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File: 72 KB, 250x147, WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
602136 No.602136 [Reply] [Original]

Chromatic Abberation Edition

>> No.602137
File: 1.16 MB, 2160x2160, Anti-GravityTurret_wip_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm currently working on

>> No.602138
File: 744 KB, 960x540, HospitalRend3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to upload my corrections on the last thread. How fucked up are my proportions now?

Is this for a game? Looks sick af

>> No.602139

Looks fuckin' dope man!!

>> No.602148

Cheers, nope it's just high poly art that will be textured without uvs and rendered all inside of Modo

Thanks <3

>> No.602162
File: 332 KB, 2062x897, hghjghgjhgjhghj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what am I doing wrong but the metals for some reason dont reflect anything in Blender.

Have I fucked some settings up?

>> No.602163

are there any other materials in that element? maybe you havent assigned it yet

>> No.602164

You need to connect the nodes. Right now you just have them sitting on top of each other.

Grab one and drag it away a little
Then grab the Green circle on the right of the glossy node
Drag that. A little line should come out. Drag it to the "Surface" Circle of the Material Output node

>> No.602165

They ARE connected and it is assigned.

The material is applied but there are no glossy reflections.
If I set roughness to max it will be white, if I set roughness to zero it will be absolutely glossy and thus black because no fucking reflections.

I figured It has something to do with clamping

>> No.602166

are the normals right?

>> No.602167

maybe you set the light bounces too low

>> No.602168

No the normals are fine.
Anything non-glossy works just fine.
Bounces are OK.

I suppose I really fucked up the clamping.
I set clamping to 0.01 the scene got dark and then set the ceiling to blast the scene with 1000 emission.

I suppose my clamping killed all the glossy reflections. When I removed the clamping the gloss is back but the scene is fucked up with noise.

Ho do I use clamping right?

>> No.602171

Try this:

>> No.602172

dumb question but does your scene have anything to reflect?

>> No.602173
File: 604 KB, 2588x1080, ROLL_ENF_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty pleased with my scene. added some water and tweaked my tile shader. Overall This was a nice exercise in learning simple UV layouts and getting comfortable with nodes.

Right on! looks like your scene has come along way since the last thread.

>> No.602175

>dumb question but does your scene have anything to reflect?
You see there are other objects around that black thing, with roughness 0 it's supposed to be a mirror.

Well after all I figured out it was clamping, I canged settings and it worked happily ever after.

>> No.602186
File: 2.86 MB, 3226x1815, HighresScreenshot00003-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on this

>> No.602189
File: 3.34 MB, 1920x1920, Final 1 web 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok not really a WIP anymore because I think I'm done with this. I can't work on this any further because I'm moving. So I'll listen to any crits but nothing new can be done at this point.

>> No.602198

the design and modeling work of armor is awesome!!
and it is very good that you are moving on.

you'll ger better texture work and face in next project.
where did you texture it?

>> No.602199
File: 2.47 MB, 2048x2048, sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the textures were all bakes from 3D models that I have made.
like pic related

>> No.602201
File: 3.52 MB, 1920x1920, 1504354291239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did get some crits about the face but not sure what more could be done about it. Was it the materials? Or the proportions? I did fix a few things from last time and the lighting made a lot of difference.

>> No.602212

Anyone have any good topology guides or even better books? I’m ready to move on to the next level.

>> No.602214
File: 121 KB, 405x593, dasdasdsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my first model! A rusty sword!

What should I do next??

>> No.602215

The hair's shadowing effect on her forehead bothers me.
If each individual strand is going to show so prominently, those shadows need to be more realistic. They don't seem to soften as they get further away.

>> No.602222
File: 168 KB, 960x540, Golem1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrigged, shit lighting, but I finally got done making maps for this golem thing.

Next step: clothing this bitch

>> No.602229
File: 2.66 MB, 1190x1190, TestComp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love some feedback on this before I call it done. I'm still adding a couple extra things such as floor trash, graffitis, stickers, etc.

>> No.602230

I'm going to nitpick but maybe the muddy foot prints and such should be more lumpy. They do look a tad bit flat like stickers rather than dirt.

>> No.602231

Scale definitely reads a lot better than previously, and the various signs and posters are also great for filling up the walls.

Would you consider adding more litter, floor trash, maybe a little grime on some of the walls? The scattered papers look a little out of place right now, I'd at least add a little extra junk to show that something's "not right" about that hallway (maybe a discarded briefcase, handbag, or articles of clothing? The kind of stuff people don't leave behind unless they're in a damn big hurry.)

I would reference the double doors to something that actually exists irl, these still don't look close to any believable hospital doors I've encountered. The doors are too wide, the windows tend to be tall and rectangular (yours are weird big squares), and you could simply reduce the width of the hole in the wall to fix a lot of your issues.

You should also reference your lighting. Look up photos or concepts of creepy night lighting and try to copy the general mood and setup of *one* (your lighting feels too spread out and lacks direction). These type of light fixtures are usually cet within ceiling tiles, or some kind of protruding box with a trim, of which you have neither, so it looks like you have area lights lazily placed on the ceiling.

You could work on material definition to get some specular highlights to show on some of your surfaces. Better lighting will help sell the believability of your scene, but you shouldn't be afraid to experiment with grunges and material textures.

>> No.602232

You're definitely right. I used Designer to generate the dirt breakup in them but it's not perfect, and I'll be sure to give them some handmade love tomorrow.

>> No.602234
File: 690 KB, 1376x712, WIP12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.602244

A gun

>> No.602251

>rendered all inside of Modo
is that why it looks grainy af?

>> No.602252

>set roughness to max it will be white, if I set roughness to zero it will be absolutely glossy and thus black
then set it at 0.37 you fucking mong.

>> No.602253

>tub is only 2 tiles high
>therefore tiles are roughly 1 sq. foot
>therefore animegirl is around 9 ft. tall

>> No.602254

aaa game environment/10

>> No.602255

wooden pole, leather straps on skirt, and lighting are shit/10

>> No.602256

floor tiles too shiny/10

>> No.602257

where's the barrel of the gun?

>> No.602258
File: 45 KB, 597x423, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.602260
File: 78 KB, 394x412, iridium_2018-01-22_03-57-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's aligned with the bottom of the gun, probably to give less kick.

>> No.602262
File: 45 KB, 600x348, Rhino3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe its one of those with a bottom barrel

>> No.602263
File: 121 KB, 589x306, iridium_2018-01-22_04-00-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably based off of similar real-world guns.

>> No.602264

Look out, fucking gun experts over here

>> No.602267

>3rd post is a DAZ poster who can't get it to work on linux
No no, that guy should be using a gun on himself, doesn't make him an expert.

>> No.602280
File: 139 KB, 594x916, maya_2018-01-22_09-08-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you ever put your stuff on Sketchfab like you said you would? I'm a big fan, you've got that lesly skill cap going which I think is amazing. Would love to give you a follow and such.

>> No.602281

should i be sculpting in perspective mode?
everything looks wonky as heck and I don't know what the best lens setting is, i'm not modelling with any particular usage goal in mind, I'm just looking to make stuff at this point - but (predictably)

anything I do in orthographic mode ends up looking grotesquely malformed in perspective

>> No.602282

I see you didn't bother fixing the fucked up anatomy. And literally how can you be so lazy to not fix the horrible lighting in 10 seconds?

>> No.602283
File: 492 KB, 1920x983, 2018-01-04 00_02_35-Winter - Unreal Editor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast me. I'm in a bad mood today so might as well completely ruin it. For some reason I didn't get a single negative critique on it, but in this place I know I will. I tried hand-painting all the textures here.

>> No.602284

You retardos he made those lines to show that the barrel is on the bottom but the hammer that'll make the bullet fire is on the top like a normal revolver, hence making the gun an exploding one

>> No.602285

Could use a little more color my dude
Unless that is what you're going for

>> No.602286
File: 355 KB, 1916x935, Vegetation3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I have more colorful and duller versions. When I first posted it I didn't realize how desaturated it is. I wanted it to be realistic, but I probably went too far.

>> No.602287

You are a retardo
Look at the pictures again

>> No.602288

What should I make

>> No.602289
File: 185 KB, 1920x1000, 2018-01-19 02_08_16-Winter - Unreal Editor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this? I've already been told it's somewhat boring, and I'm still working on it, but I want to know if the mood, fog, particles and the rocky ground look good. If not, how can I improve it?

>> No.602290

>moss on the rocks doesn't look quite proper
>leaves on all the plants look too waxy
my only complaints.

>> No.602291

>>leaves on all the plants look too waxy
It's a fault of this pbr fad, more than anything

>> No.602292

grilled cheese.
it's fucking delicious.

>> No.602293

her forhead is kinda flat, skin is too plain, it is one flat colour,
overall she looks like manequin not person.
I assume you had no painting skills before you started 3d.
also metal texture is very bad, it needs proper roughness, did you put roughness/map in diffuse?

don't take this as "roasting" you have very awesome aspects in this project, your main con is texturing.
but you'll get better and better in future projects.

>> No.602294

Ok, thank you, I agree with both points.
>moss is a simple diffuse texture from textures.com because I haven't learned Designer enough to do it on my own
>plants look too plasticy because I tried to make it look similar to Uncharted, but I don't know if I did it right, and even if I did, I still don't really like it now

>> No.602295

Reminds me of robo recall. Looks cool.

>> No.602306

Thanks for the tips man. I'll sure implement them.

>> No.602307

>fault of this pbr fad
pbr doesn't allow for bad lighting.
stop memeing.

>> No.602308

>tried to make it look similar to Uncharted
uncharted looks like trash tho...
only because console shaders are all trash.

>> No.602313

Authentic London/10

But I think the floor tiles should be square rather than rectangular, to break up the floor and wall pattern.

>> No.602317

The PS3 Uncharted games look dated at this point but 4 still looks fucking fantastic, it's a miracle they even managed to do it on a console.

What doesn't look like trash to you? Just out of curiosity.

>> No.602323

Thank you?

>> No.602324

you’re literally replying to someone who posted a picture of a real life gun that does this and doesnt explode

>> No.602328

fuark boi, dat vegetation

>> No.602329

Low angle rim light.

>> No.602330

>tfw wasted 2 months of my life learning how to create beautiful vegetation and still nobody said my work looks AAA
Time to kill myself has come.

>> No.602334

And the retard of the month is...

>> No.602337

It looks spectacular to me but somehow the railings seem to not fit with the rest of it in a subtle way. Maybe they seem too new compared to the rest of the scene?

>> No.602351

test post?

>> No.602358
File: 1018 KB, 2160x2160, Compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All done

>> No.602360

oh it's you )) I remember you
anyway followed, because this looks sexy!!
is it your design? or someone's sketch?

>> No.602364

testing the test post because 4chang was kill last night.

>> No.602366

here's what i'm working on.
currently switching out models and editing code for the gamemode "garry's mod stranded" because it's a decent gamemode but is very lacking in many areas.

>furnace models
>workbench models
>ore node models
>swep models
>trying to add in new mechanics like cattle and proper farming

>> No.602367
File: 65 KB, 1126x780, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking forgot the pic.

>> No.602368

thats pretty sexy, but i think it would've been better without the stupid NYPD
>is it your design? or someone's sketch?
it says in the artstation's page that is based on someone else's concept

>> No.602369
File: 218 KB, 1233x840, paul6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am making a weg/agdg. How am I doing?

>> No.602380

muh dik

>> No.602387

I'm not gonna make it. Why? Because my art doesn't get noticed (even on this fucking place), which is worse than being said I'm a shit artist. I'd rather be shit than another boring average-tier artist. Thinking about actually putting on hold all the projects I had for a while, that's how stressful it is to me. I care too much about other people's opinions, replies and likes and can't help it. It's killing me slowly. And not to mention how much I compare myself to others, even here I get salty by every other post.

If anyone has been going through this, I'd like to hear some supporting words, but I don't believe they will be able to help me.

>> No.602391
File: 25 KB, 750x750, hands3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to get into the industry? Otherwise, there's no rush to git gud. Just take a break for a while if you feel burned out. That's what I do

>> No.602392

I don't know, probably not actually. There is no industry in my country so I would have to relocate, and I'm not even thinking about that yet, so I guess the answer is no, I'm not rushing to get into the industry.

But for some reason I already compare myself to professionals when I have less than a year of experience in 3D, but when I see some people who have been doing it for only a few months and got their art published on 80lv, I get really jealous. So I try to push super hard and get on a high level as fast as possible anyway.

>> No.602393

Your heart is in the wrong place. Expecting encouraging words to help you in this case will just make your situation worse.

Create things because you find the act of creating them engaging for you, not because you want validation from it. If you're mainly looking to be praised for your hard work, you may want to get into a field like music performance instead, where you'll get a lot more bang for your buck even out of being a student or an amateur. 3D is just way too fucking cutthroat for that, it is the fighting game equivalent of artistic fields: the people who are in it are in it to win it, software skill ceiling is super high, an inherent knowledge of a bunch of different fields/techniques is expected of you, newbies get chewed through and through for years before finally receiving some genuine praise. All of this is completely normal.

If you do want to continue, and I encourage you to keep going: you have to be completely detached from your work. This is cripplingly hard to achieve, especially since when you're new, you'll spend weeks working on something and naturally you'll develop a sort of emotional attachment to it, but it'll get to a point where it feeds into the behavior you're suffering from right now.

Just post stuff here and if doesn't get any replies, don't let it get to you. If you just want more feedback from your stuff... not even memeing you: go to reddit. The daily 3D challenges are good moral uplifts and people will reply to you. Good luck!

>> No.602395

Interesting how you mentioned music performance since that is exactly what I studied before changing majors. It was a big part of my life. Huh, now that I think about it in that way, yeah, it's easier to get praised there, and I did a lot in fact (although I was still fucked up in the head and thought I wasn't good enough. Shouldn't have dropped it). Anyway, I agree about a need of detachment. It's funny that I would give the same advice to other people as well, but it's easier said than done, and no matter what, every now and then I will still break and fall into the depression pit again. It is just super hard.

>> No.602405

>what is composition
Read up on it mate

>> No.602406

Please explain, because I don't think I'm clueless about the composition. That being said, this was just "good enough" screenshot for a showcase, ofc the final composition won't look like that.

>> No.602410

... And he didn't reply back, what a surprise.

I'd like to take a moment to address this because this kind of comments can be seen pretty often. Example is also that woman sculpt from the last thread where some people just shat on that guy's woman sculpt without any reasonings.

Literally who are you? If you had enough decency to back up your statement, you could have proven you are more knowledgeable and provide a valid advice, but from this comment you could either be a senior artist from Rockstar or some 15 year old with 4 months of experience in visual arts who has no idea what he is talking about. I'm really sick of the one sentence responses which don't give any constructive feedback. You just leave a guy wondering for the rest of the week "what did he possibly mean by this?", trying to fix "something" and ultimately wasting his time.

It's one of the things that really bother me because I don't have a mentor nor anybody I can really trust and learn from personally, I read a lot and analyze other works by myself, and when I make something I come here specifically asking for opinions on the elements I'm currently working on, only to get a pointless negative reply focused on something I didn't even ask about. Like, could it possibly be any harder to improve as an artist when you're in a position like that?

Hell, since you mentioned a composition, I have to say I actually really like it, even though it will need some tweaks. The mech in the foreground wasn't supposed to be there though, but I thought there's a nice leading line to the drone hiding in the fog, angles are not too static and the visual is pretty clear in general. That's my opinion, but I'd gladly hear why I'm wrong, if I'm wrong. But saying to "read up on composition" hurts because you don't know how much I read about it already and what I know. Maybe I failed at this one, but that doesn't mean I'm clueless.

... I know I'll get called mad or defensive now, but I admit this triggered me.

>> No.602411

It looks fine but get rid of that bot on the left. Based on the ground texture, it looks like the bot is 1 foot tall. As it is, I cant tell if its a bot or a backback.

>> No.602412

Yes, as I said in the previous reply now, it's not supposed to be there at all, I have multiple screenshots of the scene and accidentaly posted the one with the bot being visible in the shot.

>> No.602414

I agree with you, that this kind of comments are bad, But you are fucking idiot...

>you could either be a senior artist from Rockstar or some 15 year old with 4 months of experience
well... no experienced artist will just write shit like that, or if he does, he's trolling.
second: learn to fucking ignore comments which give no real feedback. if you are not ready to deal with trolls, don't fucking post your works.
third: don't be a fucking pussy... be a woman!

>But for some reason I already compare myself to professionals.
>I get really jealous, of people who get lycky.
well you are arrogant, stop it. no one will ever want to work with you, if you are like that.
go study contemporary art, you'll get that fake prise in everything you are seeking. at least in your student years.

>> No.602418

>well you are arrogant
No, I never said I'm superior to anybody, in fact, I have pretty low opinions of myself, always had. I'm just very ambitious and have set up high goals for myself.

>> No.602424

you said yourself that you compare yourself to people who put years and years in it.... you want to be on their level in an instant..
you think they got it easy? you WON'T get results so soon. better deal with it.

>> No.602427

No, you got it completely wrong, I don't want anything in an instant... Fuck, it's complicated, okay? This is not the place to discuss about it anyway.

>> No.602429

haha )) ok man
know this: that 3d is hardest thing you can learn. because it is so complicated technically.
it will get easier and easier in the future. but for now we must deal with this BS )))
we all compare our works with the best, that's how we know how far we came. have you learned the best ourses of level design and world building etc. yet?
I'm talking about long webinars, not few hours tutorials.
level design is hard work, it won't come easy.

>> No.602431

>What is composition?

Nevermind that it's by Andrew "Please buy a subscription to my texture selling website" Price, the video is good.
As for why your render, it's boring. It's visually uninteresting. It exploits none of the things that look "nice" to people.
In real life photography black and white film has unique properties that influence how the real world image looks. While b&w film records only the luminosity of the scene, it's often less receptive to red thus making red things appear darker than they would to the naked eye.
This might be a myth but supposedly b&w film is able to record more information than color film (I couldn't confirm this on google, and even if it was true it might not be true anymore) but at any rate the medium can certainly make visual details stand out that would otherwise be generally lost in a color image.

Your render doesn't make good use of any of these features, there appears to be almost no attempt to balance the levels (or you've done a terrible job). My eye is drawn up and away, but there's nothing to look at; just a muddy blizzard-like sky with a single beachball with a flashlight.
Is it supposed to be ominous? I don't know, but it's boring, there's no context to this story; it kind of looks like a figure off to the left is hiding, unless it's just a pile of garbage, or its trying to head towards the object, I don't know.
The ground is extremely visually cluttered and uninteresting, but the harshness of the shadows draws my eye in then propels it away in disgust and contempt.
This render definitely falls into the category of "open image, view for exactly 1.5 seconds, throw it away forever".

Besides proper levels, composing the scene to favor the golden ratio or one of the other layouts, and having better rocks, you could also try adding a little color. Maybe make the figure in color, and the orb high contrast, and the search light area in color (or high contrast).

>> No.602433

I watched that video a long time ago...

Btw, I posted a short (low quality) webm of the scene, which I think depicts the scene better >>601789

At least I'm glad you gave a proper response. Let's ignore the levels and the figure, because I already explained that previously... I feel absolutely terrible not because of your reply, but because of the fact I enjoy it. Why the fuck do I enjoy it if it is that bad as you're saying? Ironically, I get more positive comments on things I like less, and I can't understand why is that happening every time. Like, the more emotionally invested I get in something and the more I like it, usually the worse feedback I get. I seriously feel like quiting because if I have a bad taste, nothing can help me.

I won't explain the image any further, because there is no point in that and it only means I failed to present it properly. Oh man, what is wrong with the rocks now? Do you mean the rocks on the ground? I don't even know where could I fail, even on my references they have very simple shapes.

Fuck the render and this work in particular, if it is bad, it is bad. The problem I'm having is that I feel that I'm actually delusional and my tastes are poor. And THAT hurts the most.

>> No.602434

And about the composition. Yeah, I actually got into it deeper than some simple video which talks about basic ass concepts like the rule of thirds. I broke some rules on purpose, but please don't think I don't know about them.

>> No.602437
File: 1.23 MB, 2542x1266, Bathroom4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it looking

>> No.602438

>Like, the more emotionally invested I get in something and the more I like it, usually the worse feedback I get.
"Kill your Darlings", since you're an experienced master and know everything, I don't need to elaborate on this phrase sine you already heard it a decade or more ago assuming you didn't coin the phrase yourself.

>I know but I broke them on purpose
It looks like you were being inept or lazy, not like you deliberately subverted the rules on purpose to achieve a desired effect.

By the way, it's not "bad"; the word "bad" implies a kind of fundamental flaw, an irreprable irredeemable character trait. Demons in hell are bad, they can never not be evil, their nature is in and of itself wicked. They are bad.
Your aren't isn't bad, it's just failing on a number of technical levels. That can be fixed in post, and pretty easily, you mostly just need to think harder about how you want people to feel when they see your art.
How you felt when you imagined the piece (or saw the original concept art, or visited the place in real life, or dreamed it in a dream, or whatever) is how you want to make the viewer feel, that's pretty much the essence of (effective) "art".

Your piece isn't effective, it makes me feel a little bit lost looking at it, a little bit like it's a bleak world, like the only thing that matters are the rocks, like everything is dead even the sky. But I don't know if that's your intent, if it is your intent, you need to dial that feeling up; right now I only kinda feel those things. It's about as strong a feeling as when I browse the super market aisle for mac 'n cheese and see thousands of low cost inferior mac 'n cheeses all staring silently at me, wanting me to buy them even though the one I really want is waiting for me on the top shelf, a glorious golden aryan child to be selected from amid the worthless masses.

Try harder dude. Thankfully you're working in a digital medium, so you don't need to redo a 20 foot charcoal mural by hand.

>> No.602439

no there is no diffuse in my materials. It was just a standard roughness map for metals.

>> No.602441


Yo that p good anon. Any resources you used that you can share to get a similar result?

>> No.602442


I agree with this. Considering the state of the rest of this area, I'd expect at least some paint chipping, gum stuck to the railing, scrapes, stuff like that. other than that its a great scene!

>> No.602444
File: 273 KB, 2560x1080, Ax First Texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished my first Paint texture. I'm pretty happy with the way these courses work.

>> No.602447

Really cool actually. I'd say go at it with another detail pass though. Looks too clean

>> No.602463

You're right, man. Can't believe how depressed I can be at night, I cringe a bit at my response now. I mean, yeah, the visual isn't strong enough. Hope you saw the webm because I think it's better. I wanted to have a bleak open natural area at night, set in some cold area, and these scanning drones spread around the field are searching for something with their lights, but you don't really know what. In the video the top half is clearer since I wanted them to get hidden and revealed by the every wind blow, really only their lights piercing through the fog at all times. But even then, there is no impact, no tension here, I know. The drones are super basic, although they are blockouts atm. Actually, that mech on the ground was there as a placeholder since I was thinking about placing a specific object they are searching for there at the foreground. So that's why your look is supposed to start at the bottom, and when you examine the object on the ground, you suddenly notice mulitple drones revealed in the distance. That's why I put a focus on the ground and made the background almost completely hidden and unnoticeable, but it can't work until I don't add the main subject in the foreground. It actually doesn't work as an image at all when I think about it, though. It could only work in a short video format.

So yeah, that's why I didn't want to ask about the composition etc. only for the quality of the fog, ground and lighting setup since those are what I was currently working on. But, if you think that still won't work, please do tell me immediately.

>> No.602471

Im having an issue in zbrush, seems any geo with UVs mapped on to it instantly crashes zbrush. Is there a fix for this?

>> No.602472

Even when I try to delete the uvs the shit crashes. This sucks, I was ready to move on to re-topology and now this happens. I cant believe it.

>> No.602473

yeah, uncracked version :)

>> No.602476 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1466x902, 777791b67b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess its the clothes that were giving me trouble, I guess I'll just have to work without them...

>> No.602477

As if that would actually fix anything lol.

>> No.602479

Not necessarily. I have a cracked version and UVs work just fine.

>> No.602482

believe it or not, it would. at least your problem

or get more stable crack like >>602479 has.
UV Master is a plugin, and usually plugins are first to spasm with unstable cracks.

>> No.602484

Makes a little more sense now
What version u running?

>> No.602494
File: 24 KB, 320x860, gow_axe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started working on an axe from the new God of War yesterday. Sculpted details today, I think I'm almost finished with the high-poly model. Don't have much experience with things like these so I don't know what to expect when I get in the texturing phase, so if you have some tip for me before I start the retopology, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.602567
File: 344 KB, 1360x1333, wip_poly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on Nezu-mimi. Not happy with the Eye modeling. Still don't understand it well enough. Hair and weapons are stand in.

Body is about done. This time I'm going to texture the fur. Not sure how to use dynamic fur, or if its worth it.

Got a much better Idea for the giant ninja star. It would be a combination of 4 hobby knifes and a yo-yo.

Much happier with this re-design.

>> No.602568
File: 128 KB, 1209x974, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yayy!!! today I had free day T__T

>> No.602569
File: 71 KB, 1402x720, daehads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be 3d artist, but I work too much... :/
next works are 3d tho...

>> No.602572 [DELETED] 

Anyone get a weird problem with Blender where new objects won't render?
Everything else that was there previously renders fine, but all new objects wont render. They're not hidden or anything. I've been using Blender for years and I've never had something like this happen before. Saving and reloading doesn't work either.

>> No.602573 [DELETED] 
File: 990 KB, 1280x720, 0078-0765.webmhd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a webm of what's going on.
There's no compositor stuff going on, so it's not that.
It's a brand new object that's placed and it doesn't show up at all on the render, but shows up fine in the render preview.

I don't know what's going on.

>> No.602580

Cool, are you making it printed 3D model.

>> No.602581

Same here, congrats.

>> No.602585
File: 136 KB, 551x809, shittymodel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I didn't procrastinate I guess...

>> No.602594
File: 385 KB, 3000x600, Mosin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my glorious soviet technology

>> No.602596

Type 30?

>> No.602614

I don't get what you mean exactly?
I don't have 3d printer myself, but as this is character from warhammer worls(i just took rheme, i'm designing the thing) I'm thinking to make 2-3 variations and put out for people to print it and use in game as cultist or posessed cultist.

>> No.602615
File: 308 KB, 1188x629, whattodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with this.

I don't know if it is possible to decimate the axe to get a low-poly version or do I have to retopologize it myself. Go through this article, see how the guy used decimation master to get lp versions of his houses?


I don't understand how did he make UVs for them, because as you can see from pic related, I used UV master and got these resulting islands, which are pretty much unusable. If I decimate to around 15k polygons on my low poly, and go to blender/3ds max to do it manually, then it's extremely hard to unwrap that thing.

Also, my hp to lp bake in Substance Painter gets ruined for some reason as well.

And third - if I just have to retopologize it manually, could I use my previously made base model for the base or do I have to do it from scratch? The tricky part is that the sizes of my base mesh and imported hp from zbrush don't match at all.

I have too many questions for this, please tell me what should be my next step to get to the texturing stage without much pain and tons of wasted time.

>> No.602617

Pretty nice but if that's supposed to look like something actually wrapped the handle then it makes no sense.

>> No.602618

ur supposed to do retopology, the end polygons should be in the 2k area.

you can even mirror this, it shouldn't take too long

>> No.602619

Yeah, I'm learning how to do that now. 3D is a long ass process, the worst part is that I often redo things multiple times, spending tons of time on everything. Does that happen to you guys as well? I'm not sure if I'm satisfied with this axe in the first place, but I can't tell how good will it look like when textured, so now I'm probably gonna spend the next few days doing all of that, just to realize it looks like shit, and then I'll have to redo everything from scratch again...

>> No.602620

it's normal if you are new to a thing.
i spent last week figuring out the best method to bake round shader and re-unwrapped my model probably 7 times.
each time the result is better and faster than previous one. being a pro is just knowing the best pipeline for a thing. that's it.

>> No.602622

>yellow street lighting at night
damn you nailed this look, how come you never see this in games, night areas are always murky blue with yellow spot lights instead of that all-over yellowish orange glow. Nice vegetation too anon, you should do some more angles from this scene.

>> No.602626

How did you make the vegetation? Did you use photo textures or did you made them yourself?

I have to admit I'm extremely salty and sad right now because I practically spent 2 months focusing on nature, doing everything by hand from modeling to texturing and I still can't amaze any pros, only random amateurs. I thought I was actually pretty good, but I guess that's not the case. 2 months is a long time though.

Do you have any tips for shaders and lighting if that was made in UE4? I'm the guy who posted the render with grass, ferns and some rocks, also focused autistically on foliage for a winter scene a few months ago.

I've been doing multiple things in the meantime but I burn out constantly. Don't know if this is for me to be honest. I've been learning 3D almost for a year 24/7 and I don't feel I'm on a level I should be at. I got really invested into it now, but I also got invested in many things previously in life and then threw everything in fire. It's almost like a curse.

>> No.602642

Lt. Cmdr. Data lookin good

>> No.602648
File: 299 KB, 1080x1080, Mech_Wip_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about time I post a wip that isn't halfway done

>> No.602649
File: 298 KB, 1080x1080, Mech_Wip_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it walk? Nobody knows. I just want to do cool looking shit, here's a bit of a silhouette

>> No.602651
File: 68 KB, 799x822, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what am I doing, tutorials just show the tools and that's it. Even though my vertices snap on the high-poly surface, I can still go a bit outside or inside, and I don't know how will that affect the baking. I have to ask because I'll waste even more time if this gets fucked up, because it's still going super slow for me.

I am supposed to import the retopologized model back to zbrush, add few layers of subdivision and project the details from a high-poly, but I'm afraid it won't work properly if I'm not super precise about this.

I'd rather just use zremesher like I always did, but I have to learn how to do this properly sooner or later...

>> No.602653

retopoflow plugin

>> No.602654

looks ok so far.
you can bake through sp

>> No.602660
File: 361 KB, 604x864, maya_2018-01-25_14-58-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing more intense than trying to figure out how to do hair that looks passable when you're not a 2D artist.

Seven hours spent experimenting with different brushes in zBrush, baking in xNormals, taking to krita and linear burning the maps together, applying funky filters, taking it to SP for touching up, then realizing it looks terrible, throwing it all away and starting over... the TDA append guy made it look easy, this is madness.

This is why I wish I could find some texture artist interested in this kinda stuff to do a collab with. That, or a gook tutorial that actually went into detail onto how this is done. Though really I already know what the secret technique is, years of autistically coloring hair in 2D images, a skillset that probably translates more than easily into 3D.

>> No.602662

>something wrapped the handle
In truth, It was late and I kind of just wanted to finish it instead of putting it off. I really should have sourced several cloth wrap images and looked back and forth between them to do it. But again, tired and all and I don't find seeking perfection on learning projects to be healthy.

>> No.602668
File: 500 KB, 553x852, Banner3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finishing the base textures for the banner

>> No.602671
File: 23 KB, 415x875, render1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just admit I'm lazy and don't have the motivation to power through this horrible process of retopologizing and baking. Wanted to try out Marmoset as soon as possible, it is what it is. I'll probably refine it some day, not today though.

>> No.602687

>Anything I do in ortho ends up grotesque
Answered your own question.
If you model in ortho, you need to switch back to perspective every so often to make sure it still looks good. I assume the same is true of sculpts.

>> No.602693

It should look good in either mode. If its off in one its off in the other you just dont notice it.

Strongly recommend working in perspective and not worrying too much about the lens. It should look good at any lens angle.

>> No.602696

Put on a podcast and power through man. Lookin' good though.

>> No.602761

but it doesn't look cool if it has obvious design flaws

>> No.602790
File: 40 KB, 712x742, 2278e37840[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its taken me 2 days already just to finish up topology on the body, I hate how slow it is.

>> No.602811

I am projecting base meshes, when I want to retopo ))
you must allign it as much as you can with move brush and then roject. and edit parts

>> No.602825

gta v is the only game that for me seemed to get natural coloring right, nights in the city are orange and nights outside are slightly blue tinted, if you put tweak the brightness and contrast it looks really natural (game gets harder since you end up getting some really dark areas)

>> No.602827

Yeah I’m familiar with how to set it up, I just don’t make base meshes. I really should start planning things out better though before I let it get too crazy

>> No.602834

I don't really like it, it's like a bland version of a Droid Army thing mixed with something from Metal Warriors (but without the cool exaggerated forms).

How much have you thought about this piece? Here are some questions to answer (that you should then use to redo this piece):
Does this thing attack from far away or up close?
Is it elite or is it mass produced?
Is it rugged / durable, or is it fragile (kind of relates to near or far away)?
What does it fire (kinetic projectile, laser beam, rocket, flamethrower, specialized thing like grenades, maybe a mix of things)?
Right now it looks like it probably fires projectiles and is air cooled, and seems to have a big gun and a small gun but looks like an underslung attachment as opposed to an infantry killing swiveling coaxial machine gun (or guns) found on a tank

What kind of terrain does it fight in? Does it need a level surface, or can it be on a hill and still fire at an angle?
What does it do if infantry (or infantry robots) get on top of it to sabotage it (small deployments of real world tanks are protected by an infantry screen, there's an entire military handbook for tank operators on "how not to kill the men protecting your tank, and why you need them")?
How is it transported? Does it transport itself, or does it have to get on a truck or be picked up by an aircraft?

So I think you can probably already imagine how these answers would shape your model.
If it gets picked up by an aircraft, it should have some kind of hooks on it to accommodate a STARS (Surace to Air Recovery System) operation.

The legs are a big part of this, or any mecha, and right now they're really plain and boring. If this thing is fragile and fires from far away, you could make the legs part of its ammo (or fuel cell, or chemical propellant, or whatever) system. If it's durable, you could make the legs oversized and super armored.

>> No.602835
File: 438 KB, 1383x1419, SNES_Metal_Warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my Metal Warriors pic to make my post stand out. Incidentally, I'm not advocating this over the top style.

By the way for "how does it walk", again you have a lot of options here and you need to be creative: A simple and boring thing is that its legs close inward so that it goes from:

|O| to >|O|<

To go even further, it pivot at the base like I described, then the legs fold under, and the lower legs have wheels on them or tank treads (or centipede legs!) that it uses to travel quickly over easy terrain.

Anyway, just think about it and look at real world mechanical things. I didn't like your police droid for similar reasons: you didn't really think hard enough about what it does and how it does what it does. I'm not gonna write a whole thing on that though (unless you want me to) since you said you're done with it

>> No.602836

>I don't want to waste time
>but I want to learn a new thing
Not possible desu, doing it wrong and having things break is how you learn how they work.
When you understand how something works at the underlying level, you gain mastery over it.

>but all I want is to get the result, I don't care how!
That's shortsighted, if you don't understand why or how something works you'll always be at the mercy of automated tools, and when things change or improve or new ways come out, you won't be able to draw on old techniques to solve the gaps in new techniques that INEVITABLY show up.
If you're going to be doing this 3d thing (or have already done it) for years, you can afford to spend a couple days or a week or a month learning an extremely important and common task.

>> No.602845
File: 160 KB, 670x858, 4dad36caa7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really sure how to get rid of this extra topo so i rounded it off at the leg here, will this be bad in the long run?

>> No.602847
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1440, untitЫВАЫвавыаled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking exposure how does it work?

>> No.602880

I really like the style, hoping to see the finished piece!

>> No.602883
File: 58 KB, 745x745, cucumberw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna animate this but I dont know if it will make people feel bad

>> No.602884

Expose for detail on the highlights. This part you seem to almost have achieved – the filament is bright, although I think it would look better if it were slightly burned out. That’s how it would appear in most photographs.

Then create fill lights to raise the shadows, but keep the initial exposure you set for the highlights. After a few iterations trying different power for the fill lights you should have it.

>> No.602885
File: 24 KB, 348x422, nu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.602886

Please do it. I expect it to make many feel uneasy.

>> No.602891


The least im hoping for is to not get an instagram ban

>> No.602909
File: 345 KB, 2160x1920, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.602910

looks cool

>> No.602920

looks great

>> No.602942

looks cool, but rather than stylised, she has midgets proportions )) and that is because legs are too thick and short, her hips are too low and rotated too much backwards

>> No.602949

I want to _hug your 3D model

>> No.602988

Neat, really neat. Would you kindly share the model for “non-commercial purposes”, if you know what I mean?

>> No.602989

Its not as good as these anons seem to be gushing over, your arms are too large. Look at the shoulder it drops too low and the deltoids are very long. Her forearm is meaty in comparison to her bicep. The rib cage is too close to the pelvis there hsould be a little more room in between, shoes look pretty big

>> No.602990

i'm sorry you feel this way. i was playing with different proportions e.g. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/5ovJz
i wanted to get out of my own 'stylized character' comfort zone like the reference. i think as long as the character is appealing, it's fine in the end.

lol thanks

eh, what do you mean?

>> No.602992

It's to be expected on this board when girls are posted. Everybody just wants to see the b00bies.

>> No.603042
File: 248 KB, 1899x869, florida3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.603043
File: 276 KB, 1899x869, florida4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also blegh

>> No.603044


To make her into
A Penile Procurer
A Semen Demon
A Bought Thot
A Nut Gobbler
A Quivering Cocksleeve
PORN we obviously talking about PORN anon.

>> No.603052

That house is quintessentially Floridian, so congrats on that.

>> No.603088
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x2608, WIP starfighter 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started this a few days ago not really sure where i'm going with it yet... kinda starwarsish i guess idk

>> No.603090

What would you advise to learn level design? I want to get into it but don't know where to start

>> No.603091

Having the tubes/pipes or w/e they are on the outside bound together makes them look like wiring. It also looks like the kind of thing you want protected inside the ship not exposed on the hull.
The little fins near the back look too small to be useful for anything. the asymmetry of the wing areas looks weird since the rest of the ship is symmetrical.

>> No.603120

Same for this, I wanna improve my hard surface stuff

>> No.603123
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, 5EB8F90E-08F4-47EC-8F04-8DFE2606214D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I started on last week

>> No.603125

As a novice myself I’ve found that being able to work on something for ages and then dropping it completely without a blink has completely reduced the stress of modeling it. Becoming noncommittal overall while retaining that enthusiasm /in the moment/ can really make or break your motivation.
Just keep at it man, feel free to take your time and give yourself breaks.
I haven’t actually sat down and modeled in 2ish months since my last project but I’m always casually studying other people’s works and methods to apply to my own practices.

>> No.603127


good design, cripplingly bad grasp of anatomy. if you knew what you actually depicted (where wrists and hands etc. should be) it'd be so much beater. Right now you're drawing upon memory of something you can't define and it gets warped.

>> No.603128
File: 897 KB, 1000x1000, 0001-0246.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well its done and Instagram fucked me with the color compression again.


I was hoping people would be more upset by the animation but maybe next time

>> No.603130

So is it just the hands or the whole body in general?

>> No.603133

Neato. Needs more fluids, and some cutting sound would also be great, in my opinion.

>> No.603135
File: 225 KB, 434x837, maya_2018-01-28_18-12-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with this.

Really gotta find ways to streamline my workflow, this took three-ish weeks when it should've taken one.

>> No.603140

I threw in some cutting board sounds on the instagram vid. You mean more 'slashing' noises?

Fluids would be pretty traumatizing. I'll try that next time. Kinda wish blender did better fluid and physics sims sometimes tho

>> No.603153
File: 254 KB, 745x850, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty awesome, any tips on how to setup stylized proportions for the face? I tried but ended up with normalish proportions and big eyes :(

>> No.603164

Hey there, thanks!

to be honest, i like what you've got with the head. it's a great start. it looks really soft, overall, you could use some defined transitions such as where the nostrils connect to the head and how the eyelid connects to the brow. but it seems like you know what you're doing. =D

in terms of setting up for stylized proportions, play with the shape of the face, especially in the 3/4 view. the cheek to chin transition is one of the most important things to think about for characters.
kinda like this example. it's a hair breakdown but that 3/4 view is really good:

the next important silhouette thing is the profile view and how the face transitions from forehead to the nose to the mouth and to the chin.

stylized can take any shape or form, as long as it's appealing in the end. don't be afraid to push and pull proportions.

>> No.603169

Ah, sorry, the video here didn’t have sound for me. I watched it now on Instagram, the sounds you used were of the kind I had in mind earlier.

>> No.603172 [DELETED] 

the model is nice enough, now i just need to work on my shit rendering/presentation

it's an arch viz program with a built-in renderer but no good tuts :/

>> No.603227

It seems to me that character art gets more attention from normies than environments or individual assets. Feels VERY bad when your environment on which you spent months gets overshadowed by a cute anime girl somebody spent 2 days making.

>> No.603254

Nice wip

>> No.603255

I accidentaly posted here instead of general discussions, fuk.

>> No.603256

I don't "feel" that way.. wtf )))

I'm telling that legs of your character does not look right,
I know that character and it looks awesome, but your proportions are waaaay different than hers.

and don't take critique as insults...

>> No.603258

Love your work, keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.603281

i honestly didn't feel insulted by your crit. i appreciate your concern and the time you took to say it, but i think we can agree to disagree.

and you know, that's ok. we're all artists here and what we do is subjective.

i dunno, i've been loving the prop and environment work on here lately.

>> No.603301

boobs look weird

>> No.603308

Thanks dude!

You can see and prove this mentality on the front page of art station.

>> No.603338
File: 1.64 MB, 2160x2160, Mech_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finished this one, I'll be working on a personal kitbash library now while learning more about design and shit cause I got some good critiques that I need to improve on, this is probably my weakest post (correlated with being designed from my imagination)


>> No.603341

Guess you just gotta get fucking GUD scrub

>> No.603344

>You can see and prove this mentality on the front page of art station.
True, and particularly girl characters always dominate the front page.

Being "gud" is not the problem here. Normie won't understand my obsession with masterfully sculpted bricks and ground textures, but he sure can appreciate a nice pair of titties and a qt3.14 baby face.

>> No.603348
File: 8 KB, 815x152, chrome_2018-01-29_23-27-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, in compensation, if you scroll down just a tiny bit and browse the jobs available in companies, you can see that environment/lighting artist job openings are fucking everywhere and character artist jobs are scarce and the requirements are absolutely cutthroat more often than not.

You can sit there and be a big baby about it and say you don't like it but you haven't pulled the short end of the stick, even if you spend "months" working on a single environment and can't deliver results fast. But man my stuff isn't getting seen in the front page of artstation waahhhhh

>> No.603349

Well, since I'm not planning to work in the industry, it's nice to get some views and supporting words if my work is good enough, since that's all I've got.

>> No.603351

nice! i love the design. do you work in the industry?

i love this

=\ like i said before, i've been loving all the props and environments everyone has been posting. do you have a site of your work? i'd love to see it.

>> No.603423

It sure is nobody gives a fuck about realism unless its indistinguishable. Get gud.

>> No.603424

>nobody gives a fuck about realism unless its indistinguishable
So since you can't git gud in realism, you settle down for the easier stylized mangos.

>> No.603425

So when do we get to see her getting fucked?

>> No.603435

I don't work in the industry but I'm gonna break in eventually when I feel my skill is high enough

>> No.603437

>thinks modeling stylized characters that look good is easy
>genuinely believes you can deliver a character in two days of work

Mate, you are out of your gourd on this one. Pick up an anime character sheet to model and show your work here after two days if you legitimately think this is so easy.

>> No.603438

Not him but there are plenty of pro character artists that can make a character bust in a day or two. Obviously, you're delusional if you think you can do it without any experience, but it is possible.

>> No.603451

nice. you generally want to have even spacing around the spans of the leg. it may cause issues down your pipeline to have an area of high density on the outside of the leg vs where the leg meets the pelvis.
check out:
good stuff by the way =D

well, i understand if you don't feel ready. for what it's worth, i think you won't have too hard of a time landing into a place. best of luck when you do.

>> No.603459

>character sheet

>> No.603468

For how long have you been doing 3D? I remember you when you posted that alley in UE4, and I think you said you only then enrolled into some 3D program.

Do you aspire to be an environment artist or? Maybe I should start making some solo props like you because I only have a few environments, but since I focused on the big picture, I don't think that I now have anything portfolio worthy because every prop is kinda eh on it's own.

>> No.603469

Now that I think of it, I've probably mistaken you for another guy. The question still stands though. Even more interested if you are self-taught as well.

>> No.603476

I am fan of good environments personally. Maybe the thing is that you should make one finished piece and you'll have success. I've seen such works reaping likes on Artstation. It's a lot of work for one person but If the only thing you have is neat global illumination/fog/overall look it simply won't sell.

>> No.603479

I'm not the alley guy but I think I know who you're talking about. Really the only thing I aspire is to make good art, I can do environment art but as you can see on my portfolio that hasn't been my main focus. If you want to become an environment artist you should make environments, also since you focused on the big picture then post the big picture if you find the individual pieces weak (they usually are in an environment). I started 3D sometime summer 2015. Lately I've been inspired by hard surface dudes like Vitaly Bulgarov and Tor Frick and I really like what they do, so I also started doing that type of work

>> No.603492

Holy shit this is what I've needed, thank you so much.

>> No.603497

Looks like a futuristic motherboard...

Nothing in the design flows, and it all just seems "sci-fi for the sake of being sci-fi". Think the design through more and imagine a shipdesigner actually signing off on it.

>> No.603507


What's the problem here? You have hundreds to choose from.

>> No.603508

What character is it?

>> No.603517

I think he's laughing because you need character sheets to model. To "model", as well, you probably even talk about actual poly modeling for characters instead of sculpting which is the usual workflow. No wonder it will take a long time to create anything with that approach.

>> No.603519

It's okay to disagree on methods but we are strictly talking about two amateurs here who are doing things for likes and zeitgeist approval on the internet. Things are going to take a long time to be created regardless. Trying to dismiss box modelling approaches by saying sculpting is the "usual" workflow (not sure who decided that, there's plenty of sketchfab anime artists who can make it work on a reasonable period of time and they've probably never touched zBrush in their lives), commenting on skill and limiting it to just a character bust contrasted to a full environment is just silly. Also, not sure what the condescending attitude about character sheets is all about, references are good things and if you don't use them in 3D, you're starting off your projects with the wrong foot.

There are many factors that go into the speed and quality of work in a certain field, but to say two artists of relatively equal skill on their fields are going to take wildly different timeframes (MONTHS to TWO DAYS) to make something that would be considered fairly standard in said fields, then that's just silly and that guy is just mad people aren't sucking his dick for having posted some menial work somewhere.

>> No.603542 [DELETED] 

So I learned about Arrays yesterday, so I setup a few things to try and see if I can't make some custom ones. I came up with the idea for a small shack and went from a super basic drawing to some detailing on things I want to model and the basic idea for the textures for me to work with after.

Will be my first project like it, so hopefully its fun and I pick up the new techniques well.

>> No.603543
File: 164 KB, 1068x666, Small house concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I learned about Arrays yesterday, so I setup a few things to try and see if I can't make some custom ones. I came up with the idea for a small shack and went from a super basic drawing to some detailing on things I want to model and the basic idea for the textures for me to work with after. Will be my first project like it, so hopefully its fun and I pick up the new techniques well.

>> No.603549
File: 628 KB, 1513x866, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.603580
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, china lake wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idontknowwhatimdoing but i have created this

>> No.603605

do you know ze waay of the devaal?

>> No.603606

>this is probably my weakest post (correlated with being designed from my imagination)

I think that it's your best one, because you designed it yourself. and that's very good

>> No.603608
File: 92 KB, 580x390, D6R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks pretty and very well done.

As for design critique i tried to keep my engineering autism to myself but if you're asking for it it looks like there's nothing inside. It would look great in a styllised game like borderlands or something funny but it you want it to be taken seriously you gotta imagine how it would work. It doesnt look like the middle body has enough room in it for any kind of engine or ammo compartment, its like nothing could fit inside of it.

I would add some box shape with a radiator grid and something like exhaust pipes/nozzles/ vents on the rear and slap something like a camera so the robot can see shit etc. Generally I would make the body larger and give it more complex shape to make it look like there is something inside of it.
But that's just me the autist.

>> No.603626
File: 655 KB, 1240x881, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.603628

I was laughing because picking character sheet is a joke compared to all the research you need to do to create anything decent in UE4. Even If it takes you more than 2 days to create a character it's relatively easy If you're not doing it for the first time. I did not intend to make fun of this method because I have to use something similar too when creating low poly characters for mobile games. It's totally ok. Just don't make this environment guy feel bad with your comments. And by the way Im not any of those environment artists, it's just retarded me. I hope this stupid laugh did not make you feel bad in any way. Next time I will take my time to express my thoughts in a better manner

>> No.603630

I agree with this guy and I'm not even an autist/engineer. It's just one of those details our minds can subconsciously pick up without even realizing thay, like anatomy. By the same way we can detect the absence of structural logic in an object. There could also come troubles with animating such models... Actually, now that I think of it, I could be autistic.

>> No.603637

not the artist to the piece you're referring to. but i do find this crit insightful. i do enjoy the original design as it's sleek and futuristic...and to be honest the lack of room didn't even cross my mind. 'absence of structural logic' is nicely worded, and i wonder how the original artist will proceed with that in mind.

can either one of you further expand on how to approach this moving forward without falling into the same oversights like in >>603088

>> No.603638

You could get some schemes of the real ships, bulldozers trucks and aircraft to look into to get inspired. Even fictonal ones.
Look at the Falcon it has fuckloads of detail slapped on in some fictional order to create an illusion of being thought out. You dont have to get super technical about it but you have to think about some fictionary mechanics behind it
>Shit glows blue
>where does the blue glow come from?
>Add some pipes with blue glowing stuff
>where do the pipes lead?
>Add some blue glowing goo tank
>How if it held together?
>Add some structural support
>how would a technician fix it?
>Add some hatches, doors, handles, stairs corrigation CAUTION BLUE GLOWING GOO signs, BLUE GLOW HAZARD AHEAD, drop a technicians forgotten wrench somewhere etc. And wires. wires are everywhere.

>> No.603639
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x1691, 09E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the fcking image

Actually a lot of good old sci-fi have schemes like this of different complexity.

Heavy gear assault have modelled entire mech anatomy showing off what is under armor.
Too bad the game is dogshit and MWO is also dogshit, would love a good giant robot game.

>> No.603650
File: 382 KB, 1415x783, bf5bc0ead3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on a KV-1, I plan on making a KV-2 turret to throw on it after I finish this

>> No.603651
File: 636 KB, 1567x848, 03be38520e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.603676

Nothing about this makes sense, The armor ratio doesn't make sense, it doesn't seem like it would be functionally movable at all , why is it so dirty and yet the chrome is spotless? Why is there a rail on-top? is it a gun or a rivet machine? if so where are the bullets held/rivets stored? materials are wonky looking and there is some stretching on the textures at some seams, also to really nitpick the lighting is super unnatural and seems to be coming from just about every direction.

It's just SO 3rd grade, gundam "i've run out of ideas and originality" generic.

>> No.603681

>It's just SO 3rd grade, gundam "i've run out of ideas and originality" generic.

Just like 99% of all 3D work. Welcome to the cruel, harsh reality, Anon.

>> No.603684 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 811x670, Nezumimi_rework.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make the joints all ball joints. There is a mechanical toy spider you could use as reference.

I prefer the KV-2. Nothing is more scary then a tank with a tool shed for a turret. Looks like your going low -poly. I want to see how you do the treads and wheels.

Update of NezuMimi. Going to start texturing the face tonight.

>> No.603686
File: 91 KB, 811x670, Nezumimi_rework.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make the joints all ball joints. There is a mechanical toy spider you could use as reference.

I prefer the KV-2. Nothing is more scary then a tank with a tool shed for a turret. Looks like your going low -poly. I want to see how you do the treads and wheels.

Update of NezuMimi. Going to start texturing the face tonight.

>> No.603694
File: 249 KB, 1200x645, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heya, /3/. Check out the restroom for my glory hole sim.

>> No.603695

Are you going to add a vagina at some point?

I would literally pay to see her getting brutally fucked.

>> No.603697

Stop the ride, I want to get off...

>> No.603705

There is no point to model stuff that never going to be seen. That and I am showing my friends this model. I rather not have that awkward moment.

Its not that I haven't thought of making lewds. Its just not high on the list. I'm still wrapping my head around proper arm deformation.


>> No.603718

I hope you make the core gameplay so that you only know who is blowing you, whether it is >>602909 or OP himself instead, after you cum.

>> No.603719

>That and I am showing my friends this model. I rather not have that awkward moment.
You could have two versions, the “presentable“ and the “anatomically complete”.

>> No.603720

>I want to get off
You too, huh?

>> No.603721
File: 51 KB, 610x740, 3d6f283c75[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I only had to attempt a bake one time and it came out perfect. No artifacts or anything.

>> No.603724
File: 152 KB, 1059x722, Wug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UV unwrapping is being weird. This may take longer then I hoped. Going to try making it in separate pieces tomorrow. Have'nt had this problem before.

That wont fool my friends. I be better off making the model easily copied by posting isometric wire frames then have Anon make a lewd version.

Nice details. I all ways wanted to try baking.

>> No.603725

This guy here, pretty much at the same point as you, I got your back:

These are from a kind anon in the thread earlier:

Good animation starts with proper topology.

Also this book is awesome for rigging:

Its a little old but it holds up, its also being redone as we speak so there will be a 2018 edition very soon.


If your dedicated you will find a copy of it somewhere.

>> No.603726

please ask me to post the model of my waifu that I'm working on!

>> No.603728

>I be better off making the model easily copied by posting isometric wire frames then have Anon make a lewd version.
If that’s not a problem, just upload the mesh somewhere and somebody will put a vagina into it.

>> No.603729

Odd, try turning on symmetry and then do it again maybe its like zbrush in that regard. It also looks like you are using an older version? This looks like the 2014 or 2015 edition. If you can I recommend upgrading. The uv tools in the newer versions are much better.

>> No.603730

Show us anon

>> No.603739
File: 2.45 MB, 960x720, Path + Array + Rotat + Lattice + Decimate + Curve.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned a lot today. I can think of so many things this could be used for. But I'm going to use it for creating the vines I plan to put on the side of this. >>603543

>> No.603744

I like this. You should print a desk model.

>> No.603751

don't forget, you can also subdivide that path by selecting points and pressing w.

>> No.603768

curve brush in blender? ))

>> No.603769

Thanks senpai
You are 100% right regardless of any autism, I mostly ignored any logic behind it because "muh scifi"
One day I'll print my models out, would be very neat

>> No.603780


i'm glad you found those links useful =D
cool progress so far, keep it up buddy

i'm enjoying this character. how far are you going to take it?

this is really cool.

>> No.603783

eh, meant to link >>603686, not >>603695

>> No.603795

How to do this?

>> No.603798

Me likes. But yeah, as many have complained you've deviated too far from standard proportions. It's not a bad thing if it looks good to you; but you may not gain a large audience because a lot of people actually prefer something closer to standard proportions.

>> No.603800

hmm, well, i'll see what i can do. thanks for the advice

>> No.603801

I'm going for grimy. Anyone know where to get grungy, stained textures from?

>> No.603802

Many tentacles will squirt when this hits mainstream.Is there a way to cap off the array with a dick head and put a set of testes at the base?

Also is there a way to generate bones along the path for animution

>> No.603806

If you read the filename it tells you exactly 'how do that'...

>> No.603810

No shit, but it won't work if I just drop those modifiers in the stack... And what does "rotat(e)" mean there?

>> No.603812

Rotate the empty (set as object offset in the array modifier) so each new copy of the base object is rotated by some amount relative to the preceding one.

>> No.603820

Wow thanks for the link.

She my Waifu.

I will try that. It used to work find before.

Tried finding a better version on pirate bay. Not much luck. I regret not buying a permanent licences when I had the chance.

>> No.603830
File: 23 KB, 1200x645, LOPOdic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well screw you and your hi poly dicks

>> No.603832

>*Waifus everywhere laugh at the low polycount of his dick*

>> No.603841

My understanding is, you can let the array have a base, and a cap by just selecting an object.

>> No.603842
File: 2.12 MB, 1000x720, Path + Array + Rotat + Lattice + Decimate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little clip should be enough to get you going. The last part is the Curve, which I hadn't added yet in this video, but it's straight forward and should be on the bottom of the modifier list. It will follow the same Nerb you would setup for the array.

>> No.603854
File: 477 KB, 2738x1161, 1478696231256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while since I've been in here.

This was the last thing i was working on months ago, I kind of just gave up on modelling as the UV WRAP shit almost gave me an aneurysm and I just couldn't quite get it right, and I really don't have the motivation to learn anymore, and don't get many ideas. Not sure this shit is for me.

>> No.603855

The design looks cool, you got a UV map, how about trying something like painting it in Substance?

>> No.603859

my friend said the unwrapped pieces were all in the wrong place on the uv map and I needed to put shit that's close together on the model in a certain spot and i wouldnt be able to texture right as it's layed out right now or something from what i remember. Like I said I have no motivation to learn this anymore and it's all very overwhelming.

>> No.603867

AFAIK the location on the UV map doesn’t matter (unless we go deeply technical about VRAM buffers and such, I’d guess).

It’s best if you can pack more things close together (more texture bits per part = better quality), but for beginning practice an automatic unwrap can be enough.

What matters most is that you put your seams in the least visible parts of the model. Then paint away.

Just trying a little thing now may give you the motivation for going after more.

>> No.603879
File: 213 KB, 1484x1512, catgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done any /3/ in ages and it's time to jump back in. Design is based on the Lyn race from Blade and Soul which i know nothing about other than i liked the design of this race. I'm not a weeb furfag I swear.
Does it need clothing? I'm too brain dead to come up with an interesting costume so i thought i'd just go for an Ori and the blind Forest style character, i.e almost no texturing and glowing eyes.

>> No.603902

>dat unwrap
Why would you not straighten out most of these curved strips? Stretching will be minimal (they're just long strips) and will allow you to use more than 30% of your UV space, not to mention your bake will be cleaner compared to having a ton of aliasing in the normal map edges. (Also, consider packing this in 2x1 format instead of a square).

>> No.603903

Ah, didn't see you were fairly new. Well, your friend is feeding you outdated BS, seeing as with programs that let you paint your textures in 3d (such as Substance Painter), island placement is mostly irrelevant.

Have you tried looking up guides on how to unwrap in Blender? Doing that shit can be an absolute pain if you don't know the right tools, but should be fairly straightforward with the right technique.

>> No.603905

that hair is simple and elegant, good job

>> No.603929
File: 1.21 MB, 2160x2160, Rover_Wip_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I'm currently working on

>> No.603936


>> No.603972
File: 491 KB, 3736x2152, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forget to turn isometric view off
>try to sculpt face
>turn it off

This is worse than painting on the wrong layer.

>> No.603973

I think I may just buy the book and spend one of my days off to scan and upload it for the rest of you guys.

>> No.604056
File: 125 KB, 1781x845, blender_2018-02-03_02-49-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing with the simple gradient texture method as of late.
I love how quickly you can get results.
Not sure if I like the area near the tip being darker like that. Should I brighten it up?

>> No.604057

Your friend might be an ass.
As long as the end result looks fine, who cares about small gains?
You do have a lot of wasted space in the UV, but that will come with time.
Nobody is perfect and 3D should be about having fun and making cool shits.
End result is literally all that matters.
Unless you're making a game for a phone or some shit.

>> No.604090
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1000, YetiMic test render5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot about this and finished the modeling apart from the fucking logo today. The only thing left besides that are the text prints above the buttons and trying make it actually look good composition and color wise.

But goddamn I hate the fucking logo, when I import it as svg the resulting mesh is such a fucking mess that I can't warp it neatly around the mic without getting clipping or some other bullshit. I'll probably have to hand model it from scracth, which is the one thing I wanted to avoid.

>> No.604094
File: 148 KB, 960x540, t34Rend3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha ha, good to know I'm not the only one making a commie tank

>> No.604100

What's even the point of chromatic abomination? To me it just looks awful

>> No.604110

Are you basing it on a real rover or is it more of a concept?

>> No.604111

Mimicking the look of real lenses, which all have chromatic aberration to a degree. (Yep, usually much, much less than used in renders, even with old lenses.)

>> No.604115


>> No.604119

yeah it has to be real subtle, I used it in old renders a bit too strongly

>> No.604136
File: 70 KB, 960x800, quickVoxel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing today with magicaVoxel. Really really bad UX and a pain to make anything thats not a building. Is there at least a way to multiselect? Should I return to blender?

>> No.604138
File: 772 KB, 960x540, HospitalRend4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, still slowly working from time to time with >>602138 . The more changes I make the more I want to start something else.

>> No.604139

Concept by someone who made these for national geographic I believe, wether for irl or for a documentary

>> No.604141

theres something off about his ears, are they too low?

>> No.604154
File: 156 KB, 1600x860, GHoleSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out.

>> No.604185

Well, to (extremely) broadly summarize what >>603638 said and not to repeat him, the object has to conform to the rules of a given universe.

Even if the universe is fictional, chances are it borrowed most, if not all its rules with the exception of few from the real world.
And the object has to show for it. I mean you have to consider everything from rules of physics to the rules of social interactions among the universes' inhabitants, which is, of course, impossible.
Instead you could learn to discern some tendencies from the real world and translate them to 3d through the lens of your imagined universe. For example, on Earth most upright objects that can balance have a broader base and a slimmer top.
So, if you're making a game set on some planet with a stronger gravity than Earth's, you extrapolate the information you got from that observation: make objects' bases even wider and objects' tops even slimmer, and probably make them lower overall.
And that's just one of the countless things you can observe, most of that you even pick up subconsciously.

Again, I'm speaking in such broad terms because I'm trying not to repeat what the guy before said, so it may sound a little funny. I'm the second guy you quoted, btw.

>> No.604290

What's the full model look like?

>> No.604381

Not the modeler of this model but here >>602790

>> No.604462
File: 37 KB, 537x450, scrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a blacksmith in training, I think it's a cool design!
It would be interesting if you'd experiment with tapering down the ends of the scrolls to give it a nice flow as to the abrupt endings on the inside.

>> No.604525
File: 89 KB, 1929x859, 14796732540645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a drone I was working on previously, this is more of a proof of concept around what I want the final one to look like. I got inspired by some Maschinen Krieger styled one:


not really happy with main body shape, I guess I'll explore some more options later.

>> No.604554

Nugget owner here: I rate 7.62/7.62
would die for the Motherland with this.

>> No.604568
File: 124 KB, 1920x1080, Small_House_working.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started to fiddle around with the basic layout tonight. I'm not sure how exactly to set this up as I feel setting these up as separate meshes is wrong.

I'm going to keep doing the courses I'm working through before I go any further just to see if there is anything I can do that will make things go smoother.

>> No.604601
File: 205 KB, 1920x1080, Hall_Working.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So decided to mess with the array and mirror tool some more before going further. Anyone have any suggestions on shit I could start working more on to help this sort of stuff?

The entire room consists of 5 objects, using mirror and multiple arrays on each for the floor and ceiling.

>> No.604731
File: 160 KB, 625x851, wip_knight_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can find an application for what you have linked.Thanks.

>> No.604754

The colors look a bit washed out, since it's cartoony you can make them more intense (saturation level), also I think the dirt / shadows / AO should be a bit darker or at least have SOME dark areas, also there's nothing that breaks up the symmetry (scratches, dents, or just the natural asymmetry that comes from hand making a sword IRL).

Is this meant to be hand painted, or a kind of procedural not-quite-toon-shader shader? Either way, there's no shadows (hand painted or otherwise) other than the sort of AO / dirt / edge stuff. If hand painted, decide where the light source is going to be (often directly over head) and then add shadows under the pommel, under the hilt, etc.
If custom shader, add or research a method to allow for dynamically darkening areas of the mesh based on normals and a "light" source

>> No.604756
File: 297 KB, 1628x532, lens_distortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't sculpt in perspective mode, you dolt. Your sculpt looks "bad" because you don't understand cameras or lenses.

Your scene camera isn't going to be an inch away from the model's face, if it is its going to look distorted (just like in real life) unless you adjust the camera settings.
You don't notice the distortion with your own human eyeballs because 1) you don't know what to look for and 2) your visual cortex does all kinds of interpolation and abstraction based on the multitude of visual snapshots your eyes are taking every second to form an image "in your mind". Which, incidentally, is the very feature exploited by all manner of optical illusion including VR and 3d glasses.

TL;DR set your camera lens to 120mm if you're going to have it super close to the model's face

>> No.604762

and yet all those photos are each super super wrong

>> No.604770

>claims something
>doesn't elaborate
enlighten us anon

>> No.604771

if you don't understand optics you'll never make it in the industry


>> No.604772

I think I understand but I don't see what is wrong with that image.

>> No.604773

you are hopeless then

>> No.604774

He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about either. Classic dodging the question.

>> No.604775

My thoughts too, yeah.

>> No.604777

gg yourself, ive been in the industry doing rendering for 10 years
stop talking out of your ass and explain your point


>> No.604779

I've been procrastinating like a mad man these couple of days, so I've been on this board a lot, and I have to say, the amount of lazy trolls, ruined threads and arguments has possibly reached all time high. I feel like I'm in a constant warfare with somebody, Blender vs Autodesk all the fucking day long, and now add to that random insults and pointless misinformations like these >>604762 and you can hardly have a worse time here. I posted a lot in the last 2 days, and I got only 2 useful and positive replies, the rest were standard "blendlet" insults and similar. I don't know how many of you are willfully ruining this board, but I think that introducing IDs on /3/ would be extremely beneficial.

>> No.604841

oy vey

>> No.604866

Are you the guy who keeps ranting about his 3D enviro not getting love?

Remember in life you can’t control what happens all the time, but you can control how you handle what happens. Like nigga just walk away from the screen etc.

>> No.604878

That's looking pretty cool

>> No.604907
File: 415 KB, 970x1852, body WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a mixture of an anime and pixar style waifu

>> No.604910

Nope, do you think there are like 5 people on this board or something?

>> No.604912

yea, there's at least 10 people who frequent here

>> No.604916

Nice psx look

>> No.604928

Ayy lmao.

>> No.604979
File: 322 KB, 1596x947, Barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propmaking for a scene in an abadoned sewer

>> No.604981

It is incredibly obvious that this board, and the WIP threads especially, is made up of a small group of frequent posters.

>> No.604988

Too shiny/10

Also, does that barrel seal properly? It seems like that wouldn't seal properly. I'm concerned. Might contact an health and safety agency.

>> No.604993

That's pretty good.

You gonna rig it too?

>> No.604995
File: 695 KB, 1024x1024, ghss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.604996

Add a gloryhole.

>> No.604998

Pretty good job there. Personally I think you should add clothes, and if you can't come up with a design yourself, just borrow from the internet. Even if you steal the base of a costume from a game or concept art you will probably find something that you want to change and make it your own design.

Either way, don't push yourself to do it if you feel finished with the project, nothing is worse than working on something you already deemed finished. Just don't fall into the trap of saying it's finished just because you are too lazy to finish the job. Follow your vision through.

>> No.604999

Honestly, I've never seen the point in doing "exercises" of this kind. I just always worked on things I liked to create and if I hit something I didn't know how to make or go about I just looked it up at the time and learned about it.

Does this actually give you something, to just do random hallways and stuff? I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything, it's just that my process is different I guess.

>> No.605001

>does this actually give you something
Memory is all. I'm following the courses over at Cookie, and it's been a lot of help. After working on a lesson there I'll jump into a few things to practice and experiment with things.

The biggest reason I'm fiddling with this is because for the roof on the house I'm going to work on will be using arrays. The same thing was done for the corners and doorway of this house, >>604568. It lets me learn how to do something before I actually go into details and making it look nice.

Before I would do things like you were where I just learned something if I needed to do it, or felt like it was worth picking up. Now I'm going through and decided to learn as much as I can from the start instead of just grabbing something once I need it.

>> No.605006

In due time. The character will have 3 holes to work with when she's skilled enough.

>> No.605045
File: 319 KB, 859x539, javaw_2018-02-01_01-20-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally none of those things in that image.
The model is just UVwrapped over a simple gradient texture. That's why there's no detail.
I posted this over in a different thread.
The assets are never rendered very big and it's just for representing stuff in a digital DnD session, detailed was never the idea. Just pumping shit out.

>> No.606476

It's a very tiny tub for an elf.