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640475 No.640475 [Reply] [Original]

Got me a bunch of pretty sick models from smutbase, almost ready to get down to business, and then I realize that the male model I got has a crumply, dry, scarred, circumcised penis.

Anyone got any idea where I might find a proper nude male model with an intact dick and preferably penis controls?

**Yes I would like some fries with that**

Also, NSFW model exchange general.

I'll start - smutba()se has quite a selection of Blender ready lewd models with good rigs

>> No.640478

>wants a proper penis
>but not a circumized one
Um sir? You appear to be retarded, please seek medical help immediately.

>> No.640479

Circumcision = maiming
unless its for a medical reason, that is.

>> No.640492

Eurofag here. Your Jewish penises inspire me only pity.

>> No.640493

>being this insecure about his dry, disgusting, scarred growth

>> No.640497

And these idiots do it to their kids, because their parents did it to them.. don't ask why.. "since they did to me, then it is the way to go"..
also it's ergogenic spot, there are shitton of nerve endings
you feel 10-20% less pleasure from orgasm

Also what medical reasons? If kids skin does not open, they slightly cut the side(don't cutt of whole skin) and make bigger hole, then it opens normally after that.

>> No.640500

A medical reason that requires circumcision. I'm not a doctor, but I imagine there are situations where a full-on removal is required.
I still am 100% passionately against cosmetic male genital mutilation, though.
Heavy, uncut cocks are delicious.

>> No.640520

there are un-mutilated penis models on sfmlab, you can convert them to use in blender.

>> No.640525

I'm new to the whole porn animation thing. Is there a utility to convert models from SFM to Blender extensions? My animation experience is purely gamedev so my workflow never went beyond converting my original work to .FBX and using it.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.640528
File: 7 KB, 249x250, 1531764435194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get free pee pees to attach to my model because I really don't want to spend time modeling dicks?

>> No.640537

here's the process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKeact6rOmM
everything you need is in the video description.

I only have done the whole process once like 2 years ago, because I wanted to study one model.

The kind of problems we get on /3/

>> No.640542

Get off /3/ you filthy kike.

>> No.640811

My dick's cut and I'm not a kike. They were doing it standard in the eighties because they thought it was more sanitary. I'm really just glad I don't have to deal with smelly dick cheese, though.

>> No.640824

plz make mercy get fucked by brutes

>> No.640846

Washing your dick every day is sanitary. Guys it doesn't matter if you have a cut or uncut dick, clean it every day.

>> No.640847

I would understand why sandniggers cut their dicks, not exactly like you would find spare water for washing it daily, but eighties? you gotta be kidding me.

>> No.640851

Imagine how dirty Americans must be that they ended up believing that having "smelly dick cheese" is unavoidable except by circumcision.

Bathe, you fools.

>> No.640853

Apparently most of them don't even wash their asshole after taking a shit, they just smear it with a piece of toilet paper lol

>> No.640861

I guess wet wipes are only for the rich...

>> No.640862

Are you kidding me? That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.640880
File: 239 KB, 1028x575, Screenshot_2018-09-04 Jacob Delafon Ove - 3D model by iline3d ( iline3d).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a solution to that. Pic related.

>> No.640887

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a bidet in the States?

Fortunately, the toilet in my bathroom is within arms reach of the sink, so after wiping my ass I can just grab a rag and wash off me bumhole.

I agree that it is disgusting that folks here don't was their ass.

>Heavy, uncut cocks are delicious

Thank you. Stupid bitches here claim to prefer the mutilated cock, but every woman I've been with has preferred mine, so to every one of you poor bastards out there with that disgusting scar: Fuck, bro, so sorry. Sue your parents, this IS America.

Unless you're a kike, then fuck off to Mt. Zion and eat some mushrooms. Ask your God why.

>> No.640891

>Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a bidet in the States?
3D print it! The models are available!

>> No.640899

>Implying I can afford a 3d printer

>> No.641100

This could have been a good thread. But you must be hateful.

>> No.641120

Recognizing that circumcision is mutilation is not hateful

>> No.641150

Take a chill pill, this is /3, we've already decided we like our own dicks.

>> No.641151

There is much more than recognition in this thread.

>> No.641171

Eh.. sandniggers actually wash themselves, every time they go to bathroom(unlike some folks).. its like, their religious home rule

>> No.641268

>Eurofag here

which third world shit hole? UK? France?

>> No.641306

An average American is literally filthier than a dirty sandnigger. Pathetic.

>> No.641321

Aw... how cute!~

>> No.643711


decent bait

>> No.643738
File: 201 KB, 643x934, RWBYrend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd see the day when a bunch of thirdworlders criticize how we, the privileged, handle our poo. Last I checked you guys don't even have adequate plumbing and let the shit flow back into your drinking water.

Circumcised cocks have less pleasure but don't grow dick cheese. Easy decision. My dick is maimed and I'll maim my child's dick if I ever have the misfortune of bringing one into this life.

Regarding blender Lewds, I got a working RWBY Rose and Rebecca rig going on, right now. If I feel like posting them, I'll do so here.

>> No.643743

Fix everything from that scene first

>> No.643754

>Circumcised cocks have less pleasure but don't grow dick cheese

It's like saying your hair doesn't get dirty because you a bold.

>> No.643760

Just export a DAZ model to fbx and import it ino blender. Pirate G8 Male Body morphs + dick and you're done

>> No.643771

>shit, my dick reeks, I know, I'll just chop a part of it, fuck washing lololol
>oh crap that was a big dump, I know, I'll just smear the shit 'round my arsehole with some paper, fuck water lololol

>> No.643779
File: 16 KB, 330x417, 1266198709767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considers himself among the privileged
>uses Blender

>> No.643780
File: 13 KB, 267x323, 1532852397125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free model, if you want professional work, hire a professional.




> washes dick with shitty water


>> No.643781


I don't work for peanuts, so I'm good using non industry standard with better UI.


>> No.643829
File: 101 KB, 452x523, 1403371790270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because they thought it was more sanitary.

>> No.643857

I guess they don't have showers in America.

>> No.643860

Mutilated dicks have two main functions.
>1. Historically Jews were always easily identified due to the mutilated dick, the main thought was that they can more easily hide by getting everyone else mutilated too, in case they get in trouble again like the ~300 times before.
>2. It's proven that not only does a mutilated dick give a psychological blow to the child when it gets ripped off without any anesthetic, a mutilated dick also has less feeling as an end result. Both things reduce sex drive.
"Sanitary" reasons always was and still is a meme to fool gullible idiots to mutilate the genital of their child for the benifit of a certain small group of people.

And the worst part of all is that you're actually happy that some religious fanatics dismembered a piece of your dick without your consent which should be illegal in the first place, and then tell people with natural dicks that they should feel bad instead. Did they cut off your manhood together with your foreskin that you just accept that? Do you not get angry if people harm you?

>> No.644010

> Not circumcised
> Never even knew dick cheese was real
> Always thought it was some weird hentai fetish fantasy, sort of how nosebleeds happen when they see a hot girl
> Still not sure if it's real

You lost your pleasure for nothing

>> No.644109

>didn't use the tentacles, also on smutbase

>> No.644985

>2. It's proven that not only does a mutilated dick give a psychological blow to the child when it gets ripped off without any anesthetic, a mutilated dick also has less feeling as an end result. Both things reduce sex drive.

i was 3 years old when i got my dick cut (foreskin couldnt unfold I think) and my earliest memories are sex related. I was humping the bed in the kindergarden to cum (without cum at that time of course). I was super horny in my teens and now in my late 20s I wont last without fucking my wife at least 2-3 times a week. So I dont know who came up with this bullshit of having less sex drive with a cut penis

>> No.644986

You don't have your unmutilated self to compare with.

>> No.645005

India just spent $20BN on yet another "poo in loo" initiative.

Uncut cocks look super gross

>> No.645012

Maybe America should get their own "balls in the sack" initiative. India and America, what a pair you make.

>> No.645200
File: 1.15 MB, 1400x970, 1534552557901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not circumcised and I think that it's okay to be circumcised if you want to. My only experience so far is in sfm and I want to branch out to more advanced programs. What else is there other than smutbase and sfmlab, I've never had to use anything outside of those two.

>> No.645213

ITT: Idiots arguing about cut vs. uncut dicks instead of talking about NSFW models.

>> No.645216

Stay away from smutbase. They're hostile faggots.

>> No.645218

nah they're discord is pretty chill. they throw bants sometimes, but just for the memes.

>> No.647136

I hear you, brother. I also had my feet amputated to avoid having smelly socks. It makes walking a bit uncomfortable but at least I'm clean lol.

>> No.647639

Their discord sucks ass, a lot of people there are arrogant fucks.

>> No.647681

Rip models from DAZ, that how I do it with my loliporn.

>> No.647687

This, it's how everyone blender/sfm artist does it in most cases. Rip Daz body then put vdya head on it.

>> No.648019

>Extrude some edges to restore the foreskin

shouldn't be difficult

>> No.648024

>>Extrude some edges
You want a lowpoly foreskin? That shit should be sculpted instead.

>> No.648251


do you fucking wash yourself anon? skin really is not the most important thing here...

>> No.648287

Can you explain further? How are they arrogant?

>> No.648479

I agree