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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 162 KB, 1280x720, Agent_327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
645668 No.645668 [Reply] [Original]

Show this to anyone saying that Blender has no potential

>> No.645669

link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN0zPOpADL4

>> No.645673

Shrek came out 17 years ago, and it looked better than this.

>> No.645674

>it's another software argument thread
You never fail to disappoint, /3/.

>> No.645676
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>> No.645677

>implying the agent's waxen complexion can compete with Lord Farquaad's pink puffy nipples
lol get out of here you hiragino typeface loser

>> No.645678 [DELETED] 

Nice trash for NPCs.

>> No.645686
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>Show this to anyone saying that paint has no potential
You get talented artists and shitters using all sorts of tools OP stop being precious about the one you use and git gud

>> No.645687
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>> No.645711 [DELETED] 
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>> No.645717

>Blender Foundation has to make animations with it's own software to prove it can be done.
I wonder why the Maya dev team never had to do this?

>> No.645719

The Maya team didn't have to deal with Autodesk actively working to undermine them.

>> No.645724

Are you sure about that?

>> No.645767
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>implying that Autodesk gives a shit about Blender

>> No.645831
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>> No.645844

.....really? How new to 3d are you?

Yes, they do. Autodesk is awash in middle management hell, and no they don't have any time to think about Blender, ever. Blender is a fine piece of software and getting better all the time. Stop letting Autodesk live rent free in your head and enjoy the tools you have.

>> No.645864 [DELETED] 


I've seen that at SIGGRAPH '98

>> No.645998

op here, and yes i agree

>> No.646002

Because you can't do pro animations with Maya?

I know, I worked on the internal Maya project to produce an animated movie. $1,500,000 was spent over three years but we never went anywhere. Some of our interns even used Blender to finish the animations, it was a mess. Management canned the entire project.

To this day I have nothing but the utmost respect for Blender foundation for having created a software that works, and used it to produce animated shorts and movies.

>> No.646003 [DELETED] 

Maybe you are all just a bunch of shitty untalented artists, just sayin

Also, fuck off you Shill

>> No.646005

>Because you can't do pro animations with Maya?
There is a difference.

>> No.646009

Yeah, this sounds like a big fat lie. You're gonna want to start spouting sources out your ass if you ever hope for anyone to even believe you. If not, great job on you for making the thing you were rooting for look even worse.

>> No.646011

So now the Blender Foundation is promoting FUD? That's a new low... and quite an accomplishment for the Blender fanbois.

>> No.646015

The rumors are true, then. None of Disney/Pixar's films were made with Maya, but in Blender instead.

Deal with it, Autocucks.

>> No.646017 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 250x376, abe-tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this delusional

>> No.646029

I think that post was ironic.

...I think.

>> No.646044

Looks like a student project

>> No.646056

Pretty funny

>> No.646057

New meme?

>> No.646058

Autumn Season.

>> No.646062
File: 363 KB, 1920x1080, 1517503308184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder

>> No.646244


why is blender only ever used to create cartoon memeshit with tumblr noses, how come nobody ever even attempts photorealism

>> No.646246

Perhaps because Blender has a difficult time dealing with high-poly meshes, which are required for feature-level photorealism.

>> No.646264

Fuck, hopefully. And it's sarcastic, not ironic.

>> No.646266
File: 54 KB, 900x900, This is not a pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender follows the concurrence, and as Maya can't do photorealism, Blender is stuck with an userbase of people who never learned how to use a photorealistic product. You can't fault Blender for Maya's failures, man.

This is the nth time I have seen people on /3/ incapable of taking a joke or understand the most basic of humor. This is really interesting, as most /3/ users are artists and leans heavily toward the left.

I think it tells something deep, though I don't know what. Historically the left is disruptive, feminine, and chaotic, from a Jungian archetype standpoint. Recently (~20 years) it has become a tangled mess, and lost its disruptive and chaotic attributes. The new generation of artistic minded people are literally unable to understand basic humor, which kind of freak me out. There's something deeply wrong that.

Or maybe it is just 3d that attracts autistic weirdos?

>> No.646282 [DELETED] 
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>> No.646314

If you consider it again, I bet you'll find the post to be a particularly well-made trolling attempt.

>> No.646317
File: 338 KB, 1920x1026, br.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it wasn't a mere design choice.

>> No.646338

i was making renders like that in 2013

>> No.646384

I really can not imagine, how you guys can go at it non stop...

>> No.646390

It's the power of Blender. It entraps the soul, and, if not treated soon enough, send its victim down a path of cult-like reclusion, fact-denial, and wishful thinking, all along sheepily following of the words of the Donut Prophet, being ultimately condemned to reading and """artistically""" interpreting Nature through a torus-shaped, heavily glazed looking glass.

>> No.646411

Dumb Zoomer I was doing renders like that on my Amiga.