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746978 No.746978 [Reply] [Original]

Is a 3D mouse worth the price tag?

>> No.746984

What price tag? You can get them for 10 bucks used.

>> No.746986


>> No.746988

Your left hand is better off being on the keyboard where it can easily reach 50+ keys/keybindings instantly.

>> No.746989


>> No.746991

I own one, got it as a gift used it maybe 3 times before leaving it in storage where it remains

>> No.746997

To play the other side of the coin, yeah. I love mine. Fuck getting the OP pic though, just get the nipple.

When I'm working, I mostly used to manipulate the camera by doing WSAD control and mouselook to look around, but the 3d mouse just completely replaces that.
Took a few days to get used to it, and I had to force myself to fight muscle memory and use it, but now it's great.
It hasn't sped anything up, but it is really precise when I need it to be, much more than doing a fly cam/noclip camera.

Honestly it's one of those things where in your head it seems like a great buy, but you really won't know if you're really gonna use it as much as you think until you really get it. Some people think they will and end up not using it. I'm one of those people who use it all the time. Though there are fringe cases where I still use the regular orbit stuff with the mouse+kb, since the way I have mine set up (like you're physically picking up the camera), orbits are a bit weird.

>> No.747015

>It hasn't sped anything up
congrats, you just added more unnecessary clutter to your desk.

>> No.747017

Only if you're doing archviz, product design or CAD.

>> No.747025

get a vertical mouse instead

>> No.747034

How many pros do you see using them? Zero.

And this is why.

>> No.747045

If you really want more buttons, why not just get them as part of your keyboard or mouse?

>but you really won't know if you're really gonna use it as much as you think until you really get it.
Yeah, this mouse has 6 additional buttons, but I only use 2 of them because the others feel unnatural to press, even though sometimes, having the extra buttons is nice. These gadgets are about making a comfortable environment, you do you, don't worry about other people.

>> No.747070

Most important is mouse accuracy and eye to hand coordination to be seamless.
Being able to click where you want to click quickly and reliably is going to save you more time than extra mouse buttons.
So a good gaming mouse with a decent mousepad is what will give you the most satisfying result.
You can rebind the buttons on the mouse to preform macros and you can also script the scroll wheel to have more funtions than zoom/scroll.
I use the exact same hardware at work as i do at home so there is no getting warmed up to a different setup every day.
Make sure all your keyboard bindings are close to the resting hand position on your keyboard and make scripts that reduces the amount of key presses needed for frequent tasks you do.

>> No.747088

I have like 6 mice that I use interchangeably so it doesn't matter.
Gotta keep that carpal tunnel on its toes.
Not to mention I have specific spaces for everything, so it's not in the way.

>> No.747091

>Gotta keep that carpal tunnel on its toes.
Just keep your wrist straight as much as possible

>> No.747094

If that actually worked enough on it's own, I wouldn't have 6 mice anon.
That's the same kind of advice as telling someone with depression "just try being happy", and when they say that won't work, you tell them "you're doing it wrong".

>> No.747266

Hey, I essentially asked the same thing on /g/ a few days ago.
FWIW I just ordered one (also came with their CADmouse thrown in for free) and it should be here next week. If the thread is still around I can post some impressions from using it in Houdini and Maya.

>> No.747293

no, /3/ industry vet here. it is FAR better to get as proficient as possible with the most standard mouse and keyboard you can, like if you can perform on a standard $10 HP mouse and keyboard you will be much better off

the reason? you can work on any workstation. i cant tell you how many times in an actual studio that you have to go over to another guys workstation when he asks for input on something or wants to open your file on his machine, or vice versa he wants to open a file on your machine or just tweak something you are working on.

to this end, having a fancy peripheral that he doesnt know how to operate, or being used to a peripheral and fumbling with his mouse because muscle memory is used to some 3d mouse gizmo becomes an incredible hassle really quick.

same logic for those side pads. we had a guy with one of those side pads for gaming and he assigned all his hotkeys and camera keys and shit to it and no one could do anything on his workstation. we came to realise that having standardized controls and hotkeys across the office massively sped up working together. not that everybody has to be 100% identical, especially when youve got some guys who are maya/zbrush guys and some guys who are on the nuke side or engine side or whatever, but the basics like mouse/keyboard and camera controls and click/select should really be standard across all machines

>> No.747299

I was given a free one from work, but I rarely end up using it.

Really the only time I use it is flying around while making promotional videos

It feels like a waste of time moving my hand from the 3D mouse to the keyboard whenever I want to type a command so I just end up using a standard keyboard and mouse.

>> No.747519

how do you lads deal with carpal tunnel/sitting issue?
I think about having adjustable table so that I can stand sometimes

>> No.747557
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>the basics like mouse/keyboard and camera controls and click/select should really be standard across all machines

>> No.747574

couple of guys have adjustable standing desks, but most just get up and talk a 5 minute walk every hour or so, get some water or something. chair also makes a big difference.

for dealing with carpal tunnel, i know a couple guys that use a soft padded desk liner that helps with the edge of the desk pressing into your wrist, but a large part of it is appropriate chair height and posture. you want your arms to not be resting on that desk edge too hard, thats what can cause compression and irritation, so having your chair too low or too reclined can cause issue, and having your chair too high up can also create problems in the other direction. seriously though, try to get up and shake out your hands a bit and stretch your legs every hour or so, i wouldnt go longer than 2 hours without getting up, it helps a lot, especially with the lower back issues.

look man, if you are in a studio where you dont have to touch anyone elses workstation ever and nobody has to touch yours, or you work independantly via freelance, then its a non-issue and you can use whatever you want, but when a guy down the pipe comes over to ask to see some detail and he cant even tumble the model quickly because you have some flight simulator joystick peripheral then it's just getting in the way.

>> No.747632

I work in studio and before the covid thing we would hop on each others computers for quick things from time to time. I don't think having one of these gadgets on your desk would stop anyone else from using your machine - as far as I know it doesn't inhibit normal operation of the keyboard/mouse. The only slightly annoying thing to adjust to are different monitor layouts, taskbar preferences, and the customized UI layouts that people have for their apps.

>> No.747652

>try to get up and shake out your hands a bit and stretch your legs every hour or so
yea that's the problem when I'm in the flow I'll sit there 3-4hrs and won't even notice

>> No.748025

>because you have some flight simulator joystick peripheral
kek, just imagine that scene