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596110 No.596110 [Reply] [Original]


Blender 2.8 new grease pencil preview.

Time to move to blender guys, we won the anime industry now.

Once gooks start making their waifu shit in blender, we'll win.

GAME OVER for autoshit.

>> No.596114
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1420479746963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a single post, you just confirmed why Blender is considered shit-tier and pathetic

>> No.596122
File: 24 KB, 407x428, thisgookthinksyouareretarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream on weeb. Big studios use their in-house tools or commercial stuff.

Leaves the smaller/indie market...and they all use 3ds max, XSI or even LW3D.

>> No.596192

Pretty cool desu. Never tried that part of Blender.

>> No.596237
File: 104 KB, 276x230, 1477882176448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck some people still use XSI? Blender is cringe/10, but XSI might possibly be worse

>> No.596238

the fuck are you babbling about, pleb? you have no idea what XSI does in skilled hands.

>> No.596241

nah I actually do, I just hate XSI on a personal level

>> No.596244
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Your personal boo-boos do not change the facts

>> No.596246

hey don't push it, I acknowledged my bias..
The fact that some people use it to this day is still surprising though considering the final version came out 3 years ago and won't be updated ever again

>> No.596247

You can hate whatever you want, but it is a fact that even in 2017, years after its death, XSI is still used for big budget movie productions, while Blender isn't.

>> No.596289


Blender will always remain pleb-tier. Maya and 3ds max will always remain on top.

>> No.596306

Is there release date for 2.8 yet?

>> No.596309

Day after day, year after year, thread after thread.

Don't have a horse in this race, but if we have to keep stepping in their shit in the form of these threads, bring some proof, not your irrational, cum drizzled hopes and dreams

You Blender fuck boys are too much

>> No.596340
File: 1.24 MB, 280x210, Laughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2005: Blender will kill max and Maya!
>2017: Blender will kill max and Maya...soon!
>2029: Any moment now!