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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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574262 No.574262 [Reply] [Original]

Im thinking about buying a tablet, but I've never owned or used one before.
What are some good, budget tablets that I can use for 3d? Can you use the same tablet for both sculpting and drawing/texturing/2d or are there different kinds of tablets?
Does the size of the active space on the tablet matter in any way to the size of my screen, can I have any difficulties with the tablet being too small in comparasent to the monitor?

I'm kinda oriented myself towards the
Wacom Intuos Draw S https://www.amazon.com/Wacom-CTL490DW-Digital-Drawing-Graphics/dp/B010LHRFM2

WACOM INTUOS COMIC BLACK https://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Intuos-digital-drawing-tablet/dp/B010LHRVBM

or WACOM INTUOS PHOTO BLACK https://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Intuos-digital-editing-CTH490PK/dp/B010LHRWN4

While there is a price difference between the three, there isn't any difference in the techinical details of each product. Is the higher price only because of the software that comes with the tablet?

Also does the software I'm using have to have some sort of a special support for the tablet or can I use it no matter what?
Can I use the tablet in free software such as Krita or Blender?
What about in torrented Zbrush, 3ds max or PS? Does stuff like that matter for the tablet to be working?
Can it replace the mouse completely while I'm just doing random stuff online?

What does /3/ use and what does it recommend?

>> No.574271

if you get a small you're going to be making tiny chicken scratches. I would rather kill myself than use a small DESU

>> No.574289


>> No.574304
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>Can you use the same tablet for both sculpting and drawing/texturing/2d
Of course. Why would it be different?!

But I have to say for some reason I tend to put a lot more pressure on the pen when I'm sculpting. Maybe my brain still thinks I'm actually chiseling lmao.
What I'm trying to say is that you better buy some replacement nibs.

>> No.574305

>Can it replace the mouse completely while I'm just doing random stuff online?
it COULD but give it a try and you will damn it to hell after a couple minutes.
you will want to use mouse and your tablet or put your tablet away after you're done.
personally I also think an A5 tablet is fine but everything smaller is absolutely HELL.

>> No.574339

Listen to this man, I own an Intros Small and it's nigh-impossible to get good results without constant chicken scratch lines.

>> No.574348

Is it really that awful? I thought the tablet is mapped on to your screen so the line you draw is scalled up. I have a 24 inch monitor.
Does any of that matter and have any effect when you're sculpting or texture painting?
I'm comparing the size of the active area of Intuos Pen Draw S and Intuos Pen&Touch Art M and what I did was on the piece of paper I drew the size of one of the tablets and then the other on top to get more real and natural idea for what the actual size would be.
The small tablet feels way smaller than the showed pictures lets you to belive.
The medium tablet is significantly way bigger and closer to an A4 piece of paper and I assume it would be more comfrotable to use without having to worry about going over the active area, but the price is also more than double.
The Intuos Pro Small is with the active size of Pen Draw Small, but for a price higher than the Pen&Touch Art Medium.
The Intuos Pro Medium is way too expensive for me right now, but I guess it would the ideal pick and if I had the money I should buy this?

>Of course. Why would it be different?!
I don't know, I saw them named like "Draw", "Pen&Art" ,"Pen&Touch Art" or "3D Pen & Touch" and I thought they specialize in different areas, but now it seems like its just the software that comes with the tablet.

>> No.574350

This shit (Intuous Pro) is expensive but built solid. You can cut down on the price by buying an used one from the net.

>> No.574355

From a durability standpoint, not really. I've accidentally spilled some liquids on it a couple times and it still works.

It's when you actually begin drawing on it when you see how weak it is in regards to available work space. Maybe it's because I'm utter crap when it comes to working with a tablet. But I can't seem to get good results 70% of the time.

>> No.574365

dude you can get a used Intuos 5 medium for $190 with a moneyback guarantee on amazon. You need to get a job. I make more than $100 a day and my job is absolute shit

>> No.574383

What the fuck, are you two retarded? Drawing on a small tablet is perfectly okay. Yeah, the medium is better (haven't tried large ones, but they seem a bit uncomfortable), but a small one is fine.

>> No.574384

spotted the retard

>> No.574385

>Also does the software I'm using have to have some sort of a special support for the tablet or can I use it no matter what?
You can use it anywhere. Except some games, you'd have to change the setting to the mouse to play with a tablet.

>Can I use the tablet in free software such as Krita or Blender?

>What about in torrented Zbrush, 3ds max or PS?
No, a goblin will materialize and slap your hand if you try to do it.

>Can it replace the mouse completely while I'm just doing random stuff online?
Yes, but it's not very convenient with larger tablets. The small ones are actually pretty good for it, I use an old Bamboo instead of a mouse most of the time.

>> No.574386

In the mirror? Honestly, what's your problem with small tablets?

>> No.574387

like was already stated

>if you get a small you're going to be making tiny chicken scratches. I would rather kill myself than use a small DESU

>> No.574388

No bigger is absolutely better. It is more pleasant and less strenuous and you will achieve higher quality results.

>> No.574790

I bought a small wacom like three weeks ago and I can confirm that medium would be a smarter idea.

The problem with a small table is that its more difficult to have decent linework, details are also tougher to do and well ... my hand kinda hurts when I go balls deep sculpting. But then again, my pen grip is fucking abysmal, so there is that.

Still its not like small is not usable. Especially if you dont know if sculpting / digital art is for you.

>> No.574817

This. I regret buying the Intuos Draw (small) cause it's tiny as fuck. I HATE CHICKEN SCRATCHING.

>> No.575233

different anon
I use my 15 inch one in bed.

possible dick joke

>> No.575267

whatever you do don't lose your pen if you buy a wacom tablet. i bought a bamboo tablet a couple years ago then lost my pen recently. when i tried to look for a replacement i found that they stopped selling compatible pens completely. had to buy one off ebay from some japanese seller. also their driver for the tablet is god fucking awful and i would either have to restart my computer or restart the wacom service every time to get pressure sensitivity to work.

>> No.575272

Yeah Win10 fucks with the drivers so much, it really shits me.

>> No.575276

actually this was on win7. i haven't even tried 10 yet. might just be garbage drivers all around.

>> No.575299

Been using a huion H610pro for years, cheap and works wonderfully for 3d.

Gonna get the new model Inspiroy Q11K Wireless soon.
Wacom can fuck off with their overpriced shit

>> No.575344

Personally OP I'm saving up for an Artisul D13 or D10.

I hear they're pretty high quality Cintiq alternatives.

Too bad I'm also on a toaster too, so I'll need to save up to build/buy a new one too.

Fuck me, shouldn't have bought that PS4.

>> No.575348
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>Artisul D13 or D10.

>> No.575352

Name a better cintiq alternative then.

Reviews for the Artisul have been good.

>> No.575353

>getting 13" or 10" anything
holy fuck just get a damn job

>> No.575372

Yeah, I get that issue every now and again. It's always a hassle and I don't get why Wacom hasn't fixed that shit by now.

>> No.575678

If I remember correctly the intuos draw is the only tablet of those that doesn't have a touch feature

>> No.575822

So basically everyone agrees that small is too small and medium is ok? I want to buy a tablet for zbrush and schoolwork but I'm not sure what to get

>> No.575824

See >>574289

>> No.575827
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got any realistic suggestions for students maybe?

>> No.575828


>> No.575846
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>> No.575848
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Yo nerds, this looks like the thread for broke-asses that want to grab a tablet for school but can't afford a great one on a student budget.

Anyone game for recommending one?

wew lad, I was expecting something in the £200 range.

>> No.575850

so far I've learned that
smoll = bad
big = gud

>> No.575851


>> No.575861 [DELETED] 
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Looks dope, I might get that one too

>> No.575863

You could try a Chinese cintiq knock off.


>> No.576174

This one's $100 cheaper and is larger. Anyone got any experience with it?

>> No.576196

Forgot link.

>> No.576611

pretty much the whole thread..
you should have like a thousand bucks, complete understanding on how everything works and be a 100% sure that you will like it.. apperently there isn't any cheaper/more affordable option for people that have never used a table before and are not sure whether the whole thing is for them or not

>> No.576781
File: 139 KB, 500x708, 9fa5ef49-91ce-40e1-9fe1-3a2dc0944eb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here
still haven't found the one I'm looking for

>> No.576782
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I don't know a lot about tablets but this one doesn't seem like a good idea, it only has about 2000 levels and it's not compatible with Windows 10

>> No.579097

Watch this OP, Huion is just fine, I just got one and it works perfectly and it's cheaper.
I recommend Huion

>> No.580199

If you're going to get a intuos (rebranded), and a small sized one at that, better buy one of those chinkshit tablets like the Huion Giano or the XP-PEN Star 06 as you will get a better return for your investment. If you can, however, afford a Intuos Pro Medium, go for it instead.

>> No.580201

Just get a high-end one. You won't regret it. It's not worth the money or anything, if you base it on specs, but the cleaner the experience is the more you will actually want to use the damned thing. Besides, most of the time the cheap shit you buy doubles over as a TV or something ridiculous—that only makes you poorer—instead of just doing the original function flawlessly. (Say what you want about apple but all their apps are easy to use and don't carry nearly as many distractions as PC.)

>> No.580203



Look at these. You will hardly use it for how much it costs but it will absolutely make you a better artist.

>> No.580249

Are there any Android tablets/iPad that can reasonably be used as a graphics tablet?

>> No.580251

jesus, how poor ARE you??

>> No.580316

You know you can get a 32C Threadripper workstation with 2x 1080ti and a 4k monitor and an Intous Pro XL for that amount of money and you would still have some left to buy blow and hookers.

>> No.580319

Ipad with stylus is supposedly decent graphic tablet. Some say it's even better than real tablet cause you actually see what you draw under pen.

>> No.580563

I bought a used intuos large for, maybe 300 dollasr on amazon used, and I had a lot of fun drawing with it but for 3d, I couldn't get the control I wanted with it compared to pulling points and faces with a mouse. Its sitting unplugged with my spacemouse and other expensive stuff I don't really use. I think it would probably be great if your doing sculptural stuff or if you just throw all of your time into getting good at it- I've seen some amazing videos of people smashing together hard surface kitbashing with tablets. However, I've been drawing with graphics tablets for about 5 years now and still can't control it well in 3d. Maybe that's just part of growing up- my pen and paper sketchbooks are almost all notes and lists, very few drawings, mostly diagrams in plan or isometric because at work that's all we need to take it into maya or rhino.

>> No.580586

I dunno about other guys but I only use my tablet for 2d painting and drawing. Not for modelling or vectoring, they're just a different interface that can speed things up when you need to make natural hand motions, like in sketching. They can completely replace your mouse so they can be used for web browsing, if you want. For free software, gimp has tablet support as of 2.8 though it's not great, it supports the pressure but doesn't handle 2 heads well. Mypaint works better for tablets but is a strict painting program so it's missing the editing features. I haven't tried Krista but I'd imagine it's work pretty well. I'd go for the beginner tablet because it's cheap and you'll get a feel for it. The expensive ones you pay a lot more for a few features that you'll unlikely use.

A drawing tablet is a different dynamic than an iPad because you can't see what you're doing coming out of your hand but once you get used to drawing on your desk and looking at your screen, it works better because you don't have your big clumsy hand obscuring your view all the time.

>> No.580602

I looked for it on youtube, the very first result had a lady using it on a windows 10 laptop, she mentioned that the 2000 levels is comparable with a cintiq.

>> No.581931


are you using the tablet for drawing or sculpting?
I get how small tablets might be bad for drawing, but what about sculpting?

>> No.581935
File: 78 KB, 1500x1500, _1060plus-__7_2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Huion 1060Plus good for Sculpting?

>> No.584169

totally new, have never been to this board before, and I regret buying the small intuos a week ago.

I'm learning ZBrush and Maya and it just isn't doing it for me.

>> No.584173

Use it for zBrush, mouse for Maya. What do you mean it's not "doing it" for you?

>> No.584377

I got a $2k Cintiq for $400 flat because my uni was replacing them. I use it daily and it's definitely worth it to get a used Cintiq. I've used other tablets and the pressure sensitivity is nowhere close, plus the screen colors are nearly perfect. My roommate bought a more expensive Wacom (required for her classes)and ended up returning it and buying one of the used cintiqs as well because the difference she was seeing in her homework was enough to warrant the jump.

It may seem expensive now, but the difference in functionality is night and day.

>> No.584383

Cintiqs don't even have OLED screens. Literally any recent phone gives you significantly better colors.

>> No.584398

Then just buy a phone, lol

Color quality is definitely on par with contemporary phones, but the cost is lower and the size is more practical.

>> No.584399

you dont need a tabet for 3D you dumb fuck just say you want to make henti

>> No.584405

It's good for digital sculpting and texturing, not so much for modeling.

>> No.584424

What's the principal points I have to look when I'll buy a tablet?

I'm searching and I have some itens

- Size (medium size, big only with display, never buy a small)
- Jitter
- Pressure level

What else can I add?
ps: except price

>> No.584728

I just found that I couldn't draw curves/masks very well at all.

I got very, very fortunate and found a medium black Intuos at Fry's (roughly double the active area over the smaller one) for $199 or $186 after Amazon price match.

But get this, it includes a code for ZBrush Core.

That's right, my $186 tablet... includes the ~$247 software... that I was going to buy anyway. All is better.

>> No.584734

I mean.. Can you draw period?

>> No.584745

I'm not trying to draw. I had an industrial design sketching class in college and it was one of my weakest.

Why is that relevant though? All I'm saying is that a pad twice the size made it way better for me.

>> No.584764
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Any tablet that needs a battery in the stylus gives me fucking cramps.
And since Wacom has all the patents on batteryless styluses they're the only ones producing them without batteries inside.

>> No.584769

I'm pretty sure styluses haven't needed batteries for the past decade

>> No.585227

Huion just released two tablets with batteryless pens

>> No.585237

To be absolutely fair, industrial design sketching is absolute bullshit and only really useful for drawing cars you will never get to design, and impractical speakers for people to jerk off to on Coroflot.

>> No.585508

alright, i think about getting Wacom intuos pro north, is this the best i can get without going for Cintiq? also is it worth going for Large instead of Medium or is the M enough?

>> No.585532

>Can you use the same tablet for both sculpting and drawing/texturing/2d or are there different kinds of tablets?
Yes, they're all the same.

>Does the size of the active space on the tablet matter in any way to the size of my screen, can I have any difficulties with the tablet being too small in comparasent to the monitor?
The active space of the tablet is always proportionate to the whole screen estate. The corners of the tablet are the corners of the screen.

>I'm kinda oriented myself towards...
You should get a tablet with decent pressure sensitivity and perhaps tilt function if you want to do 2D. Most tablets offer this by standard today.

Don't fall for the insane sensitivity memes. Nobody needs 8000 levels. 1000 is plenty. Wacom is still the best quality on the market, but they've become huge Jews and their production quality has fallen a lot, especially with the new Intuos Pro. Maybe look into Huion tablets if you want something cheap. Also go pirate Lazy Nezumi. It's a program that stabilizes and evens your strokes. The biggest difference in expensive and cheap tablets is the amount of jitter on small strokes.

>Also does the software I'm using have to have some sort of a special support for the tablet or can I use it no matter what?
Usually any compatible software should instantly recognize it.

>Can I use the tablet in free software such as Krita or Blender?

>What about in torrented Zbrush, 3ds max or PS? Does stuff like that matter for the tablet to be working?
No. It's just an input device. It will work anywhere the same.

>Can it replace the mouse completely while I'm just doing random stuff online?

>> No.585535

>The biggest difference in expensive and cheap tablets is the amount of jitter on slow strokes.
Sorry, corrected. I meant slow strokes.

I'd generally recommend a medium size. Small will kill you.

If you want something cheap, look into Chinese like Huion. But if you can muster up a bit more, you could get a used Intuos pro. DO NOT buy the new Intuos Pro 2017 model! It's the exact same as the previous model, but comes with a super rough texture sheet which you need to replace for 50 bucks + a shitty pen which only works with the new flimsy nibs that disintegrate like wet cookies.

I would not recommend a Cyntiq or screen tablet, because it has sub-par screen display and many people end up not liking it because you are forced to stare at the screen at short distance, which can be very tiring for extended periods of time. Better get a good tablet and good monitor.

>> No.585544

>I'd generally recommend a medium size. Small will kill you.
is the large intuos pro worth it over the medium?
224 x 148 mm seems like plenty of space and im not sure whether the extra 80-90~~mm on each side is worth the money.

>> No.586810

wacom bamboo

>> No.587061

get a medium or large, the small one will destroy your wrist

>> No.587268

Why are wacoms drivers such a piece of fucking shit?
I got intuos pro m last week and every time I turn my pc is the same fucking shit
>tablet driver is not running
>tablet driver is not running
Had to restart my system 5 times in a row last Sunday before it solved the problem and it's not like I'm running outdated driver or anything.

>> No.587419

Sorry, haven't been around to answer.

To be honest, I've worked with Intuos tablets since 2003 and I can't recall hearing from anyone they NEED a large size tablet. Think about it this way: The active surface of the tablet is always proportionate to your screen. If you zoom in, the active space on your tablet becomes much 'smaller'. If you zoom out, it becomes much 'larger'. It always depends on your preferred work flow.

I'd generally recommend a size medium. A lot of people may actually be hindered by a large.

>> No.587424

>if you can muster up a bit more, you could get a used Intuos pro. DO NOT buy the new Intuos Pro 2017 model! It's the exact same as the previous model, but comes with a super rough texture sheet which you need to replace for 50 bucks + a shitty pen which only works with the new flimsy nibs that disintegrate like wet cookies.

Fucking hell, Wacom is pulling this shit again?
I'm still using an Intuos 3 at my workstation, but I'm looking for a medium sized tablet to use with my laptop when traveling. I don't want to buy used or china crap. What are my options?

>> No.587426

You have none.
Buy a used one.

>> No.590330


>> No.590334

New Huion 1060 Plus?

>> No.590355

A medium is perfect. You can get used to a small if it's the only thing you have. Wacom products are legendarily robust, so buying used is totally fine and will get you a tablet on your price range.

If you are new, do not listen to retards telling you to buy a Cintiq, they're trying to compensate for their micropenises. Those things are for people who are shoulder-deep into the industry already and know exactly what they want, or for hobbyists with way too much disposable income.

>> No.590477

Is $675 USD a good deal for a 13.3" Cintiq?