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669169 No.669169 [Reply] [Original]

>thinks he’s going to get a job in 3D without knowing python

are you serious, dude? you can’t be serious

>> No.669170

what about MEL?

>> No.669171

more like maya api in pythonic syntax

>> No.669175

>learning python
randomly roll your head over keyboard, and you will have almost perfect python script
C++ on the other hand... ooooh that's what I would learn anytime if I have this valuable commodity that is
good choice actually its getting better and better with each release

>> No.669189

you really gonna come in my thread and do me dirty like that?

python is for elite coders, ive been studying it for over a week now and it is by no means easy

>> No.669194

unless youre a technical artist you dont need to know this shit lol

>> No.669195

also wtf is with >2017

>> No.669205

>23 year old recruiting intern is comparing your resume to some other guys
>under skills, the other guy lists “python”
>marketing intern tosses your resume into the shredder

it happens every day

>> No.669206

>python is for elite coders, ive been studying it for over a week now and it is by no means easy
Maybe if you don't have programming experience. But if you do, you can pretty much learn it on the fly.

>> No.669207

Are you some sort of time traveler?

>> No.669208

i have tons of programming experience. I also know actionscript 2.0

>> No.669216
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>python is for elite coders
you can literally learn it in week

>> No.669219


Almost completely replaced by Python. You can use maya.mel.eval() if necessary.

>> No.669230

Thats the fucking joke

>> No.669234
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>actionscript 2.0
highest level warlock confirmed

>> No.669277

Enjoy your beyond shitty string parsing.

>> No.669281

again, technical artist get hired for technical garbage. they dont get hired so they can do modelling/rigging and any of the other shit that you can do without scripting lol you get hired by having quality work and having connections dumb child

>> No.669287

Only technical artists and riggers need python and or C#

>> No.669327

having the ability to automate your job(assuming your employer is clueless about it as long as possible of course) is much better than not having it, just think about all those boring repetitive tasks you perform, never wanted to ease it up a bit? time spent on them could be spent elsewhere, like improving your own skills
sure you can get by with third party coders to some point but eventually you will bump into a problem they didn't think about and you'd wish you knew how to do it yourself
the more varied skillset you have the more valuable you are

>> No.669410

That's somewhat true on some level, but there's literally no need to get into any coding at all if you're something like a character artist, rendering artist, props modeler, texturer, etc.
It's not even relevant. You could write ice skating in your resume and it would make the same impact. Not everyone needs to fiddle with code, especially those who get hired for their artistic abilities. Shading and rigging might be another story though..

>> No.669431

what is there to know? Most people who use python for what they do will never have to use the object-oriented features. They just write exactly what they want to do. If they need to know what function to use to do something, they just look it up.

>> No.669434

Is that a hard R?

>> No.669440


>> No.669460

Wrangle my dick, you procedural cocksucker.

>> No.669472

based and houdinipilled

>> No.669495
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>he's not a Houdinichad

>> No.669504

Brainlets LARPing as Houdini users without understanding Python is important for Houdini as well

>> No.669509

This I've made a chat app in python and the API is all new shit

>> No.669568

well, they are for 2 different things altogether

>> No.669570

Useless proprietary shit. You can use MEL in Maya and nothing else, you're not doing yourself a favour by putting in the work to learn MEL when you can learn Python in the same time and be able to code just about anything that's not too performance related.

>> No.669763

>not modeling with scripts
>not rigging with scripts
Repeat after me:
never gonna make it

>> No.669817
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retarded & unprofessional opinion

>> No.669822

If you dont know C89 you might as well neck yourself. C89 is all about performance

>> No.669834

>10 lines of code minus the print
Nice, OP

Here's a (You)

>> No.670010

A week?? More like a day kek

>> No.670014

my high school offered a programming course in python and back when I was 17 I took it and got like an A-.

>> No.671891

if you're using python in maya you still have to learn mel by extension. After all, the whole point of maya.cmds is you dipping into mel commands while using the much better syntax that comes with python. If it's a quick script that doesn't rely on custom user menus and big string parsing and huge nested loops and shit, might as well just use mel on its own desu.

>> No.671893

this thread is all talk

show me something LOSERS

>> No.671936
File: 15 KB, 251x242, laughing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one week

>> No.671952

Just use PyMel or the Python wrapper for their C++ API

>> No.671970

Here's a couple of secrets nobody will tell you about programming:

* You don't have to go to school to learn it

* Just do a complete project with some language, actually use it to achieve something, that's fucking it. Then keep doing it, bigger and better things

* Programming is hard, only a few can actually make a living doing it

>> No.671984

I disagree on the last part. Although good programming is hard, any fucker copypasting PHP can go on their way creating WordPress themes, websites and plugins for a living.

>> No.671989

Yeah, it depends on what you mean by "programming". Writing Python scripts is easy, making Unity games is moderately difficult, writing your own raytracer is hard, working on existing codebases with ten million lines of code from the 90s is fucking ungodly.

It's not necessarily about having a "talent" for it or being a genius either, just experience and effort.