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753736 No.753736 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.753738

welcome to every other tool ten years ago, blendlets

>> No.753755


>> No.753765

It's the same kneejerk reaction those crusty shitters here literally always bring when there's some feature introduced in Blender. Doesn't matter if it really is an opensores version of some feature other programs had or not, it's always the same post.

>> No.753770

Great, Blender has uvs now.

>> No.753771

Post this in the Blender thread, you idiot.

An actual Blendie

>> No.753785

>posts take 15 fucking days to fall off the board and seems to gradually get even slower
>wahhwaahh muh generals
Go suck some dicks you faggot

>> No.753792
File: 182 KB, 723x918, dreamUv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top: decimated high poly thing
bottom: Boolean modifiers
it did a surprisingly good job

fuck off shit-stains

>> No.753793

It works on the most basic-bitch hard surface sculpt possible. That's great. Now let's see if it works on a human figure.

>> No.753794

it's not designed for that you literal fucktard, go eat shit

>> No.753811

That's because it isn't made to be used for characters...

I love this tool, it works unbelievably well for certain things I'm doing right now. E.g. I have wooden houses with tons of planks, and other wooden objects. With a good trimsheet I'm getting awesome results with nice damages on the edges, without having to manually line up all the faces. That would be a pain.

>> No.753823

why would you need this tool for a human figure

You don't actually model do you?

>> No.753826

I'm glad that Blender is moving up in the world but it's playing catch up, not making a move on other software. I am actually surprised Blender didn't have something like this years ago.

>> No.753827

Do Max or Maya have something like this?

>> No.753913

what? Auto uv's?


>> No.753918

its called PTEX

>> No.753920

Ok, I actually cringed reading this. How about you actually inform yourself about the addon in OP before commenting? Auto UV and PTEX are not the same thing. Why do you have to be this way? Why shit on anything related to blender ASAP in every thread, before even reading the OP?

>> No.753922

Ok, I actually cringed at reading this. Not only do you assume its the same poster, you also assume that I said even remotely close to saying Auto UV'ing is the same as PTEX.

Also I dont shit on anything blender related. Considering I use the program for my job its actually quite laughable that you even mention that.

>> No.753929

It's a shame that Blender's developers were too dumb to figure out how to implement PTEX, it would have given them something ahead of the other software at the time instead of now being forced to rely on soon to be abandoned and incompatible third party scripts like this.

>> No.753930

Ok, I actually cringed at reading this. (kek) No man, I didn't assume you're the same person, I'm speaking to both anons. AutoUV and PTEX aren't remotely close to each other and no, I didn't assume you said that. I'm saying the addon in OP is something which hasn't been available in Blender before. I don't know if it has been a thing in Max or Maya either, I certainly didn't see it. It might have been in Modo, I think I saw somebody mention it in some Twitter reply.

Anyway, what this does is figure out the placement of all the faces so they fit on a trim and the edges nicely align to the edges of the section of your trim. It isn't just mindless auto UV. It's useful for trimsheet workflow because it unwraps it and also fits it correctly, then you can just move it around if necessary. But sometimes I get great results right away. Normal unwrap doesn't take the grids on a trimsheet into account.

>> No.753931
File: 86 KB, 960x960, 1550489976853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the inferiority complex radiating from this post...

>> No.753988

maxlets exposed again

>> No.757019


>> No.757038

Other programs don't have this feature. And no, this is NOT just an auto unwrap, this is something different.

>> No.757065

Nigger, choke on a bag of dicks. If you can't understand that posting outside the blender general just causes software flame wars, then you're too stupid to live and should be culled immediately.

>> No.757085

>returns literally 15 days later to be all butthurt again
Lmao, go back to gagging on dicks

>> No.759237


>> No.759258

All Blender requires to gain a new feature is for someone to care enough to make it. You will never have that freedom with commercial software. Your choices are to use their plugin API (if they have one), or petition them for the feature.

>> No.759260

This is a very nice, performant add-on. I will be keeping this in my permanent toolkit.

However, splitting your workspace into 3D and UV viewports, and using the UV editor to see how it affects the object in 3D is really not *that* much different. People in this thread are acting like this adds functionality that was missing, or replaces existing workflows. It will not make you faster, either.

This add-on excels when you want to go full-screen, hide all the widgets, and move the textures around in 3D. You're still going to have to dip into the UV editor to fine tune things, though.

>> No.759263

Although I should add the hotspot feature could basically be its own add-on. That feature is really cool and not something I think you could do.

>> No.759264
File: 6 KB, 300x200, cje45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a plugin

>> No.759267

I think people are only talking about hotspot here, I didn't even touch other features, I don't need them.

I'm not so sure about how performant hotspot is, I LOVE the feature and it works great for certain things, but the problem is that it seems to get crazy slow if it has to work on even remotely complex geo, I have to run it on multiple smaller sections of mesh, otherwise Blender freezes.

>> No.759269

blendlet here, what am I looking at?

>> No.759285
File: 70 KB, 900x900, mondrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a mesh is made up of a bunch of quads right?
imagine arbitrarily breaking up a plane mesh into a bunch of quads, our so-called "atlas". like a mondrian square. see pic related.
image if you looped through all the faces of a second object, and found the closest matching quad (in dimensions) from the atlas object.
now imagine that our atlas had a uv map and a texture applied, ok?
imagine if for each of the faces in our second object that you not only found it's closest-matching quad, but you also returned the coordinates of that quad on its uv map. both quads would point to the same texels!
this means you could create a texture that has "islands" of pixels. these "islands" could be assigned to the quads on an atlas via uv mapping, and any object that has lots of seams could be easily textured by mapping its faces to the atlas. the entire process is instantaneous which is very powerful for lots of hardsurface shapes. hope that maybe clears things up.

the bottom of this page has a few screenshots that illustrate why this concept is helpful as a workflow

>> No.759286
File: 751 KB, 1414x1116, dream_uv_crane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how all the edges of the crane are "dirty" and that the atlas to the left has lines of dirt that are at right angles
the edges of your atlas mesh would line up with the dirt

>> No.759451

maybe your meshes aren't optimized? just tried it with a mesh with 1000 faces and it was instantaneous

>> No.759857

the fuck am I looking at

>> No.759882

>You will never have that freedom with commercial software.
Every commercial DCC has python. And the all have API's that are well documented. Not to mention internal languages. Houdini has several, Maya has Mel. Max has Maxscript etc.
If you know how to write a script or an addon/plugin, than you are free to do so. There is nothing stopping you.
Your idiotic remark in regards to customizability of DCC's makes no sense whatsoever. You have no clue.

>> No.759885

>Every commercial DCC has python.
What does that have to do with _commercial software_? The statement stands: not all commercial software have scripting languages or plugin systems.

Also, have fun reverse engineering file formats when the company goes bankrupt or abandons the product. Source code is the most important means of digital preservation for software. Maybe you're fine with losing a lifetime of work, but not all of us are. You have no clue.

>> No.759887

fuck off you little bitch, fucking shill
defending million dollar corporations, licked enough of that boot, bootlicker?

>> No.759901

This is your brain on Blender.

>> No.760179

>its called PTEX
PTEX in blender when?

t. blender fanboy who is thirsty for PTEX.

>> No.760207

>Go to UV view
Wooow PTEX
Impressive stuff

>> No.760209

Actually, my bad:

>Ctrl+E->mark seams
>Go to UV view

>> No.760213


>> No.760217

PTEX is dead - nobody except some dudes at Pixar are using it.

>> No.760222

>Wooow PTEX

Only blender lacks any serious tools to work with this mess!

Hope you only wanted to use the default draw brushes on it bro.
And I'm a blender evangelist. Blender needs real PTEX sport.
You can not stamp on objects or move things on top of it all or integrate with any other program (unlike UV unwraped stuff).

>> No.760229

>Blender needs real PTEX sport.
Why? You think it's going to be used at Pixar or some shit if it gets Ptex support? lmao

>> No.760231

That has literally nothing to do with PTEX. Blender has projection paint too, since forever. Not impressive in the slightest.

>> No.760288

wtf blendshit doesn't even have ptex are u fucking kidding me....

>> No.760306

Because PTEX is nice to use.

>> No.760307

>That has literally nothing to do with PTEX.
Aha so
>Wooow PTEX
is bullshit.
>Blender has projection paint too, since forever
I know and its limited.

The point is that mudbox lets you do something else then draw in this one style with blender tools on objects in blender.

Lets say you want to paste some placard on a grave stone, you have the photo...
And you can go fuck yourself! A messed up mesh like yours will be impossible to paste this on.

Better hope you like writing all this text by hand on the texture!

Mudbox solves this problem by letting you past stamps all over the place, actually integrating with photoshop and no need to UV unwrap with no visible joining of UVs.

This is the benefit of PTEX for me..

>> No.762171

Tbh it didn't work very well for me.

>> No.762241

You're posting this like it's something incredible. I can open Maya right now, click auto-UV and get a similar result.

Also, what the fuck is with those ngons in the boolean model?

>> No.762252

You're just another dude here who doesn't understand the point of this addon...

>> No.763355
File: 34 KB, 480x324, durnut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, Blender is top tier!

>> No.763374

Then explain it for mongoloids like me