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File: 2.90 MB, 850x530, 1568763773634.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
700929 No.700929 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know who made this? Or where i can find more? Or anything like it? The model and animation are fucking awesome

>> No.700931

Say "ahh". Here comes the airplane!

>> No.700932

she needs more fiber in her diet

>> No.700934

i'm gonna fucking cum

>> No.700949

Nice, a woman that talks. Just what 3d porn needs.

>> No.700956

>animation are fucking awesome
Don't get me wrong, it's decent and a good bit better than a lot of the trash porn "animators" are capable of, but if you watch it a few times the cracks start to show. Looks a bit stiff in places, and the mouth (while decent), comes off a little weird in movement. Not to mention things look pretty off in the full version.
Again though, it's not horrible, or even bad. But it's not "amazing", you can find animations of this quality all over if you look hard enough. They just don't show bare tits so they don't get 300k views.

That being said, I am a fan of the over-the-top Disney-esque style of animation with the realistic model. Reminds me of the old PS2 days when everything was meticulously keyframed instead of mocapped.

>> No.700971

Is the model available somewhere? This mega >>700931 (thanks for the sauce) is offline.

>> No.700972

The effort is really good, but the earring and hair kinda dampen everything down for me.

>> No.700975

post mirror

>> No.700977

You two idiots are proof that /3/ is not worth working any OC for.
What is 'good' for you?
A CG in the level like the Hulk or Thanos in avengers?
With american aesthetics?
You are either trolling or both genuinely retarded, and i believe that both may be the case.
But of course the guy who actually made that didn´t waste his time coming here - he has his Patreon and followers who pay him.
I´m just curious of what board in the internet this fellow actually advertises for people to know about him - it´s a lot of work, so maybe must be more than one place.
And this place certainly isn´t /3/.

>> No.700989

This so much. Those kind of dumbasses also killed /ic/.

>> No.700994

twitter is unfortunately where most people post now, to answer your question
most artists don't post work on 4chan, for obvious reasons

>> No.700999

Looks great, lots of expression and character in the body language and face.

>> No.701001

>t. Mr Dick Glans

>> No.701006

I don't think the headhack is great, you can clearly see some kinda AO seam on the side of the neck, the nipples are not really my thing and frankly this wouldn't be my first choice of body to transplant, they could've gone with a model with a more obvious six-pack or defined tummy given the background of the character in question.

It's hard to argue that the animation isn't great though. I couldn't do better myself if I tried.

>> No.701019
File: 63 KB, 425x591, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effort is really good
Are you retarded, blind or simply choose to craft your own narrative no matter what?
This is not an OC, it's Tifa for fucks sake. Probably all pulled from a video game.
That being said, anything that isn't mocap looks average. The earring doesn't even come close to actual physics and neither does the hair.

When you have a great facial animation with believable body movements and then some poorly animated hair and earring... it clashes hard, and takes away from the best element of the scene.
>what boards
Faceberg, Twitter, Instagram, etc... who the fuck needs boards? His patrons like tits. Good for him and them, everyone is a winner.

>> No.701020

>anything that isn't mocap looks average

>> No.701021

get a load of this hothead

>> No.701022

Your reading comprehension must be very low. Whoever animated that used mocap for everything but the earring and hair, IE it looks amateurish.

>> No.701025

I don't really care whether he used mocap or not. It looks good. Maybe not to a CG super saiyan such as yourself. Yeah, I'm sure the earrings ruin it for you. So sorry to hear that.

>> No.701027

Why are you so triggered about people pointing out the not-so-great level of animation there?

>> No.701029

But I just said it looks good. You're the one calling people retarded, blind and with a narrative for appreciating the effort put onto OP's vid. Seems like it bothers you a lot more than everyone else.

>> No.701031

As I said it looks good, if he put as much effort into the hair/earring as he did the tits, it would be golden.
>dampen everything down
That doesn't mean it's ruined. It just means the objects he manually animated are not on par with the "automated software" parts of his scene.

>> No.701032
File: 7 KB, 199x320, meatflap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tifa has wings :D

>> No.701057

Look nigger. I said it was decent.
But I also said if you watch it enough times you start to pick up on some of the bad aspects of it.
These are little things yeah, but they're things that if someone was staring at for hours on end working on it, they'd either miss, or be so tired of working on it they'd let it pass because their average audience is cumbrains.

Again, I like the animation, and was pretty impressed on my first watch. But saying it's "fucking amazing" is an overstatement. I respect the amount of work involved to get it to the point that it's at, but it's like 80% finished to me. For a quick thing for people to fap to on twitter though, that's enough.
The rest of the stuff on his twitter is pretty terrible, and normal for porn animations though. It's all super fucking stiff. Don't know what's up with that when he can make things at this quality.

> I´m just curious of what board in the internet this fellow actually advertises for people to know about him - it´s a lot of work, so maybe must be more than one place.
Probably twitter and Instagram, honestly. Just post, let those instant bots do the work of following (you know when you get like 50 likes in the half second something is posted) which boost you to real people, then let their dicks do the talking. Good for him though.

>Whoever animated that used mocap for everything but the earring and hair
Looks like mocap, but exaggerated with keyframed animation. Big movements like that irl aren't really as smooth.

>> No.701068

Gee, I'm a lazy ass faggot. The model source is easy to find from that very same tweet: https://smutba.se/project/423/

Trigger warning: the porter is a /vg/ faggot.

>> No.701069


>> No.701070
File: 59 KB, 800x514, 1550035782031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not possible, I'm afraid.

>> No.701071

Well there you have it, a window into the guys skill level.

>> No.701078

Uhh doesn't the smutbase model come with a shirt on and probably a blendshape that tucks that in and out? Did he remove it for whatever asinine reason?

>> No.701098

Well to be fair, he wasn't the one saying the cloth sim shit.
Probably doesn't want to do it because of those reasons, but also could just be laziness.

>> No.701102

He probably doesn't know how to sim. I'm assuming he's just an animator and never really bothered to learn much outside of that.

>> No.701112

Tifa is a tight tanktop kind of gal, not much physics involved there, so I would think it's lazyness or he simply can't.

>> No.701122

Yeah most likely it's just laziness. Or he actually can't model.

>> No.701129

Yep, he must be lazy, or simply doesn't know how to model.

>> No.701139

Yes, I concur. In all likelyhood he's a person who is unwilling to exert energy to create a superior work, or he lacks the sufficient knowledge often attributed to 3d artists, and thus is incapable of doing what was suggested due to inexperience.

>> No.701174

The thing is, if he does know how to model, he's pretty lazy.

>> No.701177

yeah tight clothing is pretty much the simplest thing to do, lot of available shortcuts and no need for any special program

>> No.701179

... Or they only want a nude Tifa.

>> No.701180

Colossal Cowtits or GTFO

>> No.701188

It's one of his "fans" who demanded a version with a shirt.

>> No.701268
File: 183 KB, 800x505, 1368025417331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go suck a dick, nigger.
Garbage gets promptly insulted or ignored.
Picking something apart is already proof that something is at least above average.
With that said, it's a titmonster half bust ripped from a video game and mocapped and horny teens are creaming their pants over it.
And the guy goes "b-but cloth simming is too hard"
Bitch doesn't know that skin is essentially a piece of elastic cloth on top of your muscles and, you guessed it, to bring your shit to the next level, skin simulation (==a cloth sim) is required. Even if you don't plan on putting clothes on the character.

What he's basically saying is that this is good enough to get gibs from his horny teenager Twatter fans and has no intention of doing anything further. Yet another waste of potential because retards have shit taste, hard dicks and loose wallets.

People like this don't deserve to live, let alone get paid.

>> No.701342

>Uhh doesn't the smutbase model come with a shirt on and probably a blendshape that tucks that in and out? Did he remove it for whatever asinine reason?
I remember checking that model some time ago, it does have alternative "optional" meshes as clothes, they are even rigged to the breasts as well, probably even based on the original game model from that's based on. Basically when you chose to use the clothed version it'll simply "hide" the nude chest mesh via drivers, so he literally is just a lazy pornfag.

>> No.701354

her mouth expressions with those teeth excite my dick more than her tits for some reason

>> No.701376

Not a fan of the last bit where the says "happy?" with clenched teeth. It's also odd to see bottom teeth so much.

>> No.701407

that's the best part tho

>> No.702295 [DELETED] 

[Verse 1]
I'm doin' your mom. Yes, yours!
First saw her in the Walmart pickin out your drawers
Big Dolly Parton hair like an 80's prom queen
But her ass was lookin' good all up in them mom-jeans
I approached her in the checkout line, and said, "Yo baby, wassup?"
She had two gallons of milk, and I was starin' at her jugs
Five minutes later she agreed to get with me
So we went and rocked the minivan like giggity, giggity, giggity
I was ridin' your mom like she's Mario Kart
I gave her a lift back to her crib cause her car wouldn't start
She invited me in the house, and we started makin' out again
How many times I tap that ass? Over 9000!
Yeah, she called me Pledge cause I knocked the dust off it
She later made me a sandwich and she cut the crust off it
Cause she knows how I like it, and that I'm a little young
To be in the bed, butt-naked doin' your mom

>> No.702550


>> No.702554

Thanks for the useless bump cumbrain.

>> No.702566

You're welcome, prudebrain.

>> No.702747
File: 552 KB, 714x677, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.702813

You cant call him lazy if you haven't even tried to make your own.

>> No.702819

Sauce on this?

>> No.702820

I know you are just memeing but its crazy some people actually think like this

>> No.702826

You even read any of the thread faggot?

>> No.702914

He's right. Critics are worth nothing.

>> No.704058
File: 51 KB, 960x737, 554566_486819968069637_662407897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.704059


>> No.704087

Where do you think you are?
It's just as common as calling you a faggot.

>> No.704208

I'm sorry anon but if a non-black say it with the hard 'R' casually it makes them into a complete retard no matter who they are.
Best case scenario you're a wee teen who spent too much time on 4chan and trying your best to fit in and make people think you're cool.

Meanwhile in reality even if you are Jim Cameron down in the Mariners trench, if you turn off the mic and utter it you're being retarded towards yourself.
I've known a few guys who used it like >>701057 in real life, they had one thing in common; they all had the utmost despicable character in multiple areas.

Thinking back only one guy I knew who did it on routine wasn't a complete asshole.
But as it turned out he was a loli-loving furry instead, so his ideas of what was considered proper was just extremely alternative.

It's not even mainly about the racism, there are lot's of racists that are sociable and clever enough to not go around and talk like that.
It's mostly the social cue that you are willing to fly that flag pulling attention to what kinda no-excuses cuntish being you are willing to be.
By saying things like that you actively seek confrontation verbally while already having indicated you don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks.

It's a type of talk that is looking to piss people off similar in spirit of being up in someones face and go "the air is free! the air is free! watcha gonna do bro?"

Like even most of your buddies who seem to tolerate you talking like that are secretly waiting for someone to suckerpunch you.
When it eventually happens they're not gonna back you up because they recognize you deserved it for making noises like that with your mouth.

>> No.704251
File: 18 KB, 205x192, 1559547420364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.704706

Found out that its from a VR porn game



>> No.704785


>> No.704786

It's from @redmoaa

>> No.704790

based retard

>> No.704794
File: 16 KB, 975x97, talktotransformer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.704821
File: 53 KB, 340x510, 1403811873893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.704829

You're a man of integrity.

>> No.704832

both megalink are dead.

>> No.704874

How about you go back to where you got that filename from.

>> No.704909

Seethe harder faggot.
You got a problem with black people?

>> No.705891

Nobody likes niggers, nigger.

>> No.705901

You strike me as a man starved for the kinda love that can only be sampled thru ones butt.

>> No.705969

>Garbage gets promptly insulted or ignored.
And thats why you don´t post your work.

>> No.706605

etc, what is the point of this whole conversation? Should have ended with >>701098

>> No.707686
File: 26 KB, 504x266, 1252135214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.707688

That can't be real. Holy shit. People are paying for that?

>> No.707695

hey a couple of broken bones wont stand in my way of COOMING as long as they look cute

>> No.707698


>> No.707700

Quality work. Let me guess...blendlet?

>> No.707701
File: 76 KB, 626x256, 1570475415025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.707703

lmao, imagine having blender rentfree inside your head 24/7

>> No.707704 [DELETED] 


>> No.707705

A seasoned Maya or 3ds user would look at that and immediately fix it instead of running with it.

>> No.707707

Well feel free to post some of your superior works, licensecuck.

>> No.707714


>> No.708361
File: 48 KB, 500x272, frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love seeing people pretending to know what they are talking about great kino.
You could have pointed out the weird deformation of the eyelids the obvious flat topology of the mouthcorners.
But you didn't see that because you only think you know what you are talking about.

>> No.708414

>nips showing
why ruin it?

>> No.708415

>You could have pointed out the weird deformation of the eyelids the obvious flat topology of the mouthcorners.
Just because he didn't go full autist and point out those exact things, doesn't mean he's wrong. The animation is meh, and only impressive at first glance.
Get over yourself, faggot.

>> No.708417

>Just because
Pointing out vague things like "it looked off" is all you need to know the guy has no idea what he is talking about.
>go full autist
don't be made, some people are better at things than others.

>> No.708859
File: 46 KB, 576x599, EFCrbNLWwAAlPV_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, these niggers can't handle the truth.

>> No.708867


>> No.708876

did any of you faggots post how this is done already? i read many posts and they argue about nitpicky things and i'm too lazy to read the rest of you fighting.