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/3/ - 3DCG

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573917 No.573917 [Reply] [Original]

Are 3D artists underappreciated considering how much knowledge they need to have?

I'm also wondering what is the salary limit in this field, and are there some famous public figures/celebrities in the 3D world? It doesn't seem like many normies care about 3DCG, unlike music, painting, illustration etc.

>> No.573923

They don't need to know that much and it's all not that hard to learn, albeit hard to master.

And they don't carry any real risk either.

>> No.573927

3D graphics only become more and more mainstream every day, and that means there will always be a need for 3D artists, even if it's just crunch work based on something that was already designed for you.
Knowledge is not that much more complex than traditional or digital art, training and experience should eventually reduce technical specifics to muscle memory either way.
Of course it depends on whether you choose to have a strong focus in one thing, or want to learn all the things. Even if you want to branch out, a lot of things can be semi-automated for you to not have to worry about them too much.
Even if you're just a straight modeler, you can always throw on an pre-fab rig, do a render based on some preset data and composite in a program you may already know well, like Photoshop. It won't blow anyone's socks off as if you had a dedicated rigger and TD, but it doesn't have to, you can already get much of the way there just from pressing some buttons.

>> No.573928

i don't think 3D modeler are underappreciated. its just that 3D content takes so long to develop in comparison to 2D so people are still risk adverse to 3D unless its somehow tied to an already successful franchise.

>> No.573937
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A normal billing rate for a 3d artist is between 20$(entry level) and I heard going as high as 60$ an hour for top artists(might be some like Diba who bill more, who knows). No, 3d artists are not underappreciated, it's just that the market is full with shit artists who learned blender a month ago bitch everywhere about not being hired by Behesda and how freelancer.com offers rates of 3 $ a week.

>> No.573938

You're essentially right. High level professions such as doctors, lawyers and artists are extremely saturated. Also because the bar has become so high, there has been no innovation both technical and in terms of ideas because investors don't dare risk their money to try something new.

>> No.573973

Lets see what a modern character artists needs to know:
-his way around at least 5 programs but probably more (zbrush, 3ds/maya/whatever, texturing program, marvelous designer, Photosop, marmoset toolbag)
- anatomy understanding
- artistic theory(lighting, color pallets, composition, storytelling)
-retopology tehniques
-Uv-ing and optimizing uv-s for games/ vfx
-Probably rigging
Saying that there is not much to learn is retarded, go back to learning blender from blender guru.

>> No.573975

a decently paid modern character artist*

>> No.573976


I said there is not THAT much to learn. The OP question was if 3D artists are undervalued (underappreciated but OP goes on to talk about salary so I think it's okay to say undervalued) considering how much they have to learn.

Well, let's compare to other fields. What does a construction worker need to know? A doctor? An architect? A cab driver?

You can learn most 3D stuff by staring at a screen all day. And I wouldn't say it's that much compared to other professions. And considering that 3D seems to be one of the least regulated markets because it's relatively new and low risk, I could argue that 3D artists are appreciated very fairly according to market principles.

Sure you gotta learn lots of stuff but desu m8 you gotta learn lots of stuff in most jobs. I simply don't think that 3D artists gotta learn MORE stuff than others.

>> No.573980
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Damn right I'm triggered.
I for every step of this list of learning you put in 2 months, you get around 2 years, and that is just to get your fundamentals in place. And I would wager that for the average guy that sees 3d for the first time in his life it takes more. Add to that the amount of money spend on courses and tutorials, the time necessary to build up a decent portfolio and get exposure, the time spent networking and building a reputation ( these are also very important skills in this field which for most needs to be learned that need to be learned ) and your probably looking at around 4-5 years, if not more. I just think saying that there is not that much to learn is at least misleading and someone might actually believe you. That is why in this day and age I still get clients who want me to make them a whole character for 500$, because they think like you: "It's not like these artists need to learn THAT much, they just push some buttons and that's it"

>> No.573985
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People think because it is computer based it's literally just pressing a few buttons and you have your model. Same with music that you make using a keyboard connected via midi to a PC. As soon as a PC is involved people think the computer does all the work.

Plebs don't realize that you need tons of talent and practice to become good as a 3D artist. There's also the chance that you might know a lot at some point but you lack talent which makes you not having any success because your shit is uninspired, lifeless and all you do is re-creating things that exist in real life without any purpose and just do what a ton of people already can.

>> No.573986

>You can learn most 3D stuff by staring at a screen all day. And I wouldn't say it's that much compared to other professions. And considering that 3D seems to be one of the least regulated markets because it's relatively new and low risk

anon I...

>> No.573987

Pretty much this.

>> No.573991

>have to master numerous program
>have to develop your own style and master it
>have to be limited to hundreds of stupid little rules just to match specifications of what the person needs (formats,color palette,vertex groups,transferable rigs)
>have to buy very expensive computer to do professional work
>clients often ask stupid shit like to export stuff as dds or ply some archaic bullshit that no program export to anymore
>have to guide the client on how to run the shit that you made for him because no one even knows how to handle fully rigged character including animation houses

>> No.574035

>it's just that the market is full with shit artists who learned blender a month ago
Nice meme. The problem is, like what happened with hand drawn animation, the third world is now doing it.

>> No.574064

That's the direct result of your generation doing Doom and zombie movies re-makes for 20 years. No innovation and everybody and his dog has caught up. Nice job there. Everything is collapsing but you can concentrate on the 4K details of PBR materials.

>> No.574067

Oh, it's that "your generation meme" guy again.

>> No.574087

>probably looking at around 4-5 years
Yeah, like pretty much any other profession...

Again, just like any other profession...

Again, I never said you don't need to learn much. But it's not outstanding compared to any other profession. Do you expect to learn something for 3 months and earn mad cash? Because that's not how the world works...

>> No.574091

>Do you expect to learn something for 3 months and earn mad cash? Because that's not how the world works...
Learn how to invest in bitcoins NOW, spend 3 months learning it (really learning it), and you will be set for life...

>> No.574101

nah, it takes 1 year max to be a good graphic designer.
any skilled trade like metalworking or woodworking takes about 1 year too unless your supervisor takes it too slow
shit like lockpicking and air conditioner fixing takes even less than a year.
only exceptions are plumbing and car mechanic which might a little more than a year. (again, most supervisors are too fucking slow when passing on knowledge and skills)

>> No.574104

That's the typical attitude of your generation and caused the people in charge to search for talent in sub-saharan africa to replace yours. Think about it.

>> No.574105

how do you know how long all those professions take to be not shit? Most people even if they work for a long time at one thing always have the boss or some elder talking shit about their crap work behind their backs constantly so even if you think you dont suck, unless you have millions in your account and your own business chances are that you do suck still.

tl;dr your time estimates seem off

t. oldfag

>> No.574106

I wouldn't call investing in crypto a profession in the traditional sense of the word. Good point tho. If you're spending your life in front of a screen, might as well learn a bit about crypto.

Those are trades tho. I see CG more in the field of academics. But your estimates seem low desu. I might as well say that you can learn 3D in a year if you don't take it slow.
Considering that the average person spends about 210 days a year working, that's 1680 hours if you're doing 8h a day. Quite a lot of time to learn and I guess most 3D people work more..

>> No.574108

>Those are trades tho. I see CG more in the field of academics.

>> No.574111

Nothing you produce will exist in the real world. You stare at computers all day and deal with mostly made up things or make things up yourself. Normies probably never heard of your job or know what the point is. You probably have to work some menial job to pay the bills.
If that's not academics idk what is

>> No.574113

summerfag pls gb2 your blenderartists or something, this is a board for adults

>> No.574115

>tl;dr your time estimates seem off
i know its not off because i was in the military + air repair for work.

employers are too slow to teach you things. they want you to work for them instead of becoming a freelancer yourself so they come up with bullshit things like "sonny you need more experience".
with the right teacher you can fucking amazing worker in just a few months, we just prolongue tutoring because our teaching methods are outdated. anyone who learned 3D in college know this.

the majority of the time you spend in CG is making things look good, not just learning how to do them from a technical standpoint.

>> No.574116

>i know its not off because i was in the military + air repair for work.
so you must be an expert then. Now you post anonymously hahahahaha

>> No.574118
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get fucked retard

>> No.574120
File: 265 KB, 500x250, dasd2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad quality photo of a cheap, chipped table with some cub scout awards on it

>> No.574122

>using normie tier gifs as rection images

>> No.574123

you have to go back >>574113

>> No.574124

this is a blender dominated board, autokeks can take the backseat

>> No.574126

the blendfags are a vocal minority but not the majority. They are thankfully mostly contained to their own general

>> No.574148

>making things look good, not just learning how to do them from a technical standpoint.

What's the difference?

>> No.574149

blenderps are the bottom bitches of this board. They'll never get to play with the big boys here.

>> No.574596

How hard is it to get into game industry as a 3D artist? Is it worth it? Please, no one word answers.

>> No.574607
File: 64 KB, 782x820, 1465748564600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't make the difference between
>something visually interesting (shapes, colour, composition, contrast, etc.)
>something technically well done (clean edgeflow, straight UVs, proper PBR values, etc)
better quit right now and become a door-to-door door salesman, it will be less shameful