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/3/ - 3DCG

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658318 No.658318 [Reply] [Original]

>1% artist
>99% edgy faggots
Welcome to /3/

>> No.658329

1% is generous

>> No.658332

>implying there's even close to a 100 posters on /3/
lmao ok pal

>> No.658335

Do you even know how percentages work?

>> No.658339

and it became way worse over the last couple years

>> No.658360

Who touched you as a child, OP?

>> No.658390

Even the hundreds of paid shills posting garbage can't compete with the /3/ crowd.

>> No.658399

You can't have a 99% and 1% split if there's under 100 people

>> No.658400

You're quick to type before you think, but it's that time of year when autism is in full bloom

>> No.658401

Don't bother, people on /3/ often have no technical or mathematical knowledge.

I have done one or two mathematical jokes that went way over the head of the English majors rejects doing "3D", and tried several times to have some basic technical discussions before understanding than many of them simply do not understand.

>> No.658404

Yeah I should have thought about that. Not just do people not understand why they are wrong but they don't want to.

>> No.658414


Literally the same person

>> No.658418

>what is rounding?

>> No.658420

1.01 ≠ 1
1 in 99 is not 1 in 100

Literally the same person. :^)

>> No.658422
File: 81 KB, 570x456, there_must_be_more_to_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look through /3/ threads it's easy to find the reason behind the endless "industry standard software fights" and general shit flinging at each other.
The board is filled with 98% highly frustrated people who kinda try to get into 3D shit since they enjoy it but are WAY too lazy to get anywhere. So instead of constantly working on their skills they instead vent their frustration by making the most halfassed trolling attempts because even decent trolling takes a tiny bit of effort. Some even go full retard and just repeat phrases over and over again to piss others off. At that point it's just really fucking sad to witness.

The thing is, it's a very slow board which means it is actually really fucking easy to turn things around and bring this shit to life with some good content sprinkled in and getting people engaged. The threads about WIPs, 15 minutes projects, talk about physics and some others are really great and go into the right direction. Just keep everyone engaged and interested in the absolutely great topic of 3D shit and the bad troll attempts won't be as noticeable anymore.

>> No.658423

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.658449

Look there's at least me and you

>> No.658458

>The thing is, it's a very slow board which means it is actually really fucking easy to turn things around and bring this shit to life with some good content sprinkled in and getting people engaged.

Sometimes the board is really good and feels like a close knit community. You tend to learn who's who just looking at their style and sometimes lack thereof, and most people are pretty good at giving honest critiques and the like. At least that's just mainly the WiP and general threads. Once you go out of those, things tend to take a nosedive into software wars and other shit. You'll sometime have good threads pop up here and there like wallpaper paste, and the material/texture sharing thread (that somehow isn't a sticky), and even old threads like Old 3d, that's been kicking around for over a year now. I kind of think /3/ is charming in its own way. Besides the software fights every now and then, the board is kind of reaching a good point now that the generals and stuff have consistent upkeep, and really things aren't too bad here considering there's basically no mods to speak of.

>> No.658608
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>summary of /3/ software threads

>> No.658892
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>> No.658944


>> No.658974

>1% is generous
Came here to post this so..
1% is generous

>> No.662588

>3d graphic designers

pick one

>> No.662638

Artists create nothing of value. Designers and technicians do.

Most self proclaimed "artists" I've met in my life were pompous blowhards.

>> No.662641

in an ideal world, every single human alive will be a master artist. Just imagine a society like that

>> No.662650


The fascist axe symbol has always pissed me off. How the hell are you going to hit something with the axe head when it's almost as long as the fucking sticks you have wrapped around the damn thing for some mysterious reason?! And that's assuming there's an actual handle to hold it from. Good lord, fascists are dumb. No wonder today's blackshirt militia unironically think they are the antithesis. The only way to salvage this shit weapon is to make it a throwing axe with dynamite sticks.

Now listen up idiots. First, most people come here to learn, not because they have an expert knowledge on the subject.
Second, this supposedly shitty board has near-zero moderation and yet it is a whole lot tidier and useable than most of the site. That's because le 99% edgelords are conducting themselves in a civil manner.
Third, people aren't laughing at your jokes because your jokes are dumb.

Sage goes in the options field.

>> No.663433

This board has 5 people posting.