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594704 No.594704 [Reply] [Original]

What will make you switch your main to Blender?

>> No.594708

I'm using C4D and Blender as my main two. When I have disposable income, I'm going to move to other programs

>> No.594709

Better sculpting, and texturing workflow.

>> No.594718
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I started with C4D and later jumped to Blender. Will never look back.

>> No.594722

>Not keeping your main as Fox no matter what

>> No.594735

Don't mean to de-rail but since I have c4d, blender and AE, would these three be good for various media/graphic design work? I'm mainly from a film/tv background. Wanting to do a little compositing with them.

>> No.594736

Improved rigging tools.

Easy import pipeline to transfer textured assets en masse from Maya.

>> No.594815


>> No.594828

That's more than enough man, I'd say you can set up a fantastic workflow. C4D for mograph, Blender for modeling, and final comping in AE or something like that.

>> No.594830

>9mm pistol mounted on a tripod in front of a static bench on top of the vehicle
>teeny tiny wheels to navigate through sandy offroad terrain
>Comic Sans as the font for the decals on the side

The owner of this vehicle has made several very bad choices and I'm not sure which one is the worst. Either way, he probably deserved whatever fate he suffered.

>> No.594831

I already use Blender, but pretty much this. Sculpting and texturing would make it #1 for me.

>> No.594849

what's wrong with the texturing workflow?
it's pretty straight forward and simple to myself.

the rigging is pretty convoluted but once you learn the process it's pretty great to have such fine control.

import textured assets from maya?
they should do that automatically by default if your maya export was done properly.

>> No.594856

better rigging, less cancer animation UI.
everything else is at least on par with autodesk stuff.

>> No.594887

I think compatibility with Maya files/models should have been a top priority to begin with. But they can't seem to do that because it's "proprietary".

This is one problem I have next to rigging, mostly because the graph editor is rather shitty. Dopesheets are okay though.

>> No.594888

It being acceptable in the professional world

>> No.594947

I tried 3DS Max for quite a bit, several years ago... This was a time before I gave a shit about 3D modelling.

>> No.595102

1 click retopology done for me

>> No.595109
File: 32 KB, 605x146, 1429067115301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a proper UI that isn't absolutely ass-backwards and one of the most unintuitive ive ever used. Stop messing with industry terminology/standard workflows just to be different. Stop splitting up things and hiding them in totally different menus. Hotkeys are cool but making a program so dependent on them to the point where you must memorize a truckload of them becomes detrimental . Especially when you try to find something and get bogged down in the maze of a UI.
Why can you not manipulate keyframes in the regular timeline unlike every other 3d program? Also its fun looking up questions about blender and they tell you to do something but turns out that they changed that in a different version and then you have to keep looking for shit and which brings me to why is the help page so full of "TODO"? its as bad as the Valve Developer Wiki in terms of completion.
One of the stupidest things about the UI is the viewport manipulation; hey lets make it easy to make more viewports but closing a viewport? You need to "merge" them but oh, shit, its not working! why? Try to click inbetween thing to merge menu too but nothings happening either no matter how many times i choose that option; oh right, you have to first make sure both viewports are the equal size then ~drag them over to the other AND be sure its the correct direction or else, lol more viewports~ to "merge" them. Literally the stupidest shit ive seen. My god fucking MAYA i had an easier time learning and I managed to find stuff without even having to search constantly because its design actually made sense.
I first learned 3d on 3dsmax and I still found it many times easier to use even when I was a young teen as opposed to fighting with the clusterfuck that is blender. As functionality goes, its a great program and I'm fine with what it can do but its absolutely crippled by its usability. Ive used a handful of freeware programs too that made way more sense.

>> No.595132

>Why can you not manipulate keyframes in the regular timeline unlike every other 3d program?
you can.
i have no idea why you think you can't.

>as bad as the Valve Developer Wiki
zero argument as your statement is 200% correct.

>make it easy to make more viewports but closing a viewport? You need to "merge" them
you simply grab the corner of the panel you want to stay open (not the edge of the panel) and then move the mouse towards the panel you want to close.
a big overlay of an arrow shows that you have done the action correctly.
size of panels is irrelevant.

just wanted to clear up your misconceptions.

>> No.595134

>what's wrong with the texturing workflow?
Working with UDIM sets is a bit of a pain.

>> No.596324

A few months before publishing my game I will switch to Blender and pretend I made everything in there so I don't have to worry about any issues that will arise because of torrented software.
Blender would definitely be last resort though, if I have the money I would probably buy Maya LT like 10 months before release instead.

>> No.596380

Panels do need to be the same size to be merged.

>> No.596381

I'm sculpting guy, so nothing.

>> No.596417

dynotopo lad

>> No.596420
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A big fat tumor right in my brain's decision-making neural network

>> No.596635

This. Im not learning another software if no one uses it professionally. I have a modo license for personal use and if i have a project that i believe will make money i would buy or rent the software that is best for the project. Is blender best an anything besides being best at being free?

>> No.596641

animation layers

>> No.596858


Blender is the best at making coffee and donuts.

>> No.596859

blender isn't industry standard mostly beacuase hasn't good support are isn't teaching in schools, that cost lost of shekels and in the blender fundation all the money goes to make shitty movies and develop blender, they don't spend money on that

>> No.596864

>Blender is a free personal assistant that doesn't actually help you land/keep a job

>> No.596867

that whole sentence is what a stroke feels like

>> No.596881

better modeling, uv mapping, deformation tools, smoothing group editing, previewing, baking, easier customization and scripting/macros).

The entire workflow just stinks and is slow and tedious in comparison. It also lacks some features that i wouldn't enjoy being without even if thay aren't completely necessary.
I just want to use as few clicks and as little time as possible to achieve my goals when working.

>> No.596885

Legit question - tell me about specific things other programs do better than blender and about tools blender doesn't have, so I can google them and find the reason why I would need them, because atm, I genuinely don't feel like I miss anything in blender, and I also use and have used other industry standard software (but currently main blender, even for sculpting). I don't know what kind of 3D models would need so much special stuff that other software apparently has. Also, I don't understand how can Max possibly be faster than Blender in modeling, but whatever. I have yet to see someone do it, for me Blender is a lot faster to work with.

>> No.596942

Max from what I'm heard has a more powerful modifier stack, so it's better for more complex models.
Blender is all about creating/moving geometry quickly, so it's faster for simple shit or cases where you don't need over complexity.

>> No.596947

What would you classify as "simple shit" and what "complex"?

>> No.596948

realizing that i probably will never be hired at studio utilizing Maya and their propriety tools and realizing that i just want to make cool stuff on my own time.