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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 14 KB, 800x450, autodesk-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
727306 No.727306 [Reply] [Original]

Autodesk is going rental only and ending multi user licensing. How does this affect you or your business?


>> No.727308
File: 563 KB, 1600x1066, pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blender asset washing machine works just fine in my case

>> No.727309
File: 976 KB, 2448x2403, IMG_6373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could always just fall back on the older version. The only luxury missing would be Arnold and bifrost.

>> No.727310

anyone else glad they moved from autodesk to blender? Fuck this lame ass company

>> No.727313

On an off related topic:


It's the best deal you can get. Also, pirated software is so unreliable these days. It suits you better to just buy the damn thing than to play a guessing game of whether or not clicking a menu will crash the software or corrupte your file.

>> No.727314

I've been a max user for nearly 10 years, learned it in college. I keep leaning more and more towards using blender. I'm working on an animated short in max just now but as soon as that's complete in the next year I plan to fully put my time into learning blender

>> No.727315
File: 64 KB, 220x220, 1570198935979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, pirated software is so unreliable these days. It suits you better to just buy the damn thing than to play a guessing game of whether or not clicking a menu will crash the software or corrupte your file.

it works exactly the same

>> No.727327
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 0seJynvR_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the hell do you pirate your shit from why do ppl have hard time pirating whats with the crashes and stuff

>> No.727381

Can you still steal it by pretending to be a student?

I could click the thing or google but I'm lazy

>> No.727386

did this last night just to help a friend in max,

>> No.727388

OP here, when I did it you could use any email but I think they require a legit educational email this time, might be wrong

>> No.727402

Im a student and just got 3ds max 2020, Fusion 360, autodesk CFD for free. Didnt have to confirm anything. Just click on the website that im a student and download

>> No.727403


>> No.727408

>Modern software with increasingly retarded business model
It doesn't mean anything to people who aren't rental/subscription cucks

>> No.727432

Our company moved to Blender. And while I miss some stuff from paid software, overall, I'm glad.

The reasons were mainly economic, but shit like not having to deal with Autodesk's audits, or some unwieldy system counting the number of licenses, have been welcome changes. Sometimes, you need to shove everything into a laptop for traveling and to show to the client. Can't with Autodesk without jumping extra hoops. Installing however many copies you want, where ever you want, or even just keeping the software on an USB stick has been an unexpected boon with Blender.

>> No.727434

what do you do for rigging? none of the plugins I've seen for blender even come close to the ones in Maya

>> No.727435

>Installing however many copies you want, where ever you want, or even just keeping the software on an USB stick has been an unexpected boon with Blender.
DRM, in many of its current implementations in today's software, is completely cancerous and the main reason I could never see myself using anything but Blender. Coupling that with the subscription models many pieces of software employ now is just not palatable for me. Guess I'm kind of old school in that once I purchase a piece of software, I think I should be able to install it as many times and wherever without being further harassed by the developer/publisher. Maya, C4D, Houdini et. al produce amazing results, and I'm sure with the proper talent could outdo blender in many areas, but the freedom that Blender grants to do whatever I want with the software is just too good to pass up.

>> No.727453

Not a clue. We use Blender for archviz, so I haven't touched any of the character stuff.

>> No.727456

My pirated Zbrush works just fine, I just don't feel like using it while I'm still learning to model heads the old fashioned way. It definitely works with no bugs, though.

>> No.728943

zbrush core worth it?

>> No.731070

I will simply stop using, or at least supporting their business. Gonna use my ancient student versions as long as they run (all eternity), and slowly migrate to Blender and folks.

Adobe did the same bullshit move recently, and boy did that spawn a forest of competitive alternatives.

>> No.731072


not at all. we migrated from any autodesk software for years already. slowly trying to get rid of any american software.. at least as much as possible.

>> No.731080

nah Maya for life here.

>> No.731110

A shame that maya’s parallel rig evaluation is still unmatched. It’s literally the only thing that I like about autodesk. And the number of plugins of course.

>> No.731167

Autodesk is going to end up losing business within 10 years when the new generation of developers adopt programs with friendlier business models.

>> No.731173

solidworks gang

>> No.731252

I've pretty much given up hope at this point, no one will ever make something that competes with Maya rigging. Shame.