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File: 576 KB, 1308x1268, SmartSelect_20200701-111031_Firefox Focus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
752810 No.752810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nice industry you got there. Be a shame if a militia of 3D Russian bears murder all your mutt onions artists with their bare hands.


>> No.752819

I don't get it, you mean right comment is in response to left comment? Or did you omit whatever they're talking about?

>> No.752823

It looks like it's omitted

>> No.752839

That's a pretty accurate trans character tho, what's the issue?

>> No.752847

Fugly. Also RL trans people tend to be weak. This is just someones power fantasy.

>> No.752848

>nobody wants to work with lefty loonies either, we will ensure that in the future

>> No.752850

so this is the power of slav art

>> No.752851

Yes...and we didn't sell our souls like you whites in the west did.

>> No.752853

okay Igor

>> No.752854

Is there are way to lowkey troll on Artstation? Like slapping together some really shitty work and promoting it as some avant-garde garbage for example?

>> No.752856

Igor, it's a bunch of 3d scans. you don't need soul to clean that with fork, if you catch my drift.

>> No.752857

Alexei ;^)

>> No.752858

Oh boy did you just spoil TLOU2 for me now? Is THAT what all the fuss was about? Trans reveal? I don't know and I don't want to know, but honestly that's pretty meh. From the size of a shitstorm leaks caused I thought it would be something waaay worse and NSFW, but this is not such a big deal. I'm not really supporting it, but I don't care much either, as long as it fits the story. Unless...

>> No.752861

I think it was a pretty all right marketing/ad campaign, with spoilers, reveals, outrages etc. questionable morality sure, can't see real numbers, but it seems that it worked so far.

>> No.752864

It's just one thing among many other, bewildering decisions in the making of this game.

>> No.752866

She's not trans. The trans character is the small Asian boy.

>> No.752869

The characters were designed to be more "trans-friendly."

>> No.752870

Some comment called THAT imposing physique. That? Really? For a man? Even I have bigger arms. And isn't that the char that gets railed in the ass or something?!

>> No.752871

Wait what? That's supposed to be an actual woman?
Did they use Arnold Schwarzenegger for reference or something?

>> No.752874

Testosterone and HGH apparently is still a thing in the post apocalypse

>> No.752877

Not gonna spoil it for you but no that's not it, it is so much worse than that.

>> No.752878
File: 1.32 MB, 1386x2080, SmartSelect_20200610-174835_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((gaming industry)))

>> No.752881

I think that's called "Artstation", Miguel

>> No.752883

Guy on the left is a passive aggressive prick who gatekeeps the industry from ever hiring genuine talent because it exposes hacks like them as a selfish insecure wanker that is too attached to their power.

Guy on the right plays the game and doesnt like the outcry but knows where theyre coming from and deletes the comment to make sure those calling out the likes of ND might have a chance at changing things for the better.

Both still work for an industry corrupted by nepotism of the worst kind however, and probably wouldn't hesitate to throw their best friends under a bus if it meant they could climb the social ladder.

>> No.752886

Know plenty of crossfit ladies and climbers that are bigger than that girl. I know for a fact they're not juicing. There's def plenty of protein sources in the post apocalypse tho.

>> No.752887

You see her before her dad is killed and she's normal sized then but after that her lust for revenge against Joel literally transforms her into pic on the OP.

>> No.752888

>natty women
Go peddle tgat bullshit on /fit/ and get laughed off the board

>> No.752892

Oh I've seen the crossfit ladies that are juicing anon, they eclipse me. I'm saying the ones that aren't are still bigger than that girl.

>> No.752898

What a complete train wreck of a thread

>> No.752901

Samefag from /pol/ starting lot's of inflammatory threads. It's what rightwingers do to appear more numerous on comment fields all over the internet.
Because you know they're very superior and therefore have lot of spare time to write stuff on the internet.

>> No.752904

>right wingers?!
> IN MY 4CHAN?!!?
Anon... Please. You're embarrassing yourself. If you want some hugbox where nobody says anything bad about art design in the latest tranny game, stick to reddit or twitter.

>> No.752906
File: 302 KB, 1419x667, SmartSelect_20200701-151912_Firefox Focus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey I wonder who could behind these posts

>> No.752909

Isn't this tactics usually used by the left?! agitprop?

>> No.752910

Prob yes, I'm contemplating leaving this place and focus more on my polycount. Seems like the recent world events have made them break out of their containment.
Not only are these race obsessed wackos offensive, they're really really boring people who contribute nothing cept going on and on about
their redpills and their blueballs, the N-word and their reich third, the SJW's this and the ass gee double jews that.

>> No.752911

You can say nigger, you won't get banned or cancelled, anon.

>> No.752913

Nice blog post now get out.

>> No.752914 [DELETED] 
File: 819 KB, 1440x1655, SmartSelect_20200629-210025_Samsung_Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg u people like totally are so ridiculous to care about currents
Yeah not like the industry and the West at large being completely pozzed to absurdity and hostile to white men is any way relevant. We all just exist in a vacuum, bro.

>> No.752916
File: 432 KB, 700x700, 1559617356247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's really awesome artwork! But... it's a man or a woman? I can't realize this
Yes, the character proportions looks like androgynous shit, half of 4channel have more tits than her, need more hips and the face is androgynous and weird too, great texturing job.
Pic related is how these two retards reacted.

>> No.752918

Yes, please fucking pack your things and leave. You were an illegal immigrant in the first place, probably from Rebbit.

>> No.752924
File: 2.12 MB, 3840x2228, frank-tzeng-sb-abby-main-outfit-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just the size that's the issue, just straight up designed to look like a man.

>> No.752925

I'm really tired of these naughty dog fucks stealing all the attention. That guy is good at faces I will give you that but that's about it. The clothes are all scanned and just retopologized. (by a grunt) The micro cloth/skin details are scanned and implemented by the shading artists. The hair is done by an internal hair system that most AAA fuckers have access to. I wouldn't have the cheek to pass this off as all my own work.

>> No.752926


The way to troll in any art forum (of any sort, music, traditional art, dance) is to be very talented and popular. Then at the peak of your popularity espouse some right leaning ideology. Doesn't even need to be extreme.

People will lose their fucking minds.

>> No.752930

Check your posture.

>> No.752938

what this guy>>752926 said
If you're popular and known, just saying something mildly right leaning will get a bunch of people angry. If you make some whitewashed Black panther or something like that, you'll get a lot more people reee-ing at you

>> No.752940

i's just the anglo world going in the shitter, the rest of the planet will live on and I'm willing to bet China will outlive the great American empire by thousand years. They may be retarded but at least their propaganda is not aimed at subverting themselves from within

>> No.752943

Every empire goes thought the self destruction cycle. Roman, British, now America. The same thing would happen to China.

>> No.752944

The difference is that the anglo world is no longer homogeneous enough to bounce back. When the current status quo will be undone in China, they will bounce back. When current America collapses, it's more than likely it will never get back up

>> No.752947

I think that's after she has lost a lot of weight, she is bigger earlier in the game.
My problem with her being that muscular isn't so much that she has muscles, but more that there is no other very muscular character in the game. She lives in a base with a good food supply and a nice gym, but why is no one else very muscular there?

>> No.752951

Lots of women have masculine features like her, specially in murican north West, her buff body is questionable but it's a videogame fantasy, so fuck it, the real issue is how thoroughly the fans of the original cast got fucked by the writer.

>> No.752958

hang yourself, retard. go back to whatever shithole you came from

>> No.752961
File: 54 KB, 720x687, 95025789_3419172721431614_214712600607326208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what rightwingers do to appear more numerous on comment fields all over the internet.
yeah senpai, there are actually just 2 right wing people on the whole internet, everyone else is a leftie and all the comments are just those 2 guys shitposting, who probably are also russian

>> No.752970

You're fuckin up left and right.
Most people are right wing.

>> No.752971

Seems like a lot of effort for just a day of lulz.

>> No.752999

I wanted to ask the artist what were the specific directions they gave him and what elements he decided to add on his own but apparently I can't add comments.

>> No.753033

but what if you get canceled anon?

god bless those vodkas. keeping women looking like women.


>but it's a videogame fantasy, so fuck it, the real issue is how thoroughly the fans of the original cast got fucked by the writer.

makes me glad i was never fan of those games before

funny that most of those empires you're talking about were majority white men. and couldn't get the other whiteys on board too. thats why tehy killed each other in both ww. every empire collapses. and the collapse of muhrricca will be the funniest and most glorious. you've started off on the wrong trails in the first place. making an empire out of someone elses land.

>> No.753048

>out of someone elses land.
Who? Mexico? Most of North America was empty just like Ural, Siberia and Far East.

>> No.753092

At least the women don't look like a 16 year olds from the boys football team.

>> No.753134

you gullible cunt

>> No.753135

basedboys really want to get pegged by women who look, sound, act and smell like men

>> No.753326
File: 1.39 MB, 256x192, 1591359262589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If you have strong opinions and post controversial content online an an account with your personal details, our lawyers say you're a liability"
Imagine calling someone a tranny and linking your portfolio in the same comment.

>> No.753342

>one is already deleted
well, as one of the guys in the comment section said "cancel culture is a lie"

>> No.753377

no you don't. I do some climbing and NO ONE looks like that, you just simply can't be buff and climb.
Everyone's a skinny manlet with muscle, even the women with broad manly shoulders are small

>> No.753378

That's biggotry sweetie, this is a board of peace and tolerance, we don't name call here

>> No.753393 [DELETED] 

shut up nigger

>> No.753396

I hate fags

>> No.753418

LOL so it's official now; artstation is a cuckstation.

>> No.753431

the whole industry is full of cucky degenerates

it's time to build a new industry

>> No.753460
File: 402 KB, 672x350, 1581377078326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every mayor studio have their official tranny

>> No.753461

How did we reach this point? How did studios go from "a bunch of nerds making games for other nerds" to virtue signalling shitters, to the point where you have diversity hires.And I'm not even talking about SJW undertones in stories, as those are to be expected to increase sales, but this kind of insanity drives most people off.

>> No.753466

Damn the graphics for Bully 2 look fine as fuck

>> No.753468


>> No.753472

Social networking and games journalism is what caused it. When you are writing stories about videogames for a site where you're funded per click or view
you can't just simply review games because the time between major releases is so long that you would not have enough content to generate income.

As such games journalism from the 90's onward branched out becoming lifestyle blogs full of opinion pieces, exploration of themes, interviews with developers personalities etc.
Once online journalism took over it was quickly discovered just how profitable the practice of ragebaiting is to sell advertisement via clicks.
Once social networks like facebook started to appear it became increasingly easy to figure out what type of buttons to push to gain a viral reaction.

So the era of the social network where people now received instant gratification from their peer groups for voicing popular opinions on matters,
entertainment like movies and videogames became a very safe target to go after.

If you voice your opinions on a controversial real world matters where high-stakes are involved you're putting yourself in the
online crosshairs of the rivaling factions and it can become very nasty and messy and requires a bit of character to stand up for your belief.
But go after a games developer or a movie director and you're risking a minimum amount of backlash so it quickly became a popular ground to conduct
a very safe variant of the so called 'culture war'.

>> No.753473

Also it's not just the left going after entertainment in misguided attempts to better the world.

Whenever there's been a mass shooting you'll notice how there quickly are a lot of rightwing personalities out there blaming what's transpired
on fictional works and stressing how important it is we disarm the public of fictional guns while letting us keep the real ones.
Raging on works of fiction is a good way to deflect from having conversations addressing more uncomfortable topics and it's employed left and right.

>> No.753475

I work in the gaming industry as a programmer and you will not find any more redpilled motherfuckers anywhere else. It depends where you are of course but the more public facing they are the more cucked, however to be in this industry it seems you have to be fucked in the head at least just a little bit so it's not that surprising.

>> No.753477

Why not just stop caving in to this shit tho? Just stay out, and whenever someone "calls them out" on not hiring trannies or other shit just respond with "we hire people based on merit, feel free to apply and thank you for your concern"? Why is it the only coping strategy of a studio to just bend over and do what someone else expects?

>> No.753478

Because we're talking about the major companies who rely on this bullshit journalism to make sales. Smaller companies do not give a single fuck.

>> No.753482

This >>753478, and also the left has been very successful at setting the tone for the debate and make big progress on social issues.
While not feminist most people today are very pro equality and someone being gay isn't nearly as stigmatized as it was in the recent past etc.

But since women are now viewed as equal to men by most westerners and being gay is pretty much a non issue that progressiveness ball keeps rolling
with a lot of momentum built up behind it. So now it's rolling up the other side of the ramp and addressing ever more marginal issues
and some of the stuff they're pushing is rapidly becoming so extremist that fewer and fewer people are fully onboard.
So it's currently coming to a halt facing increasing amount of backlash even from the centrist and center-left people.

But it's like braking a train, it takes a long time to slow down, and while that happens we see increasingly odd deergirl trannies that may or may
not be suffering from several clinical mental issues fly past in attempts to diversify your platform.
People are like "wtf is going on?" but others are like "no, no, cho! cho! we gotta keep going!".

We're now at a point where this stuff is beginning to cause economic harm and alienate the mainstream masses, so expect it to start to die down going forward.

>> No.753575

this is the other side of Capitalism no one expected to see. thats it. capitalist companies exist to make profit. having hoards of customers buying your product is the sole purpose of said companies. doesn't matter if the game is shit and their shady tactics are repulsive and exploitative as we've seen in the past decade. having customers angry about it might hurt your sales. but on the contrary BF5 sold less than half of what BF1 did. despite it pandering to progressive audience. i'd say the reason for it is because EA tried to sell outside the status quo of already existing audience. and capitalize on an audience yet to be cultivated within that industry and culture. the first attempt could've not yielded the desired sales figure as most of the gaming audience wanted nothing to do with all that apparent push for certain agenda (factor in EA history of being demonized). but we can't say for sure the audience won't be ready for the same push in another 5 years by another BF5 like product. these ideas have already been sowed and normalized within the audience to some degree today, to have a female non hetero normative lead character, and BF5 was but an early reap of those sows. once is fully cultivated and ready for reap the capitalist company will definitely jump on it. this is it. there is no higher power in society than money. multibillion companies don't give a fuck if couple of faggots protest the streets because their favorite shooter does not have faggots in it. but they do give a fuck about the societal shift tehy are seeing and about those couple faggots dragging other non self identified as a faggot to form an outrage that could eventually lead to harm in sales. or worse, outsmarted by other companies who would take the opportunity to appeal to that audience and fill the gap.

>> No.753576

when a big company hires a dumbfuck tranny in their pr team it is not because they truly value and embrace her degenerate life style. but because based on conventional capitalist principles there is literally no reason not to hire a tranny in such a position if said tranny meet the requirements for it and serves as a token for broader audience.

>> No.753586

It only exist in USA and English countries for most part, yea, you're fucked.

>> No.753592

American game companies and their obsession with trannies

>> No.753610

No, people are mad that Joel is killed by she-hulk and then you literally spend half the game playing AS she-hulk, at one point you have to use she-hulk to hurt (but not kill) Ellie.

In the end Ellie kills hundreds of mooks along the way but decides to spare Abby, even though Abby was about to kill a pregnant friend of Ellie's (and was glad she was pregnant) letting us know Abby is a remorseless murder machine, but instead decides not to.

There's also a whole host of technical problems from glitches, to dumb AI, to long stretches of padded out gameplay where you're lead to point A only to be told you actually had to go to B then to C then to D so you could get the key card to open the gate back at point A, and so on.
There's other story choices that are retarded, and even the character of Abby herself (the she-hulk) is completely wasted, the hamfisted quasi-notion of "the cycle of violence is never-ending" is handled very poorly and even contradicted at several points, Abby's friends are pretty much irredeemable assholes, she also kills tons and tons of people just because they're part of the wrong group, the only explanation for abby's muscles is she's just a muscle freak (even though there are flashbacks and you could have had one of them explain it like maybe she was too weak to save someone so she devoted herself to strength training so she'd never be weak again; but no, doubly wasted in that in the end her muscles atrophy away due to temporary confinement which would have been maybe poignant or meaningful give some context to her muscles but no, it's just some brutal bullshit to go along with the rest of the brutal bullshit).

>> No.753611

They're just doing what the money people (producers, executives, studio heads) tell them (who in turn are being told by advertising execs, marketing research people, and other analytics shaman all trying to justify their existence).

The motivation is purely to chase after the trend that will generate the most money, that's all. I wish you /pol/ retards would understand that, then you'd understand how to ACTUALLY combat it.

>> No.753893

Every time you screech into a public forum, ask yourself if you feel better.

Then find a healthier outlet, man. This isn't good for you.

>> No.753895
File: 19 KB, 512x424, 104911101_3047876245309276_533320796111750023_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr durr, how dare you voice your distaste of something you bought with your own money and in which you were invested, just turn your brain off, bro, and consoom
I'm not even that guy but go fuck yourself, you obedient little faggot, I hope you get anal cancer from being butt fucked by a pack of rabid niggers

>> No.753897

Why would you ever discuss Western degeneracy on English sites, you'll probably get cancelled by *nglo trannies if you do (like picrel). If you do want to talk about such matters, use a different language or a more anonymous site

>> No.753898

There are assholes who poop pretty much anywhere. Then there are idiots who take that poop and carry it around, smearing it everywhere while complaining about that someone dared to poop outside the toilet.

>> No.753990

NON PLAYABLE JOEL. He gets killed by the trannie half hour into the game and then YOU PLAY AS XER instead, btw she is not trans, we are supposedto believe that is what a woman with no pharmaceutic industry around will look like just by being stronk

>> No.754006

The fuck is this thread honestly
If you're autistic enough to fuck your own career possibilities by openly talking about some poltard shit on a fucking portfolio website you are literally an embarrassment that nobody wants to have around anyway.
None of you are modelers anyway it's pretty fucking obvious when someone is more obsessed by muh sjws than the actual modeling work involved into something.

>> No.754010

>sony uses marketing bait
>seething /pol/fags and /v/rigins ALWAYS fall for it and make a fuss (which gives them more and more attention)
pathetic idiots.

>> No.754020

I think the point was that openly talking about a certain polictical leaning is ok even if it's to the extreme, the equivalent of a poltard. Yet the other side of the spectrum IS a career suicide regardles of how extreme it is.
All of this leading to a "censored" industry and somewhat gagged population, which might make it possible for an external entity, with more freedom for creativity and comentary to gain more prominence.

>> No.754023

>which might make it possible for an external entity, with more freedom for creativity and comentary
there is no such entity
try making something offensive to eternal chairman vinnie the pooh and see how fast you'll be socially cancelled in china's world
try making something offensive to eternal president lootin and see how fast you'll disappear in russia's world
anything else this world can offer is just a different flavour of gulag, pick your poison

>> No.754024

Based and blackpilled

>> No.754039

What apocalypse? They play Vita and watch blurays.

>> No.754042
File: 74 KB, 340x433, 1278947162261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't played the second game, but if that's the reason then I don't see why people would have a problem with her physique. If you wanted to hunt down and kill a man that looked like Joel then it would make sense that you'd build yourself up to be as physically fit as possible to increase your chances if it came to a brawl, even if just by a little.

Hell, even before you told me this I still thought it would make sense to make yourself as physically fit as possible just in order to survive in the world like TLOU, where everything is out to eat, fuck or kill you.

>> No.754045

People severely overestimate how bad the TLOU world is. Jackson is basically a modern rural town and the WLF has fucking burrito stands.

>> No.754047

Yep, there should be a bunch of muscular guys and girls in her base. It's shown that she has the means to do it, but why the fuck did no one else get buff there?

>> No.754059


I was thinking more about the world in general, not specifically the "safe zones". I only played the first game and most of that game takes place outside the civilized parts where you actually benefit from being in good shape when you run into looters and zombies.

This I agree too. It would probably have just reinforced how serious they were. Hell, in the first TLOU they had a lot of small details that did exactly this. If you look at the weapons of the Fireflies in the first game, the gun models are actually slightly altered from the ones that the soldiers have, making them look more rugged and worn to show that they're scraping by. But then again Druckmann's crunch boner wasn't as throbbing when they made the first game, so chances are they probably would have added more fit people in the camp if they delayed the release.

>> No.754128

the most accurate description of this website

>> No.754129

found the commie