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652184 No.652184 [Reply] [Original]

guys, please... o really need to know how to do low poly models like this. it's the only thing holding me back from my gamedev dreams. i've tried countless tutorials online, they're all terrible and seem to skip countless steps because i can never even remotely keep up.

which is strange because i've actually modelled and implemented assets into unity. so you would think i'd be able to model a low poly character like pic related. but i'm not, not even close.

please help, i'm honestly no retard. but trying and failing at /3/ makes me feel like one.

>> No.652186

Just break it down from a high-poly, jesus christ. Sculpt your shit and go through your usual retopo process, just snapping less vertices further apart to your sculpt.

>> No.652189


i only have blender. man.

>> No.652190

Honestly, blender is all you need ... get over to youtube and watch some vids on how to model and it'll get you started

>> No.652191

Uh, yes, you can do all that in Blender. Watch Zacharias Reinhardt's stuff for very quick and good tutorials on sculpting and retopo. You can reapply those concepts and break them down to do low-poly.

>> No.652195

modeling low poly is not hard, the magic comes from texturing.

>> No.652196

Draw concept.
Identify key shapes.
Model those very simplistically.
Paint surface detail.

Seriously, fuck sculpting. You think they sculpted shit back in the nineties? Of course not. Just have a clear concept and work from there.

>> No.652197

How can you say you have experience in 3D artwork when it's impossible for you to tell how this shit is done, even after tutorials?! What the absolute fuck.

To spoonfeed you: Most detail is in the texture which is handpainted and hence they look charming. That's about it and handpainting can be hard. The rest is absolutely most minimalistic polygon work.

>> No.652199

Circumsoldier, i like his too

>> No.652201

That anon from above that suggested sculpting: I only did because it's the easiest way to form your shapes and then manage topology. You don't have to do anything detailed, it just helps to give you your general forms you can then build proper edge flows on. I think it's best for beginners since time after time low-poly shit gets posted and the topology is painfully poor. If you have strong fundamentals in topology then yeah, you don't need this step.

>> No.652202


so i learn basic sculpting in order to get a rough stick man going on, and then i retopo him into a polygonal low poly sexy big titted succubus for my adult hentai game. correct?

once i get modelling down, the only obstacle remaining is mastering uv's, which i've gotten quite the headaches with in the past. but texturing would be a breeze for me since i'm a pretty skilled 2d artist.

>> No.652206


Actually you could just do a box extrusion method, unwrap the UV's, and then rig it

>> No.652240

Do you think the man with such wisdom as
>if I see a fox or a badger I say "stand back, I'll handle this", I fall on it, it dies.
can afford to use anything except blender? He's only been going a year and a half, I think, so this isn't beyond you.

>> No.652266


i don't know what any of that means lol

>> No.652268

Back to polygonal modeling 101 for you, then. And I'm not memeing.

>> No.652275

I wanna worship her boxy thighs

>> No.652301

this, the model in OP can be made in 15 minutes, getting the textures the right way for it will take much longer

>> No.652328


please do. show me. i'll do the texturing in 15 minutes if you can give me quality unwrapped uv's.

let's do this, come on!!

>> No.652332

not that anon, and I guess you are trying to say that texturing is not hard as long as you got good unwrap, but that is not true. Some people are just bad ad texturing. Even if you just wanted to practice texturing on high poly meshes with vertex painting, it takes much more skill to paint something on a flat mesh that is going to give the illusion of depth. There is also colour theory, and overall design work. Good low poly is more artsy, and requiters skill beyond technical abilities.

>> No.652338
File: 37 KB, 720x400, kungfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me.

>> No.652344


i can only open .blend files you twat

>> No.652346


nevermind just figured it out. well holy shit, how did you do that ??? anon, teach me

>> No.652349

how do i take out the smoothness??? shit

>> No.652352

Do yourself a favor and go through a few basic tutorials.

>> No.652368

You've got to paint well if you want it to look good

>> No.652381

you need to put more emphasis on good texture work

>> No.652383

6 hours has passed and i see no texture. you truly are a brainlet. git gud

>> No.652385

No one is going to do this for you, for free. Get the fuck out of my /3/.

>> No.652413
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lmao I was about to help but with level of entitlement you little faggot deserve none.

>> No.652431

>teach me
Of course. That will be 7,5$/hr
It's a low price for you but I'm in niggerland aka Italy where that is a decent pay

>> No.652468

You are selling yourself short you fucking faggot. That wouldn't be a fair price in Spain, and if it's not a fair price here, it isn't in Italy either. Charge that motherfucker at least $20/h, that knowledge isn't acquired by sleeping through the day, for fuck's sake.

>> No.652470

I will charge 20$/hr when I feel ready.
Yes I am selling myself short but dude it's 4chan I don't think he will ever be willing to even accept paying for learning (even tho I can definitely teach) so whatever

>> No.652471

BTW (still me) italy sucks, average pay for hour is extremely low, and I'm a good guy (otherwise I wouldn't have created a fully UVed model just to see if this guy could actually texture it in 15 minutes) so I'm ok wih below average pay as long as it helps people follow thier passion.

I know white knights are met with scorn on 4chan (been here since 2009 btwt) but I like to be useful.

Not that I think OP is willing to ever pay for training, I'm just trying to make a point here - the point being:
whatever you do, hard work is required.

>> No.652660


op here. honestly the thought of paypalling you 8$ and having your unconditional attention to ask you stupid questions for an hour seems like quite the deal.

>> No.652664

Get yourself Maya LT

>> No.652686
File: 631 KB, 2182x1131, Untitled-91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I just clobbed this together. What I wanted to show off is the texturing, not the model, as the model is simple as fuck. But I claimed I could texture handpaint something super awesome in 15 minutes, and I stand by my word after anon delivered the model. However I also said that I would need unwrapped UV's.

Anyway, is this halfway decent? How would I unwrap that model in such a way that I can ensure every tri is equal size? This 3d shit is such a mindfuck even if the end result looks super simple.

>> No.652699

UVs are unwrapped, deformation free, and mirrored where appropriate

>> No.652752
File: 29 KB, 352x792, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not that guy, but I saw this thread and figured I'd try to whip something up before work. I could've altered the UVs / geometry to make this idea a little cleaner but fuck it I just wanted to fuck around with some texture stuff. Couldn't finish it, but is this thot enough for you?

>> No.652776

(author of thot.obj here)
you are my hero

>> No.652779


anon can you give this model a pair of nice tits, slightly thiccer legs and a sexy ponytail instead of the hat? I promise you I'll make the sexiest handpainted texture for it you've ever seen on a low poly model if you do. I'll even unwrap the uv's myself (or die trying).

i'm this anon (and also the op) >>652686

>> No.652822
File: 44 KB, 825x464, 11111111111111111111111111_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, I kind of want to just texture more pixelated butts.

>> No.653088
File: 122 KB, 640x1136, 1535329403600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit are people fucking retarded? You don't just sculpt something like this without knowing exactly what you're doing.

>> No.653356

Those hips and thighs are absolutely umph.

>> No.654792
File: 889 KB, 320x240, output_jvZ92T.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texturing took me the longest on this, though even now I'm still not happy with my topo, getting shoulders and hips to deform well is a nightmare. I gave up on the shoulders entirely and made the arms separate objects, otherwise lifting the arms turned them into a tangled mess