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579364 No.579364 [Reply] [Original]

Is it better to use a 10K terrain and tesselate the fuck out of it to get this kinda detail or is it better to use a few million polygons and use little tesselation.

>> No.579369

what is it, 2008? Nobody tessellates anymore. People that want to be profitable develop for samsung phones (VR apps). Normalmaps only. 120fps minimum.

>> No.579372

that terrain is bad terrain.
you should get into micro-displacements and then bake.

that terrain is what happens when you only use one level of displacement.

>> No.579392

Please give me some learning sources for this. I want to achieve bumpy geometry like that on my terrain because using just normal maps looks ok only when viewed from top, but from the side it looks like a flat terrain with a texture on it, i.e. like trash. How can I do this properly in unreal? Every tutorial used a tesselated terrain where tesselation distance is controlled by the camera.

>> No.579395

>armchair /3/ user that thinks he can do better game graphics than BF1.

Use as many polys as your game needs in terms of collision detection. Then turn up the tessellation till it looks alright but doesn't impact performance too badly.

>> No.579402

Tessellation is expensive since tessellation algorithms are complete garbage
If you want to have better performance dense meshes are better
But of course gpu memory isnt infinite and between streaming in textures and assets you cant just swap in and out everything, textures take priority as they are more visible, also repeating textures will be better tessellated as instancing every ground asset will eventually lead to world holes clipping and other weird shit while blending them together will be a nightmare

In the end displacement mapping is the future, but im not sure its time for it yet
I have yet to see a game that uses it extensively, even Battlefield tessellation is really limited in detail and use
Star citizen planetary system has nice results even if its a meme dead game
ye, and watch your game run a 15fps as you bump up tessellation density enough to get secondary detail
fucking retard

>> No.579436

So /3/, how is this done? Displacement map? Real geometry?

>> No.579441

It's not like it would be more efficient to sprinkle thousands of rocks over your terrain. That's just a flat texture which got displaced based on its' displacement map, but first the mesh (in this case, the ground) has to have enough polys to displace, i.e., the denser it is, the more precise will the displacement be. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.579445

Thats not how it works. If it was just a flat texture, your player character would walk right through the rocks and not on top of each. You need enough geo so you can calculate bounding boxes and heightmaps

>> No.579484

Battlefield uses displacement maps for the ground and a lot of instancing for the assets
some low level tessellation

look up on google they made 2 gdc presentations on their entire pipeline and how they do everything

>> No.579491

When I tessellate and displace my ground in unreal, my player's feet actually go through the ground a bit. Now I'm wondering why.

>> No.579494

Tessellation is done in the shader which don't effect the mesh colliders.

>> No.579499
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>thinks he can do better game graphics than BF1
i've done better game graphics than bf1, kid.

>> No.579500

>bump up tessellation density
you don't do this.
tessellation should only be used on foliage and clouds and only if they're 2d.

you don't tessellate 3d objects unless you want the fiasco of unreal 2.

>> No.579524

kid, are you fucking retarded or soemthing?
displacement mapping and dynamic subdivision is the fundamental think that makes prerendered graphics work
how in the name of fuck do you expect someone to animate, uv and rig a 100million triangle model? Or better yet, animate a scene with 100 billion triangles
Offline graphics hit this wall decades ago, and real time graphics are already reaching it

and what has unreal 2 to do with anything
i know /3/ is full of newbies, but at lest have a basic understanding on what 3d graphics are before you speak

>> No.579540

>how in the name of fuck do you expect someone to animate, uv and rig a 100million triangle model?
nothing to do with tessellation.

>> No.579558

Is this satire?

>> No.579564
File: 71 KB, 720x797, 1503714075033[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tessellation on foliage and clouds

>> No.579580

That's probably done with pixel shaders. You can make very convincing depth with just shaders assuming they don't hit the edges and are not too deep.

>> No.579582
File: 1.98 MB, 271x276, Dwight-Schrute-Shakes-Head-and-Rolls-Eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's probably done with pixel shaders.

>> No.579844



u welcome

>> No.579862

dis gold