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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 75 KB, 1099x606, WELL FUCK YOUR MAYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
593627 No.593627 [Reply] [Original]

"There is no better animation package", says the fucking stick. Well, Disney thinks OTHERWISE.
The best is Maya, its always been Maya, and it will always be fucking MAYA.
Fuck my life for being a 3dsmaxfag for all eternity.

>> No.593628
File: 71 KB, 1144x604, FUCK YOUR MAYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.593630
File: 66 KB, 1143x607, PIXAR´S PRESTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The standard machine at Pixar is powered by a 2.3GHz, 16-core Intel processor with 64GB of RAM, and a 12GB Nvidia Quadro M6000. If the team needs a little more oomph, there’s a dual-CPU configuration with two of the 16-core chips, a pair of M6000s, and 128GB of RAM.
And they use their own proprietary software, "PRESTO". Now the question: do you even own a CINTIQ?

>> No.593632

>Their standard PC has a U$7000 GPU
I would be happy with the CINTIQ.

>> No.593633

but max and maya are the same thing? no?

>> No.593634

1. The Maya they're using is not the Maya you'd be using, they have custom software out the ass written for it by experienced tech staff, and it's always been this way. You're never going to have the same Hair/Fur solvers, or other advanced effects.
2. I've watched some videos by a dev at Naughty Dog who uses Max, and only touches Maya to interface with the rest of the team, so there's no reason why you should be locked in to one program even in a professional environment.

Just use what suits your fancy and shut up.

>> No.593635

>2.3GHz, 16-core Intel processor

Damn, unless you're doing look-dev work that kind of machine sucks dick and impairs productivity.

>> No.593636

Like it's hard to spend a week and learn Maya...

>> No.593638

How does teamwork function in animating a movie?

Are all the assets on a shared drive, and members of the team are assigned scenes? Or, does a single file gets passed down a line of people with focused expertise?

>> No.593643

Step-by-step scene making in tangled.
Damn, i love Disney so fucking much.

>> No.593646

My only experience with this was years ago in a freelance-for-free for a unreleased movie. It goes in absolute chaos, with models made in another software being handed to people using completely different enviroments. Today is much better, i guess, but imagine you animating a full scene with the Biped system in 3dsmax and having to export everything to a guy using Maya or C4d. They changed to 3 different 3d Fx 'directors' who didn´t give a shit before ginving up on the project entirely.

>> No.593662


Nothing stops you from learning Maya. A week or two and you'll be set. 3ds max is horrendous to use.

>> No.593663


Maya is best for animation, this has been the case for a long time. 3dsmax is the most popular 3DCG package however, as it's used everywhere else, from archviz to making game assets.

>> No.593664


Maya is also used to make game assets, but yeah it's not used in archviz due to it's subpar measurement tools.

>> No.593669

I main Maya, but holy shit shut the fuck up, no one cares.
Only on /3/ and /agdg/ do you see people comparing the e-penises to each other in the form of which finger they use to jack off

Usually pooled in a main server (or servers), so that files can be easily referenced and accessed by anyone in the workplace.

No, separate software, which was then acquired by Autodesk

>> No.593715

>implying autodesk is different from autodesk
maya and max are the same.
slow and shitty.

accept it.
move on.

>> No.593716

>actually using a stylus
get the fuck out of here.
nobody does that except for idiots.
you model with code.

>> No.593720

>pooled in a main server
This with a little bit of coordination.
You let everyone know what you'll be working on and use version control so they know exactly what you did.
Having a scene setup to automagically reflect any changes so you can get a bigger picture of what your changes are doing is important too.

>> No.593721

What makes Maya's animation tools any special? Seems to me you can do all the same operations in Blender.

>> No.593726
File: 209 KB, 1280x763, 1489991330611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask Disney, Pixar and about everyone else who have money and name in the animation industry.
3ds Max, Blender, C4D... they´re all considered plebware. I used 3ds Max my whole life, and all i ever hear is "LOL, sorry, we´re professionals, we´re a Maya outlet only!"

>> No.593729

>Jews only want people to use their jeware
Makes sense to me.
Buy out or crush the competition, them focus all your efforts/shilling onto one program for minimal work with maximum profits.

>> No.593731

>Ask Disney, Pixar
I asked you, faggot.
What specifically is it that you prefer with Maya?
If it has the same tools as Blender, why not just use Blender and avoid crashes all the time?
If it has different/better tools, I'd like to know what they are so that I can make use of them.

>> No.593737
File: 236 KB, 1280x656, tumblr_nuq4zeEjtR1uzwhhko9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I asked you, faggot.
>What specifically is it that you prefer with Maya?
I DON´T, RETARD. I HATE the fucking software, it´s shitty interface, clunky options. I´ve been using 3ds Max since it was created. I can do anything with it, given time. And watching the bloopers the studios left slide on DVD extras for complete lack of actual content to put in, they have the very same simulation problems we all have - however, all the major studios insist on Maya only. The retards even based Unreal engine on top of Maya keyboard shortcuts, and tried hard to integrate both.

>> No.593739

Oh, okay. Sorry. Glad we're on the same page.
I just tend to assume everyone here is a mayafag, because their typical reply is "Why don't you use Maya? that's what any professional would use ;^)"

>> No.593740
File: 117 KB, 1500x762, U$2400 a month for Zbrushies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am extremely jelly of him.

>> No.593750

They probably use additional software like Shotgun incorporated into their pipeline.
Sounds incompetent.
Move on to what?
>you model with code.
no i don't and i find the notion retarded unless we are talking procedural stuff.
Blender doesn't have all the model functionality of Max, what makes you believe that it has all the animation operations of Maya? Unless you assume all the people in the industry are lying and willfully waste $$$ on unnecessary Licenses since they could use Blender for zero $.
I find it more reasonable to assume that Maya IS superior given the amount of end results i have seen in the cinema vs the lack of Blender in the same business. Maya doesn't have to prove itself, Blender does.

For clarification: I am not a Maya user, i use mainly Blender, but i have access to all 3D DCC's since i am proudly flying the black flag.

>> No.593760
File: 27 KB, 324x278, 1475942164174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learning Maya in a week
or any software desu
anon pls...

>> No.593761

Wow, maybe you should leave this industry if you're that dumb and slow.

>> No.593762

Or maybe I'm just not a delusional basic bitch

>> No.593769

I'm jealous, but hot damn, that must cause issues.

Dude, the industry needed a shitload of time to make anything that didn't look underrendered throughout the 90s/2000s. What makes you think the average person would be able to learn any 3D program inside out in only a week? Do you expect them to forego all other activities like work, eating and sleep?

>> No.593775

I don't think anyone ever claimed that 3ds max was great for animation.
It's definitely great for modeling.

>> No.593781

Maya front end for a Renderman back end?

>> No.593782

Maya feels like Mac to me.
3dsmax feels like PC.
Macs are fucking gross.

>> No.593783

Maya is ONLY good for animation. It sucks in all other categories.

>> No.593784

actually maya has the #1 uv editor in the world now too

>> No.593791
File: 98 KB, 960x540, Autodesk-3ds-Max-2015-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3ds Max can do everything. So can Blender and C4D, as the trained on those softwares claim.
As a 3ds Max user, i admit: i can get some results to look like the ones in a Disney/Pixar animation with 3ds Max, but not without heavy work. The main issue in 3ds max would be the rendering engine: i was never able to mimic those light tones you see in tangled, that sss skin shader is too awesome.
However, when i analyse all other steps on the production, especially the non-illuminated scenes, it´s nothing max can´t do.
Add a bunch of expensive plugins in 3ds Max and it can face off Maya animations anyday.

>> No.593793

>judging a 3D software based on its native renderer
For way too long Max and Maya were stuck with Mental Ray and some scanline shit, there was no other way than to get a plugin renderer. I guess it was generally assumed. Otherwise, both are very capable of producing amazing results, though Maya is probably more efficient for heavy prod pipelines

>> No.593801

C4D cannot do everything Maya or Max can do. In some regards its even inferior to Blender, even if its priced like Maya.
t. ex-C4d user

>> No.593807


Maya's modeling tools are great now, and the UV tools are the best. You are talking out of your ass.

>> No.593811

Do they use zbrush to make the models?

>> No.593814

you're thinking of Textool and it's for 3ds

>> No.593815

maya still can't implement procedural surface algorithms effectively. And 3d coat is a better uv tool at a fraction of what maya costs

>> No.593817

maya sucks at baking, so no. pixar still scans maquettes and relies on heavy scripting

>> No.593818

Maya can't into VR. Once Disney dips thier greedy hands into VR, gameover for mayuhns

>> No.593820

It took me a few weeks to become very comfortable modeling in 3ds max, and I didn't know anything about 3D before that. At first I couldn't know how much I know/don't know because I was new, but looking back at it now, yeah, I learned it very fast, and I'm not delusional. It took me like a week to get on the same level in blender. Substance Painter was piss easy and I was comfortable in a few days. Same thing with world machine and zbrush. Zbrush was actually surprisingly easy, even though anons constantly bitch how hard it is to do anything with it, for some reason. The only thing that was tricky was substance designer (and UE4 blueprints), because of tons of nodes.

It's not my fault some of you are slow. I know how many years it took for them to develop those tools to this level, but you have to consider just how much knowledge is at your fingertips at all times. It's really fucking easy to learn things today, and you have to accept that 3D is not that hard as you are trying to make it seem like. (Ofc, talking about pure technical knowledge, not quality of art, that's another story.) On top of all that, if you've already mastered one tool, it's really not hard to make a switch.

>> No.593823
File: 420 KB, 800x800, usd_pt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not my fault some of you are slow.
Actually, give three months of very intensive training, -let´s be realistic, six- and most guys could walk out doing their 3d character animation on Maya. Adding another software to his pipeline could be an advantage to anyone in here.
But, will anyone give up on their current projects to do it? Or even worse: subject themselves to a paid course on a software that won´t do anything new besides what their favorite one already does?
I´ve been with 3ds Max for over two decades. I know the legacies, the weaknesses, the limitations. I bet my best model that adding Maya to my skill list would serve NO fucking practical purpose, as the software Disney is using is filled to the brim with proprietary solutions you can´t find anywhere easily, plus a fortune on plugins. Not mention they ridiculously overpowered stations.
It´s like doing a bonfire model with a stripped version of 3ds Max: you can make fire with his standard tools, but don´t try to compare it with what a plugin like AFTERBURN would be able to create.

>> No.593849

>On top of all that, if you've already mastered one tool, it's really not hard to make a switch.
I agree with this, however...
Going to have to agree with this too.
Just because Maya wouldn't take long to learn, doesn't mean it'll be useful.
I don't give a shit about maya, so I don't use it.
I don't care about PaintToolSai, so I don't use it.
I don't care about the other hundreds of alternatives to the programs I already use. So I don't use them.
Slow down and think about if you "should" rather than if you "could".

>> No.593851

Well, I'm a PC kinda guy, Macs are gross
I use Maya, and I work in the industry. Literally working on AAA shit and various high-budget projects. Entire cinematic workflow from asset creation to final render is fine. Asset creation for real time is fine. What's the big deal?

The only reason people say Maya is shit is because they're trained in another. If Maya is so shit so many studios I know of including the one I fucking work in wouldn't have prospered the way they do now. If it gets the job done, who gives a fuck? Only people that aren't in the industry gives a fuck about that.

>> No.593905

Of course, nobody is saying that. But the OP gave the impression that he WANTS to use and learn Maya, but somehow can't because "hurr too hard, I already invested my time and dedicated my life to a stupid piece of software, it's impossible to switch now". If it would actually make sense to switch, that's another story.

>> No.593917

Only (some) Blender-faggots and all the Anti-Autodesk shills are shitting on Maya.
There sure is something to criticize since no program is perfect, but most people with a working brain know that Maya is a mighty tool and gets shit done.

>> No.593922

of course they do

>scanning maquettes
kek real-life 3D models are only a part of the development process.. a proper digital sculpt is necessary

>> No.593923
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>> No.593924

I'm a 3dsmax user, but I have to admit that if I was doing animation, I would have made the switch to Maya for my whole workflow a long time ago. Both are great anyway and arguing about all that software shit is pointless.

>> No.593963

>what makes you believe that it has all the animation operations of Maya?
And yet you still can't mention a single thing?

>> No.593964

Listen idiot, Maya is used for animation and rigging, layout and techanim. There are lot of tools for setting up the scenes and stuff but essentially it's still the same off the shelf software.
Effects are done with Houdini however. Fur is completely different monster and it is not "simulated" in Maya on any level these days anymore. It's mostly automated process when the shot is released to further down the pipeline for rendering. This of course excludes effects shots which need their own copy of the fur effects for interaction.
Unless you are thinking about a career in vfx it really doesn't matter which software you are using. If you are thinking about career in vfx better start to think about specialization and find out which kind of pipeline most of the studios are using these days.
Animator = Maya
Rigger = Maya
Techanim = Maya/Houdini
Lighting = That's completely different beast, skills are interchangeable. Better learn Katana and some other software.
Effects = Houdini
Assets = Whatever suit your needs really
What else?

>> No.593965

Layout = Maya
Maya is still great as it's customizable and manipulating assets is easy and fast especially when you have custom scripts and tools written by yourself and other people. Maya is great for prototyping stuff.
But for normal people who don't plan to work in vfx or games it doesn't really matter what you do for a hobby. What matters is to have fun. But of course it makes learning easier if you do it with proper software instead of suffering with some obscure freeware tool.

>> No.594102


>T-They only make real models for "reasons."

Maquettes are used throughout the whole production. Easier to understand and don't need continuous conversion to be workable in a decentralized production. Nobody likes to waste time in Maya fixing, all the time, all the things it gets wrong with writing a model to a scene. Deal with it loser.

>> No.594130
File: 393 KB, 640x360, shit_nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you even talking about

pick one
you really don't seem to know what a professional creative pipeline for animation is

>> No.594175
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.594209

All the big studios use Maya, the arms race is over all the custom software that they put inside it. I've never seen a studio that doesn't have a custom viewport renderer, I know one place implemented it's own custom graph evaluator and several others use a custom evaluation system for rigs so they can do 300fps on a live puppet or skin 10million polys in real time.

Maya at the big studios is a world away from anything you'd get off the shelf. It's basically a container for all the in house tools.

>> No.594211

Are you people stupid enough to not understand the issue you're facing is feature differences. Not the packages.
Or are you just pretending?

>> No.594347

maya has always been better baby, git gud

>> No.594372
File: 333 KB, 1067x1600, johnlasseter-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what the FUCK is this answer.
So, you use Maya, then? UH? You do 3D models with Maya? You animate them? HUN? Are they any good? ARE... THEY... ANY... FUCKING... GOOD? ARE THEY? Them show them up, you piece of shit. SHOW THEM TO US, MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.594376

What's the point of living a life if you'll never get a hollywood star?

>> No.594386

I'd rather not have my name forever engraved next to a bunch of pedophiles.
"Where's your x"
I think you belong here >>>/vg/agdg
This. Saying that a company "uses Maya" is like saying that a video's format is "AVI" it's just a container.

>> No.594387

format = codec*

>> No.594703

Individuals are usually assigned shots or a sequence of shots.
I've never heard of the "character-directed" approach being taken on CG movie but in theory it's possible. It would be a similar challenge as on the old hand-drawn movies that took this approach (like Lion King) where individual animators animated individual characters.

>> No.594750

Ugh, can you imaging having to immerse yourself in Moana for a year or several?
At least with Zootopia it's 75% fat bottomed bunny cop bouncing and rolling around the screen, instead of disgusting unappealing Maori shits.

>> No.594763

>Maya is used by all the big studios

Is there any real proof to that besides anecdotal? Nevermind how AUTODESK factors into market share, what has Maya actual contribute to 3d to make it stand out? All I see is brown nosing because Pixar uses it

>> No.594779

Calm your autism, ugly people deserve screentime too.

>> No.594920

If you worked on Moana you would be infinitely grateful that anyone's even heard of your movie, and you're not doing children's TV or furry porn, and people might still care about your work 5-10 years from now.

Also, if you're an animator on Moana you won't be spending all 4 years on it, there will be 1 year of concepting plus initial modeling and rigging before the assets get to you, and 1 year of lookdev / vfx / final rendering / post, so you will have 2 years where you're actually working on the movie. Only the director and some other supervisors will be focused on a single movie the whole way through production.

>> No.594921
File: 106 KB, 625x799, johnlasseter-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat bottomed bunny cop bouncing and rolling around the screen
You´re a repulsive, disgusting human being.
I like you.

>> No.595125

Sorry to crash into your thread.. could you guys help me out?
I’m having stuttering and lag problems with Autodesk Maya.

I’m studying Digital Animation and working on a simple model.
These are my specs.
R7 1700 @3.6
2x8GB DDR4 @2666
4GB RX570
128Gb SSD(where only OS and Design apps are installed)
Any ideas why this could be happening?
My ram is only at 8Gb utilization and CPU and GPU are under 10% utilization.

The stuttering happens when I do anything like selecting a vertex

>> No.596308

i started on max, when i went to school for animation i was using max, after learning the basic theories i switched to maya, the level of control maya offers is just so much better than max.

>> No.596312

Disney should use Blender. Maybe their shitty movies will be better then.

>> No.596337

Way to drag it down even further

>> No.596374


Delete history maybe

>> No.596390


> in the middle of converting from C4D to Maya

Why is everything so much more complicated than in C4D? I get it, sometimes complexity is good if you know what you're doing, but there are things could do, especially in terms of modeling, that are so much more efficient in C4D, and feel really backwards in Maya. Why aren't there splines, but rather curves, that don't seem to get the right angle, ever, at the ends of the curve? That's the most frustrating part of Maya so far. The only thing I've found in Maya that is infinitely easier to use, is driven keys, and the node editor I guess. I wish I just got to learn this program first.

>> No.596421
File: 41 KB, 470x470, 1510024762592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blenderfag calling Disney shit
fucking typical

>> No.596425


>> No.596426

done, lets see in 2020
prediction: >>596340

>> No.596427

Blender people...

>> No.596428

Have you seen the latest Star Wars movie?
Not trying to defend Blender here, but Disney IS shit.

>> No.596434
File: 102 KB, 572x720, 1474920462457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>maya is used for animation. by a company. animation team is like 20 people + directors.

>some fagget use it to start someflame war shit

>back ups with random youtube videos.

rolf kek. fun part is that all those pictures are showing HEAVY modified programm on steroide computers.

>> No.596436

>unironically using "rofl kek."
jesus fucking christ

>> No.596528

he should be forced to drink that paint for a year

>> No.596539

So he is a shit artist?
His art is shit?
He shits out art?
He is an artistic shitter?

>> No.596615
File: 107 KB, 1023x739, 1508389253481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nope.. he is ukrainian.. got 12 million of US tax dollars as a price for being "progressive fighter against russian occupation and russian fake news".
in real life he was just insulting russians on internet and shit paint on canvas when cashing big as an "oposition person" against Putin. he still cant draw or paint anything.

>> No.596616

another degenrate hero of the wester democracy fighters.


>> No.596876

If you're an animator, then yes Maya is the best. But if you're a 3d artist, 3ds max remains the best choice. Nothing comes close to 3ds max when it comes to modeling. People who say otherwise never used 3ds max to it's full extent.

>> No.596905

proof that modern "art" is degenerate and downright shit.

>> No.596960

maya is already at the same level as 3ds max in terms of modeling. even the node editor fully replaces the stack in 3ds.

>> No.596981

Houdini cummin ta gitcha fag.

The only thing Maya/Autodesk has got is a huge userbase with zillions of plug ins.

That's coming to an end.

Maya is a hot mess.

Houdini is teh awesomness.

>> No.596982

truth be told, as of 2017 those two softwares are very similar on most aspects

the animation and massive production pipelines capabilities remain better with Maya

i still believe shading is more intuitive in 3dsmax

>> No.596991

I look forward to this day, but right now I'll stick with my comfy plugins and put up with the crashes.

>> No.597019


This. I never felt limited when modeling in Maya. It used to be clunky tho, but not anymore.

>> No.597026

dunning-kruger effect in action

>> No.597141


Really? I find Mayas UV tools to be among the bottom of the barrel. Not as bad as Max, but not much better.

Modos UV tools are unrivaled.

>> No.597152


You obviously haven't checked out C4D's UV tools.

I have yet to check out Modo at all, but unless it clearly has better modeling tools than C4D in every way, I don't see the point, especially for just the UV tools. I attempt to use Maya for everything but modeling at the moment.

>> No.597167

>pic related
>Maya screen with 27 plugins
I could do even better with Max, IF i had 27 plugins plus a cintiq.
Also, just imagine their renderfarm.
The superiority of those motherfuckers are money and numbers. If i get that, i fight them face-to-face.

>> No.597168

Money makes the world go round, butthurt pleb. Every good/modern 3D pipeline is plugin-heavy, no way around it.

>> No.597171

Nope, you probably can't.

>> No.597175

>16 cores impares productivity
Jesus Christ how many fucking threads do you need

>> No.597217
File: 400 KB, 990x1197, Blender-Communism-PSA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, you need at least 32 cores to make great looking donuts and cups

64 cores minimum for shitty animu waifus

Futas = add another physical CPU

>> No.597490


Said every person who never used 3ds max to it's full extent. I use both Maya and 3ds max. Nothing comes close to Max when it comes to poly modeling. Maya is better than it used to be, but it's not nearly as capable as max.

>> No.597495

And it runs RHEL.
Winpajeets blown the fuck out.

>> No.597497

You misunderstand. For a lot of work, fewer but faster cores is better. There are many tasks in a CG pipeline that aren't multi-threaded, so the lower clock speeds on those Xeons can be a detriment.

>> No.597519

The typical animator at Pixar does not work in Zbrush or Photoshop. You can bet they have plenty of Windows licenses for their sculptors and texture artists. I'd love to work in Linux but it's just not possible for indie work.

>> No.597723

what kind of texture/renderer would a model like this use?

never been able to suss out this anime/cartoony effect

>> No.597737
File: 71 KB, 431x450, 1493867919660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The typical animator at Pixar does not work in Zbrush or Photoshop
source fucking needed you mongoloid
everyone and their mum use Photoshop

>> No.597738

I'm used to 3ds max, but as an animator maya seems better for me. The only thing is that apparently maya doesn't have modifier stacks like 3ds max- or is that just some bullshit someone's fed me?

I know I could jsut model in max and animate in maya but I'd rather my workflow go though as little amount of programs as possible.

>> No.597741

>The typical ANIMATOR at Pixar does not work IN ZBRUSH or PHOTOSHOP


>> No.597754

Pick one you amature choad

>> No.597755

You, sir, are clearly not a designer. Have fun getting left behind in the changing times.

>> No.597756

Have you tried quitting? This hobby doesn’t need more newfags.
Stick to being a fan.

>> No.598273
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1514010486334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is ukrainian.. got 12 million of US tax dollars as a price for being "progressive fighter against russian occupation and russian fake news".
in real life he was just insulting russians on internet and shit paint on canvas when cashing big as an "oposition person" against Putin
wtf is this shit?? he is russian

>> No.598274

communism is ok in case of intellectual property

>> No.599123

Maya is garbage because it's unstable as fuck.

blender + 3dsmax is master race

>> No.599127

"industry standard by 2039 ... we promise"

t. blendlet

>> No.599375

says the fuckin stick

>> No.599401

You'd want a custom shader. In Maya a very barebones starting point is to take a surface luminance node and use it to drive a ramp with your light and shadow colors (or texture maps), you plug this node setup into your emissive material input (The idea is to override standard diffuse shading). This gives you very precise control over the falloff. Add some fake rim light with fresnel on top and I think you could get the look of that pic. Maybe a little SSS to make the skin more vibrant.

Also some vertex normal editing to get that flat pancake face shading.

>> No.599430

The very authoor of this image used a thing called Pencil+ for 3dsmax.
3dsMax had horrible updates since 2012, removing havok and losing plugins -the author took a picture of his studio, with several old computers running old versions of max.