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File: 42 KB, 1045x634, 1494570842698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
567516 No.567516 [Reply] [Original]

previous one is saging

>> No.567518

what do you guys use to verify models before printing? I've been using shapeways because I can't find an alternative that works. would be great to have something i can run on my desktop rather than online

>> No.567795
File: 162 KB, 874x575, fingerbones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are my finger bones lifting away from the mesh? Shouldn't it be bringing the mesh with it?
Don't slicers verify that a model is solid? I think Meshmixer has a "make solid" button.

>> No.567797

God damn it every time I ask a question I figure it out half an hour later. Turns out vertices has associations with other vertex groups, despite having zero weight in them, so when i tried to rotate one, it tried to meld between them. Going to Weight Paint -> Clean 0.01 fixed them.

>> No.567799

Why is Blender "bad"? Just lack of features, power, speed,... whatever; or is there something inherently wrong with the software?

>> No.567800

cycles is missing pbr/uber shaders but you can either build them or download them with third party.
other than that, some minor things that are annoying but won't actually limit you

>> No.567803

The only actual deficiency that I can think of is that it doesn't handle meshes with >~3 million faces very well.

One of the most common complaints is that it's hard to use compared to Max and Maya, but I find it quite the opposite: having a shortcut for almost everything and a context menu for everything else is extremely convenient. It's certainly different from Max and Maya though. Where Max might require you to click on 2 buttons to do something, the same thing can be accomplished in Blender with 4 keystrokes in a fraction of the time. The hardest hotkey that I use regularly is CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-C to re-position an object's origin.

Its sculpt system isn't as fancy as Zbrush, but to me it's better than Sculptris.

>> No.567804

I want to learn 3d modeling for videogaming, what programs are most popular and which should I learn first?

>> No.567805

didn't know about this program, thanks!

>> No.567806

oops i meant to quote >>567795

>> No.567814

Okay I am confused about what Hard Surface means. Are Hard Surface models not smoothed at all with smoothing tools?

>> No.567815

hard surface is anything made of, well, hard surfaces. it is the opposite of organic. armour, weapons, buildings, etc. it has nothing to do with smoothing, it has more to do with how it deforms.

>> No.567819

it doesn't matter which one you use.

>> No.567821

if you plan on making money from the stuff you make and want to avoid paying out your ass for licensing i'd go for blender. otherwise it doesn't matter.

>> No.567822

paid tutorials are 10x better. support the content creators too.

>> No.567824

how do you model poly hair?
the topology gets immensely fucked if you try to combine everything into one mesh by merging vertices, and doing individual strands seems like a mess for rigging purposes.

>inb4 use hair generators instead of modeling it
it's for a game. believe me i fucking wish i could, but it has to be polygons.

>> No.567830

depends on how complex it gets

this is for complex hair designs

this is super simple

>> No.567831
File: 817 KB, 1226x814, planar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if you want to do solid hair, like in Darksiders 2 (looks good in stylized settings), or planar hair (pic related), which is most common because it allows for transparency at the edges and looks most realistic.

Solid hair is just basic modeling. Planar hair is just strings of planes draped over the head of the character.

>> No.567833

I don't want to create a thread for this, but the thing is, basically which is the best way to box model a low poly character, i mean the best place to start(the head, torso, legs), and how to keep it on?

>> No.567838

Start with the head. It can be argued that you should do each main section (torso, arms, legs, head) on their own and then join them together, but a lot of people either just start with the head, so they can ensure good topology there, or the legs, because they're easy.

I don't know what you mean by "how to keep it on".

>> No.567845


I meant exactly what you said, after making the base, which part should i continue, thank you for the explanation, will try again box modelling.

>> No.567882

How do i get started sculpting? I have some experience with box modelling, but I heard that sculpting is better.

>> No.567887

sculpting isn't better. its shit.

you can make characters with few millions polygons but you have to deal with issues like baking artifacts, slowness and lag, large files that jam up your program, subtools break into hundreds of Pisces on import etc.
and retopology? one time i downloaded a step by step character modeling course and the the majority of his video was on retopology. it took longer for him to make new clean topology then to sculpt the fucking thing. and he did some really complex shit to boot.
i only support the idea of sculpting if its for beauty shots,busts and stylized characters

good textures triumphs everything

>> No.567892
File: 273 KB, 1000x1059, Normals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on this ripped model in blender but i've noticed some funnyness with the mesh. See the area above the right temple in pic related. There are also similar areas at the back of the neck.
I suppose the normals are fucked ?
I've tried recalculating and flipping the normals but to no avail.
I then went ahead and deleted the right side of the model and recreated it with a mirror modifier but lo and behold - more fucked up normals, this time in other places
Is there any way to fix this thing ?

>> No.567895

Try hitting space > search > tris to quads and see if that fixes it. Also check for any Edge Split modifiers and delete them if there are any.

If neither of those are the problem, hit space > search > remove doubles and that should be it.

>> No.567896

Actually scratch that, do Remove Doubles first - Tris to Quads sometimes messes up a UV or two by converting a tri that was meant to be a tri, in which case you have to delete the created face and re-make the correct triangles.

>> No.567897
File: 186 KB, 784x806, NormalsC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been playing around, trying to find a solution.

When I set the shading to flat I get this Looney Toons shading (pic related) that made me realize there's big problems here. I've never seen this kind of shit.

Ive been fine combing trying to see if i can find a normal that's flipped but as far as i can tell they're all facing in the right direction. I'm out of ideas.

>> No.567899


I've already removed doubles.

Just tried tris to quads. Still get that looney toon shading.

>> No.567900

shading errors occure either because of topology that you can't see or because the topology is not uniform enough.

look at the biggest triangles in the face, they have the darkest spots. its not an error. its just blender telling you that the topology is not 100% uniformal. change your shading to matcap and stop being paranoid

>> No.567902
File: 43 KB, 784x806, NormalsM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish it was paranoia but take a look at what happens with the Matcap. Surely that can't be right ?

>> No.567909

go to object data and see if there is anything weird like extra vertex groups for normals and turn off auto-smooth if its enabled.

if all fails use the normal edit modifier


>> No.567910


>> No.567915


Thanks mate, i was about to torrent Maya. It seems auto smooth was the culprit.
Jeepers half a day wasted thanks to some stupid setting.

>> No.567917
File: 77 KB, 1024x1024, Like a Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.567930

looks like you have a vertex that isn't connected to all adjacent faces/edges.

Are you really just going to ignore that seam / open mesh at the corner of the right eye?

>> No.567932
File: 64 KB, 694x530, thechase321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


already fixed :) but fuck i'm trying to retexture this character in blender. holy fuck she looks like a man now.

shit's hard

>> No.567934

Retexture? Why? Why not just use the textures that came with whatever you ripped it from?

>> No.567936
File: 206 KB, 678x684, Candy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There wasn't any normals with the Model that I ripped. So I had to recreate the Normals.

I figured it'd be easier just to retexture rather than trying to bend the new UV's to the existing textures.

Turns out it's a bitch of a job either way.

Pic related - my progress so far. The character in the lower right is the original that i ripped, althought with a different hairstyle.

>> No.567937


UV's. I meant there wasn't any UVs with the model.

>> No.567940

Where can I find good references for human topology?

>> No.567941

What tool are you using that doesn't support UV extraction? Are you sure they weren't just so huge you would have had to zoom out to see them?

>> No.567943


I used ninja ripper. I've read somewhere that sometimes it doesn't rip UV's.
Wasn't aware that Zoom level had an influence.

>> No.567944
File: 36 KB, 1450x721, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom level doesn't influence it directly, it just means that if the UVs are very large, you may have to zoom out to actually get them into view. Pic related for example.

>> No.567945


so basically have the charater within full view of the camera within the game or zoom out even further ?

>> No.567946

Just have the character selected in edit mode so that all faces are highlighted, then open up the UV Image Editor in a new panel, and zoom out with your mousewheel to see if anything's there. The level of zoom of the 3D viewport has nothing to do with it.

>> No.567947


oh wait, you mean zoom out on the UV ?

>> No.567948


Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.567950


Holy shit it's there !

>> No.567951

Good, now all you need are the original textures. You might have to scale the UVs down manually to fit them inside the image square in the UV editor.

>> No.567952
File: 70 KB, 400x500, ETSFCSHZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant for >>567946

you guys are the best man

>> No.567954


Just like the models man, they were fucking huge !

Thanks again pal, you just made my day even better.

>> No.567966

i have a bunch of questions i never bothered asking

what is the difference between UV and UVW?
if unreal can use realtime shadows, why does it need lightmaps?
why do videogames often store their files in .wad or .mdl instead of .obj or .fbx?
what is texture space (texel density) and how can it help me?
why backface culling isn't enabled by default in all programs?
what is cubic interpolation? (shading) and why would i ever need to use it?
what is the acceptable framerate for animated films?
what is the purpose of shape keys?

>> No.567969

Is it possible to create a material for an ocean with Substance designer/painter? Is there any good tutorial for that? I'd rather do it with some specialized program instead of using Blender.

>> No.567970

well there is but the texture doesn't play a role in ocean. its more about the shader which needs to be complex. the animation too.

>> No.567973

How can I make a skin look like this?


Is it possible in Zbrush, or should I use Substance or something else?

>> No.567974

the pores can be done in either program but its most likely they were made in zbrush

>> No.567975
File: 643 KB, 776x828, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too experienced with texturing and I've fallen into the habbit of using the add noise filter in photoshop to make normal maps to break up the lighting a little. Is this bad form? is there anything inherently wrong with this process?

pic is example of what i'm talking about

>> No.567977

its not wrong. you can do procedural textures in photoshop
>is there anything inherently wrong with this process?
well yeah. the process in which normal map is usually created is from high resolution geometry, so your ambient occlusion and curvature is true to your normal map. but its just a means to an end.
for things like furniture you can get away with it

>> No.567981

>what is the difference between UV and UVW?
U and V are the coordinates for a 2D map. Adding the W component adds a third dimension.

>if unreal can use realtime shadows, why does it need lightmaps?
in real life, light bounces from one surface and lights another. The lightmap stores this information in order to light your scene better. This is known as global illumination or indirect illumination.

>why do videogames often store their files in .wad or .mdl instead of .obj or .fbx?
these filetypes are usually optimized for use by the engine. So you can import your models as whatever you want, but the engine puts it in the format it can read the fastest in order to have better performance.

>what is texture space (texel density) and how can it help me?

>why backface culling isn't enabled by default in all programs?
a lot of renderers can render both sides of a face. This means you don't need two planes back to back in order to view the surface from both sides.

>what is cubic interpolation? (shading) and why would i ever need to use it?
its used to smooth the space between two points. An example would be something like upscaling an image, so it smoothly fills in the spaces between pixels.

>what is the acceptable framerate for animated films?
pretty much all films are done in 24 fps. 12 fps is the minimum to perceive motion rather than a slideshow of still images. They are just now trying to start using 48fps, but a lot of people are resistant to the upgrade because they aren't used to it.

>what is the purpose of shape keys?
its a way to animate geometry deformation.

>> No.567985
File: 64 KB, 1024x576, 1383967604_Haru Still Board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay here are a few more

why artists usually never export specular maps? and in between metallic and roughness, how important it is to have a specular map?
why engines don't automatically set the mesh origin geometry to the center of geometry? its such a hassle to reset the origin all the time
pic related. why did artists used to do this instead of using a higher resolution texture? (for example separate texture for the sword or face)

>> No.567990

specular and metallic/roughness are different ways of shading. it's very important to have those maps because it defines how a surface absorbs and reflects light.

do you mean the pivot point? This isn't really decided by the engine as it is the animator. I know unity has an option to flip back and forth between the mesh center and the imported pivot location. This is done because you might not want to animate rotation or scale based on a specific point rather than from the center of everything. like a door rotating 90 degrees along the side that's connected to the door frame rather than just spinning in place.

>why did artists used to do this instead of using a higher resolution texture?
smaller texture size = better performance. I mean they could have used a larger texture, but what point is there in doing that if it looks perfectly fine with a smaller one that runs better?

having them all on the same texture means the renderer only needs to load one texture rather than two, which would double the memory needed to store the textures.

texture size is dependent on the context of its use. Is the camera always going to be zoomed out in an orthographical view of the asset? if so, you probably don't need to use an 8k texture for it when you won't even notice the difference

>> No.567993

i meant like if the sword needed more 800 pixels and his texture was 1024 why didn't he simply upscale the texture to 1824?

>> No.567994

well, he could have made it an 1824x1824 texture if he wanted to. It depends on how it's being used. Maybe the hair and weapons were made to be switched out. so instead of loading in an entirely new texture that contained the hair and weapon + the body, you only need to load in a new texture for the hair and weapon and leave the body the same.

>> No.568002

Can anyone remind of the torrent site for 3dcg software?
It's been a long time for me.

>> No.568005

In graphics programming, things are heavily optimized for power-of-two textures (256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc). Back in the olden days, a lot of graphics cards couldn't even load non-power-of-two textures. More commonly, and what is done for modern GPUs, is that it loads them, but pads them to the next largest power of two.

That image is actually 2 separate textures just positioned direct next to each other, although there's nothing wrong with you making a texture with the dimensions 1024x4096 or something like that.

>> No.568025

how and where do artists learn to make textures? I'm trying to learn how to create a damascus steel texture but there aren't any tutorials to learn how to. Is it really just knowing a program I.E photoshop really well + artists intuition + trial and error?

>> No.568026

substance designer.
or just go to substance source

>> No.568052


>> No.568097
File: 139 KB, 1248x692, 2017-06-14 20_12_17-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to mix ambient occlusion with my node group.

am i doing it right? what should be the blend factor? 50% really darkens it

>> No.568099

I don't think the AO shader is meant to be used this way, as it ignores lighting in the scene.

Don't take my word for it because I don't know for certain, but I think...

If you have an AO map you want to mix it with the albedo map via a mix rgb node using multiply or something.

If you don't have an AO map and are trying to add AO, you want to bake AO then do the above.

>> No.568101

>If you have an AO map you want to mix it with the albedo map via a mix rgb node using multiply or something.

makes sense
should i capitalize on shader AO or world AO
or should i avoid it altogether and only use AO maps with color mix

>> No.568180

How can I scatter grass and other objects in 3ds max? I have Vray, does it provide that function? Something that is similar to Blender's particle system. I know that Forest Pack and Multiscatter exist, but I've heard they ban you if you use pirated versions.

>> No.568182

>If you have an AO map you want to mix it with the albedo map via a mix rgb node using multiply or something.

no that's exactly what you are recommended NOT to do. That's the old diffuse workflow way, you simply don't put light information into the albedo map.

>> No.568191
File: 46 KB, 682x417, shinkenredsculptbyanikifinishedbyEric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty new to zbrush and have been using it for a week now, watching tutorials and stuff. What would be the best make to make a helmet similar to this? I already have the base helmet done but I'm having trouble creating the visor design

>> No.568242

Does anybody know of some decent free model of hands and some gun in first person? I was thinking about adding it in front of a camera to make it look like it's from a game, just for fun.

>> No.568264

i have a base model that i'd like to attach clothing to. i'd also like to animate this model, so i don't really want to ruin the topology.
what's the best way to go about modeling clothing for it?

i've read a lot of conflicting information, ranging from people saying to use cloth simulations, shrink wrapping, extruding from the base model, etc, and i'm wondering what the best way actually is.
the model i'm working on isn't really set up for extruding from the base mesh, so if at all possible i'd like to avoid having to do that, because it would mean redoing the entire model.
cloth sims also seem like they would fuck up a lot during animation, so i kinda want to avoid that too.

does the topology of the clothing matter? does it have to be identical to the base mesh? how do you model folds and detail, but still have it deform decently for animation?
i know there's a way of copying the skin weighting from the base mesh once it's rigged and pasting it to the clothing, but i'm wondering how accurate that method is, and if it's okay to rely on it.
is it better to have a single, connected mesh with the body+clothing, or is it fine to have the objects separated? what about weighting? does it make it harder or easier to weight paint later on?

i'm having a hard time finding anything about this on the internet. i have so many questions, but can't find shit about the proper way of doing this.

>> No.568266

i think clothing should be done is MD period. if you know how to make clothing + knitting in 3DS and blender more power to you, because there aren't alot of people that know how to do it well.

for midrange type of characters (hand painted, traditional subd) people go with extruding the clothing from the mesh. for highres sculpts its most likely marvelous designer.
what should be a concern is how the folds end. i think the body should stick to the shoes and wrists as much as possible. you don't want to reveal what goes under clothes because clothes are mainly just there to give an illusions of clothing, when retopology is finished you should have a character that is full bodied with clothes on.
on specific and rare occasions you do want armor parts and pants parts

>> No.568267

i think the clothes should stick to the shoes and wrists as much as possible.*

>> No.568269
File: 422 KB, 1600x1126, Topo_StreetCop1_MashruMishu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a perfect example of why clothes should stick to the body and shouldn't be loose.

>> No.568275

Agree on MD

It really is some amazing software, a few hours tuts on that and you will be solid to then go and create your own stuff your trying to do. MD is very logically set out too, once you understand the way to create clothe in there its quite straight forward.

>> No.568283

How do you goys create your trees?

>> No.568286

Is this worth anything?


FML senpai, I have so much free quality shit for Blender, but I can't do anything in Max without paying the Juice a couple thousand bucks for the plugins to make basic shit. No help from the autodesk community.

>> No.568287

3DS max surely have a tree plugin

>> No.568292

are there any places to go for some basic design tips. Like small things to add to something to give it more flavor, especially to make it look more sci fi.

I have some basic geometries/silhouettes I made and like, but some little details such as some sort of sensor array or something would really make it feel more alive.

>> No.568293
File: 850 KB, 1827x829, mayaProblem.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone using Maya know why the rigid bodies are not centered to the objects? I'm trying to simulate physics to create a rubble pile.

>> No.568294
File: 1.65 MB, 1225x748, maya2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf maya

>> No.568296

maybe its centered to your pivot point

>> No.568299
File: 94 KB, 1235x1043, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every rock has its pivot point centered, I'm probably just missing something simple here. First time using Maya btw

>> No.568302

That question is a bit too wide, but - use references and analyze what they are doing as much as you can.

A lot of details and imperfections will help making something more alive (dirt, dust, scratches, fingerprints, water drops/puddles...). You can copy objects multiple times, but rotate them in different ways so they always look unique, because humans can easily notice patterns. Create some mess, it shouldn't look too sterile. Break vertical lines, in other words, don't let edges of the objects line up with each other. Add layers upon layers, you really need to create a shitton of secondary objects to make the scene look rich, but as I said, use your copy/paste powers, but don't make it look that way.

Then ofc, a good lighting and composition are also very important. Guiding lines, clear point of focus etc. It needs to have a story, told through those visuals.

>> No.568312

is tinkercad any good for 3d printing?
If not, what program should I pirate?

>> No.568313

or freecad if you want something opensource

>> No.568315

Hello, any1 have some Zbrush books they can share. I really wanna learn and I guess this is the correct thread to ask.

>> No.568317
File: 91 KB, 1440x810, bonesword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guys use to create an UV map? I have no idea really how to do it and applying textures directly to the faces always end up shitty looking for me any tips?Also is there any free software for making UV texture maps? I already made a thread but someone directed me here.

>> No.568334
File: 445 KB, 1920x1080, 2017-06-16_19-36-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i'm trying to bake my model and this happens, how do I go about fixing it?

>> No.568335

export polygroups

>> No.568336

How do I do that with 3dsmax?

>> No.568337

3ds does that for you.
anyway, there could be 10 different reasons and i won't go through each at this point.
just post both your meshes

>> No.568338

is it the ID map? in that case set it to mesh ID instead of vertex colors

>> No.568339
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, 2017-06-16_20-31-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the model file
And here's a picture of both the models

>> No.568340

decrease ray distance to 0.001
yes this is how you can check if polygroups are exported

>> No.568341
File: 289 KB, 1920x1080, 2017-06-16_20-40-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should mention i'm baking within substance painter

>> No.568342

don't share the .max file with me. export it to other format

>> No.568343

Figured the .max file was useful, my bad.
Here's the .fbx and .obj then (I'm assuming this is what you want anyway)

>> No.568344

heh very strange my dude.
your highpoly grenade and lowpoly grenade are not in the same scale. they need to perfectly sit on eachother

>> No.568345

also your lowpoly model needs to have all of its part together joined as one object.

>> No.568348

But how would I then animate it if it's all one object?

>> No.568350

Also the objects should be the same scale, since the high poly was made out of a copy of the low poly, only differences being a bit of chamfering and turbosmoothing.

>> No.568351

im pretty sure you can animate even if its not separate objects

also how do you expect the baking to work? it only bakes 1 material at a time

>> No.568352

Okay so a friend imported the fbx and obj as well, he had the same issue as you did, the scale was different, however when I imported it was the same scale. Would it be possible that's the issue

>> No.568353

upload scene file. It's working for me.

>> No.568354

I would expect it to be the case, but I still can't find anything good and free. I have enough vegetation for Blender, but everything fucks up during export so I can't use it in 3ds max. Don't know what to do, I can't model that many trees and grass.

>> No.568362

you can make grass + leaves through particals and vertex groups.
it requires a little bit of effort, but its not busywork

>> No.568363

i suspect both file extensions calculate scale differently.

>> No.568366
File: 38 KB, 908x551, 3d break.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 3d model (exported from sketchup to stl) breaks on the layer view from cura for ultimaker..
i'm really stupid with this and I need help

>> No.568367

I'm thinking about buying cheap graphic tablet mainly for Osu! but I do some amateur gamedev on the side
The thing is it's really small, 4 x 3 inches
Will that be usable in 3d modeling environment ?
Ofcourse I don't plan on making detailed models or sclupting or anything like that.
Just simple stuff and animation

>> No.568380


>> No.568385

Literally any non-CAD 3d modeling software will allow you do unwrap objects.

>> No.568424

I'm not talking about unwrapping the model, I know how to do that I'm talking about making the texture map itself.

>> No.568440

w--wait what? maya don't have texture painting? now i know why all those people are using photoshop to texture.
holy shit. pirate 3Dcoat dude.

>> No.568452

Ok cool I'll give it a shot and Maya does have a texture painting option I just didn't know what it did maybe I'll tutorial that then as thanks.

>> No.568455
File: 38 KB, 346x581, fdssfdfdasfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.79 is getting this one built in :v

>> No.568458
File: 5 KB, 252x161, tumblr_nsx6sgGNwP1udwanoo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the height

>> No.568459

height? you mean displacement?

>> No.568460

ah right.
i know that bump node does height too but i thought they used it here.

>> No.568461

wow i'm retarded i never used normal maps using the bump node. i always just put in displacement.

>> No.568549
File: 205 KB, 758x1002, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are my helpers so big when i import a fbx using revit?

>> No.568813

I need someone to guide me on Sketchup.
I'm struggling by modeling somehting that get's broke on the layer view for a 3d printing.

>> No.568968
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, yo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the base shape of [pic related] best achieved using curves/nurbs in Maya? I've nearly 2 years standard box modeling experience so I'm not exactly a noob, but this shape is killing me.

What's the best way to go about this shape? Any advice would be nice

>> No.568977

i think you can do it with subdivision surface + adding pisces here and there.

when presented with a complex shape. i always try to block it with a lowpoly version first, then give it some loops to define it.
obviously use the mirror modifier too

>> No.569088

any chance any of you got a torrent for this archmodels pack?

>> No.569091
File: 657 KB, 1321x903, Rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me again. I have a problem with these models I'm ripping from The Sims 4.
Pic Related. To the left is how the model appears in game. To the right is how the model renders in blender. The proportions seems all wrong.
I've tried using different focal lengths on the camera and tried different camera dimensions but i just cannot get a result that is similar to what the model looks like in game.
I get the same result with different models too. The blender version always has an elongnated appearance with a broader looking chin.
What am I missing, or could it be that the models just don't rip correctly ?

>> No.569096

dont think camera settings are causing this, most likely it has to do with the rip. Maybe the rip is the base model sans slider adjustments? Don't know enough about the sims or ripping in general to know for sure, but this is probably a question to ask TS4 modding community.

>> No.569097

on second glance, kinda looks like you squashed the model along the X axis.

>> No.569099


just had another look at the model and the side profile is way off from what it is in the game.
my guess is your first answer is probably right. i think the model rips without all of the slider adjustments.
well fuck
thanks though

>> No.569119

try using another ripper, since the mesh data should be in modified form, you probably ripped the base mesh

>> No.569126
File: 355 KB, 770x2100, q7wnz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the process of creating this?

>> No.569132

boolean and soms topo editing. watch arrimus3d's tutorial on booleans

>> No.569141


in max mirror geometry, no topo fuckery

>> No.569193

How do I git gud at texturing? Any good tutorials?

>> No.569214

What software would be best suitable for making UVs and light maps for architectural visualisation in UE4?

Models will be created in Rhino & GH or Archicad/Revit/Vectorworks. Would Blender be ok for just making UVs and maybe animating a couple of doors?

>> No.569229


Chamfer the loop on the horizontal pipe, then chamfer the edges where the vertical pipe will be attached. Remove those polies. Add a flat cylinder on top of those removed polies. Bridge/whatever to the horizontal pipe's hole. At least that's how I'd imagine doing it. Can't recreate it currently.

inb4 whining. I'm self-taught and my methods are sometimes a bit weird.

>> No.569252

I couldn't find a torrent for it , but luckily a buddy of mine had it.
I'm thinking of uploading it to cgpeers, but I've never uploaded any torrents anywhere. What should I do so it won't get traced back to me?

>> No.569255

I have two newbie questions. First, I am making some clothing with trim around the edges, but it is separate from the clothing. If I want to simulate the cloth in real time with Unreal, do I need the trim directly merged to the clothing?

And second, I used curves in Maya to create the trim, so the polygons of the trim and clothing match up very well. I should be able to attach them manually with no problem- but is there a faster way to do this?

>> No.569257
File: 163 KB, 1169x453, snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Second question im not sure if i understand correctly but if i do.

With the clothes as a poly object add in an extra edge loop. Duplicate the clothes and delete everything but the new ring of polys. this ring will be the hem. Extrude it inside and out to give it desired thickness and add detail.

>> No.569258
File: 262 KB, 947x685, clothing trim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, but that's not quite what I am looking for. I already have the trim made. I am wondering if I need to physically attach it to the clothing, and merge the vertices. Or if there is a faster method like using a boolean maybe. And I'm not even sure if it needs to be attached or not, but I think it might need to be for real time cloth simulation. But I can't find an answer to that.

>> No.569476

How fucked is sculpting without a tablet?

>> No.569478

why is it a separate mesh? that makes no sense

just extrude it from the edges

>> No.569497

As a beginner should I stick with blender or should I bite the bullet and get a paid program?

>> No.569498

as someone who is using blender for two years now just wait for 2.79 and see if you like it.
you can jump right in but 2.79 have features that will make your life easier

>> No.569502

just pirate maya lol

>> No.569503

if you're a beginner you should stick to a free version of whatever program until you figure out what you need.

>> No.569524

anyone know where i can find decent hair card textures?

>> No.569530

You don't even need to. Just download the student version. There's no reason to use Blender over Maya.

>> No.569538

how to get an automatic rigging for human body?
using blender right now

>> No.569540

I'm rather impressed by shots of nude mods in Skyrim (CBBE etc) and even that in Black Desert. Are these shots due to textures or due to shaders?

>> No.569542


>> No.569544

Any idea where they get the textures? Or any good guides to shaders? I've tried 3D modelling for a bit but I've been avoiding Shaders since I feel I'll be running before I can walk

>> No.569547

I'm guessing they just take them from other nude mods or games or a few of them actually make it themselves or photoshop parts of real life pictures onto the texture

You can achieve a similar look by messing with the material, rendering and post-processing settings in whatever software you're using.

>> No.569549


>> No.569551

Cool. Thanks. Will mess around and see what happens I guess.

>> No.569626

what kind of rig do I need to animate a humanoid character that will need to be doing some extreme poses, such as a ballet dancer?

I've noticed with my basic humanoid rigs I can't get very good deformation if I'm trying to bend the thigh at a 90 degree angle or above. I thought it was a problem with my skinning but I saw a tutorial today that said you'd need a more complex rig to achieve these movements.

How can I find out more about the type of rig that I need? Anyone have links to some good tutorials? Don't mind paying for them if they're good.

>> No.569683

I'm baking a normal map of a completely different model onto another low poly model with Maya. The result is ok but is it worth spending the time to tweaking the settings to improve baking if possible? Or are there other baking softwares that handle this better? I'm aware that most software expect you to have a high and low poly copy of the same mesh, but will it work well if they're different? Which ones allow you to control the positioning of the meshes? (xNormal? Knald? x,y,z?)

I like how Maya lets you position the meshes to control the projection detail. This is really important for me.

>> No.569692
File: 83 KB, 1290x716, maya_2017_06_27_06_26_55_890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this.

>> No.569709

what are the meshes

>> No.569712

what is a good chamfer number for furniture, generally interior meshes?

>> No.569715

the low poly mesh is a piece of armor, I'm trying to bake sculpting details onto it using a high poly plane containing the sculpting details.

I feel like this would be easier than trying to clone, retop, and subdivide the geo, or even trying to get good results from conforming a mesh to the armor.

>> No.569738

man, downloaded the beta the other day, it's the tits
been casually learning blender nodes and not getting much out of it, it was really burning my interest, then i saw this, and dear god, i farted and i already made a friend's gun to look real. atleast all i learned paid off since i know how to use vectors, maths, alpha and stuff. this just simplified the other million steps that you had to do

>> No.569739

How i can draw an incision on a surface?

>> No.569763

you could try forming the detail plane to the armor shape with a lattice modifier or something before baking

>> No.569767
File: 362 KB, 1600x900, mineycrafta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a newb, and was just trying to follow some tuts on rigging a character.

I was making this little minecraft dude, when I noticed that I could only select one set of bones (Arms and legs or head and spine) at a time, which is annoying because I wanted to set the spine as the master bone for the arms and legs, but that's impossible if I can't select them all in edit mode. What do I do? Do I absolutely have to start over?

>> No.569768

your skeleton needs to be connected

>> No.569769

It wasn't in the tutorial


And it worked for him just fine.

>> No.569779
File: 42 KB, 359x693, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connected as in all the same armature object. It appears your limbs and spine are separate objects.

If they were then you could select the bone in edit or pose mode and set the parent here.

>> No.569790

I've never used a biped rig before. When going into autokey mode in max and animating the wrist, it always snaps back into the original position and key-ing doesn't work. I've read that you have to create an IK controller for the wrist or some stuff, but I can't find any information how to do that. It's a rig for a source game, if that helps.

>> No.569792

>why engines don't automatically set the mesh origin geometry to the center of geometry?
imagine animating a trigger on a gun a character presses, where the pivot is in the center of the model. When you rotate the trigger, you will also have to move it to the right/left, so back into the gun, so it stays on the same place. if you move the pivot to the actual pivot point of the trigger (e.g. the rod it rotates on) you just have to rotate it.
Imagine you have a car model and place the pivot point on the height where the tires touch the ground, you can easily place the model on the ground of the map without having to adjust it all the time

>> No.569828
File: 89 KB, 1681x899, spads1090815046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say we have a symmetrical model like in pic related and want the identical parts such as the shoulder pads to draw from the same part of the texture. I know I can select an island and move it, but is there a more precise way to do this? Perhaps a way to merge the vertices?

>> No.569832

If I have a shoe or boot model I ripped from a game, complete with the character model and the foot underneath, what would be the fastest and easiest way to adapt the shoe or boot to a completely different humanoid character?

>> No.569841
File: 73 KB, 823x734, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can simply model something using the mirror modifier. or simply delete half of your character and add it later. you can unwrap half of your character with the modifier still on

>> No.569850


Thanks. I had the same idea but I was wondering if there was another way.

>> No.569916
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1497842909039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I copy shit, I'm using all of the autism I possibly can when looking at tutorials.
is it something you have to keep doing over and over to get good at it?

>> No.569925

explore all modeling tools. simply open the mesh menu and explore. this will give you an idea

>> No.569928

I use zbrush
what does explore mean?

>> No.569983

before I tell you, do you have a boat?

>> No.569984

is there anyway to subdivide a mesh with non-uniform topology (as in quads, tris, ngons everywhere) without deforming it as it usually does?

>> No.569991

how do you make zbrush's camera usable without flipping the object sideways into its own ass?

>> No.569992


you have camera hotkeys

>> No.569993

nvm got it, god 3d art is so easy hah

>> No.570003
File: 77 KB, 553x457, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My process has always been using Mayas 3 hotkey to have a smooth mesh preview and adding bounding edges to tighten edges which eventually leads to me smoothing the mesh itself at the end.

Is doing the latter obsolete since most render engines such as arnold, vray, keyshot, marmoset subdivides it in the rendering itself, or should I continue doing it the way ive been doing.

I know there are tools like OpenSubD and use functions like crease edge to gain the crispness of having bounding edges, but im not sure how universal it is, how the creased edges would transfer out.

This pertains mostly to hard surface modeling.

>> No.570047

my english speaking friend clarified your answer for me. You mean use different tools zbrush has?

sorry about earlier, english isn't my first language

>> No.570049

yes he is basically said that the best way to learn the tools is to practice with all of the tools. Start with the first tool you see in a menu and just go down the entire menu until you understand what all of the different tools do.

it depends on what it will be used for. If something you want to implement doesn't require the physical topology there's no reason to not let the renderer do the smoothing. If you want something like soft-body physics or use something like xgen, you will need the correct topology before maya makes its calculations.

keep in mind that there are multiple ways of accomplishing the same thing, so ultimately you should just use the workflow that accomplishes what you need.

>> No.570089

p-pls respond...

>> No.570090

depends on the old character and new characters shape. feet aren't that different, so you'll really just have to drag verts in one direction or the other with soft select

>> No.570103

I tried learning blender and it's been going well, I'm using lynda.com and blendergurus tutorial on youtube. If I continue I'm sure I'd learn it in a decent amount of time depending on how lazy I am. I'm going to start trying to learn maya on lynda.com and youtube as well because I dont want to be so hotkey reliant. Is this an autist move? Is maya equally hotkey reliant and/or harder to learn? I have a shit attention span/memory and I need to keep going back during tutorials

>> No.570104

this is just a fallacy. maya does have menus that are more like the left side panel in blender but it dosen't mean you can't have button only workflow in blender.
its typically under mesh,view,select and you have to know where it is. but the left side panel is a quick menu just like maya. and you have little tabs in that menu as well

>> No.570105

How is the learning curve compared to blender? (same guy)

>> No.570106

maya should be a little bit easier because of the buttons. but as time goes on it will be slower because hotkeys contribute to your speed.
it doesn't mean you have to learn 100 hotkeys. you will most likely use something like 20 or 30

>> No.570114

Ok and how is cinema 4d and 3ds max, right now im leaning towards maya

>> No.570128

c4d should be the easiest but the least robust
3ds and maya should be about the same, but 3ds will more suitable for modeling.
blender is good all around and you can do post production and video/sound editing in it too.

you need hotkeys in every 3D program. its almost inevitable when using a 3D program. otherwise it would take you like 4 times longer to accomplish a model
the only downside to blender is the render engine so you can download an alternative renderer if you want

>> No.570131

also i should mention that maya and 3ds have good rendering solutions. and c4d is surprisingly good internal rendering

>> No.570168
File: 140 KB, 720x783, plsfix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to animate some wires being created by extruding nurbs circle with a cv curve. Problem is that at the beginning of the animation I'm getting lots of bugs and I can't figure it out.

Tried it with a poly being extruded but it seems I can't animate the extrusion either. Any tips?

>> No.570181

nvm fixed it :^)

>> No.570246
File: 81 KB, 785x437, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help

I want to merge the feet with the legs, but keep the high heel part as a separate mesh.
the feet are a subtool currently.

how do I do that? I assume you use polygroups.

>> No.570277
File: 118 KB, 992x770, shapeways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if I could print something through Shapeways, uploaded a semi-random blob with pointy bits into it and I see none of those support structures they usually get surrounded with when 3D printed - does that mean I need to find an app that will add them or does Shapeways manages that themselves?

>> No.570291


Mask Heels. Polygroup them. Subtool/split Group split.

>> No.570293

shapeways does the supports themselves.

>> No.570329

thanks for the help, I need to think better because this felt obvious

>> No.570340

dont merge it
why would you even want that?

>> No.570369
File: 152 KB, 1303x716, maya_2017_07_02_17_19_32_535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to not get the middle connecting pipe to stay round when using a bend deformer?

>> No.570371
File: 143 KB, 1351x651, z7z9f84aogn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Dynamesh for my blocking process, but I don't like it how it work for the hand and foot since it always weld fingers together.

Increasing the resolution sure solves the problem, but move tool and blocking in general becomes less responsive with such high resolutions.

I'm currently leaving the hands and feet as separated tools until I finish the sculpt and finally merge everything with a pretty high res Dynamesh, then I Zremesh it and re-project.

Is there any better way to do this?

(pic related, not my mine, though)

>> No.570378

dont really understand what you just said.
you want the big ring to deform with a bend modifier? what do you want the whole thing to do and what is it doing now?

>> No.570398
File: 80 KB, 1303x716, maya_2017_07_03_01_21_28_405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im using a deformer to make the ring. The pipe connecting to the circle is getting squished. is there a way to prevent that?

>> No.570417
File: 348 KB, 1024x768, MclarenWireFrameBack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


speaking of which, once smoothed out, is it apt to delete edge loops that do not add to the geometry? or keep them uniform as possible. I've seen car models where the artist could have optimized the mesh.

>> No.570426

There is nothing on this car to optimise in the way you're describing. If you start removing edge loops on that you're going to get flat planes, which will create trashy shading when the flat meets a curve.
>apt to delete edge loops that do not add to the geometry?
Do you mean that do not add to the silhouette? It's all geometry.

>> No.570433

are there any good programs for taking photos of an object at different angles and making a 3d model from it automatically?

>> No.570456

I don't quite understand all those foliage generators. Does anybody in the industry model trees and grass nowadays, or is all of that done by programs like SpeedTree, GrowFX and libraries like Megascans? Like, if I create some environment scene for a portfolio, is it good or bad if I just use some generator?

And take games like Uncharted, Tomb Raider and Far Cry for example - are they also using generators or are they doing it from scratch?

It's just weird for me as an artist to let programs do a part of my work, I mean yeah, you still have some creative input, but it's different from traditional arts. You can't just generate a tree for your drawing, you have to master painting it from scratch. But then again, this field is so complex it would be almost impossible to do it everytime. Somebody explain this to me, thanks.

>> No.570459

Why the fuck does Maya move buttons around?

> watch tutorial

> "go to "edit" and "quick select sets""
> it's actually in "select"

> go to "animate", and "set key""
> it's actually in key, which is in another workspace

Fuck me, stop that. I'm literally 3 minutes into a tutorial, and this is the shit I had to spend time on.

>> No.570466


Nope thats what I do too. Keep them seperate.

>> No.570470

dynamesh at a lower res. subdivide and work the detail that way. when you need to move large parts lower the subdiv and raise it again when you're done. if you need to redynamesh, duplicate and then project the detail back on.

>> No.570476

aww poor you, that's at the top of your list of worries huh?

>> No.570477

123d catch is a phone app that is alright

>> No.570493

Trying to figure out if I should lern2art or just hire an artist, and I'm coming to the point in my project where placeholders won't cut it any more.

I need low poly, low shape-complexity models with reasonably low animation requirements for my game, but I need to have some reasonable control over the design of them in order for them to mesh with what I've laid down in my prototype and design docs. Its almost all environment and vehicles and it only needs to look slightly better than a ps1 game, in my layman's opinion that's ezpz stuff.

My question is, is there a ballpark number of work hours it would take for me to learn to produce these assets myself? I would rather make a shitty game by myself than subject someone else to working on my shitty game with me, even if they're getting paid to do it.

If I could estimate how much time I'd be delaying my project by in order to avoid hiring an art slave by learning to create my own assets, that'd be great, but right now I'm too hesitant to stop programming in order to try to find out for myself. I want to learn, but I don't know if I can dedicate the time to it - especially if I don't know how long it'll take; the learning process, that is, not the asset creation itself.

Trying to time budget. I know everyone learns at different rates, but if anyone can give me an idea perhaps of how long it took them to get to a basic proficiency, that'd be great.

>> No.570494

Hundreds of hours at least.

>> No.570495

its much more than putting in hours. its also depends if you have an eye for aesthetics

>> No.570496


Yeah, I don't. That is to say, I'm shit at visual art that isn't based very rigidly on patterns. I'm one of the few people I've known that's so bad at conventional art that I'm better at drawing with a mouse than I am by hand; that's not hard when the standard I draw to by hand is so fucking terrible.

This is day 1 for me. Are people who are typically bad at conventional art also fucking screwed when it comes to 3d? Or is the skillset entirely different? I have no manual dexterity, I bought a wacom about a decade ago and left it at my old house when I moved because I hated trying to use it so much. Drawing is infuriating.

3dcg doesn't look like drawing. Is it?

>> No.570497

>Are people who are typically bad at conventional art also fucking screwed when it comes to 3d?
not really, unless you are doing the concept art yourself

>> No.570504

post some concept art of what is in your "design docs".

it all depends on what you need.

>> No.570511


for example, you have piston, or a cyclindrical object. Would it make sense to have several edge loops going the length? when it does not add to the silhouette

>> No.570513

i always remembered in maya you could mass select objects pivots and center them to the scene.

No you can't do that regardless of having the retain component spacing off, and you need to do it one by one for each object

>> No.570526

just use snap and it will put all the pivots in the same spot. Freeze transforms

>> No.570527

ignore the freeze transforms part of that it isnt supposed to be in this post

>> No.570631
File: 32 KB, 254x351, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I sort my transform section to have location, rotation and scale instead of median?

>> No.570776
File: 3 KB, 811x181, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly I can sew vertices through my orthographic views in Maya. What did I hit on accident?

>> No.570806

Would I be limiting myself if I started in cinema 4d for modeling and animation and then switching over to maya or max if necessary? Or is this a fine plan

>> No.570825

may as well just start maya and stay since it can do whatever you want. Also allows you to go into other 3d than modeling in an interface you'll already be familiar with

>> No.570868

You won't get those in edit mode since vertices doesn't have rotation data.

>> No.570882
File: 57 KB, 737x393, metaseq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do symmetric edits to an existing mesh in 3ds Max? The Symmetry modifier almost does the job but it fails as it alters the topology by adding vertices in the middle of the mesh.

Picture related is what Metasequoia is able to do with any tool by enabling the "Symmetry" option. I need something similar in 3ds.

>> No.570883


>> No.570884
File: 272 KB, 734x659, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the actual mesh. New vertices are created next to the arrow pointed vertices.

>> No.570898

Graphite tools have a "Symmetry Tool" option but turning the mesh into a poly is not an option as it again alters the topology.

>> No.570907
File: 117 KB, 894x894, Texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a texture like this?

>> No.570956
File: 394 KB, 1200x1200, Savanna World Cloudless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using photoshop or whatever, make some solid noise layers and play around with them for a bit. Try displacing or warping them and try to keep it at a fairly high resolution. After you have some variety, use different layer blending modes to combine them. Just play around with them until you have something that looks good.

>> No.570966

forgot to say its important to emboss the noise layers before combining them

>> No.570980
File: 28 KB, 240x578, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to get rid of these blotches from photon mapping? Would more indirect samples help?

Renderer is Luxrender.

>> No.570986
File: 167 KB, 1920x1080, ZBRUSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You want pan? Sure, press alt.
You want zoom? Press alt and release.

How the fuck do I assign it to another button?

>> No.570989


You can't. It's designed primarily to be used with drawing tablets, which almost universally only have two buttons, and the scroll-wheel for zoom.

The best thing you can do is enable right-click navigation (or whatever it's called) and get used to it. Seriously - don't try to fight the interface (that goes for every piece of software) because you'll always end up losing. Just learn it and get used to it.

>> No.570996

Does Blender automatically join two objects if one is sticking to the other?

I was making a bridge connecting two objects but couldnt do it by extruding so i made another cube and just used that but when i wanted to select only the bridge i couldnt, it doesn't show up as another object. But when i select the object to which the bridge is connected then the bridge is selected too so i guess they joined together?

>> No.571071

Does anybody uses speedtree? Is it good?

>> No.571080
File: 609 KB, 750x750, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can I recreate this in Arnold?
Especially the noise displacement, since Arnold doesn't use the native c4d noise.

>> No.571149

then create your fucking noise with the native C4d render and bake it to texture you fucking unimaginative pleb.
You already have a step by step tutorial, if you can't adapt such simple things you'll never make it, you will be shit forever.

>> No.571150

I used it once for one afternoon and i got 10 animated medium-polygon palm-trees out of it which looked quite nice.

There are lots of sliders, but its an comfy program.
Double-plus good, would use again.

>> No.571171

How can i stop a part of my model moving while animating? I made the rig and everything works, the problem is everything works too much cause a part that shouldnt be moving somehow stuck to a bone and now its moving too. can i somehow paralize it?

>> No.571172

program is blender, forgot about that detail

>> No.571176

check your weight painting.

weight painting essentially tells blender how much polygons should move for each area. usually different colors indicate weak/strong effects of the deformation.

>> No.571177

Thanks a lot!

>> No.571199
File: 102 KB, 1316x808, 8237853272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me why the fuck when i pull the arm of my character the cape moves too? Funny thing is this thing doesn't happen on the other side(as shown by the screen)

>> No.571200

And yes i checked the weight painting, thought i had the same problem as the other guy >>571171
but its blue around the cape

>> No.571202
File: 91 KB, 1278x696, 25253253235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay i realized i had a mirror modifier so i deleted it but that didnt help too much lmao now its even more fucked, please help

>> No.571206
File: 158 KB, 1440x900, ZAMASU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.571207

Damn how did you know, also i fixed it, it was just blender(and me) being retarded as always

>> No.571209

Saw you post about it on /a/

>> No.571211

its because your cap is essentially 1 polygon and its painted to be deformed

second reason is that your root bone affects the rotation of the cape. so change that

>> No.571213

Can i add a detail to my model without breaking the UV project? I realized i missed something on my project halfway trought texturing it up. So i am kinda fucked or not? Blender btw.

>> No.571215

change the island that is problematic

>> No.571216
File: 79 KB, 1658x1168, Capture4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to UV Mapping in Maya. How would I go about mapping this 90-degree racetrack here? I would like the pattern to follow along with the curve. Even just some Googleable terms to get me started would be great.

>> No.571226
File: 1.05 MB, 2146x1173, track.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You would begin with a plane that is uv mapped. Then make the plane follow a curve like you have there. Max is way better for this kind of thing as you have the modifier stack.

>> No.571227

Ah. I see. Start with the object, map it, then curve it. Makes enough sense.

>> No.571273

you don't have to start with a mapped plane. These days maya's uv editor will do all the work for you.
>click object
>create planar uv map
>select uv edges
>cut edges
>unfold uv
>layout uv
done. if your cuts are in the right place maya will just flatten it out perfectly for you.

>> No.571287

So let's say you've hit something and accidentally loaded the last save of what you're working on which was half a day ago and you've lost hours of work, is there anyway to undo that and go back or should I kill myself?

>> No.571298

What it's better for a beginner: modeling in 3ds max or sculpting in zbrush? I want to model an army boot and, ultimately, a full character. What should I do?

>> No.571319

It depends how "beginner" you are. You're gonna need a decent knowledge of poly modeling if you want to retopo anything and make models for games. Making any sort of photorealistic characters or clothes is done entirely with sculpting nowadays, though.

You could always model the base of the boot with sub-d modeling, then bring it in zbrush to add creases, wrinkles, seams, etc.

>> No.571348

>last save was half a day ago
what the fuck? I can't even move the camera without hitting ctrl+s

>> No.571385

>>create planar uv map
Or use camera based

>> No.571396

Im learning about Normal Maps and am wondering what programs most people in the video game industry use? I know you can do normals in Maya, xnormal, marmoset and a whole bunch of other shit. Does it really matter which one or is it all preference?

>> No.571406

the "industry" bakes their normal maps from sculpts

>> No.571407

I know that, I'm wondering what programs are the best or if it is a preference.

>> No.571413

Most people in the videogame industry would use Substance Painter to bake maps these days. I'm sure plenty still use Xnormal or other solutions but Substance has amazing baking now, and you can bake all your maps at once.

>> No.571414
File: 298 KB, 1318x710, maya_2017_07_09_15_55_06_189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated Maya to Update 3 (pirated) and it fucked up some of the high poly. What do? If its fucked than its not a big deal since I am just following a tutorial.

>> No.571415

thanks for the info

>> No.571417

i downgraded to update 2. it also fucks the uv editor and breaks the unfold tool

>> No.571418

>it also fucks the uv editor and breaks the unfold tool
Quickly tested the unfold tool and it seems to be working the same. Also the iv editor looks more aesthetically pleasing to me.

>> No.571423

new uv editor looks like it was designed for mobile phone

>> No.571433

id reinstall

legit version and i dont have those issues

>> No.571434


film is mostly MARI tho
substance painter is dope too imo

>> No.571478
File: 518 KB, 1300x731, tabl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to mirror the entire scene in 3ds max, and not all new objects separately? So I could create new shapes and instantly see whats happening without applying modifiers over and over again.

>> No.571482

look into duplicate link objects?

>> No.571484
File: 275 KB, 873x347, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im doing Dodge Challenger Demon, and one of the designs that is different from a regular Challenger is the wheel well.

How would one go about building the wheel well, I'm currently at a loss on how to do. It's such a simple design, but i can't wrap my head around it.

To be fair, I could have choose to do the 2018 version where that part is a seperate part vs the 2017 one shown where its actually part of it?

>> No.571497

Google gives me nothing on that.
I want a globally applied symmetry for everything i do in real time.

>> No.571501

go ask on polycount

>> No.571533

How do I get Maya 2017 to save my color correction settings to the images saved by "render sequence"?

>> No.571539

Are there any websites/programs/anything that have some premade models that let you create an incredibly simple area? All I want to do is create a floor, single wall, some rectangles, and some tables to help me with a drawing I want to make.

>> No.571543

look in preferences under "render" or something like that. Should be a color correction option or two

>> No.571553
File: 17 KB, 500x364, 1499297492862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does GoZ really not work with maya 2017?

>> No.571579

Is there a good tut on making planar hair?

>> No.571583


>> No.571685

Does anyone know of a way to take meshes from one Blender scene and put them in another without exporting and importing? Maybe a copy/paste of sorts while having both files open?

>> No.571686

yes quite literally
select objects and ctrl+c and ctrl+v in the other scene

>> No.571740

quick question, im trying to import a skinned model with shapekeys, animations and a facecount of 180k from blender to max using fbx but the import takes ages.

is there any way to speed things up?

>> No.571801

Is it possible to use an xbox controller with either zbrush or blender rotate/zoom? Just curious if it was possible.

>> No.571825
File: 100 KB, 871x741, SNATCHER SCUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god there's a thread like this.

My student version of Max ran out, and it was like Autodesk 12, so I thought I'd just get a new one for 16.
I'm getting an error telling me the license checked out, Error 2.

Now I'm retarded because I can't find any reason why it'd be doing that, I have a key from the email.

Also I suck at 3D but I ain't talented at anything.

>> No.571847
File: 410 KB, 853x640, Main.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the easiest way to fake ambient occlusion in AE if I have a scene with some lights and 3D planes colliding to form a ground and walls like in the webm?

>> No.571855

not sure if it's what you're looking for, but
>duplicate layer with object
>make it completely black
>blur it
>tweak opacity
>move below original layer

>> No.571867


Thanks. I tried it the other day but it didn't work because I was trying to paste in edit mode, but it works in object mode.

>> No.571908

Using Vray in maya, I have a cube with vray environment fog set as a volume material, I'm trying to map a ramp to Fog density as to make my fog denser at the bottom.


The link above stated World XYZ mapping type was used for the textures but I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Any help would be appreciated (if possible, a hypershade picture would greatly help, as I'm a complete beginner with shading stuff)

>> No.571912

I can only get my hands on a student copy of 3ds max.

If I export an fbx, open in blender, re-export, is the model still tagged as created with a student copy?

>> No.571948

either reinstall or restart the flex license server in services

fbx files dont contain that info afaik, and i didnt see any reference to it in the fbx sdk info. but i did just test it anyway, exported from a student max into blender exported and opened in maya and never got any popups

>> No.572081

When I want to make and texture a label for my bottle, should I just put a texture on selected polygons or should I make a separate object by cloning those polygons, texture that, and then place it on top of my bottle model?

>> No.572087

id just use compositing nodes in the shader but if you don't want to do that then a separate object

>> No.572098

Hello guys

So i was wondering if i still need to use Gamma Correct Node, in Maya 2016. People told me that Maya 2016 gamma corrects automaticaly everything. So in my Render Settings, if i put Gamma 2.2, and mode "Color Map and Gamma" enabled, is that everything i need to do?

>> No.572119

I'm a bit confused over the Extract function in zBrush. It seems to be THE way to create armour/clithes for a pre-existing figure. Unless there is another way. If so, I'm all ears.
However, everytime I extract and sculpt, the extracted portions look wierd and worse when I dynamesh to sculpt it. There's also the annoying part where it intrudes into the base model itself.
Is zBrush a good idea for hard surface modelling? Or should I use blender?

>> No.572120


I think Extract is related to your brush size. Big brush sizes means more Thickness to your extract part. Another thing maybe it is related to the Depth aswell. Like Insert Mesh, you can change the Depth of it. Im not sure if this is related to Extract, but maybe you could give it a try.

>> No.572122

Thanks. I'll give it a shot. Don't suppose you know any good tutorials for hard surface in zbrush? Most that I see seem to harp on about hard polish but never really explain how to get straight edges.

>> No.572160

it color manages the viewing of the output to srgb automatically (you can change it in the render viewer) but when you save a file its linear to preserve the workflow. you just have to change the output transform to srgb if you want to save color managed images

>> No.572162

theres like a billion ways to do hard surface in zbrush. depends on what workflow you like.

i prefer zmodeler and live booleans myself

and its really easy to get straight edges with hard polish, you snap to an ortho view and drag. the brush flattens based on the camera direction

>> No.572177

Interesting. TH=hank you for the idea

>> No.572180
File: 256 KB, 1498x925, halp pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner here.
I seem to have messed up the UI and i don't know how to fix this. I reversed the UI to standard but this remains. Nothing in that area is clickable as well. This only appears when i open this file. Other projects work fine.
Does anyone know how to easily fix this? I have no recollection of what i did to mess it up but im sure to have pressed every button in a enthusiastic attempt to learn more about the program

>> No.572236
File: 140 KB, 500x667, 1497465530258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a bad idea to start out with a pirated version of c4d, make some money with it, and then buy the real version? will i get caught and fined or some shit? i just want a new hobby bros

>> No.572389

How is 3ds max 2018 compared to 2016? Is it worth the upgrade?

>> No.572561

For video games, can parallax occlusion mapping go inwards, or does the effect only work pushing the surface outwards?

>> No.572585

Has rigging in Maya become any easier from 2013 to 2017?

I found a nice tutorial from 2013 that I'm following, but I wonder if I'm overcomplicating it by following an old tutorial.

>> No.572715
File: 38 KB, 377x365, ScreenHunter_228 Jul. 19 02.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i import autodesk models with textures to sketchup? pic related all i get is a model and no textures.

>> No.572744

So I see a lot in tutorials and stuff that you almost always want quads as it makes smoothing and shit better. Are triangles fine if you aren't going to subdivide? Are there any negatives to triangles other than that?

>> No.572745
File: 245 KB, 1370x807, Triangles Suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.572746

that looks like a case of shit topology and not enough polygons

>> No.572784

edge flow

>> No.572882

I feel like my question belongs here because I don't feel like it's correct to make a new thread... basically, I went to college and didn't learn shit. And I really want to. Has anyone heard of CG Spectrum and do you recommend it if you have?

>> No.572983

triangles are not a big deal so long as you're careful about where you put them. a triangle on a flat hard surface object for example is fine. triangles in places like shoulders, elbows, other joints may not be a good idea.

>> No.573189

New to modelling
In max 2017 how do I change the pan key from middle mouse to mouse4?

>> No.573203

So I've UV unwrapped my model with a single planar projection and lined it up with the reference image, mostly just to approximate what it'll be like with textures and the result, though on an unusable UV template, looks fairly close to how I want the final texture. Is there a way that I could transfer this same projection to the final, properly unwrapped model and bake it to an image file/the UV template, to kickstart the actual texturing process? Using Maya, if that helps.

>> No.573679

in maya is there a way to see which vertices are affected by a blendshape?

I have a few blendshapes that seem to be affecting way too many vertices but I can't figure out which

>> No.573908
File: 437 KB, 785x1031, 1500821247879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone plz rip this model for me.


>> No.573919

Where do texture artists get all the base photos for their textures?

>> No.573922

do you always need to make retopology after you sculpt something or only for stuff that will be rigged?

>> No.574081

depends on what the model is for. if you're gonna put it in a game engine at all, yes. for production stuff always. to showcase a concept, not so much.

>> No.574152


Google Images? Use the advanced search to sort out things without proper license permissions. Can also sort by size and look for seamless textures if necessary.

Take the photos yourself with a good camera. This probably allows you the most freedom. There are a lot of tips here like make sure you get uniform lighting, take pics outside only on overcast days (less shadows).

Find texture dumps online. There's sites that put together libraries of textures and I've found random links to very old blogspot, WordPress, etc blogs that had thousands of unique images for free. I usually make a small script to download the images quick.

>> No.574500

Can anyone point me to the right direction? I want to be able to make game friendly ivy textures but I dont necesarily want to paint the leaves or vines. Do you usually take pictures of the ivy? do you look for them on google? do you use a generator or a poly model?