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/3/ - 3DCG

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607969 No.607969 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously. Every post is trying to compare it or shitting on other people's software, or shitting on people who use Blender.

Wtf guys? It's not even an "I'm poor" excuse - Autodesk's products are available for free if you say you're a student - they don't even check your email address! Modo has a free trial and a cheapo subscription version. Betchya Lightwave and Cinema 4D have the same.

If you guys spent half as much effort on improving your skills, talking to industry people, networking, making a good portfolio piece etc. as you do on complaining about software on this malignant board you'd be industry pros by now.

Seriously, just focus on the fundamentals and get over what software you use. If a studio uses a different software than you do, learn it for the art test! Just...geeze!

>> No.607970

Also, pic related: it doesn't fucking matter what software it was done in.

>> No.607971
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you don't need an excuse for using blender, it's quicker, more stable and more versitile than max maya or modo
No 3d application can match blenders speed in terms of lowpoly / highpoly workflow environment art, especially hardsurface.

>> No.607972

alot of gen y and z kids grow up with corporate mindset, they don't see the task at hand. the only thing between them and the job is using the correct software and getting the correct degree and knowing the correct people.
none of these kids know how to present themselves, or how to build a business. they are simply not cut out for it, the only thing they care about is the moment where they get a prestigious job so they can move up the ladder

>> No.607973

Ya know, I think you're right here, and it's hard to learn those skills. A lot of it comes from trial and error, and not an insignificant amount of luck. I think that education in general should really focus on these things - managing your online preference, developing connections, how to talk to people, when to ask for business cards, etc. Pointing out tradeshows to go to and more.

>> No.607976

You literally just proved my point about what makes this forum shitty. I don't give a fuck if you use Blender. Re-read my post. I bet you saw this:

"Wtf guys? It's not even an "I'm poor" excuse "

And thought I was shitting on Blender. I'm not. I don't care. The question is: why do you care so much?

>> No.607977

there is a guy here that shitposts about blender all the time. everyone knows him but we mostly ignore him.

he usually calls us "blendlets" or "blendies". what he also does is call it a "doughnut simulator"

>> No.607990

>slow as fuck board where it takes 4 months for a thread to die
>why don't we make it slower
kys newfag.

>> No.608086


You're the reason why people shit on blender.

>> No.608088

wrong defenition of free.

>> No.608163

People doesn't understand that software is just a tool, and imagination is where art comes from. It's like "gamer" kids, someone said that Autodesk is master race and that's it. At least you know what your competition is, based on this shit board. Don't you care about that and create and create and...

>> No.608167

Yea. Software are tools, and any 3d software can make anything - it's just about degrees of difficulty. Find what works for you and just get good at it, make good art, stop circle jerking about software choices.

>> No.608172 [DELETED] 
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aaaaaaaand it's a software thread.

>> No.608221

True, but the only "problem" in this whole story is jobs in the industry, and that's what some people are afraid of. It's impossible to be certain really how many companies would hire you and wouldn't care if you only work in Blender, but according to job postings, Blender is pretty rare.

>> No.608233

I'm a codemonkey not artist but heard secondhand that the artfags have issues in the industry because other artfags don't take them serious if they say they use blender.

It makes kinda sense too, it takes serious time to learn it to be good with one program and so every camp sticks to what they learned because switiching makes them a beginner again and they don't want to loose any status.
The whole "wich program is better" is essentially a war on who has's to relearn the pipeline and thus put more effort in and obviously neither side wants to loose that.

>> No.608234

Sure, but freelancing is an option if you don't want to learn any other software for some stupid reason seen countlessly on this board. But if you master any tool any other is number of times easier, workflow is pretty much the same, only logic of program changes

>> No.608419
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The opinions

>> No.609262

Autodesk is not free. In their student license it's said that you don't own anything you make with the software, and you are not allowed to do anything with the model you make unless it's for personal use or to learn the program.

However the constant flame war on this board is annoying as shit. I only come here occasionally, and every other thread is a blender vs maya thread. This I agree with you. If you're a beginner, all of them are cappable of doing what you want to do. Artistic skills should not be limited by the software, and therefore anyone who is serious in doing 3D should also be doing traditional art.

>> No.609264

opinion denied

>> No.609265

>you don't own anything you make with the software

is this a joke?

>> No.609270

Would you also say to a traditional artist that he has to learn 3DCG?

>> No.609277


No it's true. That's why you should crack the software if you can't afford it, instead of using shitty student versions, or worse, using shitty blender.

>> No.609288

It’s not true, and, even if it were, cracking the software wouldn’t suddenly make it otherwise.

But what’s possible, apparently, is to easily remove the student notice. The EULA explicitly prohibits this, but people certainly do it.

Personally, I don’t know if I would ever try to remove the notice. What if there is a different kind of watermark that ties the FBX to my identity? Getting sued by Autofuck wouldn’t be a pleasant experience.

>> No.609291


As far as I know Autodesk never sued individuals. Their prices are targeted towards companies, that's who they expect to make money from.

>> No.609301

It may be a paragraph in their License/ EULA but it my country it certainly means nothing.
If it goes to a court there will be no discussion about ownership even if the artist has stolen the tools to create the art.
He may own Autodesk money for breaking the license, but nothing will change the rights to his/her art.
Both things are totally unrelated.

>> No.609307

Because Blender drones are fucking obnoxious, and their program being mediocre at best just makes it even more obnoxious.

>> No.610535

Is it the guy who calls Blender Foundation a cult or is that a different autist? I come here like, a few times a month at most because I'm only a hobbyist and even I have noticed these people, which tells something about how fucking obvious they are.

>> No.610552

I soon learned about him too. He is just a retard. He never even shown any of his work, because he never managed to create anything. He spends his time writing on internet forums and fantasise how he gonna succeed eventually, of course the idiot will never realize he is an idiot.

>> No.610579

Blender doesn't even compare to Modo you little dweeb

>> No.610603

>t. blendlets

>> No.610633


Better be an idiot than using a useless software like blender that will get me nowhere.

>> No.613640

It's because they are all underage retards from facebook who don't know jack shit or doesn't even want to learn about the history of computer graphics or anything else. /3/ and /mu/ are by far the worst boards on 4chan in terms of how knowledgeable and mature people are.
I don't understand why waste time learning anything else than the industry standard top tools. Everything else is just waste of time. But this is just because they don't bother to actually educate themselves or make any effort to find information by themselves. It's the youtube/minecraft generation of millennials who are too passive to put in any effort.

>> No.613641

Can't we all just get along?

Blender interface is garbage but the program itself is very powerful. Nothing wrong with using it if it suits your purpose.

>> No.613666

People keep replying to "blendlet" posts. I'm sure half the time it's the guy talking to himself.

>> No.613724
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It doesn't matter if it's free or not. What matters is how you can use it to create art.

Maya has a free version designed for people new to the software so it can allow these folks to learn everything,but the moment you want to create something in Maya for commercial gain, you gotta fork up cash.

Blender doesn't have this issue. You can make animated funtarni girls throat fucking each other and sell it for whatever you want without having to give Blender anything

>> No.613728

Did you know your mother wishes you were dead every time you do anything?

>> No.613729

assblasted are we?

Gut yourself.

>> No.613730

To be honest, anything is faster and more stable than 3DS Max. I can't speak for user interfaces because everyone has their preferences and once you learn a program, it doesn't really matter.