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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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731016 No.731016 [Reply] [Original]

Feels like all I do is troubleshoot and google shit...

Fuck this

>> No.731017

That's how it is, especially while you're learning.

>> No.731019

you dont need more than scale, rotate, different selection methods, extrude to make 95% of models

>> No.731021

Fuck, how did we get by when there was no internet or anyone to hold our hand 24/7? Unbelievable...

>> No.731024

You certainly wouldn't know, Zoomer.

>> No.731025

I begged my parents for expensive 3d books for christmas. Now I can just find a youtubes. Huge difference.

>> No.731026

That went right over your head, autistic fuck.

t. Xoomer

>> No.731027

3dsmax bible.
Thinking and problem solving.

>> No.731032

Yes, thanks Sherlock. Is everyone here autistic?!

>> No.731034

>making an effort is autistic
Never gonna make it.

>> No.731035

No one asked for your opinion, sperg.

>> No.731046


>> No.731062


>> No.731078

The whole point is to troubleshoot. You think this is all fun and games? Get over yourself

>> No.731081
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>The whole point is to troubleshoot

>> No.731083

If you're working with a team, you're figuring shit out and how to bring it all together. Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit

>> No.731084
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>The whole point is to troubleshoot
>The whole point

>> No.731085

This is a business. It's 95% work, 5% fun and actual pleasure. The whole point is to troubleshoot for the client

>> No.731086
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why the fuck would you choose to be this creatively bankrupt
sounds like an awful life
i'd rather work in a grocery store and do 3d as a hobby than this shit you're describing

>> No.731087

I make more money at the end of the day and it's all I bothered to learn through my life. It's not stressful or an awful life at all to me. I thrive from learning and running into roadblocks. That's why I am happily able to make the money I do. That's why I keep getting promotions and have a great reel. I'm able to thrive because I love what I do.

There is ebbs and flows to any job. Just like your grocery store job. There's things that really suck and things that make it kickass probably. They say never get a job doing what you love and I have found that most people that burn out and give up or quit, were never really cut out for this kind of work to begin with. I've seen a lot of passionate and talented people give up because they have no idea what the realities of things are or had any real world experience. Just a bunch of bright eyed kids. This is a business at the end of the day. I would never trade it for anything else in the world.

>> No.731100

Ooook big guy. Settle down now this aint the dining table at your parents

>> No.731102

wtf is this thread

>> No.731105

he makes a fair point, speaking as the guy he actually responded to