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File: 280 KB, 1500x1500, s_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
528906 No.528906 [Reply] [Original]

old one reached the bump limit

>> No.528920

does anyone know how to explode models to bake in blender?

>> No.528930

anyone know how i manually retopo a model in blender?

>> No.528931

>object - origin to geometry
>shift+s cursor to selected
>shift+a create a new plane
>cut the plane in half
>add mirror
>add snapping,snap to surface of other objects
>add shrinkwrap
>use x-ray on new mesh
>start extruding edges and veriticies

>> No.528932
File: 100 KB, 657x610, 2016-07-12 00_49_24-Blender_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how this should look

>> No.528960

Tips for fluid animations in Blender? I'm trying to make a shotgun recoil animation and jeez it's either jerky or the momentum disappears.

>> No.528970

Question for extremely amateur mobile game developer using UE4, GIMP, and Blender.

How do I properly sculpt and texture terrain for the scope of what I'm trying to do? Like I said, it's for a mobile game, so it has to be fairly lowpoly and whatnot. I can throw some shittily sculpted mountains with some generated textures down, but the problem is I want the terrain to reflect real existing areas.

Basically, what would be the proper workflow for this?

>> No.528974

If you Retop in Topogun, and unwrap that initial Mesh, can you subdivide inside of topogun and reuse the unwrapped uvs on a higher poly mesh.

>> No.528978

probably a combination of height maps and normal maps.

also learn about texture mapping and terrain. you would want to make good use of your textures.

>> No.528981

look into interpolation

>> No.528997

Do you have an idea of what kind of visual style you want to make + what kind of game it's going to be?

>> No.529017

Thanks. So would proper workflow be something like creating a heightmap > importing it to ue4 > using tiled terrain textures to paint it?

Aircraft sim. So yeah like i said, its mobile and the terrain wont be too close, so detail should be on tge low end

>> No.529034

In Blender's Blender Renderer, what do I have to do in order to preview a texture set to reflection coordinates instead of UV with a projection other than flat?

No matter what, the 3D view shows it with a flat projection. I'll only ever see it as a cube or sphere when rendered.

>> No.529037
File: 97 KB, 710x350, Weird-curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, with the reflections mapped to tube I get this weird curve sometimes, happens with other textures used with tube projections as well.

Any ideas on how to solve it? If not I can just draw over it but it's better to have it right out of the box.

>> No.529044
File: 24 KB, 230x462, 2016-07-13 01_51_38-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this stuff
you mean this?

>> No.529045

Yeah that. Tube gives me the funny hook sometimes and also I can only ever see Flat in the 3D View, I can only see the other projections on render. Anything that can be done?

>> No.529049

for what do you use it? are you textures procedural?
i rather use UV and avoid the headache

>> No.529051
File: 23 KB, 428x200, Shotguns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using it to imitate the reflections / streaks of some drawn weapons since lighting won't cut it for the unrealistic stylization.

I wouldn't know where to begin with UV for this.

>> No.529052

the viewport is funny. it almost never matches the render so don't worry about it

maybe its the specular that causes this issue, you can change the material as well

>> No.529053

I checked that immediately when I noticed it in the render, but the only thing that made it appear and disappear was setting the projection to tube.

>> No.529057
File: 41 KB, 398x704, Battilly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this cause me issues?
If it is, what can I do to correct it?

>> No.529059

Also, Any advice on bones/armatures in general are welcomed. Thanks friend.

>> No.529067
File: 393 KB, 893x275, advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey before I blow my brains out, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong in this shit. I thought blue means it barely moves, yet its taking the whole god damn head...
I need advice.

>> No.529068

It's moving because there are small pockets of influence surrounded by no influence at all. When you have finished weight painting, do a once over with the subtract tool on the surrounding area where the influence becomes zero.

>> No.529074

My advice? Whenever that happens select all the vertex you want to keep still and remove them from the vertex group linked to the bone

>> No.529077

Guys, how do you do when you want to create something originally new from scratch?

I know references are key in the creation process, but do you always start from something that already exists?

In my case, I know the modeling tools I'll need fairly well (using max for 1.5, almost 2 years and with a cad background), but it is like I get stuck with all the freedom of being able to create whatever I want

All I could get so far is a small library with shapes that I experimented with and caught my eye, but I can't seem to figure out on what to use them or how put them toghether to create something else

>> No.529078

>Tl;dr version: i need help with the creative workflow, not so much with the technical

>> No.529146
File: 292 KB, 603x696, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender. There are a few models in here, overlapping, and Ctrl+Num+ doesn't work, selecting linked faces doesn't work, using Remove Doubles allows Ctrl+Num+ to work but it merges the models at some points and breaks it.

What do? The edges of each model clearly touch to form cohesive shapes, but they aren't connected.

>> No.529150

Concept art.
You can do without it for sure, but being able to do it - even just amateurish basic stuff - solves your problem. Going without it puts you at a disadvantage unless you're a sculptor, aren't making film/game assets or possess a super-human level of foresight.

>> No.529152


By concept art do you mean more traditional stuff like drawings and sketches, or 3D block outs are good too?

I know everyone must work differently and I should find out what works best for me, but since I'm new to this I'd like to hear what is common for original creations.

I usually have a good idea of what I want but everything is "fogged" in my imagination, kind of like a dream, and when I try to make it in 3D I end up stuck working those fogged details instead of moving on to make something bigger.

i.e. I like sci-fi stuff, but I always get distracted making details like panels and screws in one part like the wing, instead of making it conect to the body

Thanks for the help bro

>> No.529156

In my case I'd draw something digitally, you could try kitbashing but aside from sculpting software nothing really allows you to lay out or experiment with shapes in 3D as fast as you could with 2D sketches. Being able to construct your own reference planes is useful too if you like that process for modeling.

The "Fog" you describe doesn't really go away with any kind of art, which is part of why being able to rapidly change and experiment with shapes in digital art software is so useful. The only way to really combat it is by building up a visual library with reference and by doing study drawings/models of real world objects. Even learning how stuff works can help, because then you're applying that logic to whatever you're drawing or modeling and it's more difficult to get sidetracked.

>> No.529185

In blender is there a way to select every vertice on a single axis. Like say there are a group of verts i want to delete that all lie on the same point on the Z axis, is there a way i can simply select all at once, without having to select them one by one

>> No.529188

Try the L key.

>> No.529190

Alt + RightClick

>> No.529198

No, that wasn't it. I found a solution though, shift+g for anyone interested.

>> No.529219
File: 264 KB, 900x675, 1465603036932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for someone who knows about modelling for 3D Custom Girl.

I have this model of an old style toilet I'd like to use for a game I'm making and wanted to know if anyone around here could convert it into a .TAH file so it could be used with 3d custom girl. Preferably with the lid able to be opened and closed. I'm happy to throw some cash your way if you can help out.


The guy who I usually pay has just up and vanished.

>> No.529228

None of it did anything, except deselect which deselected the last face I selected.

>> No.529229

Put your cursor over what you want to select first, then press L and it selects all joined faces.

>> No.529230

It only ever selects what's right under it.

Also, I selected and moved a vertex and it was only joined to one face. They're all like this, nothing is joined, and using Remove Doubles merges parts of the overlapping models.

Press L while hovering over a face does select quite a lot after using Remove Doubles though.

>> No.529231


If you only concerned about joining stuff, try the netfabb server for fixing stl files. Convert to stl, upload, download the fixed version and it might work.

Just be aware that this will also turn everything to tris

>> No.529251


I never get tired of this post.

>> No.529265
File: 25 KB, 769x663, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I set the diameter of the blue cylinder to be the same as the inside diameter of the baby shit colour cylinder? do I just scale it by eye or is there a way to do it properly?

blender fyi

>> No.529266
File: 35 KB, 662x615, 2016-07-14 14_44_04-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to edit mode
>shift alt on the cylinder faces
>copy this

>> No.529267

oh you meant scale
yeah just set the camera to orto, snap the babyshit cylinder onto the yellow one and arrange it with g or axis widget

>> No.529325

So I did a Uv-Unwrap and seemed everything did fine.
How ever I noticed a part of my model wasn't unrwapped. and there is currently black spot.

So my question is how can I quickly unwrap that area to my current Uv without restarting?

>> No.529326

Are there any material wizards present?

>> No.529334
File: 57 KB, 470x349, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In blender-in sculpt mode. How can I achieve this?

>> No.529345
File: 55 KB, 1246x804, 34d66d4659b94a759ed86c41e3889a87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you get something like pic related without boolean? And if you had to use boolean how would you deal with the resulting geometry?

>> No.529362


unwrap it with seams

match the topology to the holes and extrude inwards

>> No.529375
File: 11 KB, 167x99, wasted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDS artefacts.

Is there a program that'll smooth away the blocky texture of a shitty DDS and retain the detail present without just painting over it?

>> No.529376

I'm just trying to find some help man.

>> No.529378

here is the page of all the convertors and stuff


the wiki only mentions that you can convert either custom girl to miku miku or vice versa, im not even sure there is a content pipeline for this stuff as i never heard of both extensions before

>> No.529405
File: 2.74 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey 3 :v I'm modeling first time in my life, I've been messing woth cinema 4d for some time (I'm graphic designer/video editor-engineer etc.. etc.. so I know almost any software and I was studying drawing for all my childhood also, but rescently started playing with 3d) now exploring maya and started to model

this is my first shit ever. am I fucking up? should I continue? (BTW it's not done yet and my internet is down so I took picture)
Body is also almost done I'll post tomorrow my full model

>> No.529408

Anyone here familiar with Renderman? I'm trying to learn it and stuck with Marschner hair Eccentricity.

>Eliptical cross section aspect ratio. Between 1 and .85. Note that Eccentricity depends on Nn

What's Nn?

>> No.529410


hurr hurr dis is my first model evur let me just take a fucking photo of my screen

you're the most obvious troll

>> No.529423
File: 107 KB, 960x560, Furniture-Wood-Carving-by-Alexander-Grabovetskiy-Slider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would I even get started on something like this?

>> No.529424

model the overall silhouette then sculpt

>> No.529425
File: 874 KB, 1095x592, Animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this. Use Alt+RMB to select edge loops, and Shift+S to open the snap menu.

>> No.529427

and then retopo.
Modeling this kind of shit is very autistic, i hope you got a lot of patience and time.

>> No.529429

after retopo, do I go back into sculpting mode to add detail or should it be done at that point?

>> No.529430
File: 92 KB, 1187x758, Particle Systems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender user here. I've got a question about particle systems. To the right, you can see I have 6 grouped branch meshes that each have a leaf particle system on them. To the left, I have a black stem mesh with a particle system on it, that uses the branches to the right. How can I get the leaves on the branch meshes to show up on the stem mesh?

I know that I could convert the leaf particle systems to mesh objects and attach them to the branch meshes, but I would rather avoid that because then I would have to delete the newly created object and go back to the particle system every time i want to tweak something.

>> No.529431

wtf man :v I'm not a fucking troll I'll post the model when I'll get home

>> No.529433

wtf man :v I'm not a fucking troll I'll post the model when I'll get home

>> No.529434
File: 1.71 MB, 550x500, Majestic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very new to 3d. How would I go about making something akin to this beauty?

>> No.529435

Not the OR but I think retopo is the last step for the modeling (not counting unwrapping of course)

>> No.529436


No point in showing off a low poly head, they look like nobody. Show off a sculpt.

>> No.529437
File: 23 KB, 582x372, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I rotate the ends to be flat ?

>> No.529438

You bake the Highpoly detail to the retopo'd mesh and you should be done.
You also have a fine quad mesh wich should be looking great when sub'd in case you want to have a flexible high poly mesh to work with.

>> No.529439

You don't rotate them, you scale them on the blue axis, dummy.
Yes its THAT obvious.

>> No.529440

I'm trying to use Maya to sculpt D.Va from Overwatch. I have the model from the SFM rip of Overwatch, but I want to make one with more details etc. I have the Aiko 7 obj from Daz3d as a base model for me to begin with, but I have no idea how to use a pre-existing obj as a reference. Would love some help.

>> No.529441

Is that Blender? S, Z, 0, enter. (scale on Z-axis to a value of zero)

>> No.529442

just move the vertex on z-axis

0 is relative

>> No.529443
File: 296 KB, 690x535, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need someone who kinda gets cycles material creation (or at least mapping/coordinates) to help with something.

Experimenting with making progressively generating stone-like materials that have metal veins marbled into them. Getting the general marbling to a point of some competency but now I need to be able to single out just the "metal" parts (in this case, Gold metal) to give them a proper raw metal ore look and some displacement.

The texture itself and displacement I can figure out, but how would I go about using nodes to find and isolate the effect to only the metal streaks?

>> No.529444

I have some FBX 7.5 files and Blender as well as Noesis only support up to FBX 7.4, which makes sense as 7.5 seems to be the 2017 SDK from Autodesk.

Any Blender plugins that'll let me import bleeding-edge FBX models, or free programs that'll convert to an older FBX?

I tried http://blenderfbx.render.jp/home and it seems to have issues with Blender 2.77a and 2.76 with some missing UMIO module (probably wouldn't support it anyway since it had 2015 on the date) and Google isn't finding 7.5 in the right contexts.

>> No.529445

is the version matters if you don't use the features of the new version? whats the difference.

>> No.529446

It does exactly what he wants to do. 'Rotate' the planes to be flat. This isn't something to contest considering you can just open Blender and try it yourself. You realize this.

>> No.529447

I'm guessing Autodesk changed the structure of the format around. Blender tells me Report: Error Couldn't open file. and Noesis tells me it can only convert the file and then tells me it can't convert FBX 7.5 and only supports up to 7.4

>> No.529448

depends on the length of the edge he is rotating

>> No.529449

then convert it to colleda

>> No.529450

Z only effects the Z axis. 0 is always 0. How do you mean?

>> No.529451

0 is no size, - is inverse. but if it works ill try it.
i just like to manually collapse vertices's since scaling and rotating sometimes affect other edges

>> No.529452

pls respond ;_;

>> No.529453

sculpting mode in blender or sculptris, both are free

if you're completely new then sculptris will get you to making shitty joke models fasfter

>> No.529454

Thanks! Sculptris it is then ( ᐛ )و

>> No.529455

Not a question, but a protip:

Install SageThumbs.

Gives you thumbnails for TGAs and stuff within Windows and is free, unlike that other program that comes up first on Google.

>> No.529462
File: 197 KB, 690x459, 7ffd85b61f27d1a56fbe9fce81bb644cd8f222fc_1_690x459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just happened upon this article and remembered your post. This may a great of deal help. Scroll down to where the dude explains it in the comments.

>> No.529463

It's a 3 part tutorial, in case you want to model it:

>> No.529464

what article dude

>> No.529465

Hey /3/, I'm a little curious about how workflow typically goes, and what needs to be done where. So far I've done some stuff in modelling, but I very recently stepped into sculpting as well with zbrush. If I want to make assets for games, it's better to just model, right? And if I want to make a high poly, higher end model I sculpt it first and then rig it in a modelling program, right?

>> No.529466

Son of a... sorry. Not on the ball today.


>> No.529467

its always best to model everything you do
sculpt only after you gained good hard surface skills

>> No.529468

I see. I'll stick to just modelling as practice for now then, thanks yo.

>> No.529470

What would I search for to get textures for lights? "Light Texture" yields bokeh madness.

Things like going through bars and dirty bulbs.

>> No.529471
File: 8 KB, 128x128, dirtybulb1.bimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this, you pop it into Blender's spotlight and set the mapping to view.

>> No.529472


>> No.529473

Oh. search for Spotlight Textures.

>> No.529474


>> No.529475
File: 398 KB, 1382x699, Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I think I messed up a bit working on something. I was making this symbol in blender, and figured I'd do the outline first, but now I'm wondering how I'm going to fill it in, as well as create the circle in the center. I'm very new here, so I'd appreciate some help, even if it is a dumb question.

>> No.529476

select the edges and make face

on the toolbar it's under tools -> add -> make edge/face

>> No.529479
File: 43 KB, 1382x701, Damnit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so in order to create the hole in the center, I created a circle of vertices before filling it in. However, when the entire thing fills in, deleting the face made by the circle simply deletes the entire circle, and leaves a complete face covering the front of the sigil. How do I prevent that?

>> No.529480
File: 450 KB, 1919x1028, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> picrelated

> diffuse of wood on which there is a circle of metal

> need to do to the wood was looked like a wood and metal as the metal (by glossy and fresnel parameter settings as I understand it)

> the values of those parameters in the wood and metal must be differ

> I do not know how to do it

Anon please, teach me.

Here is model and .psd file if you want it.


>> No.529481

the only way i can think of is go ahead and leave it all filled in, and then separate the vertices to a new object under Mesh -> Vertices -> Separate -> Selection. leave edit mode, go into edit mode for the circle that's now its own object, extrude it, go back to object mode, select the main object, go to modifiers in the project window (icon is a wrench), add boolean, set the object in the boolean settings to the extruded circle, set it to difference, hide the extruded circle by clicking the eye in the outliner to check it made a hole, then apply it and delete the extruded circle object.

>> No.529482

you'd make a mask texture and use it as the fac of a mix shader.

not sure of the specifics, haven't used cycles much

>> No.529486

delete those 2 faces and mark both empty circles and click space and type bridge edge loops

>> No.529487
File: 435 KB, 664x758, 2016-07-16 15_41_52-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to try it for myself

all i used was mirror modifier, extrude,group select and move in wireframe mode
then i rounded up the shape with subdivision

>> No.529493

Hey, guys, I know this is a stupid question but I gotta ask. Some days ago I found a site that was really great and with lots of resources, the problem is that I can't remember the f****ng name of the site! As far as resources go, I know they had a zip file for download with the common structure for a 3D Project, if that helps to recognize, the name of this particular file is "projectStructure.zip". Does anyone know which site is it? Thanks

>> No.529500
File: 119 KB, 1156x731, waterdroplet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make a water droplet, I did this by creating a cone and joining vertex after doing some cuts, but you can still see where they are separated for some reason.

Anyone knows how to fix this? Or join vertex without this happening?

Using maya 2016

>> No.529506
File: 76 KB, 1357x791, overcomplatinghuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do it like this anyway? Just make a sphere, select the top/center vertex and mess with soft selection as you see fit.

>> No.529507

that's actually pretty smart. Need more intuiton with these things. Thanks.

>> No.529508
File: 60 KB, 443x597, drop2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully this looks better

>> No.529520
File: 381 KB, 1921x1454, I'm not a troll bitch .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continuing ...

>so if someone knows here modeling can you give me one or two advice :V

I'm modeling this to animate lightly,
should I add more typology, or just finish up what is left from toes and hands
also I think I need to add some more on boobs
I'm really new in 3d and I'm learning all by myself :v kinda I have no other choice so any advice would be really appreciated

>> No.529532

Ok then, so I decided to start over and try it out with this method. However, when I hit mirror, it's doing this weird thing where the mirror appears inside of the planes instead of the other side, how can I fix that?

>> No.529533
File: 512 KB, 1440x860, Hurk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would forget the image, blarg.

>> No.529535
File: 86 KB, 688x350, s16_688x350_fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /3DCG/, will anyone here be attending SIGGRAPH later this month? The expo will begin on Sunday, July 24 and end on Thursday, July 28. I'm a student, and I'm still new to all of this 3D stuff. Besides the larger companies who produce software, like Autodesk, I'm not really sure who I should be aware of. I'm doing research on my end by looking at exhibition list, but for those of you who will attend the convention, who's booth will you be stopping by?

>> No.529539
File: 31 KB, 686x630, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eyeballed your image and did it from memory (quite a bit off, it seems) and I managed it in maybe a minute or more. I really think you're making things more complicated than they need to be. You can bang this out very easily without modifiers of any kind. Just start with a circle mesh, inset a hole in the middle then extrude it to give it some depth. From there you just extrude the new faces on the rim to where you need them to be. ezpz.

>> No.529541

Yeah see, I know this should just be the simplest thing ever, I just seem to be running into so many random issues. It's likely just some dumb thing I've set on without realizing. I have to say though, it's nice having so many people turn out in this thread to try helping me!

>> No.529544

Just came here to say bind skin in maya isn't very good. And I don't know how to use the weight tool. Any tutorials you could recomend me?

>> No.529548

i always delete the left side of the cube then hit mirror. also make sure you are in ortographic front view.
if you are modeling from side view, just disable x and check y or z
and check clipping as well

>> No.529549

sure, but we are modeling from the image, would be kinda pointless doing it from memory

>> No.529550
File: 210 KB, 960x540, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was taking a look at this headset and noticed that the vertex is inside a separate polygon.
Is this normal? Wouldn't it be better to make it linked together and just split them into different groups?

>> No.529551

you can snap that vertex onto the surface of the polygon

>> No.529555



>> No.529558

But is that normal? To have it intersect that way?

>> No.529559

well, no.
having a uniform mesh is always better.
but you can still save the day by bridging the edge loops from the cube to the thing. you just have to sort the topology beforehand

>> No.529560
File: 1.02 MB, 530x704, Fallout4 2016-07-16 01-08-57-68.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does 3ds have a feature like transform - apply?

I've got this mesh in FO4 that im trying to fix. It says 120 z level. It dissapears when I get too close. Anyone have any idea how I can fix this? Please?

>> No.529561

>Those tits
lord have mercy

>> No.529562

I'll probably just remake it. That model was ripped from the SFM model of D.Va and I wanted to see how they essentially sewed the whole thing together. Would Max be a good idea to do it? Zbrush feels more suited for soft objects in my experience

>> No.529563

Trying proBoolean/Dynamesh workflow for hard surface between Maya and zBrush

What's Maya's best equivalent operation to Max's Turn To Poly modifier, for getting rid of all the nGons prior to exporting the mesh to zBrush?

>> No.529564

depends on what program you know better

>> No.529569
File: 617 KB, 1920x1080, o_E1asLQkxGJNB0TvaXHA2ojrVfCfTRW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to dynamesh only part of an obj? Also, my obj is apparently too thin and distorts when I dynamesh (see pic). Is there a way to create a shell for me to work on, then subsequently merge the two together?
Part of the problem is that the edges of my obj has to remain constant (unchanged)

>> No.529575

Freeze tool should work the way you want, dude

>> No.529582

That doesn't make a whole lot of sense but whatever you say.

>> No.529587

Could you elaborate? Sorry, rather new to zbrush. Also, do you know how to 'connect' two objs together in zbrush without dynamesh?

>> No.529600
File: 437 KB, 1919x1033, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the result of the use of masks reversed? Group of nodes from above should affect wood because white is painted on the mask so. But if I start to turn the value of fresnel and roughness in glossy, changes occur on the metal. The same situation is in the bottom group of nodes.

>> No.529604


>going outside


Use panel loops under edge loops to add thickness. Set the dynamesh to at least 256 to capture more details. When you are happy with the sculpt ctrl shift click the back and sides and go to modify topology and delete hidden.

>> No.529607
File: 119 KB, 1252x704, ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm basically illiterate about 3d, I used Blender to model the interior of a space ship, is there an easy way to get floormaps out of this? Like an horizontal tomography

>> No.529612

Glossy in Cycles is "black" (for lack of a better explanation). I assume this has something to do with it. I spent nearly an entire day struggling with this same issue when playing with making a finished ebony floor look.

The methods we used are quite a bit different since mine is procedural rather than image-based, but achieve roughly the same thing. I wound up having to use a Bump node when setting the heights and ticking off the "invert" box.

>> No.529613

But by doing that, won't the edges be compromised? I need to maintain the topology of the edges for attachment later, but I don't really understand if your method will allow me to do that.

>> No.529618
File: 820 KB, 881x889, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am (still) learning to sculpt

hoping to get some feedback I can feel something is not quite right but cant tell honestly

thx in advance

>> No.529620
File: 396 KB, 820x800, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.529621
File: 356 KB, 645x803, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and btw I fucked up the ear during sub divisions then forgot about

>> No.529625
File: 88 KB, 400x400, DNsXXq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know? Please

>> No.529626


If you mean will the mesh shrink in size no, not if you use panel loops. If you mean will the topology change then yes it will, but it will do that when you use dynamesh anyway.

>> No.529627
File: 166 KB, 887x900, cast-head-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First get some good skull ref then study the planes of the head. Faces are something like 90% skull as the muscles don't add much to silhouette but study them too. When you do your next face sculpt you will be ten times better. Get the Grassetti tutorial for a good approach.

>> No.529630

its more accurate to model with a background image

>> No.529636

What would that have to do with the with the chosen method of doing so?

>> No.529637
File: 285 KB, 1916x1056, awdawd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for a good anatomy tutorial
thx mate

>> No.529643

Ah I meant change in topology. I need to retain the outer layer's topology. My idea is to split the mesh into outer and inner. Then, dynamesh the inner mesh, work with it and later figure out on earth can I rejoin the outer and inner edges again.

>> No.529655

keep watching videos and practicing

>> No.529677
File: 1.38 MB, 960x540, Necron_Sigil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to thank everyone in this thread for the help yesterday! I know my shitty project that I randomly decided to do isn't anything amazing, but it's both my first non-tutorial render/animation, so I was happy about that. Still gonna work on it a bit to make it a little prettier after this.

>> No.529681

Your not one who thinks much about what he says before saying them. Either that or your actually that clueless. Either way, bye.

>> No.529682

i can't believe you got offended. you said not to use any modifiers. i can guarantee you that mirror modifier for symmetrical models is the best option there is since it cuts down work by half and improves accuracy

>> No.529697
File: 428 KB, 693x484, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can guarantee you that mirror modifier for symmetrical models is the best option there is since it cuts down work by half and improves accuracy
>on a flat, simple geometric shape

Yeah whenever I need to make a flat circle, I just use a mirror modifier and start to carefully trace out half a circle with vertices. And then I use a subsurf modifier to smooth it out. Then I just apply the modifiers! I also tell newbies to do this too because 1- this definitely makes sense and 2- this is a workflow habit that everyone needs to learn! Did I also mention the accuracy of doing things this way??

t. some know-nothing mexican pretending to be a person

This is insane. It more than triples the work and obliterates the accuracy. You literally tell people to do the most ridiculous things possible. You call this accuracy? On what planet? Piss right off, friend.

>> No.529711
File: 26 KB, 767x672, 2016-07-17 16_42_02-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an accuracy of someone who is a week into modeling m8, why the fuck are chimping out like that.
>trace a circle with vertices's
are you fucking kidding me? i made the whole thing with a cube, that's why its called box modeling.

>> No.529712


>> No.529713

num 5,1 and 8

>> No.529715

oh and another thing, if you can't make anything out of a cube you are not worthy of calling yourself a modeler, people make humans and cars out of cubes then why are you chimping out on a thing like a cricle? maybe i could use a cylinder/circle to have some verticies more accurate but what difference does it make? not my fault that your autism tells you that the spacing between edges have to perfect.

>> No.529717

jesus christ What the fuck is this symbol? I see this shit like straight month
how the fuck are not you all done with this shit already? D:

I don't even want to read what it is since you wrote like 2 books about it already

>> No.529721

some guy wants to make this shape from a circle instead of a cube.

>> No.529722
File: 62 KB, 1300x437, why 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using smoothing groups in turbosmooth to make this C shape completly "square", but why is this face going crazy over it? is the topology to tight for this method or something?

I have this same shape in the other side with a shitty topology (another flat surface from another smoothing group), without supporting loops around the C, and it works fine

>> No.529723

>buff on /3/

what's most efficient topology for pussy? just labias, clit and vagina

>> No.529725
File: 169 KB, 1071x687, tmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to «Apply» fluid simulation?

I just wanna use it to make the icing on my doughnut

>> No.529727

never mind, I found out

You go to modifiers and apply the simulation

I was looking on the physics tab

>> No.529735

I don't get it

>> No.529744

have you not watched any tutorial?
5 is ortographic
1 is front
8 is up

>> No.529748
File: 24 KB, 600x297, key-outline-clipart-key-outline-hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about modelling this key? Should I use NURBS stuff or just define a set of vertices myself? Tried using a subdivided plane but that turned out to be a pretty terrible idea after a few minutes.

Haven't had too much experience with Blender and 3d modelling so there may be a way that I don't know about that makes it a lot easier.

>> No.529750
File: 110 KB, 1092x656, 2016-07-18 02_09_59-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i subdivided a cube twice, applied cut it in half to make the tip then extruded to the left.

then i deleted the bottom half and applied mirror modifier to make the back of the key
the bottom tip i just extruded by adding loops to the thing.

>> No.529751

by the way, if you want accuracy you should learn nurbs
keep in mind that blender is not a dedicated nurbs program

>> No.529754

Ah, thanks a lot for this.

>> No.529760


Use open sub div or use smoothing groups with two turbo smooth modifiers to separate panels.

>> No.529762
File: 157 KB, 1920x1177, screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my armature freak out when I parent my right arm bone to the body?

>> No.529766

I'll try that tomorrow, thanks for the tip

I have open subdiv but it works strange for me. If I recall correctly, it only sharpens the edges when I change the weight, and not the crease. And also for some reason I don't have the crease set modifier

>> No.529768

Are you using IK constraints?

>> No.529773

Yea, I figured it out. I had a 3 chain length on the fore arm instead of 2.

>> No.529780
File: 254 KB, 776x518, advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I need advice on how to do corner of mouths.

>> No.529782

the end of each corner should be a single edge

>> No.529783

post the whole face ?

>> No.529784
File: 248 KB, 1200x523, advi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled something like this. one on each corner. this acceptable, is it easier to rig like so?

>> No.529785
File: 134 KB, 714x537, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go mate.

>> No.529801
File: 32 KB, 600x600, cdf62c72c0c2d1cebbbb1dcfacfb06df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.529802

how do I select full shapes in blender
Like if I had a squar and a circle how would I select the circle?

>> No.529803

>I fucking hate myself

>> No.529804

I think you mean if you hover over the object and press "L", Only works if they're in Edit mode.

Object mode would be holding shift and then left clicking an object while you had one other selected.

>> No.529806

I'm really new and don't know much. But I noticed in the picture you loaded, They're Tris. Are tris acceptable?

>> No.529810
File: 40 KB, 548x589, Acceptable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I do this without causing any problems in the future?
If there is a problem what can I do to adjust it to get the effect.
Or if there no real problems, whats the best way to handle it.

>> No.529811

In Blender I'm trying to animate certain parts of a mesh changing colors with the same material throughout. Is there a way to do this in a similar way to how shape keys work? If I change that one part I want to animate to a different material but with everything the same as the first material, the subsurface scaling affects each differently and it doesn't blend together how I want it to. So I'm trying to figure out a solution to either of these problems and I need help.

>> No.529812

Is that ruto?

>> No.529813


>> No.529816
File: 30 KB, 492x569, Remove Cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I remove the Cube group thing from the NLA editor here? Every time I make a new animation the action goes there instead of the armature.

I only want the Armature Group there.

>> No.529819

it depends, for your ingame/lowpoly mesh they are absolutly fine (if you are in blender use a triangulation modifier for your mesh, because in a game engine your mesh will be traingulated anyway, and you can better judge what it will look like in game),
for a subdivision or sculpting mesh it's better to avoid them since they can cause smoothing problems.
Keeping your mesh mostly quads with nice organized loops is also easier to work with.

>> No.529820

Is this is a valid way of doing things?

>Make a very detailed wall, with nooks, cranies and real cracks
>After model is done: Use magical tool that removes all super detailed polygons/or whatever its called, and thus make it low poly model, for efficiency in video game

>> No.529821

you could paint all those cracks and shit into the normal map. just a new layer in photoshop or what have you filled with 50% grey, black for lower elevation white for higher, draw your cracks and such, use nvidia's normalmap filter, set it to overlay or linear light or normal with a mask

or substance painter 2

>> No.529824
File: 2.16 MB, 5029x3229, character_sheet_for_claudia__by_andava-daai12d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one go about modeling this?
Start off with a box torso and extrude/subdivide?
Sculpt a blob with push/pull etc?

>> No.529825
File: 84 KB, 1086x579, 01_normal_map_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pretty standard practice, yes. You make something very detailed (albeit high poly) with imperfections etc then make a blank, low poly copy of the object. Then you "bake" the surface of the high poly model onto the low poly copy and you get your normal map.

If you're doing this in Blender, both objects have to occupy the exact same space and they also have to be selected in the proper order (active object receives the bake operation).

>> No.529826


Can you give a quick, very simple rundown on what's the general baking process?

I keep hearing it, know what it's used for but don't know how it's done.

Just if someone has the time, I don't look into it myself because it's useless for my work desu

>> No.529827

Thank you very much, this was the lead I was looking for.

>> No.529830

It's pretty straight-forward. I start with a low poly model (only because I don't know how to do it backwards efficiently from high poly) so this might be easiest.

Mark all the seams and unwrap it. If you know where all the hard edges are, making them seams will help with the definition of the normal map. You'll also need a blank channel for the UV image so just make one quickly. It takes 5 seconds.

Duplicate the object and go ahead and detail/sculpt it.

When finished, select the high poly model then the low poly model. Go down to the Bake tab, change the setting to Normals, tick off 'bake to active' then click the Bake button. All done.

>> No.529831

The body itself or all the accoutrements?

>> No.529832


>> No.529835

there is something called multiresolution that lets you subdivide more than 4 times with not as much lag and you can sculpt on objects with it as long as your topology allows it. quads with even spacing subdivided the best.
after you sculpt you just place both models on top of eachother, with shrinkwrap. then you bake from multiresolution.
this workflow is for blender mind you.

>> No.529836

correction: if baking from multires you don't even need 2 models you can just unwrap the modified model and bake from it

>> No.529837
File: 379 KB, 4000x2960, female_basemesh_01_3d_model_obj_fbx_ztl_a3ac6185-4d8d-495e-8747-f3a291fcd132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The body itself looks pretty much like any standard female body out there with nothing extraordinary nor fantastic about it (weirdly huge/inhuman limbs, etc). Just a bit tighter and more muscular. You could probably do fine with just downloading a base mesh and touching it up to your liking.

>> No.529838

Really wish I had known this sooner. So the shrinkwrap modifier wouldn't be needed either then?

>> No.529839

Thanks! I'll muck around a bit.

>> No.529840

well i rather bake from selected to active and haven't tried baking from multi res yet.

but basically yes you just unwrap the modified model and check bake from multiresolution. make sure to have a empty texture ready to go which is not checked.

>> No.529841

yo thanks so much

>> No.529842

would bang in that position

>> No.529850

I'm new to blender, and have done various projects making objects now, stepping away from tutorials, but now I want to move on to character modelling. What's the best way to ease into that?

>> No.529851

Start making literally anything. They will all be abominations but keep trying. Then, go back and try recreating previous abominations from scratch to see how you improved.

>> No.529852

Learn proper topology for animating and anatomy.
I'd just start with a male and female base mesh to learn these.

>> No.529874
File: 124 KB, 413x692, jess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy who asked the question, But what exactly is Correct topology?
Ive been self teaching my self with questions here and there on this site. And currently working on a hand, I've been trowing in triangles because I've been told it works better for bending for rigs, and some stray tris.

>> No.529877

Re: Topology


Fancy Blender addon for retopology made easy. You can either buy it which comes with tech support or you can get it from github and you're on your own.

>> No.529879

I watched the demo, and really Liked this. However I'm sure how to install it properly, I thought is was just make a folder for addone, go in preference and install from there. however I can't do that it seems.

>> No.529880

Never mind, I found out. when I tried to install it Ive tried to extract the zip... Don't do that

>> No.529882
File: 43 KB, 595x721, CODY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering if anyone knew how to make a lipshelf for lip sync animation in Maya 2016 - I have a MEL Script called Pose2Shelf that I might try if no one can give me clearer instructions.

I've had pretty bad luck in finding anything online and would love a hand.

Attached: Rig in question (CODY)

>> No.529899

there is no 'correct' topology
you can have any topology you want, but if you want easier modeling you need quads, if you want good subdivision you need evenly spaced quads, if you want to animate you need to have the topology arranged in a certain way so that facial features will expand back and forth, there are plenty examples online of good topology

>> No.529900

Think the sticky has something about this in it.

>> No.529906
File: 37 KB, 123x203, p-p-p-p-puppy power!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nightmares from my childhood...

>> No.529913

Blender Render, not Cycles.

How do I control the amount of mirror on a material with a texture? I want some sections to be more reflective than others without splitting the mesh into different materials.

>> No.529914
File: 19 KB, 246x416, 2016-07-19 06_12_24-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

specular map

you can also edit specular in the material settings and see if it works for you

>> No.529915

Tried that, his whole body becomes a mirror. It's only controlling the intensity of specular highlights.

Figured it out though, had to turn on RGB to Intensity, set Mirror's reflectivity to 0, then check Ray Mirror on the texture's influence. I tried a bunch of those settings, but never at the same time.

>> No.529916

>his whole body becomes a mirror.
that's because you started with either white or black texture. you need to start with 0.5 HSV color value and then white = more

if you got it already figured nevermind tho

>> No.529918
File: 30 KB, 1070x736, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Every time I try deleting this armature it just kills my object. And When I go into object mode and remove the parent from the object, it also kills my Object. There is nothing in modifier panel and I'm not certain about the data tab stuff.
My question is how can I remove the boneless armature and keep my object in place?

>> No.529919

remove parent, keep transformation?

>> No.529920

Yea, but when I try to remove the parent(the armature) it deletes the child(my teeth)

>> No.529921
File: 51 KB, 1920x1080, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the reason that's causing my object to render like this? I've recalculated and checked that all the normals and facing in the correct directions, but it just comes out as, well, shit.

>> No.529922

What kind of material is on it?

>> No.529923

did you check for duplicate faces / vertices

>> No.529924
File: 34 KB, 901x952, ss+(2016-07-20+at+05.43.16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The standard PxrDisney shader with nothing done to it. Just wanted to see what the object looked like.

Could this be a sign? Can't seem to click on anything that will allow me to get rid of it (already removed doubles).

>> No.529925

in edit mode disable "limit selection to visible" next to the options for selecting vertices / edges / faces, press b to marquee select the area, then hold shift and right click on the area to deselect the non-problematic face, then try to delete it

>> No.529926 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 1920x1080, cyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, so I tried rendering it in Cycles and it comes out fine. Went back to Renderman, tried a few different shaders and they all had the same issue. Can't understand why it would have a problem.

I did do what you posted but that now doesn't seem to be the issue.

>> No.529929

yes it means that either

>double faces,edges or verticies
>face with no edges

redo this part by hand and see if it works

>> No.529932

OK, fixed it. Had to move some of the faces around since the lower face was, for some reason, snapping onto the one above it, causing what you can see in that image.

Thanks a lot.

>> No.529933

I've got a question.
I have eyes, teeth and the body on different Layers and about to Uv-runwrap and skin everything. should they be on ONe layer so that when I do Skin everything is on one image, or they're supposed to be on different layers.

>> No.529956

i don't really do 3d modelling but i'm interested in making a 3d game so i'm wondering what's the appropriate way to commission someone to make models for my game? like what do i need to tell them, what sort of pay do i give them? i don't want to come off like an idiot here

>> No.529958

Not my specialty, but it sounds like you need an art director.

>> No.529996

give me a similar artstyle to what you want and ill tell you approximately

>> No.530020

Is it a good idea to have a (.) in a .obj filename, for example some.thing.obj? Can it create problems when importing it to some other 3d aplication?

>> No.530024

I installed Pixar's Renderman, then the Renderman Blender addon, it shows up in Blender, there are no errors, the path is directly to Renderman and it detected the version, but when I set the renderer to Renderman and I hit render it just shows me a transparent image after a split second of a progress bar up top.

What gives?

>> No.530032

don't use external renders in blender. there is very little documentation.

>> No.530035


Use underscore instead

>> No.530041


Do you mean skin as in rig and animate. Uv mapping doesn't matter for animation. People often reuse eyes and teeth so they have them as separate models with their own uv maps.

>> No.530042
File: 35 KB, 374x193, Acceptable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thanks for the response, its pretty cool to know that. But I mean should I merge these?

>> No.530054

I just started using blender after years of trying it and failing, made a couple assets. Trying to find a good tutorial set, there are so damn many I kind of bounce around and feels like I'm missing a lot of crucial concepts. Any recommendations?

>> No.530055

borncg is the only the right answer
oliver villar for composition and motion tracking
darine lile for characters
blender guru for cycles

>> No.530056

Much appreciated. This is a good board and I appreciate all of you.

>> No.530059

Is there any crack for either arnold or octane for C4D? I want to try a new renderer, but not for 500$

>> No.530063

I think you can find them on CGPeers.

>> No.530077

Registration is closed, Could someone with access check for me please?

>> No.530098

Octane is only for Maya, Arnold is available for C4D, version 4.2.9

You need it quick? I can let you use my account, leave me an email and I'll help you out.

>> No.530099
File: 290 KB, 1178x374, renderers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait nevermind I'm a retard, it's only a fix for Arnold, but there seems to be Octane 1.022, though I'm not sure which program it's for I assume it works for all, it isn't specified on the description of the torrent.
Sorry for the mistake, I'm playing videogames atm and I just read it really quickly.

Here I attach screenshots so you can see:

>> No.530146

anyone know where i can torrent zbrush? everything i've found gets flagged as malware.

>> No.530168
File: 1017 KB, 1928x1058, SgsKSSP[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going wrong here?

>> No.530172


Cg persia. The keygen is a false positive dont worry about it.

>> No.530176
File: 73 KB, 511x559, 1446936636974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these criminals ITT

>> No.530177

i love crime because it allows me to grow as a person

>> No.530178

Answering myself in a way here but this is the workflow I ended up using with Maya in case someone else finds it useful:


MEL script from here https://gumroad.com/l/LMlq#

>> No.530179

>I dindu NUFFIN!
uh huh. There's free/open programs out there but that's not enough for Ludacris over here.

>> No.530180

i did it all

i do it all

>> No.530181
File: 20 KB, 253x400, lootie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pirating this beer. It will help me grow as a person.

>> No.530193

I just weight painted a leg, and would really like to mirror the data from that leg to the other. How would I go about this?

>> No.530206

mirror weights

>> No.530209

I'm studying stereoscopic workflow, any cool links to share ?

>> No.530217

>Octane 1.022
I'd really appreciate that. Would be nice if you could upload the torrent to /t/, or email me at arnebelinda00@gmail.com.

>> No.530218
File: 36 KB, 1332x483, 3helpme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Blender, is there a way to select a face on the model and get the selection in the UV editor?
I made a stupid error and a face is now under like 20 other faces of the exact same shape, and I want to move it somewhere else.

>> No.530223

wow I'm a fucking idiot.
In case this is a problem for anyone else, literally just select the face while in edit mode.

>> No.530230

Alright, I'm not at my apartment this weekend until sunday and I'm posting from my laptop.

I'll download it and upload it to mega and share the link with you through mail when I get back.

>> No.530249

holy shit, I wish it was that simple.
I tried following this and my whole model turns pink for the bone...

>> No.530250
File: 68 KB, 462x463, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update, Still Didn't find out shit.
Let me try to explain what I'm doing and maybe someone could point what I should be doing.
step 1. I select the bone I want to duplicate(which is Thight.L) I click 'Copy vertex group'
step 2. I click 'Mirror vertex group(topology)'
Step 3. I go in edit mode and remove the the other half.

So NOW when I click the bone I in object move it gives my object is all pink doesn't give a vertex group highlighte. However the thigh.L_copy still exists in vertex groups and when I select it there it seems to work, but it breaks the leg when moving it.

>> No.530263

What's the purpose of mesh smoothing the topology in maya?

>> No.530264

someone tell me how to model like this so I can make non shit weapon mods


>> No.530266

Thanks a lot!

>> No.530268

Mostly for when you do subdivision modelling to generate high-poly meshes.

Don't usually need to apply smooth mesh until you're ready for baking or export though, since Maya can do smooth mesh previewing while you're actually working on stuff (toggles with the 3 key while the mesh is selected in viewport).

>> No.530275

In Blender, sometimes I'll be working on some projects with a few textures (this time 6 512x512 bitmaps, low poly, not heavy at all) and I'll go to open a new project and it'll close, no error messages or anything. It just closes down.

What the fuck? I can just open it again and have a new project but it's so stupid.

>> No.530278

for what ever reason, when I use the knife tool; it would have a 20% shut down rate without warning.

>> No.530283

What's the best software for modelling hard-surface, curvy shapes like cars? I'm doing it in Blender right now and it takes forever hand-adjusting all the vertices.

>> No.530300

use nurbs modeling, not polys

>> No.530350

where can i get 3d studio max? i'm not on cgpeers

>> No.530351
File: 177 KB, 1432x899, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this happen in blender?

>> No.530352




Download it directly from autodesk and say you are a student.

>> No.530354

will they check with the school i mention to see if i'm a real student? if so should i enter a fake school or something

>> No.530356

either double geometry (in edit mode hit A to select all and remove doubles)
or bad normal orientation (in edit mode hit A to select all and hit Ctrl+n to recalculate normals)

>> No.530357


I have never heard of it. They dont care as long as you dont make money using it.

>> No.530358

If that doesn't work, double check your smoothing groups.

>> No.530374

Ok this one is going to sound really dumb...

How many styles/techniques of modeling are there, specifically for 3ds max, and what are them?

Why am I asking this? Well, I used to work with cad modelling exclusively, so when I first got into Max I'd just shape things with squares and circles not giving a damn about topology.

Then I started to take some tutorials about hard surface modelling and got hooked by it. But since I work only with 3d printing and not animation/rendering/textures, I feel like I waste too much time trying to achieve an all quads mesh (although I know I could get away with tris and ngons on flat surfaces, I kind of 'OCD' over getting quads everywhere)

I just saw in another thread about spline modelling, and then we have a lot of other techniques that I know by name like box modelling, edge modelling and so on...

Since I use Max for designing mechanicals parts 90% of the time, I wonder if I'm too addicted to just "Turbosmoothing ALL THE THINGS" while I could just ctrl+A edges and give a round chamfer to everything...

>> No.530375

hard surface modeling - called box modeling,edge modeling etc etc. moving the mesh manually and adding loops as you go to achieve desired model.

subdivision modeling - this is simply an algorithm which allows you to model highpolygon mesh, usually used for animated characters to get smooth model with better rendering times

spline modeling,curves - same way you would model in a parametric modeler im guessing, used to be make models for printing and such

sculpting - simply subdivision modeling but with organic brushes that lets you handle the creative process, sometimes called multiresolution

>> No.530389

If I have the Battlefleet Gothic: Armada game on Steam, can I rip the ship models and bring them in to Blender?

>> No.530391

First online portfolio, is wordpress the way to go?

Im a cg art student and I have one more year at the university, but i want to get to know some companies on gamescom and need an online portfolio for it. I learned a bit of html, css and javascript before (although I'm not a fan of it). Should i use wordpress or are there better sites for that kind of stuff (i yet dont feel worthy for artstation)?

Thank you in advance

>> No.530392


Just use artstation.

>> No.530402
File: 468 KB, 1400x1407, coba24-magma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on cinema 4d is there a way to make smooth round edges (hard surface-like) aside from the "fillet" option? i'm guessing knife tool+hypernubs but it doesn't seem very accurate.

>> No.530421

Oh, alright, thank you

>> No.530422

Any tips for less shaky motion tracking?

>> No.530450

are you using after effects cc? maybe try boujou it has a tool for masking out the parts that could interfere with the tracking.

>> No.530555

is there a tutorial or something that will walk me through all the functions of 3d studio? i'm just getting started with it and i want to get used to the program before trying to actually model anything

>> No.530576


Part 1 out of 4, I suggest you watch all 4 which is going to be around 40 minutes or so, it should cover all the things you want to know before you start modeling.

To start modelling I suggest you do these tutorials:

>> No.530727
File: 142 KB, 750x750, cave floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning textures and I was wondering how I would be able to achieve something like pic related in photoshop. Kind of an open question I know, so maybe there's some good tutorials out there for textures that are similar?

>> No.530731

check out a photoshop plugin called filter forge. Uses a node based system to produce filter effects and can be used to generate textures.

>> No.530732
File: 273 KB, 2000x810, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm following a beginner tutorial. In this step the guy drops a box texture onto a box and the texture shows up on each face of the box. However, when I do it, it looks like Maya tries to stretch the texture over the whole box. How do i make it so it doesn't do that?

>> No.530739


UV mapping

>> No.530742
File: 124 KB, 1281x996, box uv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this right? So how do you tell it to stretch the texture for each individual face on the box rather than over all of them?

>> No.530744

See the small white cubes? Split them at the edges to seperate them, and then you just move and scale them around to fit the image.

>> No.530745

I have a couple of Cinema 4D models with vray shaders on them, and when I open them, C4D crashes because I'm running a different version of Vray. Is it possible to import c4d files and ignore the shaders so it won't crash? I'm only after the model so I can export it to FBX and work on it in Maya.

>> No.530751

if you are using only blender/3ds/maya a good way of making textures would be procedurals. however making procedurals is poorly documented. and the majority of texture creation process is made within external programs like substance designer

>> No.530769

How do you guys usually make textures? Taking pictures, generating your own, painting your own, or just shit like cgrextures? Just trying to make some semi-realistic textures for lowquality models

>> No.530770
File: 484 KB, 500x242, fma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in blender, how would you replicate the light coming out of the drawing on the ground in pic related? (its fullmetal alchemist obviously)

I'm not talking about the lightning, but the visible light stream that slowly disappears as it goes upwards. I've never been able to 'show' the light in blender, only how it affects surfaces.

>> No.530775

Look into volumetric stuff. Create a cube with a volume scatter + absorption material, place a light source inside and play around a bit

>> No.530777


Don't do this. cycles is shit enough as it is without trying to calculate volumetric light.

Use cylindrical planes with transparency maps.

>> No.530778

That is a good idea. Might rerender what I'm doing now later on using that to see what differences it makes

>> No.530786

Stuff like that is also often made in comp if you're doing a still or a video and not a game asset. It would be quite easy to do in Nuke for example.

>> No.530803
File: 897 KB, 960x540, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slapped this together and got a very simple effect just using low density volumetric scattering. It's just 4 primitives with base material settings and no refining.

Taking a second look at your image though, I'm certain you could achieve this look with a bit of diligence or maybe creating multiple volumes shaped to specifically channel the desired light effect.

>> No.530804 [DELETED] 



>> No.530805
File: 253 KB, 1920x532, aniso_compile_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant for

But what you're tryin gto achieve is something like so, albeit stylized, right? You can either just let it simulate like in the pic or you can just manually make some transparent, low emission textures.

>> No.530832

in maya is there an automatic way to place a curve on a vertex? instead of having to eyeball it

>> No.530857

I feel very lost in ZBrush.

In Max, I followed a simple box modelling tutorial and went on my way to figure out how to make base meshes that I was very satisfied with. I branched out a bit and started working on making mundane objects such like desks, shields, LoZ Bomb, etc.

But with ZBrush, I haven't had that "Aha" moment. I always feel lost. Bought the Grassetti tutorials (mostly for the face sculpting tutorial) and while they look good, I keep getting lost when working with ZBrush. The only tutorials that I've had success with are Shane Olsen's (only got up to part 3/10 because I've been busy), the rest haven't boosted my confidence in the slightest. I also attempted to follow the ZClassroom tutorials, but as I was listening and working on my sculpt, I looked back and saw a completely different result on the video (something I shouldn't really care about considering the skill differential, but it was still off-putting at the time).

Are there any tutorials that you guys have followed that have helped you get the hang of ZBrush? I'm not focused on making realistic/lifelike sculpts, I'd like to work on the more cartoony side of things (Nintendo-esque, essentially). I plan to go through the ZClassroom tutorials again and give them a fair shot along with finishing Shane Olsen's tutorial. Any other suggestions?

>> No.530867


could you link the tutorial for the box modelling?

also if you suck at 3d maybe try getting the basics down in 2d first, it's much easier to learn that way. (you also should learn realistic anatomy before going stylized)

sorry if this isn't very helpful.

>> No.530868

Any advice is better than no advice, in my opinion.

The vid I learned was this one. https://youtu.be/3ZuLmd9OSYc

Obviously changes depending on who and what I'm working on and stuff.

I don't necessarily blow with 3d, just blow with sculpting. Although working in 2d wouldn't be bad, as I'm 10x worse at it and understanding 2d would help with my animations as well.

Heaven forbid modelling a hand or a head, though...

>> No.530869

what are you having problems with? the blockout or the detailing?

>> No.530870

Almost completely the blockout, getting the basic silhouette always seems out of my grasp.

>> No.530871

what brushes are you using?

>> No.530872

I selected dozens of faces, and I need to scale each of them, and I want the transformation orientation to be unique to each normal

How do? blender

>> No.530875

Was following the grasseti tut, so mostly used smooth, move, dam standard and clay along with move, scale, and rotate with masking and transpose line. I personally prefer clay buildup (or clay tubes, its one of those) to clay though.

>> No.530936

Anyone know if it is possible to assign a shortcut to each Screen layout in Blender, via the Input user preferences?

(I am not talking about Ctrl + Left / right arrow to switch between them).

I want to be able to assign:
F1 ---> 1st screen layout
F2 ---> 2nd screen layout
and so on...

>> No.531068

anyone know where i can find pepakura cracked? i only need to use it a few times so it's not really worth the $38

>> No.531116
File: 730 KB, 1920x944, fuckinugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to attach a new head to an old body mesh.. whats the best/most efficient way to fix this mess? using maya 2016

>> No.531126

Not sure exactly what you mean but you might want to try the Alt version of scaling (Alt+S). Only works in Edit Mode, obviously.

>> No.531138

/r/ing a tutorial on how to best model wings in blender

Delete any vertices from the body which overlap until you have a gap between the head and the body, and then bridge them together?

>> No.531155

Thighs are wrong

>> No.531469

Sorry for such a basic question, but...

What makes up a complete 3D model(as it relates to 3D Studio Max)?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept since some of the terms are a bit confusing.

If I understand correctly, a 3D model is made out of an armature and a mesh.

Something like...

Armature, which is made out of bones, and bones, which are made out of vertices.
Mesh, which is made out of materials, and materials, which are made out of mapping and textures.

Sometimes I'll export things from 3D Studio Max but they'll sometimes have something missing and I don't understand why.

>> No.531474


A 3d model is just made up out of polygons. It can be referred to as a mesh or just model as shorthand.

The polygons can contain uv mapping coordinates this is how the 3d software knows what color to place where.

When someones says the model is unwrapped it means it has been assigned uv mapping coordinates.

Bones are added to a model aka mesh so it can be animated. This process can be called skinning or rigging. In traditional sculpting a skeleton is called an armature but in 3d it is refered to as a rig.

As far as exporting is concerned not all file formats support animation. Obj does not. Fbx and some others can. If you mean textures dont show up you have to tick texture coordinates or else the uv map will not export with the model.

>> No.531477

I...I see.

So not all models have or need bones. Just ones that are meant to be animated. So something like a flower pot wouldn't need bones.

>When someones says the model is unwrapped it means it has been assigned uv mapping coordinates.

I didn't understand this at first, so I tried to think of other things that could be unwrapped and finally understood it.

Like if you take a tangerine and peel off the skin, that peeled skin is a lot like a UV map.

If you have multiple meshes in a file can you assign them all to one rig then? Or do they have to all be merged into a single mesh first?

Thank you for the explanation. I've always seen UV be mentioned but never really understood it before. I assumed it was related to lighting, like ultraviolet light, which now that I think about it, that doesn't make much sense. I looked it up a bit and apparently U and V are coordinates, the other coordinates being X, Y, and Z. So U, V, X, Y, and Z being the coordinates that make up a model.

>> No.531667

In zBrush you could press something that turned your model around once in a 360 degree motion is there something similar in Maya?