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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/3/ - 3DCG

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617865 No.617865 [Reply] [Original]

They know about you


“The … interesting number is the 6 million plus pirates who are actively using our software—and by the way, we know that they’re using the software because we’re able to track the pirated serial numbers and the pirate activity,”

>> No.617870

Conversely, if you're a Blender user nobody cares about you or what you do.

>> No.617871


They don't care that much though. I doubt they'll sue you unless you're really jurting their profits. I'd rather take that risk than using blender though.

>> No.617875



>> No.617948


>> No.617967


>> No.618011

Autodesk's strategy will never be "come after all those motherfuckers posting on /3/ and get them to pay for their warez."

First of all, the real money is in engineering software, not 3dcg. Second, Their business model relies on ensuring amateurs are trained in the software, and then getting corporate clients to pay for it. But finally, their priority they'll come after the 1.2M users who paid for licenses at one point and then cracked the software after it lapsed. We'll get long warnings before any sort of piracy crackdown on poor hobbyists.

>> No.618012

autodesk already secured the personal market with LT versions on steam

>> No.618014
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I never understood the appeal of LT. It's so gimped I can't see how it could be used professionally.

>> No.618015

but you missed one thing:
Autodesk offers educational licenses to any email account, including gmail.
The licenses last 3 years, but Autodesk refreshes every product line every single year... so you effectively have a perpetual educational license on all Autodesk software.

There is literally no reason to pirate Autodesk software, unless you're trying to illegally profit using it, in which case I have no words nor sympathy.

>> No.618034

>Autodesk offers educational licenses to any email account, including gmail.

this only works if you have an edu email (they check)

>including gmail
what is this, 2003?

>There is literally no reason to pirate Autodesk software, unless you're trying to illegally profit using it, in which case I have no words nor sympathy.

what are you smoking? What about those who want to just play with it and not profit off it. Then you would pirate easily

>> No.618035


Not true at all, I have edu licenses and they are not asking for any edu emails. Anybody can download student versions.

Maya LT is useless.


What if I use the kickstarter money to buy licenses? Surely they wouldn't care if I bought the product in the end right?

>> No.618038

They absolutely don't check.
Have you actually tried?

You can put in a gmail and they'll ask you what university you go to. Just fucking lie. They don't care.

>> No.618040

From what I'm seeing around the internet, it sounds like it's all good as long as you have a license at the time of publishing.

>> No.618043

ive tried and they check

>> No.618049


Alright then, that's all good.

>> No.618050 [DELETED] 

I'm a Blender guy, but I'll be praying for some of you autists. It would be a detrimental loss for the community if most of you needed to switch over to Blender. Where would all of the "blendlet" memes go to? :-(

>> No.618052 [DELETED] 

What are you talking about? From what I've heard, people profit off of the student version all of the time. Autodesk wouldn't go through the trouble of tracking down the users who use their tools to illegally profit from it unless your models were used in something that blew up.

>> No.618061

Hello I use Blender and what are constraints?

>> No.618063

Good thing I use Blender.

>> No.618064

I got it with a hotmail. They don't check.

>> No.618066

>6 million

>> No.618071

I registered for an educational license with an email from my own personal domain, and wrote "Self-taught" as the educational institution.

Autodesk doesn't give any fucks.

>> No.618076
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>> No.618078

Never forget.

>> No.618090

I've literally put "University of Buger, Ham". No problem.

>> No.618112


I'd rather be sued than wasting my time using blender.

>> No.618113


Why would they give any fucks anyway. Their prices are aimed at big companies, that's where they get their money from. They never sued any individuals afaik.

>> No.618121


Why are people so scared by autodesk? They are not nearly as mean to pirates as the foundry is.

>> No.618138

Pirates now, potential customers later.

Autodesk sues companies, not individuals.

>> No.618164

Its your goddamn fault not running pirate rig on an airgapped network

>> No.618178

This is pretty much it. That's why Autodesk and Adobe don't do shit. Even in the music world, FL Studio and Ableton don't do shit. Eventually people will either dish out the money for a license or they get into a business that will spend the money on a license.

The Foundry on the other hand...

>> No.618186

How does one not run on airgapped?

>> No.618888

>They are not nearly as mean to pirates as the foundry is.

I've bought my foundry products, what do they do to pirates?

>> No.618897

>“The … interesting number is the 6 million plus pirates who are actively using our software—and by the way, we know that they’re using the software because we’re able to track the pirated serial numbers and the pirate activity,”
Can't you just crack it to block traffic or change your hosts file so that traffic to autodesk doesn't go anywhere?

>> No.618899
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Wonder if Pixologic does this

>> No.618902
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All this constant stress over licenses, serials, cracks, keygens, codes, all so tiresome.


>> No.618933

They fuck their shit up. Badly.

>> No.618934


Sad that people would waste their time with useless open source software.

>> No.618935


They sue people, anyone, and charge them ridiculous amounts of money. Some neckbeards here say it's not true but you can find a shitload of testimonies on the internet. don't waste their time with their software if you can't afford them. Modo isn't even that good to begin with.

>> No.618937

>you can find a shitload of testimonies on the internet
good, provide 3 (3). we'll wait.

>> No.618951


Hell, no more stress about work either.

>> No.618976

lol,that same company that installs chromium on student versions of Maya files that tank your processor.

>> No.618981
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Go to bed now.

>> No.618982
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>> No.619014

Are people really that proud of using Blender?

...but, why?

>> No.619034

They aren't. They're just trying to make other people do the same mistake so they can feel less stupid.
Blender. Not even once.

>> No.619039


They feel insecure about it and feel the need to shove it down everybody's throats to feel better about themselves. Typical open source/cheap software fanboy behaviour.

>> No.619045

modo is literally the only alternative box modeling option if you are done with 3ds max. it is good, but foundry is full retard indeed. also, their fucking documentation site is down all the time. i don't understand why foundry is such shitty publisher or whatever they are because modo itself clearly developed by other people.

>> No.619049


I actually prefer Maya for box modeling. Modo is absolutely retarded with it's unusable mesh ops and shitty normals, animation and clothing tools.

>> No.619212

Is Maya really that bad at modelling? I've bounced around between software for a few years and now I want to pick one and get good with it. It's between Maya and Max for me, but the lack of features Max has been getting relative to Maya has turned me off

>> No.619244

What exactly wrong with mesh ops? They are literally modifiers from Max.
And what is wrong with normals? Are you one of '''''''those'''''' guys who can't say goodbye to retarded smoothing groups? Vertex smoothing is superior in every way.
Regarding animation sure MODO will never catch up with Maya in terms of industry standarts, but it's fucking good compared to 3ds max and production director from Pixal who made Modo rigging course really admires this program, which says a lot. Why would a guy from Pixar spend time on a garbage software?
Never dealt with cloth sims in Modo because you have Marvelous for that.
No, it's not bad. It good, but if you need gamedev modeling and speed, I would suggest to go Modo. If you don't need production speed, stick with Maya. Indeed, it gets a lot a of love recently. Meanwhile Max didn't change since 2012 or 2013. Some people even stick to 2008 versions lol.

>> No.619245

>technical director

>> No.619265

That's wjy I have a firewall.

>> No.619281


Mesh ops is a pain to use compared to 3ds max's modifiers. I actually prefer edge smoothing to smoothing groups. Vertex smoothing sucks.


Maya is way faster than modo. You need to go inside a fucking menu to center back the pivot on the object after freezing transforms (and you want to freeze often because it messes up the bevels and smoothing).

>> No.619298

>go inside a fucking menu
so, you missed the selling point of modo - fully customizable everything

>> No.619335


>> No.619595

The most famous number in 3d

>> No.620316

Ce sale khey puant qui exporte les délires du fofo sur /3/

>> No.620328

Take that baguette out of your mouth.

>> No.620347

Maybe there wouldn't be as many pirates if Autodesk charged a reasonable cost.

>> No.620351

>t. poorfag

>> No.620385
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Sure thing, bud.

>> No.620484


Ferme ta gueule bâtard, je suis pas un khey. Et vous avez pas inventés le délire risitas. Vous l'avez volés à 4chan comme vous avez volés 90% de vos délires de merde pas drôle.

Eat shit fucking frog.

>> No.621160

and some people wonder why the free software movement exists

>> No.621189

The free software movement is not about money, but (hacker's) freedom.

>> No.621202

>t. poorfag

>> No.621210

>t. daddy's boy

>> No.621232

1%'ers are people too, my friend.

>> No.621241 [DELETED] 

Since when are Jews people?