it isn't as big of an issue I guess, they aren't obsessed with the topics.

You mean Vazquez? The other Pablo? He was talking about the Microsoft donation on the Blender Today stream.

>> No.760010

Yeah, Vazquez. Don't know why I said Dobarro.

>> No.760012

Its most likely shit topology. This brush is your best bet if you don't want to do the work of fixing it. Havent used it personally but i use zbrush's equivalent all the time.

>> No.760015

>there are three blender generals on the board, one with 50 posts
>make another anyway
OP, what do you gain from this

>> No.760025


>> No.760034

It's all about the texturing

>> No.760044
File: 313 KB, 1414x791, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did this happen
what i did do wrong
i just want some legs for my mic

>> No.760050
File: 700 KB, 1000x591, 1594851209477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..... what was wrong

>> No.760276

i wanna take models from model resource and make them 3d printable in blender
>where can i hire someone to show me the process?
I already know how to model for printing but i need more precise knowledge

>> No.760278

Don't misuse the quote function. Youtube is filled with tutorials about that.

>> No.760283

theyre all with 2.79 which is a bit different with importing models

>> No.760284


>> No.760289
File: 217 KB, 1227x671, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i start over again? stuck at part 5 level 3 and i don't even have a clue what the hell am i doing

>> No.760297

Would it be possible to render 60fps mocapped faces real time with openCV using eevee? I have an old DSLR camera that I could use as a webcam and one of my projects requires real time mocap, so I was wondering whether it was possible. I'm going to model and rig some characters once I'm back from my business trip, but I want to get some info for the time being.

>> No.760300

I don't know about 60fps which depends on how fast you can run both OpenCV and eevee but it's been done before

If you have a recent iPhone you could look into UE4's FaceAR instead.

>> No.760310

>object offset
This is probably your problem. The object you're using for the offset probably has some scale(s) that aren't applied.
Object offset inherits the transforms from the source object. So scaling, rotation, and position are transferred to the array objects.
It's really great in specific cases (like circular arrays, or objects that get larger and larger incrementally), but you have to be careful that your transforms are applied first on your source object.

Or just use an empty.

>> No.760314

realtime? no use a game engine for that.

>> No.760319 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1008, 1stFloorPlanBuild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a house for my game, but the hallways are too small. Is there a way I can scale the hallways up without messing up the rest of house?

>> No.760329

>realtime? no use a game engine for that.
remind me of that one time UE did a real-time character mocap with Andy Serkis.

>> No.760355


LTS Release 2.83.4
Released on August 5, 2020.

Update now

>> No.760356
File: 210 KB, 344x300, 10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did an hour ago.

>> No.760357

I saw that video, it seems messy up until the lad plays back the animation. I also saw that the iPhone X and more recent models are really good for mocap, but I have neither the money nor the desire to put up with Apple's bullshit.

I looked into that, but I don't know how to get the data from openCV into unity or UE in real time. I saw there's Faceware, but it's all jerky and I'd have to mess around to make it work properly, and at that point I'd rather learn openCV. The best option seems to be aquifer for the iPhone and putting it on unity 3D, but even then it requires a rather expensive toy.

I was thinking of using blender and openCV because its affordable (aka free) to be used for this silly project, but I'd need to make it at least 60fps and real time. The characters are pretty low-poly tho, and I still don't know how many blend shapes they will have, but that's my reasoning. I guess I'll have a better notion once I start messing around with it instead of posting on a basket weaving forum.

>> No.760358

is there a way to reattach a part of the mesh I separated to work on shape keys? or do I really have to redo all the shape keys I made?

>> No.760362
File: 261 KB, 1446x922, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is detailed issue i can't separate handle

>> No.760363

anybody have lesser-known tips for the skin modifier?

>> No.760364
File: 476 KB, 1159x655, cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here is detailed issue i can't separate handle
Mark seams around the edges it the handle connects to the cup, then mark a seam down the side of the handle.

>> No.760367

The whole UV and seams thing doesn't click with me, no matter how often I try. Being a dumbfuck AND aware of it at the same time is a cruel fate.

>> No.760368

i think i just fucked it up
can't find edge of handle connect clearly either

>> No.760371
File: 63 KB, 402x363, Solid shading with xray on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change view to Viewport Display Solid and turn on X-ray

>> No.760393

also disable subsurf cage

>> No.760402

>cellulite no matter how much smoothing I do
Did you forget to set your shading to smooth on your sculpt?

>> No.760421

No, he's probably just sculpting with an unnecessarily high resolution.

>> No.760423

Strange. Normally it should work out alright even at high density even though I have to say smoothing gets really shitty at these resolutions. Wish it would behave almost the same at every resolution.

>> No.760429
File: 2.44 MB, 976x1072, 1596568982400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying to link an updated version of an armature to another blend file, but when i link the armature it goes straight into orphaned data
how do i restore the armature??

>> No.760444
File: 224 KB, 629x715, legg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is geometry which follows anatomy forms bad for animation purposes?
I'd ask in questions thread but it has reached bumplimit

>> No.760453

Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but I don't know where else to ask. I want to learn how to make NSFW animations with Blender, but I'm pretty lost and can't find any kind of guidance. Could someone help me with some guide or something?

>> No.760459

You want edgeflow with compression and stretching in mind.

>> No.760465

if I want to make a wall with a hole, should I just delete the face where the hole would be or make a transparent texture?

>> No.760471

Yeah, while it's the best for actually describing the static shape, for deformations you want a topology that flows with the way the joint will deform.

>> No.760481


yes. this is why rich companies turned their models into nurbs or high poly models.

>> No.760483
File: 133 KB, 641x547, leggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched tonns of videos on character rigging, even the ones with DUDE ADVANCED rigs don't have the actual knee bending the way it behaves in real life. With the bones protruding and fat distributed evenly.

I tried to achieve this with shape keys on straight topology legs but it was hard to translate straight quads to the right form on the fly in my mind.
But yeah you're right, gotta keep in mind how it will deform while retopologizing. Expereince and only experience. That's why I'll give a chance to a mixed approach of roughly anatomical geometry, where it doesn't deform much, and bombarding with straight high-poly geometry, where it does. Will not work out probably, but gotta try.


>> No.760488
File: 2.11 MB, 400x400, 1574265187065.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe so

>> No.760491

Is there a way to prevent "esc" from cancelling a render? I've disabled all keybindings to that key in preferences but it still does its thing. I'd like at least to change it to something more unmistakable.

>> No.760510

Can someone plz post a link for the pirated addon Flip Fluids?

>> No.760526

You can try an addon to transfer shape keys from a duplicate of the old mesh to the new mesh.

A quick google search came up with this: https://github.com/fblah/ShapeKeyTransferBlender/tree/master

You may need to download an older version of Blender though, I don't know, haven't used it myself.

>> No.760527

Oh, and just a tip: If you do need to use an earlier version of Blender, don't open your file in the older version, it could potentially cause some issues. Append the object from your file instead and then save to a new file and append again to the new version.

>> No.760535

Bro, just grab it from its github page. It's "free" in the fact that it's GNU. The dev can't do anything about this either. All Blender addons are free. It's just that most devs don't put the source code out for everyone. Flip does though.

>> No.760538

it's also bad for UV and texture purposes too.

Outside of very simple stylised stuff the mesh itself is more like the foundation you build from with textures and baking and what not.

Utility is the goal here.

>> No.760575

Is it worth learning how to use Blender for serious animation? Z-brush fag here, once I'm done learning all about Zbrush I want to know whether if to get into the blender bandwagon or pirate Maya

>> No.760606

>serious animation
If you frame it that way, then Maya is the only obvious answer. Blender fanboys may scream at you if you seriously consider Maya instead of their Lord and Savior; just ask them about Rig performance or performance in general and see them shiver and their eyes twitching. If you mention trigger words like: parallel rig evaluation, GPU acceleration deformation and OpenSubd running in 60+fps, you can see them getting flustered and conflicted.

>> No.760619

blender is perfectly enough for the amount of animation a solo operation can reasonably do, eevee is a pretty decent advantage in this scenario too.

Obviously it's nowhere near as useful as maya at the scale level though, I think either would probably work for you so I'd go look up blender and maya rigging/animation tutorials and see which one looks more like ur thing.

>> No.760623

amazing it worked, thanks a lot anon! I was angry because I was prepared to do all the shape keys again but it just works now.

>> No.760624

how do you guys get nicely shaped tits? mine look like shit.

>> No.760628
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By studying real life examples.

>> No.760632
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damn you have to mug me like that?

>> No.760633
File: 773 KB, 1024x1024, animu in Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interview with a chick trying to replicate the Guilty Gear models/style in Blender.

>> No.760648
File: 469 KB, 780x808, jul06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep procrastinating by sculpting and retopoing models from scratch, because I can't make a cute face or texture the body.
Tell me please, is it possible to turn this mesh...

>> No.760650

Anybody use mask tools? It seems like it doesn't do anything that you wouldn't be able to do yourself with shader nodes?

>> No.760651
File: 124 KB, 716x772, a_cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into this?
- Could it be achieved with blender texture painting?
- Can I make stencil painting more comfortable? I'm destroying my eyes just by trying to see anything past the transparent stencil square

>> No.760652
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, Raspberry PI 4 B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best model so far, /3/.

>> No.760654

Thank you, gentlemen

>> No.760699

>My best model so far, /3/.
It's not even done, what are you talking about?
Most shit doesn't have bevels, and your input jack still has flat shading on it.

>> No.760701

>Most shit doesn't have bevels
I mean to say that some of your parts have bevels, while others do not. When they should all have bevels.

>> No.760702
File: 146 KB, 949x959, uv01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i've symmetrized the mesh in sculpt mod after accepting to lose UV layout in favor of major mesh fixes.
And suddenly I have twice the texture space, because UVs have beautifully mirrored all by themselves. Will it cause problems in the future, if I'm not planning on doing assymetrical texturing?

>> No.760717

Ruki is a good person, she helped me out even if my questions were probably dumb and obvious.

>> No.760718

Is there a way to apply normal edit modifier to a mesh with shapekeys?

>> No.760727

As far as I know, no there isn't. You would have to duplicate your object, delete all of the shapes, apply the modifier, then manually transfer each shape key one by one from the duplicate to the original.

You may be able to find a script or addon to help with this process.

>> No.760730

thanks I'll learn how to transfer shape keys.

>> No.760733

damn transfering the shape key messes up the normals big time.

guess I'm fucked.

>> No.760737

That sucks, when I tried it on a simple cube it retained the normals just fine.

I found this, I haven't tested it, maybe it can work for you: https://github.com/przemir/ApplyModifierForObjectWithShapeKeys

>> No.760738

Here is another that could help: https://lollypopman.com/2016/08/09/addon-shapekey-helpers/

You may need to use an older version of Blender for these so do this:

>> No.760739

alright I'll try these, I guess I'll update the model I have in my USB and cloud before I attempt to do this.

>> No.760740 [DELETED] 


wait this actually worked perfectly, although its a bit slow. Is there any catch to doing this (aside that it will probably take me an hour)

>> No.760742

If it works, it works. It will just be a tedious process without any script for it

>> No.760743

yeah never mind, I didn't notice it rolled back me applying to normal editing modifier, I'm beyond fucked at this point. I even tried copying the mesh, removing all shape keys except one, applying the normal editing, moving it to the exact location, joining as shape. and STILL messes up the normals.

I honestly want to cry at this point.

>> No.760747
File: 278 KB, 865x711, 543a4e298436331c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys start a sculpt?
I've been trying different methods and idk what to stick to:

>subdivided cube
Gives me a something I can quickly get started on but it's hard to work with/control when working from a turnaround.
>blocky shapes, subdivide and formed in Edit to the drawing, then joined using booleans
Gives me a look into what the sculpt would look like from the start but Boolean union makes strange poles on the surface.
Starting takes a LOT of time too

>> No.760748

For the most part, the second, but using voxel remesh instead of Boolean to join the block-out forms.

>> No.760749

well, decided to learn how to edit the face normals to make them look better manually without data transfer modifier

>> No.760750

yeah that's what I do after, forms>union>remesh.
Things get real hard to change after remeshing though, really frustrating it's a "no going back" point

>> No.760753

Make sure your layout is perfect before you merge the parts with voxel remesher. Don't spend too long blocking out the primitives just get the basics in and start sculpting the arms/legs individually (snake hook and a big draw brush works well here). Make it look like you want the final thing to look (except for there just being seams). Keep the polys low enough and just focus on shape. Once remeshed get to a moderate level of density but no detailing.

NOW retopo + multires for the details, it works properly as of 2.90 so you can sculpt at any level correctly.

>> No.760761
File: 320 KB, 1080x1080, 1496711181293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to make your objects collide with the new pablobrush? For example when I drag a plane over some uv sphere, it just clips right through instead of colliding with it. He demonstrated it working a million times but not really showed what you have to do to set it up.

>> No.760823
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1008, Voyuer 1stFloorPlanBuild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get rid of an instance offset?

I'm trying to duplicate and linked a Sofa and its children. So I made it a collection and instanced an empty, but its offsetted from the empty.

>> No.760833

>She never bothered to wwatch the blender donut tutorial

>> No.760856

How long does a full character sculpt take you guys?

>> No.760859
File: 578 KB, 1125x943, A9F82162-FB17-4BF0-89F0-C7101B52B875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This beginner shit made by a favela monkey has 600 upvotes.

>> No.760862

you make it sound as if you're jealous

>> No.760968
File: 215 KB, 528x769, vq923cptck331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/fag here. I made a real-time multiplayer game (another agar.io inspired shit) and I am shit in anything related to art, so I found some 3d model of a running humanoid online, made sprites of all the running frames from 8 angles (5 actually, the rest are mirrored), and manually drew over them and made 40 different characters with shitty copy pasted wojak and pepe heads.
I don't expect this game to take off and make me millions, but at the very least I want to show this in my resume and I feel shitty running pepes would look really bad (especially if the recruiters recognize it as the evil alt right frog).
So I decided to learn basic 3d modeling, that I won't create anything from scratch, just tinker with that same running humanoid I mentioned before. I tried following guides and youtube tutorials and I literally got an actual headache, feeling pain in the blood vessels on my scalp. Jesus christ this shit is hard and frustrating. Is blender supposed to be this hard for newbies? Should I use a different program?

>> No.760971

i think it looks cute

>> No.760975

lol dude

>> No.760977

How can I use a matcap while also having the normal map on a material? Kind of like Sketchfab's Matcap + Surface setting.

>> No.760999

It can only be done through the material, not in the viewport settings. For how to set up a matcap in the material, use Google.

>> No.761001

Oh, and if you want to use a Blender matcap they can be found in the datafiles>studiolights folder where Blender is installed.

>> No.761009
File: 1.15 MB, 3840x2160, 1592964332572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty anon, have a matcap with normals

>> No.761010
File: 2.03 MB, 3840x2160, 1590921424765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a normal render too

>> No.761022


>> No.761027
File: 94 KB, 480x480, ghIJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I really need help. Is there any way to make a HUD like this? So it's projected in front of the cockpit but it's only visible if looking through that specific glass object.

>> No.761028

Nevermind. Found it.
If anyone's interested: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/63372/material-thats-only-visible-if-seen-through-another-material

>> No.761030

Fuck. Now it shows up inside the canopy from outside because obviously the canopy is glass so it only works as intended if the camera is inside the cockpit. You know what? That's fine tho. Fuck it.

>> No.761033
File: 121 KB, 1280x678, 0001_watch?v=j-WWld9001I_00:00:18_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shots fucking fired

>> No.761036
File: 8 KB, 200x200, pablomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.761041



>> No.761056

I still find it interesting that there are apparently people who have bad problems with navigating inside Blender

>> No.761057

So I'm trying to add shape keys to this model

it has a ton already but is missing bulges. I can't figure out why I can't edit the mesh though. Any ideas?

>> No.761064


He just admitted Blender had terrible sculpt performance even though he denied it a few months ago.

>> No.761073

Just use a mix shader and swap between that solution and a regular texture for when it's outside.

>> No.761075

>He just admitted Blender had terrible sculpt performance even though he denied it a few months ago.
For real?

>> No.761093

>even though he denied it a few months ago.
Post link.

>> No.761094 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 165x98, 1262318788714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has no one here tried that collision stuff yet?

>> No.761095

Nevermind. Forgot he usually posts how to use stuff in the dev talk and not on Twatter.

>> No.761104


Do you really think I'll spend my precious time digging through his old posts for your blendlet ass? He posted a video of him sculpting on a very dense mesh saying it wasn't an issue (even though everybody knows it's an issue).

>> No.761105

Lmao, thanks for clarifying your post were bullshit then

>> No.761106
File: 137 KB, 300x300, 1323992164067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy constantly criticizes blender and states how he will improve things in the field he's assigned to. if you want to stir shit, find some targets that are easier for you.

>> No.761178
File: 777 KB, 248x240, 1591661396843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fucking loop an animation? I made the first and last frames the same, moved the last one one frame outside the loop so it doesnt repeat, I tried changing the curves but it always fucking does a hiccup when repeating. It stops for a moment and then loops. What am I missing here?

>> No.761199

>It stops for a moment and then loops
are you talking about the rendered result or realtime in the viewport? could also be a caching issue.

>> No.761200

Case a)
Zero and end frames aren't matching.

Copy zero frame to the end or end frame to zero.

Case b)
Zero frame should be identical to the last frame, yes, BUT you DON'T want BOTH the zero frame and the end frame to played because then you have 2 of the same exact frame right after each other in the loop, which makes it look like the animation pauses for one frame.

Instead of playing the whole range of, for example, 0 to 100, you want to leave out one frame and play either 1 to 100 or 0 to 99.

Case c)
(This is some hifi shit that no one normal gives a shit about and most likely will never spot)
The last and first frames are weighted against the void.
The start eases in from flat value and end eases into a flat value BUT the loop actually has no flat at the loop point so the arc of the motion looks wrong.
The end is preparing for a frame value that never comes and the start is continuing from a value that never was.

Copy, let's say, first 5 frames of the animation to the end of the animation and then adjust the end frame handles to get the correct smooth arc for the loop. (mass applying automatic or auto clamped is the fastest way to do this but sometimes you just have to go manual)
Next, you lock the handles of all the end frames by selecting them all and turning them from automatic to free(or manual or whatever it is called) easing.
Now copy the new end frame on top of the zero frame.
You can now delete the extra frames you added earlier.
You should now have zero and end frames that have identical values AND also identical handles that preserve and pass the correct arc of the motion from one loop to the next.


>> No.761201


There you go Blendlet, wasn't hard to find


>> No.761209
File: 59 KB, 960x960, 1584529362032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was c. Seems like I had made the curves automatic and for some reason it fucked the beggining and end frames. Doing the third method worked like a charm. Thanks a lot man!

>> No.761212
File: 463 KB, 240x360, huge_cock.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my blender generals the way i like my cocks

Two at the same time

>> No.761218

How do you read that and come to the conclusion that he's DENYING that sculpt has perf issues?
>It lags a little bit
Sounds like acknowledgement to me and today's patch fixes it.

>> No.761223

I want modify particle of donut texture bit bigger what should i do?

>> No.761229

I've been making a massive amount of progress the last few days. My shit is starting to look good af. Feels good man.

>> No.761232

For some reason all the volumetric effects disappear when i animate a scene in eevee, does anyone know a fix?

>> No.761234

I don't know about blender but this looks like a job for a stencil

>> No.761237
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, sakamotodrowning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is OSL so slow?

>> No.761241

Make a bug report with a much more detailed description.

>> No.761244

>I don't know how to get the data from openCV into unity or UE in real time.
You could try out http://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page , .NET bindings for opencv so you can call it from unity c#. There are some other paid assets for unity + opencv out there too.

>> No.761256
File: 1.06 MB, 2400x1350, marte atmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally done. 2 fucking hours with OSL. fuck that.

>> No.761266

And hey at least it was probably faster than rendering it with Terragen

>> No.761270

Why not use a competent shader for that?
Why not do it in compositing - takes 2 minutes.
Why waste 2 hours for that?

>> No.761273

because this way is physically accurate

>> No.761287

Post the anim.

>> No.761288

Why bother with accuracy if your texture sucks mega donkey ass?
Shit looks like an ai upsampled mess.

>> No.761291

what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.761295

Your planet texture is trash. It lacks definition.
If you're going to be an autist about physical accuracy, at least make sure your textures look good.
It looks like a fucking vector made in Illustrator.

>> No.761299
File: 980 KB, 540x540, Intento 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got it working thanks to this anon >>761200
here is the one before fixing

>> No.761300
File: 988 KB, 540x540, 0001-0119.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And heres the fixed one

>> No.761313


>> No.761319

>responding specifically to someone saying that you can't sculpt over 1m vertices in blender by saying there should be no trouble doing that amount
>hurr durr he's saying there's no performance improvements that could be made to blender ever!

Are you five years old, do you not understand how context works?

>> No.761322
File: 440 KB, 1015x841, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I best smooth this for 3d printing(so it has to be the mesh itself), Subdividing and using the smooth sculpt tool is a little too powerful and it damages the edges im wondering if theres a better way

>> No.761325
File: 365 KB, 575x753, test1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to remove these seams? I think they are from when i made the base of the model and joined but didnt use boolean, so the inside faces of the shapes are still there.

>> No.761327

set it to smooth shading then maybe try the remesher in sculpt mode.

>Subdividing and using the smooth sculpt tool is a little too powerful and it damages the edges

maybe apply a little elbow grease and just smooth the bits you want smoothed

>> No.761328

the answer for you is also to use the voxel remesher, ctrl+r in sculpt mode.

>> No.761335

thank you my friend. had to update to get the feature

>> No.761338

maybe someone here knows about this? >>761334

>> No.761340

nvm I got it, apparently the texture needs to be like really high quality so I just exported the texture as 700%

>> No.761343
File: 12 KB, 522x268, 8043a653f4b45af4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this shit on texture paint i can't rid of this thing

>> No.761346

u're using a drawing tablet or something, right? r u sure it's not related to your pen? that'd happen to me every now and then when I used to draw with my wacom on Photoshop. I don't remember how I fixed it though

>> No.761347

it's literally the real heightmap from nasa retard

>> No.761349

Have you tried setting up creases and or sharp edges before adding a subdivision?

>> No.761350

that does not look manifold

>> No.761356

I didn't say shit about the heightmap. Your diffuse is flat as shit.

>> No.761357

just smooth it out using smooth sculpt

>> No.761368

Is there a plugin to adjust bone position after editing mesh? I think someone else asked this last year, but I don't remember what people said in response, and I don't know what he wrote, so I can't search for his posts.

>> No.761379

It looks great!

This guy is a faggot

>> No.761382

I don't think most people know what quick navigation even feels like, including the guy in the video, since he recommends using the numpad = moving your hand

>> No.761383

recommend me an underrated tutorial, pref modeling related. will post results.

>> No.761386


>> No.761391
File: 1003 KB, 1000x1000, mtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldr but I think I got the gist

>> No.761402


Should I buy Nvidia Ampere for more Blender performance?

>> No.761405
File: 786 KB, 1200x669, Blend troopersDgA1em9UYAEk-tI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder the industry shills are afraid.
No need to pay for shit to model for video games.
Anime CGI is getting taken over by blender.
CGI cartoon and stylized animation in blender.

How hard will this burn autodesk in the pocket? All these canceled subscriptions?

>> No.761413

maybe if you're focused on working and practicing your skill will be more well known throughout the industry and instead you're just shitposting because you're salty that you wasted thousands of dollars on software and still getting outskilled by some retards playing around with a free software

>> No.761416

I have a feeling that the losses won't be as big as some might think. Most studios rely on support and that's what they gladly pay for and something that the BF does not provide. Almost no professional studios spend time hunting through all sorts of forums to solve a problem. Time is literally money there.

The biggest userbase they will lose is the "lol jusd birade evrything :DD". That userbase was at first a bane for them but later turned out to be useful since those people learned how to use the software before they became professionals and then paying customers in their job life.

So yeah, FOR NOW they won't lose too much but we'll see how all this will turn out. Maybe the BF will introduce some sort of paid customer service and that might change a ton of things.

>> No.761433

Sorry for the dumb question. In the solid mode in viewport shading I want to use the Texture mode but it only shows the normal maps, not the diffuse/principled ones. I've been looking into the menus but can't find any setting.

>> No.761435

i think texture mode only shows the selected texture node

>> No.761436

You're right, damn I never knew about this. Thanks!

>> No.761439

My impression is that all this standart fag shilling happened after 2.8 came out.

>Maybe the BF will introduce some sort of paid customer service and that might change a ton of things.
This is more than likely FOSS traditionally sold support, And the BF already has a Blender Cloud thing you can subscribe to, it was so obnoxious that I remember people who did go for the first time to download blender where like
>Wait. I thought blender is free, whats this blender cloud subscription jamming itself into my face when I click the download button.

>> No.761452
File: 15 KB, 350x420, B032DBD6-57E0-4EFE-A7CD-5CC961D07201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I make Node Wrangler work using the built in MacBook keyboard?!?!! None of the shortcuts work.


>> No.761465

oof. my nodes are a mess.

>> No.761474
File: 91 KB, 608x689, 1581709391649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i make the extrusions from the solidify modifer flatter

>> No.761476

"Even thickness" checkbox

>> No.761477

oh wew lad

>> No.761497
File: 52 KB, 940x929, 1579053372034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a command to fill this with polygons automatically? So I dont have to extrude and fill manually every time.

>> No.761501

F2 addon or maybe looptools

>> No.761508
File: 37 KB, 554x548, 1593707361457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good in depth tutorial about rigging? Most ones I found ramble way too much.

>> No.761513


>> No.761517
File: 1.39 MB, 500x282, 1593781415729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man this is exactly what i want.

>> No.761519
File: 630 KB, 1529x520, bundle books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /3/, I'm not really into Blender at all, and as of now I don't have much plans to learn it, though it does seem like something worth trying in the future
Anyway, Humble Bundle currently has some tutorials for about $1

Are they worth it, or am I going to find much better resources elsewhere?

>> No.761521

Rutracker has tons of this shit. But it's also $1

>> No.761523

Yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking
But also thinking if the video is 6 hours, and it's kind of shit, then it's $1 + wasted hours
Thanks for the shout on rutracker

>> No.761556

>for only £0.78, I can get a bunch of paid books
>and explicitly give all of the money to a charity for old people instead of Darren Lile
>only have £2 left this month
It's not much of a decision, is it?

>> No.761583

If i want to get int sculpting and texture painting
Should i get Zbrush and Substance painter, i know Blender can do both of those but as someone who not really familiar with both of those topics should i stick with dedicated software would it be easier to learn or should i try learning it in Blender?

>> No.761589
File: 590 KB, 1600x900, LeftOrRight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one looks better, left or right?

>> No.761591

I'm wondering if it's worth using high poly sources from Megascans in my render. I tried it out with one asset and just the asset itself is around 4 million tris.

I thought polycount affects render times as well, but it seems to be negligible? Is that true?

If that's the case I'd surely use a high-poly version instead of LOD0, but I'm afraid if the whole scene could handle that, because I'm not sure Blender likes having dozens of millions of tris all at once.

>> No.761596
File: 101 KB, 640x480, 2B4F71DD-9262-46A0-AE0D-C71E40741680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you approach modelling something like this? An object covered with broken tiles. Let’s say a simple sphere with a standard smiley face, what’s the most efficient way of covering it in broken tiles while making it look like a mosaic?

>> No.761598

procedural displacement shader

Voronoi pattern would do that easily.

>> No.761600

it's not negligible, it adds up in pure render time but memory is your big bottleneck if you're rendering on GPU.

>> No.761602

Yeah that's true, I'll just decimate it down to 10%, difference is unnoticeable if it's not a close-up anyway. But LOD0 they provide is too low poly, so that should be a decent middle ground.

>> No.761606

Is there any tutorial on how to make a dildo?
Asking for a friend

>> No.761608
File: 858 KB, 1911x997, UV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give this robot a ps1 style hand and have it be blocky, but this doesn't look good to me, any thoughts on how I could go about it better?

>> No.761615 [DELETED] 

>The whole UV and seams thing doesn't click with me,
UVs are unnatural. You are not supposed to "get it"!
They are low level shit you are not supposed to interact with, PTEX is what you want (its like painting real life miniatures with pain and stickers.).
Want advice for quick painting in pseudo-PTEX? Select all, mark seams on everything, unwrap.
Go to texture pain, start painting on the model itself.

UVs are hard, you are not stupid for not getting it.
Want to buy my payed tutorial where I teach you to master UVs?

>> No.761616
File: 71 KB, 620x368, skeletor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole UV and seams thing doesn't click with me,
UVs are unnatural. You are not supposed to "get it"!
They are low level shit you are not supposed to interact with, PTEX is what you want (its like painting real life miniatures with pain and stickers.).
Want advice for quick painting in pseudo-PTEX? Select all, mark seams on everything, unwrap.
Go to texture pain, start painting on the model itself.

UVs are hard, you are not stupid for not getting it.
Want to buy my payed tutorial where I teach you to master UVs?

>> No.761618

UVs take like one day to learn they're just tedious if you need to maximize usage.

Think you're just an idiot.

>> No.761633
File: 26 KB, 554x554, D002D0CC-0006-4356-9D8B-85FDA225E5D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for replying. Is there a way to make the displacement “tiles” flat? Because normally it would curve with the surface like picrel. I’m trying to achieve the faceted look here >>761596 where the tiles are actually flat.

>> No.761648


Somebody puts it together here but it's not pretty.

Perhaps you could also try duplicating the base mesh and using a cell fracture modifier on it to make it from actual geometry.

Then you could use vertex colours on them

>> No.761666
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, table and chairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a table and chairs

>> No.761679

Best free models to use for coomanimation in blender? Smutbase is from what i heard the only one that provides those but there are so few.

>> No.761682
File: 431 KB, 628x429, George.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.761688
File: 1.63 MB, 943x556, power.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do a power of a fraction?
1/2, pow(0.5), Math.pow(0.5) etc don't work

>> No.761691

And here I though PTex guy fucking died.
2020 just got worse.

>> No.761692

gb2disney, fag

>> No.761697

What's this ptex thing anyway? I looked on the site and it sounded pretty interesting.

>> No.761699

>tfw i spent all the time memorizing shortcuts and learning in blender
All for nothing.

>> No.761702


>> No.761707

who the fuck memorizes shortcuts?
Just use them once and remember them. Blender has all of like 5-6 useful ones.

>> No.761714

You mean 500-600

>> No.761719

There's like twenty pages of shit on smutbase. How many free coom models were you expecting?

>> No.761720

More than that because im priviliged white boi. Also most of them are outdated and not for blender.

>> No.761738


>> No.761776

>Caring about internet points
fuck off back to your normie popularity contest sites

>> No.761778

Again, 5-6. If it's something you use 1 time a month, it's not a useful shortcut to know.
Shortcuts are for shit you do regularly, not shit you do once in a blue moon.
That's why they're called shortcuts. It's a quicker "path" to an operation that saves time if you do it regularly.

If it's something you do all the time, that's why there's a shortcut that conveniently exists already, but something that you never use is a waste of time forcing yourself to remember.
You're not saving any time using a shortcut 1 time. It saves time when used in bulk, and as I said, there's probably 5-6 that you use that often in Blender to warrant actually knowing them.

>> No.761788
File: 3 KB, 195x116, power1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math is not fun when you're low iq and also math isn't the problem here, smart guy.
The problem is python has always been able to raise numbers to the power of a fraction and is literally able to do so right now, except when you type the same expression in blender.
Invalid python expression my ass

>> No.761819

pow(max(rot,0),0.5) or pow(abs(rot),0.5), or the like, depending on how you want it to handle negative numbers.

>> No.761870

>What's this ptex thing anyway?
Basically Ptex lets you paint on a 3D model without UV unwrapping, you paint it like you are to paint a figure IRL with paint.

>> No.761882

Like that substance painter?

>>761714 Looks interesting, I've started playing around with animation so I'll check that out.

>> No.761888

Use handplane baker instead, the x64 version is free some where

>> No.761892

is Blender without plugins a cripple?

>> No.761895
File: 11 KB, 343x345, 1497381151262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is WITH plugins.
I stopped using external addons years ago after I got so fucking fedup of developers outside of Blender not maintaining their shit so you ended up getting used so workflows that stopped working each time Blender gets updated which happens all the fucking time.

>> No.761897

>Like that substance painter?
Demonstration of PTEX in mudbox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFwoeOLECe4

>> No.761898

a tl;dr of >>761897: every quad has its own texture so you never have to think about UV coords (since every quad just fills the whole texture in its own UV map)

>> No.761901

I feel your pain...as someone who has sunk thousands into 3ds plugins over the past 20 years.

>> No.761907

Damn, I am really one low iq retard, you can't take square root of a negative when dealing with real numbers.
Thank you

This anon was right, I'm sorry

>> No.761935


Most old 3ds Max plugins still work with recent versions. Blender is fucking crap because it relies on addons and they stop working at random versions or even daily builds.

>> No.761939

how do i model pusy

>> No.761941

It's pretty easy to use stuff from sfmlab:
Or XNAlara: (Fucktons on DeviantArt)

>> No.761943

There's also an importer for Daz models, flexes and shit somewhere.

>> No.761944

If you have a pixelated texture, you can set the interpolation to Closest. This disables the blur without the need for a gigantic picture.

>> No.761978
File: 119 KB, 731x436, ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to use the blender python API to selected whichever vertex (or face maybe) is nearest to a given point, say (-1.5x, 2.5y, 0.5z).

Does anyone know how to do this? Have been trying to google to no avail.

The ultimate purpose is to split this mesh up into several tiles as new files.

>> No.761989

Is there a way to have multiple "image as planes" with alpha channels to be in the same location and not have z-fighting issue? i'm getting that tearing thing

>> No.761991

You could try to use
And then find the closest one from your point, but that's probably horribly inefficient.

Although if you want to split that into tiles the most efficient solution would probably to add cuts where your mesh should split, separate them, separate by loose parts, set the origin at the center of each object and just export them individually.

Try changing the clip start value in your view options but if both planes overlap exactly this probably won't help. Just offset one of the planes by a tiny amount.

>> No.761992

* https://docs.blender.org/api/current/bpy.types.MeshVertex.html?highlight=meshvertex#bpy.types.MeshVertex

>> No.761999

Thank you for the suggestion.

Yeah, all of the individual tiles are contiguous, and aren't connected to the other tiles, so the loop cuts and splitting aren't necessary.

I have an ok way of doing individual export manually ('select more'ing until I have all contiguous vertices for a tile, then ctrl dragging to correct origin position, deleting the inverse of my selection, and exporting)

is it reasonably straight forward to implement your solution programmatically? I've found it really hard to get useful info on the blender python api.

>> No.762015

>This anon was right, I'm sorry
No worries, I'm /sci/ and am irrationally compelled to give shit to compsci niggurz.

I'm drunk, but I dimly remember writing a script that transferred textures between totally different objects with different uv maps based on face location. I used a kdtree to find points and manipulate tris based on simple geometry.
That image looks really simple, and I don't understand why you're aiming for a programmatic approach.

>> No.762018

well, I'd rather like to just be able to run a script to do this as I'm going to have many different connecting tile types, and it takes about 10 minutes to manually export everything (they have to follow a particular naming convention etc. to work with my unity project).

>> No.762024


I keep getting badgered to learn specific workflows for convoluted plugins, but there's no guarantee that those plugins will even stay updated. Even more so when they're paid plugins.
I mean, I feel the pressure to learn Animation Nodes, but I keep thinking that there's an official implementation on the horizon, so once I do finally figure that shit out, it'd be useless since something better would be built in.

>> No.762025

I take a fixable cripple over a jew (maya) anyday.

>> No.762032

>is it reasonably straight forward to implement your solution programmatically? I've found it really hard to get useful info on the blender python api.
The best way to get infos on the API is to open an info window and do the actions manually to see which python operation is called.
For example setting the origin to the geometry is
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY', center='MEDIAN')
So you could use that and then set the origin's Z axis to the same Z position as your lowest vertex with something like
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(-0, -0, -1.45852))

For the rest of the operations you'll probably still need some manual operations anyway (select vertices -> rip -> separate into different objects)

>> No.762059

So, you want somebody to tell you how to automate a task that you can't define to save you a few minutes?
Are you even a programmer? You seem to know fuck all about specification.

>> No.762099

How will you spend your remaining £ anon?

>> No.762165

How to make skin and other surfaces glossy, but not look like plastic?

>> No.762183

You are doing subsurface scattering yeah?

>> No.762202

>Try to do thing
>Doesn't look like it does in the tut
>10 minutes later find meme setting I haven't turned on/off that isn't mentioned in tut
>"Now just duplicate it and change X to Y"
>X won't change to Y no matter what I do
>Look at duplicate again
>For some fucking reason there's a huge gap that's just been left as if it hasn't duplicated that part even though it would be impossible to miss it if it duplicated everything else which it has
>Close Blender

Why does it have to be like this? Why is it every time I follow something it never ever works and I have to spend 20 minutes clicking around to try and find out why and even then there's only a 50% success rate of fixing the problem. Why can't I just git gud? Why can't I just make it?

>> No.762211

Stop following tutorials and start making your own way

>> No.762217

I generally do. But what I prefer to do is

>Watch tutorial on X
>Learn how to do X
>Apply X to things on my own

I did the same thing when I first learned to draw. Once I had a cube down I could turn that into a house, a TV, a cigarette packet, anything 3D with four sides basically, and then the same for any other objects from basic 3D shapes.
It might be a retarded way to do things, but it's just how I feel comfortable.
My real problem with tuts is that I hate videos and much prefer to read it because it's easier to reference back to rather than skip around videos.
I'll get there eventually, it just always frustrates the fuck out of me.

>> No.762235

Go for Blender
Look for sculpting tuts, it's easy and fun!

>> No.762317

Torrent zbrush, you don't need substance yet.

>> No.762344
File: 1.64 MB, 7680x4320, 1594115269904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ks-23 hi poly

>> No.762407 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 2553x1383, 3333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I finished my first idle animation. How do I save it, and start working on the next one?

>> No.762408 [DELETED] 


Jesus fucking christ Blender is absolute garbage for animation.

>> No.762414

what are the must have plugins?
or is native blender enough?

>> No.762421

roughness + normal map needed

>> No.762422

Extra Objects
Node Wrangler

They all come shipped with blender, you just need to activate them.

>> No.762424

If I can't find the solution to my problem in the comments, which you usually can if the creator simply forgot a step or something, I'll go back a few steps and try again.
If the doesn't work I'll give up and just try a diff tutorial assuming the pajeet is retarded

>> No.762425

What does F2 and Loop tools do you can already do?

>> No.762427

F2 has cool "smart" face creations features
LoopTools has a bunch of useful operators, like arranging selected vertices in a circle, bridging loops, etc.

>> No.762430

Excuse me,

how do I frame objects without a numpad?

>> No.762431

Buy a numpad

>> No.762432

emulate numpad in the preferences but then you can't use 1 2 3 to select vertex edges and faces

>> No.762439
File: 150 KB, 817x535, edges.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Object Mode this mesh is missing Edges in some places but in Edit Mode looks like nothing is missing. Should I just ignore it or will it cause issues on the long run? if so then how do I fix it?

>> No.762440

you can ignore it.
blender shows a simplistic wireframe view by default. basically, if two polygons are planar, blender won't draw the edge between them. this has no impact on shading/rendering, it's just so things are easier for the user to see.
if you want to see all the edges, go into the "object properties" panel and, under "viewport visibility", enable "show all edges"

>> No.762441

>also reverts brush settings
this shit is so annoying

>> No.762442

Well, I'll leave it like this then, knowing which faces are planar might come in handy.

>> No.762444

This is absolutely retarded. Is there a fix?

>> No.762514
File: 39 KB, 600x880, trim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I got a semispherical mesh with an open back intersected with a solid mesh and I want to trim out any parts of the solid mesh from the inside of the semisphere, how would I do it?
I remember that was a function in Blender that allowed to do this but I cannot find it anymore.

>> No.762517

Boolean modifier?

>> No.762521
File: 13 KB, 272x153, 1520778516366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It worked perfectly, thanks.

>> No.762545

Can anyone knowledgeable guide me in the right direction where I can learn everything about color management in blender? I'll color grade my output in other software so as far as I understand I need to output raw exr file, gamma 2.2 and all that jazz. I don't quite get view transform and sequencer options: when to use sRGB vs filmic vs filmic log. Also I don't understand how can I decide at what point is my lighting "correct" and ready for grading, because I find myself often wasting time trying to get the shadows and contrast right by tweaking light intensities, gamma and exposure in blender forever, which is actually pointless if I'll have to do it again in post. I'm fairly nooby in this area and want to learn how to do it properly.

>> No.762729
File: 245 KB, 1072x825, transparency.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How comes textures with transparency are displayed as "masked" in the view until I select the mesh?

>> No.762737
File: 1.60 MB, 3840x2160, 1596828612838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.762740
File: 557 KB, 3840x2160, explorer_eDaWoaQywN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a door frame like in the video?

He says select 2 points, ctrl b and b again, but I move the cursor and nothing happens

>> No.762742
File: 237 KB, 2300x1307, blender_35GRwDJViA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.762743

Try changing the blend mode.

>> No.762744

looks like I should have used ctrl shift B

>> No.762751

I'm trying to copy and paste an animation from two different files but when I do I get the error "no animation data in buffer to paste." What does this mean and how do I resolve this? More importantly how to resolve it.
Surprisingly there is no coverage on this aside from one answer that doesn't really answer it.

>> No.762757

Why don't you use append?

>> No.762760


>> No.762762

Fuckin hell that worked perfectly. Brilliant.
HOWEVER I think there is still an underlying problem with why exactly copying and pasting the keyframes didn't work that should be addressed... it could cause some problems later on. Any ideas?

>> No.762764

Were you trying to do it from two separate instances of Blender? Some things cannot be copy/pasted that way, like nodes.

>> No.762771

Yes they were two windows of Blender open. They were both the same rig referencing the same "dash" animation saved as a fake user. The *only* difference is that I added an accessory to the armature of my new file, as a separate object. When I added that accessory it actually erased the entire animation for some strange reason.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by instances but I was able to copy and paste frames between two files before, I just did it just to make sure I could do it and it worked fine.

>> No.762777

I can't say what the problem could be. My only advice, if you really want to find the problem, is to attempt to reproduce the problem by retracing your steps. If you manage to find a reproducible error, you can make a bug report and it should get fixed at some point.

>> No.762787

>it should get fixed at some point.
This is why nobody pays serious attention to Blender in production.

>> No.762789

Because other products are all bug-free and they will get right on any that get reported immediately. Especially those submitted by literal whos.

>> No.762793

I suppose you are right
Thats nice dear

>> No.762797
File: 63 KB, 900x900, hair shader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make an hair gloss/reflection shader like this?

>> No.762835
File: 3.84 MB, 4288x2848, ISS-20_Thunderstorms_on_the_Brazilian_Horizon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I set up clouds like this in blender? I already have an atmosphere and added a volumetric affect to the global cloud textures off of the nasa site, which look ok from a distance but garbage up close. Is it even realistic to animate a something like a rotating planet without having to photoshop clouds into every frame?

>> No.762874

Idk maybe Google making clouds in blender

Maybe there'll be 1 billion tutorials about generating them

>> No.762927
File: 191 KB, 838x825, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to create a "bump" in the model of a shirt on the breast area because the nipples are poking out, but there is a problem with the vertices, in the red circled areas there're overlapping vertices and when I try to pull forward the selected area, it looks like the shirt gets ripped leaving void in between the two lines of vertices.

How do I select all overlapping vertices so I can drag them all together as one mesh part, without deleting the doubles? I couldn't figure that out.

>> No.762931

Actually never mind, I just deleted the doubles, there aren't any shape keys on this model after all.

>> No.762942
File: 221 KB, 838x825, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that messed up something else. Any clues what could be causing this? these random shadows weren't there before, especially not in the chest area.

>> No.762946

Recalculate normals

>> No.762960

It didn't change anything, but I understand that some normals are calculated from the wrong direction. I'm recalculating manually selecting each face and it seems to work, but is there any way to automate the process? I'm sure I'm flipping some of these normals wrongly. If there is any function that checked the actual value of the normal and changed it to the right one, it would be much better.

>> No.762961

Specular maps.

>> No.762962

>I'm recalculating manually selecting each face and it seems to work, but is there any way to automate the process? I'm sure I'm flipping some of these normals wrongly. If there is any function that checked the actual value of the normal and changed it to the right one, it would be much better.

My general workflow goes:
Display Face Orientation and normals so I can see what the problem areas are.
Select everything and do the automatic recalculate outside.
Manually flip anything that is inside out. Easiest method is to just look at the face orientation, select everything showing red (or whatever you set the back-side to) on the outside, then flip them all at once. Not too bad if the mesh is fairly low-density (if it's high-density, pray to god that the automated system handles it).
Add a weighted normal modifier. Turn off face orientation so I can see what the texture actually looks like.
Make sure that any remaining issues are normal-related and not the result of shitty geometry (internal faces, n-gons, non-planar faces, double vertices, intersecting faces, concave faces, overlapping edges, non manifold geometry; there are automated tools to address most of these).
Only if everything else fails, consider manually adjusting normals.

>> No.762968

How do you set a color for the face orientation? I can see the normals, they seem to be pointing towards the right direction even though the shadows are still wrong in some places. I believe the calculation from outside fails because the shirt is "open" and not solid, why can't Blender just use the position of the light source as reference?

>internal faces
The faces where you can see the laces of the shirt on the chest area have transparency and there're other faces below, with the messed up shadows. Does Blender have issues dealing with transparent textures over solid ones?

>> No.762976

>How do you set a color for the face orientation?
Enable backface culling in the viewpor shading options

>> No.762987
File: 208 KB, 1362x857, 1566290930314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not backface culling, face orientation.

>> No.762989

2.79 doesn't have a color field for backfire culling from what I see, but I accidentally fixed the issue with "clear custom split data normals" and now it looks alright. Where do I find information on this mesh data in Blender? it's not the only mesh with custom data, but the others look worse when I clear it.

>> No.762990

I'll try to find that panel.

>> No.762991

Why the hell are you still using 2.79?

>> No.762994

I started this project in 2.79. Will this project file work correctly in 2.8+?

>> No.762997

Create a copy (or multiple copies) of your .blend file before opening it in 2.8 but it should be fine. Opening a 2.8x file in 2.7x is not recommended, however.
Anyway, backup your stuff and try.

>> No.763000
File: 1.46 MB, 500x558, eyrfadracm431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the easiest job to get in VFX? Is making apartments for virtual tour widgets a good first stop?

>> No.763015

manually making a few clouds in blender is not remotely the same as generating an entire atmosphere of intricate realistic clouds

>> No.763035
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, 1576343289523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee cup disappears
>liquid and plate still remain
>mesh is no where in the outline
>have render with cup

cool program guys

>> No.763049
File: 213 KB, 2560x1400, ealHs48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this character has really short legs. Is there any way to prevent shitty deformations when doing stuff like having him seated or swing his arms a bit further?

>> No.763063

Bendy bones might help, but even normal proportion limbs are a bitch to get right. Legs that short attached to fixed points on the body are going to cause issues no matter how smooth your rigging. Consider modifying the character design if possible; either have the leg attachment points able to slide over the body (I believe you can make a seamless connection with the shrinkwrap modifier), make the legs thinner or longer, or just have the boots floating around the body with no legs.

>> No.763066

>How do you set a color for the face orientation?

In 2.8x you turn on display face orientation in the viewport overlays (icon at the top right of the 3D viewport, like two overlapping circles). I don't recall how it was done in earlier versions, but searching the documentation should show it. Changing the colour from the usual red/blue is done in preferences.

>I can see the normals, they seem to be pointing towards the right direction even though the shadows are still wrong in some places.
Then they are probably OK and the issue is something else.

>I believe the calculation from outside fails because the shirt is "open" and not solid, why can't Blender just use the position of the light source as reference?
It's smart enough to handle most open meshes, especially ones like yours where the internal sides are all facing towards the middle of the mesh. Using light sources to define in and out wouldn't really work; the light can fall on the inside faces of an open mesh.

>The faces where you can see the laces of the shirt on the chest area have transparency and there're other faces below, with the messed up shadows. Does Blender have issues dealing with transparent textures over solid ones?

That isn't really what people mean when they talk about 'internal faces' in Blender, but yes, depending on how you have things set up, transparency can cause issues sometimes. I wouldn't expect them to look like what you are seeing though.

'Internal faces' are more like when you have edges which connect to more than two faces, which usually happens inside the mesh, such as when applying a mirror modifier without deleting the faces which would be joined together. The name is confusing because not all of them are actually inside the mesh and not all faces inside the mesh have that issue. For example, you could have a hollow box consisting of one cube with normals facing out and a smaller cube entirely inside it with normals facing in and that would be OK.

>> No.763090

The shadow issue is more or less gone, what worries me now is not the clothes but the face, because unlike all other parts of the body, when I clear the Normal data it becomes uglier, it looks exactly as if Auto Smooth was disabled (after the change Auto Smooth makes no difference). I ripped the model from an application, I guess there must be some custom Normal data in it, maybe related to the 3D modeling software the original creator used.

>> No.763092
File: 65 KB, 546x368, fangs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a bit of a problem when I tried out shape keys in the tooth mesh of this model, the fangs are a separate mesh from the teeth and they don't move along them when I close/open the mouth, they have their own shape key. How do I merge them without messing up the existing shape keys? I will also need to merge them with the lips eventually.

>> No.763125

Unless you're set on having the legs always be in that exact attach point to the body, i would model the body as a separate mesh and keep it spherical, then have the leg 'sockets' just clip into the sphere and rotate from its center. That way you can rig the 'hips' i.e the point where the leg meets the body, to rotate along the surface of the body.

>> No.763129

are those textures done with blender or another program?

>> No.763134
File: 3.59 MB, 2148x3240, 0FF1D3BE-A488-49F4-B398-DC1551D578D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i smooth the column? I hate the lines in it. I tried subdivision modifier but it made it worse, and adding more vertical vertices didn’t do anything

>> No.763135

substance painter

>> No.763255

Is it possible to see a list of the vertex groups related to the selected mesh?

>> No.763259

litteraly in the vertext group menu

>> No.763261

That list shows all groups... I don't think that's the right one, unless this model has messed up groups.

>> No.763263

It shows groups per object, check again

>> No.763296
File: 95 KB, 869x1024, 1518922817432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have found a solution... just to be sure, really nobody knows any way to fix this issue?

>> No.763456
File: 87 KB, 745x756, bookshelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing the foundations video tutorials now. I've just finished lesson 4.

>> No.763458

I ended up buying the pack too, good luck anon hope it serves well

>> No.763459
File: 16 KB, 512x512, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I need tips

What is the best, fast and most easy way to make clothes
Blender Simply Cloth addon or Marvelous designer?
Im defensively more comfortable with blender since i never used marvelous, but i need easy fast and good results

Price doesn't matter btw

>> No.763461

Why not use a driver?
If not that, I'm pretty sure you've got the ability to make custom properties or something for this sort of thing, though I forget what it's called. So you can have 1 global slider that changes things for multiple objects. If you wanted to keep the fangs separate that is.
If you want to add them to the mesh, a quick and dirty solution would just be to add them to the basis and see if it works. Odds are things won't get too fucky.

Marvelous is by far and away the best solution for anything cloth related. Anything attempting to come close to it in Blender is laughable in comparison. There's a difference between a program that wants to do all the things, and a program that wants to do one very specific thing; laser focus. It's purpose built for cloth, Blender isn't. That's just how it is. No shade on Blender.
MD takes a day to learn, it's extremely simple to grasp the basic functions of it. After that it's just a matter of actually being good at making clothing, like irl. Best start taking a sewing class at the community college.
Who'da thunk all those pro clothing modellers would make good seamstresses irl?

>> No.763463

I see, i give Marvelous a try
Thanks for help

>> No.763471

I hope so. I want to make miniatures to 3D print for fun.
What I've made so far is already technically printable so I'm keen to keep learning during my time off work.

>> No.763479

Will Blender work OK on Intel HD 620 integrated graphics? i5-8250u

>> No.763491
File: 74 KB, 738x825, merged mesh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not use a driver?
I need to merge all in one mesh, otherwise it won't work properly in other applications. The solution I found is this addon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zBlaedkkVs

It works almost as I needed, after merging the meshes I had to fix only 2 vertices (the tip of the fangs) which took roughly 3 minutes for the first shape key, still better than doing everything from scratch.

>> No.763515
File: 391 KB, 848x480, blender-output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A problem after another... I thought the new shape key generated from the mix was supposed to be set at 1.0? I can guess that setting the sliders to half the selected values will give me the result I want (more or less), but is this how it works?

>> No.763517
File: 380 KB, 1440x878, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the result I want
Not even that works, I can't use this either.

>> No.763552

OKAY now this is really starting to piss me off because it doesn't make any fucking sense. WHY does making *tiny* and *trivial* changes in my mesh with cloth physics cause it to fuck up beyond repair?

Example. I'm making a cloak for my character like Guts wears. While editing it I removed some geometry, that was just a simple edge right down the middle. Now I just went back and readded that edge to check something and now my cloth is spinning out, stretching all over the viewport in straight lines and just glitching. I can't figure this out and its frustrating because it doesn't make any sense.

This isn't a common thing right, does this also happen with others? And no I'm not going to use marvelous designer

>> No.763563

I'm no pro but sounds like a vertex wasn't grouped properly and gets in the way of the physics of the cloak, did you delete only an edge or vertices too?

>> No.763564

Yo can we get a new thread?

>> No.763566

pg. 5
and there already is another thread

>> No.763567

There is this in the catalog: >>757501

>> No.763569

All I did was dissolve an edge and add it again. But you could be right now that I think about it because it was interfering with a vertex group.

>> No.764546

Just found this, seems to be what we're looking for.

>> No.764704

Just got into blender the other day. I downloaded an mmd model of Olimar from pikmin off of deviant art and I can't get his damn helmet to be translucent. I was trying to map the texture files to it but none that came with the mmd did the trick.
I appreciate any help

>> No.764770

Are you using EEVEE? Make sure you set the Blend Mode to Alpha Hashed in the material settings.