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File: 56 KB, 850x570, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
599148 No.599148 [Reply] [Original]

I`m trying to learn Anime/manga 3D modeling, but I don`t think I`m getting things right...
Just give me some tips and your thoughts on the model so far...

>> No.599152

>I`m trying to learn Anime/manga 3D modeling
There's your fucking problem.

Animu and Mango are supposed to be fucking 2D.
That shit does not look good 3D with all the computer shit instead of being hand-drawn.

>> No.599157

this definitely deserves its own thread

>> No.599159
File: 393 KB, 628x326, thishit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, not exactly ANIME.
But anime style...

>> No.599160

This fucking board deserves every thread that is not another software pissing contest.
Also, it's one of the slowest, so calm your fucking tits

>> No.599161

You do realize that most of this is baked in AO, various skin shadings and when looking at your OP your eye shape is completely wrong?

>> No.599163
File: 279 KB, 1200x800, DERPserk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to agree with you on that. After doing R&D on cel-shading, 2D/3D compositing and stylized modeling & rendering for almost 18 years, witnessing several hardware/software revolutions and technological paradigms, I came to the sobering conclusion that there is currently nothing I (or most other artists) can do to satisfactorily mimic 2D artwork - especially hand-inked artstyles - with 3D CG.

All attempts, even the latest, look off and wrong. Nothing of this 3D 'Anime' work is pleasant to look at. The argument 'good enough' is not satisfactory and usually used by dilettantes to justify compromises or technical inaptitude. As someone with classical art training (oil, acrylics, Chinese ink, airbrush) I cannot accept this attitude.

"Render unto 2D the things that are 2D's, and unto 3D the things that are 3D's."

>> No.599164

What software is that?

>> No.599174

Learn to make shaders. Using very simple geometry and the correct shaders, you can make some impressive work. A lot of Breath of the Wild's beauty is achieved through their shaders and their models are easily lopo by today's standards.

>> No.599192

IMO RWBY Volume 5 looks pretty decent

>> No.599193

Also checkout Daniel Kreuter

>> No.599202

This looks like it's done by people who don't understand the medium they try to emulate.
Really jarring to the eye. Looks like a video game cutscene.

>> No.599204
File: 50 KB, 750x421, ugay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes it works

>> No.599205

Sadly it's actually an improvement over the previous seasons. The fag who made it basically stole everything. Then he died and nobody gave a fuck and continued to make his shitty chinese cartoon because money.
>medium they try to emulate
This. If you want to get good looking 3D that emulates 2D, first you need to become a "master" at that style.
Don't try to bake bread, if you don't even know how to operate a toaster. So to speak.

>> No.599209



>> No.599230
File: 191 KB, 303x332, chrome_2018-01-03_04-15-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay geniuses, we get it, you don't like when people try to do 2D in 3D because it looks off to you and any transgression to this opinion is haram in your book. You can go back to doing your guns and your swamp monsters now, no need to get so uppity about this.

>> No.599245

Seems to me the opinions were mixed, are you sure you aren't the one uppity about this?
Personally it's hit and miss for me. I like some of the stuff that mimics the style, but a lot of it is uncanny valley as fuck.

>> No.599248

not really lad...

>> No.599258
File: 15 KB, 477x506, sofar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far...
I think it looks kinda nice, but I don't think I got it right yet...
Random shader I found btw.

>> No.599259
File: 17 KB, 429x587, sofar2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.599268

You are a real pleb if you settle for ugly, half-assed shit.

>> No.599275
File: 23 KB, 433x332, 26168292_117233775744587_2341794888695105523_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Can I get those tips and thoughts on the model I asked for?

>> No.599278


anything will look incomplete when it's missing eyelashes, eyebrows, eyes, hair, ears etc.

Looking good so far, shader definitely makes it look nicer

go to sketchfab and look at other anime models for guidance

watch more anime and take note of how heads and faces change shape when animated

use a gosh darn reference

what more can you ask for as far as tips go? anime models are greatly defined by the features your WIP is missing (hair etc.) and texturing/shading plays a massive part in the final result

>> No.599284
File: 420 KB, 682x560, ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, you really helped with those Sketchfab models.
And I'm using a reference. Akari from YuruYuri.

>> No.599286

Most anime models I see on Sketchfab use only diffuse to mimic the effects of cell-shading.
It looks nice and it's easier, but it doesn't takes de ''fun'' and beauty out of it?

>> No.599290

All you naysayers haven't seen it done right yet.

>> No.599318

Hate to break it to ya, and to all for that matter. In order for anime style models to look ok, they need to change from angle to angle to accomadate for liberties taken in 2D animation. Anime isnt drawn perfectly, with geometry in mind. The reason the guilty gear shit looks nice is because they mimic the 2d art style and change models and shading in 3d, where 2D would too.

>> No.599327

anime is garbage, why does 4chan like it so much?

>> No.599330

There is no differrence in anime/real topology, just variation in the shape

Learn how to do the basics and then use them to do animu :P

>> No.599331

ARC System is doing pretty good imo my friend

>> No.599332

Op here... This just creates even more questions...

>> No.599334
File: 152 KB, 800x548, TomCrazyfoolParker_topology_breakdown[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the problem? That takes effort but I dont see why that should be a detriment. You want good shit, you work to get it. You could allways get the videogame level without much complication.


Not really there is plenty of ifo about it, and its not that complicated once you try it a couple of times

>> No.599335

btw, to get more control over the shadows, dont change the shape. The shape should be good to the silouette, for more shading here an there, modify the normals, not the shape.

>> No.599349

Considering the amount of work the regular /3/'er puts in, that' ll be too much work

>> No.599390

Looks cheap compared to 2D cel animation. Next.

>> No.599391

Your taste is low and shitty.

>> No.599415

Black Rock Shooter was 3D, and it look really good

>> No.599417


>> No.599418

I agree

I thought we were finally getting somewhere with Arpeggio of Blue Steel
I'm talking about the characters, not the ships.
It looks much better when they try to animate everything like the 2d, without tween animation and curves.

BUT that series is over 4 years old now, and every other series that used 3d for their characters was a step back (Berserk being a perfect example)

The only other series that was on the same level was probably Seikaisuru Kado

and like you mentioned that is still not enough.

It lacks all the imperfections

>> No.599423

3d looks terrible when you try to "Mimic" 2d. Plus i find people use 3d to describe any computer generated effects, a great deal of animations rely on cg effects to streamline the workflow

>> No.599470
File: 1.11 MB, 1104x872, aka3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got the main shape of the face done...
The back part of the head wont be a problem since the hair will cover it I guess.

>> No.599477

The problem is not the shape, its the lighting.
Anime tends to have flat tones all over, even the slightest shading makes it look odd.
Most 3d anime stuff looks terrible because it breaks the immersion, like a full-body, faced kigurumi.

So just pay attention to the lighting, I guess. Nailing the "anime aesthetic" is not as important since its supposed to be hand drawn so it obviously differs from one artist to another.

>> No.599532

OP, your model doesn't look "anime" because it has too much mesh detail and not enough texture detail.
Look at some models that you like with the "anime" tag on Sketchfab and then inspect it in wireframe mode. You'll often see that the eyes are painted on to a round (convex) or flat surface with no inset (no concavity), or are even painted onto floating planes that float in front of the skull.
The nose is usually extremely (disgustingly) minimal. Lines are often painted onto the texture to create contrast or suggest the presence of features via hard shadows (bridge of the nose, elbow, knees, creases in the skin at arm and leg joints).

Lighting is also a big deal, you can't rely on a single lighting source or method. The goal is to recreate the errors made by 2D artists, and that means characters are lit in a general way that varies little between indoor or outdoor other than their shadows. If you want smooth / even shading you're going to have to manually adjust the normals per frame, any time you get lazy about this you'll have irregularly shaped shading that immediately stands out (even if someone can't say why it looks wrong, they know it looks wrong).
Watch this video for theory:

Watch these videos for tutorials:

>> No.599654
File: 803 KB, 500x300, a4D97iR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here sempai. Notice how at 1:32 most of the colors remain flat with only slight shading. It's almost like color field painting

>> No.599664

You can use any 3D modelling package to model in 2D as well. You must be incredibly retarded or lying for not knowing this after "doing R&D on cel-shading, 2D/3D compositing and stylized modeling & rendering for almost 18 years, witnessing several hardware/software revolutions and technological paradigms".

>> No.599960

Houseki no Kuni looked great.
Most stuff Sanzigen and Kamikaze Douga do also look good.

>> No.599973

Sorry, anon. You lost. Good day. :)

>> No.600439
File: 232 KB, 880x807, rigt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this right?
I never tried anime hairstyle before...

>> No.600441

I think the person meant that you can use 3d programs similar to how a person would use flash or toonboom and make a 2d animation like this.

>> No.600445

I guess you guys must cringe everytime you see Yotsuba on the pinned thread.

>> No.600450

for modeling:

i'd recommend sculpting hair desu since it's much easier, but it's your call.

>> No.600458

Try bezier curves.


>> No.600612
File: 78 KB, 680x551, tried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done the details...
But hair.. I just can't do anime hair... HOW IS IT DONE?

>> No.600617

You need to relay more on textures.

Take it from me, textures are the most important part of modelling otherwise 2D characters. The eyes are painted, not modelled. Most of the face is just a flat plane.

>> No.600626

OP here, I thought about it, but if I wanted to change facial expression and stuff wouldn't be possible.

>> No.600636

I think the person is referring to this kind of texture where there are multiple different kinds of eyes on one sheet and you animate the texture up or down depending on the expression. (Though personally I prefer modelled eyes over painted, it's just a preference.)

>> No.600646

You deserve rape

>> No.600657

All the greenglowlyshit is ugly, but it doesn't look bad as far as mimicking 2D goes.

>> No.600671

reduce the background's saturation and value a notch. You'll make our asses blind.

>> No.600672
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, Kumiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.601068

Try editing the model normals to give it the shading you want. The shading looks bad currently, but you need to edit them to give your model 2d-esque shading.

>> No.601072

green glowy shit is because she's supposed to be a humanoid gemstone

>> No.601076

don't know why people dick ride rwby
it looks like shit

I skipped the first 3 seasons because it looked like shit and watched some parts of the newer ones but the story is fucking boring and written by an amateur.

I seriously hope that the creators don't think of them as professionals because... wew lad

>> No.601081

We couldn't protect Phos's smile.

>> No.601149

The entire site is based off Japanese forums used for discussing anime.. It's kind of part of it all :p

>> No.601278

gantz had basic models and backgrounds made in
3d and drawn over in 2d

>> No.602020
File: 871 KB, 959x550, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a time off the model to practice hair modeling and stuff.
Now I can't decide which type of hair would fit the model better.
1 - Hair strands with textures and alpha maps...
2 - Hair strands with curves
3 - Full 3D hair
If anyone could give me a light here would be nice.

>> No.602091

2 with an animu shader will work best.

>> No.602129

I'd suggest 3

>> No.602151
File: 98 KB, 750x650, 5957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my 3d models like pic related

>> No.602157

underage and flat-chested?

>> No.602159


>> No.602208

I'm scared that if I post a legit reply you'll end up like one of those fags on the good workshop

>> No.602772
File: 243 KB, 1508x677, nightmare creature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fine for mmd or whatever except when they try to mix it in with normal anime shows the transition is quite jarring and immediately noticeable to someone that is quite familiar with the medium. They do it to save money

I tried to make my other waifu because I can't find a good model which represents her but it turned out very bad, so I think faces are hard to do, need a lot of experience.

>> No.602780

Hmm, that's how I like it in real life too

>> No.602781

When I was first started off, I never textured my models because the base was always fucked.

At least you have the drive to go a little further than that, stopping halfway is probably what made my progress so slow.

>> No.602782

add some more blush on those cheeks my dude and lower those eyebrows

>> No.602794
File: 30 KB, 512x614, headless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also having difficult times with the head..

>> No.603150

is it weird that i like the blocky and different colored gray look it has?

>> No.603427

You clearly haven't seen houseki no kuni

>> No.603430

...and that's a good thing

>> No.604783
File: 48 KB, 562x1714, Capture3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do so far? It'll end up in unity. Any tips on making it easy to work around intricate areas like the mouth and fingers?

>> No.604823

that is terrifying

>> No.604835

So that's why people shout at noobs to study anatomy. I get it

>> No.604837

Anything in particular I should start working on?

>> No.604870

How many muscles of e.g. a leg can you name, and can you point at them in your model?

It's not a requirement to know anatomy like a doctor, but you should know at least superficial muscles.

I think you just don't know you are trying to make. It's like you know a head connects to a neck and neck to the upper torso, and there are some muscles there, but you completely ignore existence of clavicle and stm.

Even stylized characters are done with anatomical knowledge.
Many forms get simplified, and others exaggerated.

You lack anatomical knowledge, so you should start working on that.

Another thing is, it looks like you were modeling instead of sculpting. That's not advised these days, unless you go for really low poly.

>> No.604874

>That's not advised these days
>Not advised by talentless hacks

>> No.604879

eyes aren't inward holes

>> No.604880

Mines are, because I have no soul.

>> No.604881

and what are you going to do? Bake your modeled low poly? Edit your maps in 2d in photoshop?

>> No.604899

Working on a 3D model of my waifu. UV unwrapping is the most annoying thing ever.

>> No.604917

I guess I might not be good enough at 3d to imply the presence of these muscles because I did try at one point to make them more prominent but since this isnt a sculpt and it's low poly for a game/animation I would have to change the topology significantly, which isn't a good idea and is better suited for texture I believe.

I did model it, but that's mostly because I dread the sculpt->retopo process.

I'll keep working on it.

>> No.604951

>I dread the sculpt->retopo process.
It's actually more efficient, because you're going to be able to bake textures which would be hard to draw yourself.

If you are just a beginner, then it is going to be harder for you judging which details can be done with just texturing.

If you stick to the modeling, you should definitely concentrate on the contour of your character.

I also advice you to work off a reference.

>> No.605075

Why don't any of these anime studios frame blending? It's a simple fucking concept: after animation is done, take every pair of frames and blend them to create a more natural motion rather than the stuttery robotic mess that most cheaply-produced anime feature. It's how actual 2D anime is done and would easily make things easier to watch.

>> No.605118
File: 156 KB, 401x688, shizuru-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painting is hard.

>> No.605137
File: 258 KB, 747x712, shizuru-chan left and right view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I don't understand why the seams on the boots have that white line. Been messing around with the UV, but nothing seems to work.

>> No.605142

I'm a nigger who uses automatic unwrap on almost everything and tries his best to hide the visible seams with texturing and decals. So far it has always been working great for me baka desu suiseiseki.

>> No.605146

>Automatic unwrap
No, just shitty unwrap.

>> No.605149

Well no shit.

>> No.605150

But why are you so angry, Anon? Had a bad day? Want to talk about it?

>> No.605154

These are my posts:
Where do you see any kind of anger here?

Sometimes I wonder if everyone here are literal autismos without any social experience. You're projecting a bit too hard, mah boi.

>> No.605156

Yes, it is hard to say if you were angry without any other signs. But it would be assumed based on how you write. Sorry if I'm guessing wrong.
>hide the visible seams with texturing and decals
Where, specifically, I used decals? And where am I trying to hide seams with texturing, according to you? And is it wrong to hide seams? Am I supposed to place them in places where they can be seen?
pls respond

>> No.605158

Hey, she looks really good, well done! The dress details look pretty sharp, you're using a bunch of separate materials, right? Are you gonna put that on sketchfab at some point? I'd love to give you a follow.

Take a screencap of your UV's please? If you did any sort of preliminary color baking on those boots, it may be that you need to adjust the edge padding.

>> No.605189

if you are talking about frame ghosting aka soap opera effect, then, no that's not what 2d anime does.

To improve 3d anime look, animators should do more pose to pose, and less working with curves, on lower fps.

>> No.605190

Yes, frame ghosting would be what I meant. 2s anime doesn't do that? Then how come whenever you pause during a dynamic scene you'll find frame ghosting? And either way, isn't it something that would vastly improve the visuals of current 3D anime?

>> No.605225

Oh, I get it. You completely misunderstood my replies lol. I was jokingly talking about my OWN workflow, I didn't even mention you anywhere. That's why you thought my replies sound like I'm angry kek. No, it's fine.

>> No.605227

Oh and btw to answer your question - you're supposed to hide the seams somewhere where they won't be easily seen, yeah, that's the point. When I'm doing environments with a shitton of small objects, I usually just say "fuck it" and auto unwrap those, it often does a decent job, so eh. Even if there were visible seams, you wouldn't be able to see them anyway.

>> No.605228

ok, I think you are either mistaking blur effect and either takes on animation smears, or the person who ripped, encoded the video you downloaded had forced interlacing on.

That effect is also used in slow motion parts where characters leave the so called afterimages of themselves, but there is more to it than that.

You would need to show me an example to keep the conversation going.
If it's HMVs thou, there are 2 schools of thought.

As for improvement of 3D anime:
If the goal is to make it look as close as possible to 2D anime, then 2D animation principals need to be present.

24fps, animated on 2s, or less depending on scenes and budget. Any episode that gets downloaded and is at higher fps is because of credit rolls, everything is still animated normally.
Pose to pose animation, and keeping it sharp.

3D animation is closer to Flash animation, and not hand drawn animation. Motion tweens and smooth curves in graph editor easily break the immersion.

here's a great video about principals of animation
It may help you understand some things
as for replicating the 2d look with 3d, I guess you are familiar with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhGjCzxJV3E
Pay extra attention to what he says about how everything is animated.

>> No.605284

I'm truly sorry, I thought you were mocking me. I feel stupid now.
Thanks for answering my questions by the way. I'm new at this, so any help is appreciated.
Sorry, but I don't plan on putting my models anywhere.
In regards the UV's, you mean the image with the texture of the boots? With the, uh, faces of the model visible or not? There's a lot of wasted space, now that I look at the unwraps.
And no, I just unwrapped and painted directly on the model; there was no baking or anything. I'll look into edge padding and see if I can fix it. Thanks, Anon.