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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 231 KB, 1273x1206, blendlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
742888 No.742888 [Reply] [Original]

the problem with blender is not its capabilities, but how shitty the UI and keybinds are

>> No.742890

git gud fag

>> No.742912

the problem with blender is not its capabilities, but how school systems have indoctrinated me to be familiar with Autodesk UI and keybindings

>> No.742915

yeah dude it's totally autodesks fault for introducing logical UI design and keybinds! I wish I started with blender so I could get used to retarded interface choices immediately! https://vocaroo.com/my1gxae7I95

>> No.742919

Are you just being retarded or is Blender actually the only 3d software where you can't change keybinds and UI?

>> No.742922

same, I started with blender then got used to max and can't go back

>> No.742926


You can, he clearly has PTSD.

>> No.742928


It's also its capabilities, or lack thereof.

>> No.742934

keybinds are the smallest issue. retarded UI and selection design choices are what make blender a chore to use. but hey, go torture yourself just because IT'S FREEEEE BRUHHH, I don't care.

>> No.742941

You can change the UI. Selection design is way better than in maya or max, and if you're referring to right click, you can change that as well. The actual reasons why blender is not used more professionally are out of your grasp anyway and will never affect you with the work that you do.

>> No.742945

The UI and keybinds are fine, you're just retarded.
As far as your tiny brain is concerned, if it's not the same as 3DS Max, it's bad.

>> No.742947

The thing is, if you weren't a complete idiot, you'd know the key mappings are fully customizable. There's even a preset to make it just like Autodesk.

Alas, you're a moron. Can't expect much.

>> No.742948

No, you're just stupid. The UI is good in 2.8 and even 2.7

>> No.742951

Selections and especially switching between component and object selection in Maya was designed by a braindead faggot. I have never seen such an ass-backwards concept before.

>> No.742951,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dude, i dont even give a single fuck about open source, i usually use pirate software anyway.
If blender has one thing that you cant bitch about is the keybind system, this shit is utterly intuitive, from far the best default keybind system that i've ever used. I play this shit like a pro pianist.

>> No.743044

The problem with blender is how brown the userbase is.

>> No.743045

Predominantly from our active outdoor social life tan and bronzing from the body building we do.

>> No.743070

>UI is good
until you install addons then tabs start to shrink and don't even know what is where anymore

>> No.743072 [DELETED] 

No it's not.

>> No.743073

No it's not.

>> No.743075

>and even 2.7
Fuck no, the UI pre 2.8 was so fucking bad that I dropped 3D alltogether for years until recently. The new UI is basicly like a completely new program to me, felt like I never used Blender before (in a good way).

>> No.743079

Why normalfags don't like keybinds?
Blender has best interface in 3dcg industry, leaving you a lot of space to model/sculpt without tens of menus and buttons poorly imitating photoshop

>> No.743081

>braindead namefag can only mindlessly contradict statements
Like the idiot you are.

>> No.743085

I had the same experience. Was surprised to see that it changed a lot for the better. I have no idea what OP is talking about, maybe Max is more up his speed.

>> No.743092
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That's right.

>> No.743102

>Blender has best interface in 3dcg industry

>> No.743168

>leaving you a lot of space to model/sculpt
Blender functionally has *less* editor space than most software that you can compare it to despite all the shit bordering the windows being borderline useless, so your dumbass theory on what makes the Blender interface good isn't even true.

>> No.743289

good thing you can change all the keybinds and the ui
and the standard way to work with it is to hide nearly every UI element and use only hotkeys

you're a fucking retarded disingenuous piece of subhuman garbage, literally every blender user knows to press shift space to instantly expand any window and hide all non-relevant windows

tutorial authors work within the tiny little hodge-podge of windows because they don't want absolute beginners like yourself to get lost

>> No.743296

You dont have to defend terrible decisions anon, you just dont

>> No.743346

For more like 12 years, I've done all my Eng home works there using finite element and python, and now in my AI master i think i will rock in my presentations, never anyone cared of what software i use, because the only thing that matters is results.

>> No.743459

>Blender interface has more space if you do the completely standard thing you'd do in any other package anyway
Incredible. Man who has used one software tries to compare software.

>> No.743549

Thankfully giving people options isn't a bad decision. You're just a complete idiot.

>> No.743557

>things you could easily change and customize in the program but have not enough brain cells to do so

i mean i am a total newfag to 3D and i know you are just baiting based on your meme image, like the majority of OPs and posters in this website but put just slightly more effort into it and make it worthwhile for the rest of us

>b-but i was just pretending to be retarded

name one bad UI choice or keybind in blender that can't be changed

>> No.743559

Not him, but I'll mention one - collapsing windows. I still occasionally duplicate multiple windows while I desperately try to close them by pulling them by the corner. I don't understand why they didn't do something about this. Every other program does it much better. And the area you have to click on is so tiny.

>> No.743566

If that's the reason you dropped 3d, then all that means is you were a failure from the very start. It has nothing to do with the program. You were destined to always be a loser

>> No.743582

OK OP, what is the best software to use *based purely* on how good UI and keybinds are?

>> No.743588


>> No.743589


>> No.743681
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>> No.744156
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>that blender logo
oh my god

>> No.744157
File: 56 KB, 750x1000, Annotation 2020-05-22 114740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


woops wrong fucking image, good thing it wasn't one of my giant lower lip pictures

>> No.744182

You are the reason why blendets exist.

>> No.744187

>no argument
No problem idiot.

>> No.744216

"No argument, no problem" is also not an argument dipshit.

2.7 and below were a clusterfuck with their UI. With 2.8, I'm only now finally noting features that are in blender that the older versions wither obscure greatly or hide altogether.

>> No.744221

why don't the jannies do something about these retarded software wars threads

>> No.744222

>is also not an argument dipshit.
What do you even expect when you say "You are the reason why blendets exist."?

How braindead stupid are you, moron?

>2.7 and below were a clusterfuck with their UI
Again, you only think this because you're a moron incapable of grasping basic UI context.

>> No.744227

who are you to decide these threads shouldn't exist

>> No.744232

All 3D modeling programs have garbage UI.

>> No.744234

>logical UI and keybindings
>E key is rotate, R key is scale

>> No.744237
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are you fucking serious? how can people shill that garbage software?

>> No.744247

I messed around blender for five minutes and got so angry at how shitty and messy the UI was that i had to close the program before i got an aneurysm.
Why is everything hidden behind fucking plugins and tiny tabs?
Nothing follows any logic, if i want to create a new scene, i expect it to be clean fucking slate, get that fucking cube out of here and set the camera in a neutral position.
I hope Autodesk's army (composed of 100 thousand indians wearing flannel) invade the Netherlands and put Ton Roosendaal's head on a fucking stick

>> No.744343
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>> No.744355
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>My face when fucking scrubs

>> No.744375
File: 462 KB, 1920x1080, ss.2020-05-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is everything hidden behind fucking plugins and tiny tabs?
I have no idea what you mean by this. I use a couple of add-ons, but none of them provide core functionality, and I could do without them. And have NFI what you mean by "tiny tabs" -- try scaling the UI under Edit->Preferences->Interface->Resolution Scale
>if i want to create a new scene
You can customise this to however you'd like.

>> No.744379

Defaults matter. I can't believe /3/ is still having this argument even after being completely blown the fuck out by blender's 2.80 release changing the entire fucking UI, then getting blown the fuck out again after blender suddenly starts getting funding from all over the industry.

>> No.744380

Customizations are for people who know what they're doing. You are not doing yourself any favors by acting like a boomer. "We always did it this way" is the attitude of failed economies like Italy.

>> No.744383

>Defaults matter
Maybe for utter morons like yourself. Enjoy your E to rotate and R to scale lmao.

>> No.744385

"Grab" my dick while you're at it. Movement keys should be next to each other.
You must be the kind of idiot who thinks panning should be mapped to U, D, L, R instead of the arrow keys.

>> No.744388

You're just further proving how big of a moron you are dude. Just stop. Your whole argument is "i-it's not like max! therefore it sucks!"

>> No.744389

>You must be the kind of idiot who thinks panning should be mapped to U, D, L, R instead of the arrow keys.
No? Because a keyboard has native keys for up down left and right. It does not have native keys for transform, rotate and scale, so it makes sense to base the shortcuts on the first character.

Alas, you got used to 3DS Max's way first, therefore anything that's different must suck. Such is the nature of tiny brained idiots like yourself.

>> No.744390

Nice implications faggot. I actually started on blender when I was 13 like 10 years ago, because I was a poorfag, and couldn't figure it out. I gave up on 3D for years after that, then decided to randomly pirate max and without ANY guidance found myself easily tracing over hard surface reference in the same day.

You can cope with your poorly designed software made for autistic rejects.

Blender proves that I'm right. No matter what you losers say, they bent the knee and changed the UI. You're wrong, end of story, and even the blender devs disagree with you.

>> No.744393

This whole post is cope. You're a moron, swallow your pride and deal with it, idiot.

>> No.744394

>Blender proves that I'm right. No matter what you losers say, they bent the knee and changed the UI. You're wrong, end of story, and even the blender devs disagree with you.
You're crying about shortcuts though, and the 2.8 shortcuts are mostly the same as 2.7, including T for transform, R for rotate and S for scale. You know, the logical shortcuts your tiny brain has difficulty understanding.

>> No.744395

No, the opposite. 'Muh UI' and 'Muh keybinds' is basically just code for 'I learned some other program first and I wish everything was the same'.

Blender's ACTUAL problem is the fact that the viewport shits itself and drops to 3 fps the second you try make any edits to a model over 200k polys that isn't sculpting.

THAT is blender's big problem. Viewport performance that is 20 years out of date.

>> No.744397

Intense projection, you're really attached to retarded notions like grab. It sounds to me more like you're the one who can't drop their shitty 2000 keybinds.
This has been an ongoing debate for decades, everyone including the devs know the UI is shit, blender was forked into bforartists because the UI is shit
There are alt keybinds because everyone knows the defaults are shit
And yet here you are trying to doggedly protect what's been yours for some 20 odd years
Cope harder.

>> No.744398

>arguing over key bindings you can remap


>> No.744406

I like how you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper like the desperate idiot you are.
You have absolutely no argument whatsoever. Blender's shortcuts are perfectly logical, which is why they've been retained for 2.8, yet you're still desperately crying for me to accept Autodesk's. You're honestly embarrassing.

>> No.744407

It's just not enough for moronic Autodesk fanboys like this idiot >>744397
See, apparently default keybinds are what really matter ( >>744379 )

>> No.744468

>i need everything to be configured exactly to my private specifications
>but i refuse to configure it, it needs to have been preconfigured for me ahead of time or else i'm going to cry and give up
you sound like a real success story in the making. what's going to happen when you encounter actual challenges?

>> No.744497

>assuming pajeets are mentally capable of creating 3D objects instead of copying and pasting other peoples code

>> No.744506
File: 144 KB, 1172x468, googletrends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because according to Google Trends, the typically brown Asian countries will go searching for Autodesk-related things. But the more Western/Scandinavian you go, the more you'll get countries searching for Blender.

>> No.744555

That's because people from developing countries need to do 3D for a living, while people in other places can choose to do 3D as a hobby.

>> No.744570

how many more years are we going to debate this?

>> No.744572

Until blender becomes market leader, so a very long time.

>> No.744575

The newer versions are a lot more accessible, but it still takes a nice while to learn

>> No.744576

Like never ever

>> No.744583
File: 352 KB, 449x401, laughing normalsmaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open autodesk

>> No.744593

OP here. stop replying to my bait thread. you blendlets made it too easy, it's not even fun anymore. also congrats on getting a faster method to change pivot point position in 2.8+, only 6 clicks behind maya now. kek

>> No.744598

Perhaps, but what you say still doesn't contradict how White the Blender population is, despite accusations (no doubt from the Autodesk camp) trying to paint Blender users as nothing but penniless pajeets for a while now.

>> No.744619

not really going to sauce my credibility, but ive worked at apple, psyop, comedy central, marvel/disney, the third floor, and method.

blender is absolutely laughed at still in a professional setting. its getting pumped with millions so it can eventually be viable ( and put a fire up Autodesk's ass ). but this will take a minimum 5 more years, and then 5 more for studios to adopt anything, assuming maya has 0 updates for the next decade.

"but blender is in ___ studio". lol, if you actually know somebody there using it as their core, let me know. its on their computers in the companies shilling out millions into its development because it would look bad to investors if they weren't even willing to have it on machines. the only people even allowed to open it are the people who beg their art director for years and war the guy down until he just says fuck it, lets them use it, then finds any reason to not extend their contract or if they are full time... fire them. the program is "useable" after 2.8, but if you ever want to be taken seriously or do this for a living, just know you are wasting your time.

my friend who is now the senior scene assembler at a large cinematic/commercial studio in LA used to be a blender boy until they literally wouldn't hire him until he " learned a competent program". he spent so much time switching over to maya since production speed is different than practical use.

>> No.744625

Idiots like yourself just don't get it, and you never will. Morons like yourself will forever worship the feet of your superiors.

>> No.744668

The previous UI was way better than the fucking bad attempt at imitating 3ds it currently has.
It seriously pisses me off that they fucked their shit up this bad in a really pathetic attempt to make Blender industry standard.

>> No.744703

wtf are you taking about the new UI is 100 times better.

>> No.744706

>turn on UV sync (how is it not default on lol)
>can't move UV islands
>have to turn off UV sync in order to move them
absolute state of blendlets. you cannot defend this

>> No.744715

You guys feuding in these posts should spend some time thinking about why and how it is that Blender even exists in the first place,and who and why is paying the bills for there to be a Blender Foundation.

If you figure that part out and realize the reality of the situation these kinda threads would evaporate.

>> No.744737
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so many people with BDS (blender derangement syndrome) ITT

>> No.744741


I've been using blender for 10 years and the previous UI was a clusterfuck. The new one is much better. And it's UI is much more similar to MODO's than Max's.

>> No.744748
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wtf are those comments real

>> No.744772
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There's a context to it which conveniently got excluded.

Basically the video being commented on was pretty much dumb, thinly-veiled software war bait to start out with, in which the author put Substance Painter's auto UV unwrap and Blender's own deprecated one in a head-to-head (which is basically unwrapping with no UV seams created prior to unwrapping and letting the software auto-generate one for you, and like who the hell even does that?). Substance Painter then went on to win 3-0 against Blender and the video ended with a nice quote from the youtuber: "Don't use Blender."

Then Blender fans got upset, mostly telling the guy to learn2UV in the comments (hence the George R guy telling him to look up how to UV properly), with the youtuber going all defensive like "lol but I'm just comparing 2 features that of course no one will ever use, y u so mad tho blendie".

Then you had that other guy shilling for his 160-dollar software, and it just continued to go downhill from there.

tl;dr Just more dumbass software war shit-fuckery

>> No.744779

The Blender community is a sad, sad joke.

>> No.744782

>who the hell even does that?
Procedurally generated environment assets, for example. You don't want to manually unwrap hundreds of rocks. Unless you are a Blender user, I guess; in that case, you have no other choice.

>> No.744787

Fair enough. But the guy was using an entirely armored character and his shield prop in his video, which I'm pretty sure is the last thing you'd want to use the auto-unwrap feature on.

>> No.744804

sounds like that guy has a dope ass career and you have the blender forums

>> No.744845

Blender 2.8x looks just like all the other programs
keybindings are keybindings. unless it requires you to simultaneously hold 11 keys there is no such thing as a "shitty keybinding"

The existence of Blender makes you mad and you can't even justify why. How pathetic.

>> No.744848

People who use Blender are literally unhirable for anything more than furry fan art and shitty 3rd world indie work, prove me wrong, protip blendfags, you cant.

>> No.744856

except not what you said

>> No.744861

imagine using T2S and saying next generation is on level with pixar... blender really has some special followers

>> No.744862

lol fringe cases and random freelancers using blender on projects doesnt mean its viable for use. you can edit a whole movie in sony vegas but you would just be a fucking idiot to do so... just like doing any professional work in blender.

>> No.744866

Remind me again, who do you work for and what projects have you been involved in? I'm dying to hear the crazy stories you must have with all the employment you've undoubtedly had.

>> No.744867

I'd rather be a freelancer than an underpaid drone laboring away for some effects farm.

>> No.744868

ive worked for a few studios over the years. some of my credits are ready player one, Mandalorian, krampus, stranger things. some other fag in this chat mentioned how low blender is in practice in 99% of studios

>> No.744871

how much do you make as a blender freelancer? and what good projects have you actually put work towards?

>> No.744873

cool story bro

>> No.744878
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>> No.744882
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Blender confirmed for master race.

>> No.744887

Getting a job "in the industry" is not and has not ever been a goal of mine.

>> No.744895

>Unless you are a Blender user, I guess; in that case, you have no other choice.
Except you do: https://gumroad.com/l/uvpackmaster2


I don't know why you retards keep thinking Blender is limited to what's included in the base build.

>> No.744899

*sigh* we sacrificed colonizing the solar system and having a future...for this

>> No.744920

haha, blentards download inferior and incomplete 3D app for free just to pay for plugins and scripts that come already included in other industry standard software packages. no wonder blender is such a moron magnet

>> No.744924

I found it really difficult to learn and gave up, but if you're dedicated it seems like a really powerful tool.

>> No.744926



>> No.744927

sounds like you aspire to be a shitty furry artist

>> No.744934


Just like all blendlets.

>> No.744942

Blender + a few QoL plugins which are legal to pirate costs infinitely less than what you're paying for vanilla autodesk software... per year.

But alas, morons like you will always have a chip on their shoulder. There's just no helping you.

>> No.744943

>aspiring to get a job in the 3d industry
>doing all that hard work to learn 3ds and maya so you can work to achieve someone elses creative ideas
>guaranteed shit tier salary
Whoa, imagine being stupid enough to follow that career path, instead of just using 3D software to create your own visions.
I guess all you can do is desperately rationalize it after you've spent so much time and money on this career path of yours...

>> No.744952


How much have you made from your creative visions so far.

>> No.744954

$0, because I treat it as a hobby, my income comes from a real job.
Unlike you, I wasn't stupid enough to put all my eggs in the 3D basket.

>> No.744966




>> No.744971

Enjoy your pathetic low salary for the rest of your life idiot, lmao.

>> No.744976

when i got my first job in 3d years ago,i got 70k a year. i dont know where you think low salary comes into the mix here. 70k for my first 3d job is solid

>> No.744978

Not everything is about film industry.

>> No.745006

>legal to pirate
just how retarded are blendlets?

>> No.745008
File: 243 KB, 804x564, income_share.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything have to come down to money in order for people to get any point across? It's such a third-world mentality. Then again, I guess it reflects how the industry is getting more and more browned by the minute.

>> No.745013

He isn't wrong, it's kinda complicated with the licensing.

>> No.745029


And then your third party plugin from the third world stops being supported and you can't use it anymore in daily builds because updates always fuck plugins for no reason.

And Max and Maya's indie versions are now dirt cheap for anybody that doesn't live in mom's basement. I'd rather pay that amount for quality and employability.

>> No.745031

You are an idiot who doesn't know how gpl works.

>And then your third party plugin from the third world stops being supported and you can't use it anymore in daily builds because updates always fuck plugins for no reason.
You wouldn't actually know though because you haven't tried them, or used Blender extensively at all, idiot. There are plenty of great Blender plugins that have been going strong for several years.

I'll never use Max or Maya because Blender gets the job fine for me, and unlike morons like you, I don't give two shits about getting a job in the industry, because I already have a job I'm happy with.

>> No.745051

don't engage the bootlickers

>> No.745053

I'm a programmer. I make six figures and I prefer Blender for my 3d hobby because it's open source. I could afford to buy every other 3d suite combined if I felt inclined.

>> No.745054

someone tell me how the fuck do I select all faces on the object in edit mode? Because double clicking is apparently for retards and Blender don't play that shit

>> No.745055


>> No.745056 [DELETED] 

>select all
It's called Ctrl-A, you retard. That's not Blender specific. Ctrl-A is select all in literally every program that exists. Next you'll be asking how to copy and paste.

>> No.745057 [DELETED] 

Alt-A, or just A if you change it in preferences.

>> No.745402 [DELETED] 


>> No.745496

you are literally me. I also appreciate the python integration and ui design considerations that make scripting intuitive and comfy.

>> No.745498

I've got you both beat, for I am the person in the shadow that controls the Illuminati that controls the President.
I would tell you how many figures I make but money is a meaningless concept to someone such as I.

I too use Blender for all my 3D hobby. I can't write any python but my penis is longer than an unusually big adult anaconda.
Also, my IQ is five digits long, my dad could beat your dad, and my favorite LARP character is Emperor Ming.

>> No.745511

I tried both, 3ds max is too complex in what it should be a simple job, blender is complex too, but not on the same level as 3ds max, also blender grid is trash, especially the UV grid.

>> No.745841

>why would I want my movement keys adjacent for easy access
>it should obviously be mapped to the letter of a word even though that has literally nothing to do with workflow whatsoever
This has to be bait

>> No.745866

You're only further proving how big of a moron you are by crying so much about hotkey placement when they're customizable.

>> No.745919

I used to agree with this, but then 2.8 came out and I've been loving it ever since.

>> No.745923

Wew lad. At least you finally admitted the defaults are shit.

>> No.745924

I'm not even the same guy, he probably left because you waited several days for him to stop caring so you could get the last word.

At the end of the day, you're a moron who doesn't even know how to change key mappings. just lmao

>> No.745973

>explicitly points out a reason to be someone else
>fails to infer based on the exact same reasoning that he's talking to someone else as well
Damn, double-digit IQ must suck.

>> No.745976

You can stop coping now, idiot. It won't teach you how to remap basic hotkeys.

>> No.745978

>gets mad