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File: 95 KB, 931x333, BLENDFAGS BTFO 2008 edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
609132 No.609132 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.609135
File: 10 KB, 531x339, 1519079988848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o fug

wtf I like 3ds max now

>> No.609136


>> No.609142

Why use max over maya? It has a sleeker ui in my opinion, even though i hate ribbons. Its the least ui out of any package at thw moment.

>> No.609145
File: 487 KB, 1100x1519, blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, fine, I'll bite the bait.

Also Blender: https://www.blenderguru.com/articles/24-photorealistic-blender-renders

>> No.609146

>The Gingerbread man is now a puddle man on the floor

Can't escape your roots eh Blender?

>> No.609150

Only blender has anything like EEVEE. Suck my little brown dick

>> No.609152

IIRC Modo viewport is pretty decent for previewing game models.

>> No.609154

you can talk smack but blender internal is legit for fast renders

>> No.609155

Blender isn't that good

>> No.609158 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 1920x2160, H7Hg5MpmXgt0GiiDnnj3B_GlB72FZXz97CxZ4k7oqXY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.609159
File: 512 KB, 1920x2160, kk19v785d7f01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.609160

That guy has been doing 3D for like 6 months. One of those times I wonder if I should just quit.

>> No.609161

really? how is that possible?

>> No.609162

you practice 3d everyday instead of shitposting and vidya

>> No.609163
File: 42 KB, 655x509, 1518078695089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't you make money with that skill level?

>he can make money in 6 months and I can't even make money after 2 years

>> No.609164

This I guess. Well, at least I tell to myself that I decided to spread myself super thin in the first year of learning and I have a wider scope of knowledge. Besides, I never tried doing something like this, maybe I'd surprise myself.

Still, this is something you don't see often. Every once in a while something like this pops up in /r/blender and I piss myself.

>> No.609180

Don't get discouraged, talent is like the starting position in a marathon. They're ahead of you right now at the start, but if you keep going you'll reach the same place and if they become complacent (as many talented artists do), you'll surpass them.

Even marathon isn't the right word, because really it's an endless climb, a sojourn, a trek, traversing a road that grows ever longer as new things and ways are discovered, as old things are rediscovered, and as you yourself invent new ways.

>> No.609181
File: 312 KB, 369x369, 1518675192107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.609184

What is your opinion on this Reddit comment?

"I work in VFX and I see this all the time. There is a large line between technical perfectionist and artist. This guy will become the tool of an art director. Its very rare for a great artist to also take the time to learn all of the technical parts of CG to make something so realistic. And its very rare for a hyper technical person that can "trace" something so realistically to have the kind of oddly free mind to be a great artist.

They almost dont mash together correctly. Or it takes an almost schizophrenic personality to come up with a crazy idea and then try and generate the most realistic interpretation.. and then try to make it crazy again.. and then try to ground it.. and then try to extrapolate.. Its like two different directions of thought.

This guy will essentially be a technician for a art director most likely"

>> No.609186

>What is your opinion on this Reddit comment?
that you can right fuck off back to it again

>> No.609188

This is not /b/ or /r9k/, dude. Go away.

>> No.609189

Why not?

>> No.609192

I don't disagree with the assessment but that's basically "This guy will have a job"

Big studios have a handful of creative people and then an army of production people. Character design is done at the concept level, with an artist tweaking and iterating based on feedback from the art director with likely minimal creative input of their own.

Also, if you're technically proficient, it only really takes a small amount of creativity to drive or catalyze your technical expertise. Case in point: the video game Banished, made by a guy that spent like a decade being a graphics programmer. He leveraged his high degree of technical knowledge to create a game engine, then a relatively simple set of game mechanics that he mostly was inspired by or "copied" from other city simulation games; as in his "free spirited creative mind" demands were pretty low

>> No.609196

Not really related, but how would a person who wants to actually have a lot of high-level creative input get to that position? Is focusing purely on 3D skillset the wrong way? Should he get good at concept art instead? From what I see, a regular 3D artist is, well, basically a monkey in the end. Is "climbing up the hierarchy" the usual way or do you need a completely different skillset to get to that position in the first place?

E.g. film directors will actually study directing in university, it doesn't usually happen that e.g. a set designer or a random VFX guy somehow "rise up" to the position of a director.

As great as this guy's renders are, I actually wouldn't like to end up being a machine who only does what he is told to. It sounds incredibly unfulfilling to me.

>> No.609197
File: 49 KB, 560x629, 1516869323514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>those sharp table edges

>> No.609198


archviz is an autistic niche. get into advertising design and motion graphics.

>> No.609199

I thought about posting a comment about that.
>inb4 classic autistic /3/ response "bevel the edges!"

But I do agree, it seems that he still didn't figure that one out. It would really make a difference.

>> No.609200


He hasn't come anywhere near close to mastering the art of imperfections.

>> No.609206

this is pretty fucking nice, but how was the human model done? did he sculpt the thing or was it cut from the original picture and placed over in post?
this is honestly the most impressive part from the whole render

>> No.609207

I'm not sure, I've read that he just copy/pasted models in some renders, while in others he actually did sculpt them. Can't remember about this one. Here's a link to more posts so you can lurk.


>> No.609213
File: 32 KB, 383x500, a7889d861d21fbfd0292d35afc3206c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I"ll also bite the bait; you all do realize both of those renders are from blender, right?

>> No.609215

Most of the "god-tier" artists I've met do rather terrible in the industry. You must perfectly bridge the gaps between artistry, technical understanding, time management and self marketing. A great artist who cannot deliver on budget and - god forbid...on time - won't last long.

>> No.609216
File: 26 KB, 600x484, fface1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind I'm an idiot.

>> No.609254

This is also bait, but I'm too far down the rabbit hole now. https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?380291-Big-City-Sensory-Overstimulation

>> No.609255

That's more Photoshop than Blender.

>> No.609267

Maya and Max have Directx11 capable realtime viewports since 2013. Go suck your own dick you stupid POS.
Because he rendered multiple instances of a table, stool, plants and salt and pepper shakers in a room? Yeah, maybe you should stop wondering and start quitting.
You either have (enough) talent, or you don't. No amount of work can make it up and you'll never reach those who have massive amounts of it. Because they don't stop and you are too slow.
Dude, use your eyes, its the least impressive thing in that image because its a cheat.
Definitely not. That guy never uses Photoshop, if anything than Gimp or Krita.

>> No.609269

And "The most negative post of the month" award goes to...

>> No.609272

It's 100% truth.
If you think reality is negative, then so be it, but there is no solution except dealing with it.

At least I am not shitting on Maya, Max or Blender. (I do however shit on Autodesk, fuck them.)
These are all great tools, each has their fuckups and bugs and stuff, but they are all great in one way or another.

The only way to success is through hard work and hard learning. There are no cheats, there are no shortcuts. If you fall on your face, you stand up and fight again.

Talent may be given in an genetic lottery we do not understand, but you have to wield its power correctly. Being talented doesn't mean you are successful. It means your chances of being successful are constantly higher.
Talented people work as hard as everybody else, mostly even harder. For some people THAT is their talent.

>> No.609297

I mean it isnt THAT impresive most of what you see is a duplicate of one moddel, 1 table 1 chair 1 window 1 lamp

>> No.609306

You still have to nail the materials, models, camera, lighting... Besides, this is just one example, there's a link with more renders of his.

>> No.609359

Only reason I can do programming is that I can dive deep and keep going for hours at a time, or the entire day. There's some part of my brain that switches on and does all the real work. If I didn't have that, I'd be really shit at it.

>> No.609381

>Dude, use your eyes, its the least impressive thing in that image because its a cheat.

>> No.609388

He's calling it a cheat, because the artist (Who is a nice guy, talked to hím for a bit!) cut out the human from the film frame and used compositing to build him into his 3D shot, instead of modelling a completely new human.

He says this, because he is a jealous idiot who spends his time A) hating on other users software (which is a 2005 meme really), and B) "tears apart" renders online with idiotic and made-up arguments.

The practice of using cut out models is something arch-viz artists do every day and is considered a very viable option to spice your renders up, especially because every artist knows that a realistic looking character, even at that distance is a project by itself.

But he will soon come back with some more idiotic comments why he is right, why X software sucks and why Y practice is "wrong".

Why? Because he's a sad fuck who probably never touched a paid gig and now has to resort to hating people on 4chan.

>> No.609476

I'm a musician and in my field you can definitely become very talented if you're not, by training yourself to have a creative output based on inspiration, so you can over time learn to have creative output out of your own sense of musicality (which at the end of the day is nothing more than a mental library of all the musical elements you've memorized), which allows you to make original creations through experimentation and the use of something from your library in a new combination.

I don't see how this is any different in visual arts.
If you look at the early work of great artists you'll likely see some shitty and uncreative work, but with time they trained themselves to be more creative, so they ultimately became great.

Of course I'm talking about creative talent, since technical talent works a bit differently.

>> No.609511

>Because they don't stop and you are too slow.
Patently false. They do stop, all the time, it's called becoming complacent and you see it in artists ALL THE TIME.
They get good enough to do their work and then they're too tired, or too old, or too self involved to keep progressing.

>> No.609544

sounds like you're projecting dude.