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File: 210 KB, 1360x719, bforartists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
615837 No.615837 [Reply] [Original]

Give bforartists another try. There's a recent version which I'm exploring and so far it seems to be a big step in the right direction.

>> No.615847

Do the shortcuts still work?

>> No.615851

The shortcuts are all different from Blender. Push the button under "important hotkeys" in the second panel from the right.
To me it's worth it because bforartists acts much more like a normal application.

>> No.615853

if this is based on the latest build i might download it

>> No.615865

Thank you for stating your intent about possibly doing something that has no effect on anybody else.

>> No.615891

not every comment should have an effect on other people

>> No.615906

Into the trash it goes. Blender's shortcuts are perfect.

>> No.615918

what this fag meant was that blender's shortcuts are reconfigurable, as is the UI, you can make it as perfect as you want to

>> No.615927

Quit crying and just try it. It's definitely an improvement.

>> No.615930

There's absolutely no reason to leave all those panels open all the time. You should be working with the viewport maximized (ctrl space or setup a custom view or use ctrl right arrow key ) and hotkeys, not clicking UI elements.
For the brief moments when you need to adjust a setting, open the relevant UI panel (or toggle ctrl space to revert your view), make your change, then go back into maximized viewport mode.

Of course there's times when you want a couple useful elements like the timeline or a quad view (which can be activated with a hotkey), in which case you should be setting up a custom view (and saving it to your startup file).

>> No.615948

Do you have an internet address or something by which I can subscribe to your newsletter?

>> No.615966

What's with the bloated UI? Just learn the hotkeys you lazy shits.

>> No.615976

The smart-ass decided to speak up.

>> No.616002

Blender developers are lazy sadistic shits that force you to learn hotkeys and wrong mouse button actions.

>> No.616004

The UI looks better but it's still awful

>> No.616033

The hotkeys are pretty useful honestly. But yeah fuck that mouse switch.

>> No.616049

Nope, never happening. Give me vanilla Blender over your unnecessarily changed shit every day of the week.

>> No.616050

Blender was never meant for brainlets like yourself. Those who master the hotkey shortcuts get access to the fastest and most efficient workflow.

Meanwhile you're trying to shill a gimped 3DS Max. You're an embarrassment.

>> No.616086

You can change the right click / left click thing in options. I think it might even prompt you on that on your first install?
At least that was like a thing that was going to possibly happen.
The 3d cursor is genius once you understand what it does and how to use it, but new users find it annoying and obtuse (I know I did).
My only gripe is there are actually a fair number of things not bound to hotkeys that you have to manually bind

>> No.616138

You're a member of a failed cult. Get better.

>> No.616178

>Blender was never meant for brainlets like yourself.

Exactly. It was meant for blendlets like yourself.

>> No.616309

t. idiot

t. idiot

>> No.616350
File: 343 KB, 500x671, 1520498899311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. blendie

>> No.616414

Would rather use Blender than pay for autodesk and mindlessly attack those using Blender all day like the moron you are.

>> No.616429


I don't pay for autodesk, and Blendlets also keep shitting on Max and Maya, more so than the opposite actually. Typical insecure open source behavior.

>> No.616435

I don't attack Blender people. I feel sorry for them. The fact that you feel personally attacked when I criticize Blender is evidence you're into a cult.

>> No.616436

>let's take everything that makes Blender's workflow fast and efficient
>and fucking remove it because brainlets can't function if they can't click on colorful pictures
Most of the shortcuts are extremely logical and the rest are piss-easy to rememember. Only a total fucking moron shills for this abortion.

>> No.616444

you don't even need them shortcuts
in blender you have the same buttons on the side, but they don't have pictures next to them xd

>> No.616486

t. insecure idiot(s)

These guys are people who use autodesk software, and are upset people using Blender can make better 3D than them. They're desperate.

>> No.616492

The Blender Foundation cult is giving you heavy delusions.

>> No.616499

That UI looks extremely bloated. Absolutely disgusting, you can't tell me you're actually able to work like that.

>> No.616504

The ability to lock and hide the 3D cursor nonsense make it worth by itself and you also get the correct mouse buttons mapping by default and a button that shows you the hotkeys on screen so you can learn them.

>> No.616506

It's still blender at its core, so I'd rather cut my balls off.

>> No.616508

In my opinion, that doesn't make it worth downloading when you can change the mouse input in the settings in 20 seconds. Since I know that somebody will want to respond with a saying that Blender is shit because of that, let's be honest - no matter what program you pick up, the first time you open it you'll have to make some tweaks in the settings.

You can learn hotkeys by pressing a spacebar and typing what you want as well, but also just using some cheatsheet for a week would be enough for that too.

Honestly, those are not even good reasons to use it, they are pretty pointless. Only the people who open the program for the first time will have these problems. Actually, now that I think of it, I have a feeling you're fucking with me.

>> No.616510

The Blender Foundation cult has twisted your mind. Give yourself a chance of (at least slightly) untwist it.

>> No.616513

bforartists is a recovery path for Blender cult victims. Think of it as methadone.

>> No.616546


I tried it and it's much better (and less retarded) than blender.

Blendlets are so cancerous, they don't understand why Blender isn't used more in the industry and yet they shit on every good ideas that could improve blender and make it more useable.

>> No.616547

>unnecessarily changed shit

You mean shit changed in a way that makes sense?

Keep jerking off to your shortcuts and your crappy UI, Blender is seemingly as retarded and stuck in the past as it's userbase.

>> No.616548

This is correct. Take a few days to learn the hotkeys and then you just turn all the extra visual shit off and work. Blender is cleaner and faster than any program in this way but faggots want a million little icons to click.

>> No.616550


No, we want both icons and shortcuts for convenience. Bforartists still has shortcuts (and the blender controls you can toggle in the preferences menu), but it also has icons for those who prefer icons. Why can't you egoistic blendlets understand that not everyone likes shortcuts? Why can't you understand that your retarded UI scares people away?

Go and see comments on youtube about Bforartists, people who previously hated blender (including myself) love this fork.

>> No.616551


All industry standard (I know blendies shake and sweat when they read this) have icons. People (especially beginners) expect to see icons and a logical layout when they first open a software.

>> No.616552
File: 132 KB, 1919x1034, Screenshot_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What UI?

It's pretty hilarious there are people out there that actually believe the UI is one of the main reasons why companies don't want to use Blender. Yeah, professionals will totally have a real trouble figuring out Blender's alien UI, and shortcuts? What's that unknown concept? No real pro uses shortcuts, that's called cheating. Gosh, if only Blendlet Foundation accepted that their shitty software is LITERALLY impossible to learn. I don't want to watch 100+ hours of Rick&Morty just to increase my IQ enough to be able to model low-poly chibbies in Blender. When will they fucking learn?

>> No.616553

Then stop forcing people to use Bforartists if they don't need those icons. Every post here attacks "blendlets" because they prefer working with shortcuts and are satisfied with the UI. What is even the point of attacking us like it's our fault? We're just users, that's not our problem, but your problem and Blender Foundation's problem because they are losing some users because of it. I don't give a fuck, I'm not getting paid for it. If you don't like it, go download Maya and shut up.

>> No.616580

You Blender cultists started the flame war, as usual.

>> No.616606

Why are you even responding to a mentally retarded idiot?

>> No.616607

and yet nobody in the industry is going to use your shitty fork in a million years.

>> No.616646

Same for your original Blender. At least bforartists is a little more pleasant to use.

>> No.616647

Why don't you apply your superior mental capacity to fixing Blender?

>> No.616650

I praise Blender, just because it forces you to get used to shortcuts...
I have not used it tho)

>> No.616659


You are always the ones starting shit, calling our software "bloated" and calling people who don't like shortcuts "idiots". What do you expect in return?

>> No.616661

>Posting in a thread where the OP mentions a certain program
Come on /3/, how long do we have to fall for the same shit?

>> No.616670

>Same for your original Blender
Nobody ever argued otherwise, idiot. Blender is for independent artists, and for many it works perfectly. You're just a worthless shill making a garbage fork nobody will ever care about.

Because Blender is perfect, unlike your shitty version.

>> No.616671

The people being called idiots are morons like you, who can't handle the idea of people using a program you don't personally like.

If you prefer Maya, use Maya. If you prefer Modo, use Modo. If you prefer Blender, use Blender. If you shit on others for their choice of program and call them "blendlet", you're a braindead retard and almost certainly a terrible artist in any program.

>> No.616679

Different anon, but "wrong" mouse button actions extend beyond the left/right nonsense. That's easy enough to change.

Group selection is also commonly bound to a mouse button, and changing that in Blender has a domino effect on the rest of the UI: at least as far as mouse button actions in the 3D viewport are concerned. I know, because it took me hours to sort through it and come up with a config that allows for mouse based group selection and deselection, but still retains most of the default hotkeys (unlike the Maya and 3ds Max presets). Weight Painting and UV Editing still don't work quite right because they really expect you to use hotkeys for everything selection related, and to not load selection and other actions on to a single mouse button (which is actually a retarded standard that Blender somewhat rightly doesn't follow).

>> No.616687

>You're just a worthless shill
>Blender is perfect
You defeated yourself there.
>If you prefer Blender
One can't possibly prefer something that's broken and useless like Blender.

>> No.616832


shut up blendlet, go make me some donuts.