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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 33 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
601668 No.601668 [Reply] [Original]

Would you let him?

>> No.601673

>6m55s before he advertises his own site
That must have been hard for him.

>> No.601674
File: 28 KB, 502x800, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blender user
>physically threatening
pick one

>> No.601686

He first needs to show me how to make a fucking donut without having to pause every 10 moves and back tracking constantly before I can make anything worthwhile.

Fuck, I really need a better teacher of Blender

>> No.601689

No. He's always pissed me off for some reason.
Even before I knew what I was doing.

>> No.601690
File: 82 KB, 287x190, what_does_he_mean_by_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems so jaded suddenly and actually fucking started shilling for Substance Painter FOR FUCKING TILES, as if it's impossible to make tiles like that in Blender.
I mean, if he did something that actually made good use of SP, I'd understand, but vanilla ass tiles?
Come the fuck on.

>> No.601696

He's a good starting point, he's a little long winded (in the sense of inefficient use of words as opposed to lynda "drown you in technical details"), but he does give you a little more theory than the pure paint by numbers "press exactly this series of buttons because I said so" videos.

Teaching is really hard, it's its own skill, there are plenty of artists that are good artists but bad teachers, I'd say he's a decent artist and a pretty good teacher and a GREAT salesman.
I personally can't fault him for trying to make money, he donates to the Blender foundation (I think, I actually can't quite remember) and he certainly raises the visibility of Blender.
He and Gleb Alexandrov need to be merged, Gleb is a great artist but a terrible teacher

Also I would let him slap my ass, even though he'd need to stop the video and start over a couple times because the first six times he slapped my thigh, my balls, my face, my chest, then finally my ass (twice, but used the first take for the final video).

>> No.601698

I've heard that BornCG is the best person to get started on Blender with. Doesn't bog down with technical crap like Andrew does but treats the tutorials from an artist perspective? Idk, I should sit down at watch them but that's what I've heard.

>> No.601701

First he used Substance DESIGNER.
Second, SD is perfect for producing tiles.
Third, you are obviously too stupid too realize whats going on.

>> No.601704
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1504415629688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitching about substance
>actually making tiles in fucking Blender
/3/ finds new lows every single day

>> No.601709

you forgot that he uses word "shilling" on top of everything.
I just think(I want to), that some people are trolling and actually, don't mean what they are saying here, sometimes......

>> No.601710


>> No.601711

Delete your account.

>> No.601713
File: 24 KB, 240x180, bitch-please-rage-face-240x180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't be that stupid!

>> No.601738

hello, andrew.
when i saw the vid your pic is referencing i instantly knew why you made a new format.
you've been browsing /3/ for long enough to realize that most people here hated your old format of the "traditional tutorial".
but i've known you've been here for awhile.
i know many things about this site that most would find startling.

here's your feedback:
>new format is better
>the fact that your a main "blender guy" but you had no idea about how good the texture painting in blender was is almost shocking. seriously.
>make game engine tutorials you fuck!
>also, fix your fucking shaders. those wall textures are way too shiny.
other than those things, good job.

>> No.601746

His texture painting comment got me too. Out of everything in Blender, that's got to be the easiest thing to figure out.

>> No.601808

>implying he posts on /3/
dude, don't want to meme here but that's a 100% reddit person

>> No.601811

as long as we are on the topic, does anyone have a good resource going over the workflow for making procedural textures in blender? Thinks like tiles, noise, etc?

I know there are some built-in ones, but they aren't always useful.

>> No.601822
File: 37 KB, 680x637, 1514558048976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw searched far and wide like an autist and finally torrented substance painter and didnt know that I can texture paint in blender until I entered this thread

Holy fuck I'm retarded

>> No.601824
File: 1.84 MB, 221x245, 14676875454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gleb Alexandrov

>mfw I TRY to go through his videos

He is very talented and I am very grateful for him sharing his knowledge but the way he talks doesn't make it easy. Not sure what it is since a Russian accent alone or similar is no problem but he has a certain way to annoy you while you try to suck up knowledge.

>> No.601863

>considering blender over substance
yes, you are retarded

>> No.601879

I think there's some tuts about the very basics, but I don't think there's any regarding things like tiles or scales.

Also, it really shouldn't be too hard to use Blender's own texture paint system Andrew. Guess we'll have to rely on someone else to tell us.

>> No.601887

And naou we maust muove our window twoo make rume faur the new viewpaort

>> No.601891

Wew okay then I won't use the blender thing

>> No.601892

The first Gleb video I watched I thought he was fucking joking with a gag voice.

>> No.601893

>100% reddit person
i would agree with you if this was 2016 or earlier.
but we are now in the chan-age.
everyday more and more people are becoming shitposters.
mr. price has been here since march 2017.

>> No.601897

What an oddly specific month, why is that?

But yeah, when he mentioned PureRef, that was another clue he might be lurking /3/ because one guy talked about it here recently. But then again, I saw some people mention it in 80lv articles as well, so it might just be that PureRef is getting popular these days.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really like the new format.

>> No.601910

>But yeah, when he mentioned PureRef

I made the thread about free usefull plugins/softwares and then I posted PureRef as second post...
I am not that guy tho... I am one of the anons who post here regularly.
but you were like: ohh... PureRef!!! this is definitely him!!!
you know how I find about PureRef? I googled "image reference soft"... then shared it because, I thought it is useful.

you people really amaze me, how you come up with shitty "tin-foil" theories, about things that literally mean nothing. I'm just really curious how you link things like that.

and you all, really underestimate how big 4chan is.

>> No.601913

>oddly specific month, why is that?
because that was the month.
that's really all there is to that.
>inb4 "how you know dat?"
>i know many things about this site that most would find startling.

>> No.601916

It's really not that big, at least /3/. You probably have no idea how many times I talked to you and some other people here.

But ok, I was joking a bit, that was really a stretch, but I really did notice how often is PureRef being mentioned lately.

>> No.601917

Cont. But honestly, I'm probably just experiencing Baader-Meinhof phenomenon.

>> No.601918
File: 454 KB, 1282x872, pol_is_news_af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's really not that big
nevar forget that 4chan is news.

>> No.601921

I'll fix my previous reply: some boards are big but I think /3/ and some others aren't.

>> No.601949

agree /3 is not big, we are very few who actually post here, but any 3d artist who comes to 4chan will go here, if he/she ever noices /3. so there is big chance that many people will eventually visit this place.

PureRef is being talked about, because it is really good free software,and literally every artist needs reference software.
also there is not that much reference softwares out there.

>> No.601953 [DELETED] 

Wait. That can't be recent. As far as I know they now prohibit it to show up like that.

>> No.601961

Actually is think that at this path /3/ will get lots of people, maybe one day chink moot will create 3dCgchan or something

>also theres not that much references software out there

Nigga, when i was watching cgpeers i found like 25 different torrents for reference images, I'm the faggot who posted about kuadro

>> No.601966

that means they are paid ones. most people won't buy them because there is already very good one. for free. I'd donate 10$ to PureRef guys rather than buy other one.
anyway, i thought they were not that much. but whoever uses PureRef everyone is praising it. and I've seen many people artists use it. I've never watched that OP-guy's videos tho

>> No.602491

>He and Gleb Alexandrov need to be merged, Gleb is a great artist but a terrible teacher
I can't fucking stand Gleb and his stupid over the top energetic "jokes".
Its so annoying just get the camera of your face and stick to the tutorial.

>> No.602516

I feel represented when I watch Glebs videos. He has an accent of people I could find locally ( eastern europe ). I think its sort of refreshing to hear his accent, not often do people with such strong accents come out and start making good tutorials

>> No.602697

>Gleb is a great artist but a terrible teacher
Eh, I think Gleb is a good teacher if you already know your basics. He's a great intermediate teacher because his tutorials mostly give you what you need to know, not every little bit of minutia between.
Plus his voice make me happy and he's cute. CUTE!

>> No.602703

This. He talks like he is high on Speed. Much too fast. And he gets off topic every second sentence. His art is really great, but it's impossible to follow his tutorials.

>> No.602808

>look mommie i did identity politics AND vee logic all in one post can i have tendies now

>> No.602813

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

>> No.603346

Well, at least he brought up identity politics.

>> No.603576
File: 197 KB, 446x401, 2018-01-31-1517388707_553x521_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can really feel the sexual tension here

>> No.603583

Could be worse, it could be that german guy. It's like listening to Elmer from Looney tunes.

>> No.603627

or you know... indian ))

>> No.603688


"Blenderguru - The gay manga" when

>> No.603696

He can slap my ass all night if it means I can pick that brain clean.

>> No.603766
File: 143 KB, 426x425, Andurpurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be joking.
He's a decent enough artist I guess.
He talks like he's autistic though.

>> No.603869


How's Pixar, cunt?

>> No.603885

Andrew please, no need to be upset.

>> No.603985

I feel the same with MrSorbias as a Finn. It's weird and comfy at the same time.

>> No.603995

cheeky fucking cunt mate

>> No.604028
File: 131 KB, 759x874, anvil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to take a walk in second life after a long time again
>see an anvil
>suspect something
>click inspect object
>anvil was created 31st of july 2017
>andrew's anvil tutorial came out in 26th of july 2017


>> No.604029
File: 227 KB, 600x450, 1514468196687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.604034

Anyone else occasionally rub these things and pretend that you're teasing a nipple? Asking for a friend.

>> No.604035

sadly, feels way too hard to get the feeling of a real nipple.

>> No.604036

It helps if you treat it as the nipple of the laptop instead of a human nipple.

>> No.605100

he's pretty much the best tutor at the moment

>> No.605153


>> No.605823

they're so dreamy