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684520 No.684520 [Reply] [Original]

>you choose wrong program
>Haha blendelet maya-fag cinema-cockD Haha
>I'm smarter than all of you
>eks dee stay mad do I fit in yet

90% of this board is people trying to make you angry for absolutely no reason.
You would all have better skills and portfolios, maybe even a job at this point if you spent your time actually working.

>inb4 muh pajeets

>> No.684527

just uninstall blender and get the weight off your shoulders OP, you don't have to live this way

>> No.684537


>> No.684588

don't let them get u down. you can make anything with any of the major suites.

>> No.684592


>maybe even a job at this point

Not using Blender you wont.

>> No.684597

...except detailed sculpts, good texturing, solid rigging

>> No.684599

cool dude, make another thread about it.

>> No.684612

This is the least active board on the site, yet it's also the shittiest and crabbiest. Do yourself a favor and find better communities away from this site. Check back here every month or so and maybe you'll find a nugget of gold or some insightful idea, but odds are you won't.

>> No.684616

Are there any other communities you'd recommend?

>> No.684618

>90% of this board is people trying to make you angry for absolutely no reason.
dude its 4chan???

keep calm

>> No.684644

Polycount(for game artists) and CG Society(general 3D) are actually productive 3d communities.

>> No.684645

It's a sad fact that so many people can not handle having anonymity.
You won't change these people however so to still gain from places like this you must learn to ignore the shitposters.

They're nothing to you, they are just like dog turds on the sidewalk, just leave them alone.
Don't engage with them, don't get angry at them, do not try to step on them (it'll only get more messy).
When you come across a turd on the street you don't pick it up and try to talk sense to it. You just gently step aside and keep on moving.

If nobody cares for it the little shits they'll eventually dry up and succumb to the elements.
Nature deals with gigatons of raw sewage every day and it'll deal with all of that crap for you if you just let it.

>> No.684647

CG Society looks interesting but it appears to have very low traffic. It seems like it was much more popular a few years back. Have people migrated to a different place?

>> No.684649


>> No.684650

yikes... well.. gotta do what you have to do if you want a job i guess,

Which discords?

>> No.684651

>samefagging on /3/

>> No.684652

Tell this to my 6k U$ monthly salary.
Op this type of person is fucking disgusting.
Don't let them affect you, they are so fucking miserable and probably don't even know the basics of re-topology.

>> No.684653

Lol, they won't believe you and also just keep projecting and also accusing the users they have a problem with of shit they're guilty of themselves. Funnily, a lot of those posts are written in a way that makes it seem that there's one really bitter neckbeard going to town on this board

>> No.684654

6k is nothing. I've only been using blender a year now and make 12k a month with patreon. Who knew so many people liked incest porn eh? Just need to use weasel words to get around that pesky TOS

>> No.684664

Yep, I'm also using Blender mostly, and I make about 10k EUR per month (before taxes). Don't believe the self-proclaimed "pros" of this board.

>> No.684666


Sure is larp in here.

>> No.684691


I've been barely visiting /g/ for the same reason, except this sort of thing is on a whole new level there. It's not only about software, but hardware, operating system, programming language preference and anything in between. It's not about getting someone mad exactly, it's more about boasting your own choices for software/hardware to feel superior. Anyone who's actually working isn't wasting their time shitposting on here.

>> No.684705

have you considered not taking the internet so seriously?

>> No.684716


I'm not sure how what i said implies i take any of it seriously, i'm just sharing an observation related to this thread.

>> No.684873

Tom Wright is a veteran of computer graphics having worked Senior Art positions at Disney Feature Animation, Dreamworks, Sony Imageworks, Rhythm & Hues, Naughty Dog, Activision, DICE and most recently Epic Games. While working with Morten Mikkelsen, the creator of MikkTSpace at Naughty Dog, Tom was asked to use Blender and fell in love with the open-source 3d application. Since then, he has used Blender in some form or fashion on projects like Call of Duty: Ghosts, Battlefield 4, Paragon and Fortnite. Blender was used to pose, freeze and clean up meshes for many of the promo images at Epic Games including the box cover art of Fortnite.

>> No.684886
File: 82 KB, 630x630, 1546170155045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.684891

alright, I will bite this time.
how often do you upload to patreon? do you do the monthly money shit or per submission?

>> No.684928

Sketchup 4 life

>> No.684939

I'm a linux kernel developer and I don't want to make you angry.

Try your best! True mastering come from experiments and trying again. You can do it! Just believe in yourself and don't get into a bad spirit.

>> No.684947

The "kernel dev" LARP is getting a bit boring. It's time you come up with something new.

>> No.684976

Nice LARP.