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522970 No.522970 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw girl has better 3DCG skills than you

>> No.522972

jesus christ finally. its a sausagefest in where I work. We need much more boobs than this.

>> No.522994

not bad, love to see something made completely from scratch.

>> No.522995

Did she model all of that by herself??

>> No.522996

>implying she did all that work by herself
>implying there isnt an army of white knoghts thinking that if they do fx favors for her she might touch their pants
this isnt different than any twitch diva

>> No.522997

A million times this. If only more women where lonely introvert autists and artists in love with their computer the world would be a much more beautiful place.

If patriarchy means only men are into any interesting stuff we must all strive end it ASAP.
Titties are absolutely glorious and all but when the brain sitting on-top of them are boring as fuck we all lose.

>> No.522998


> aerobics instructor
> fitness model
> muay thai kickboxer
> sings professional opera
> beast at call of duty

3DCG skills nowhere to be found

>> No.523001
File: 35 KB, 628x599, Green Lex Luthor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shootan game video
>Using anything other than Clutch for the music

>Arma 3 is STILL not an E-sport
>But shit like ASSFAGGOTS is

>> No.523003

Oh but pretty plox anon, Arma 3 is is a slow paced tactical 'wannabe viewed as simulator' game. There isn't any inherent sportyness to the play of such a game.
Only audiance for such competition would be the /k/ind of military over-interested whackos who'll masturbate to accurate small unit tactics and military roleplay with regulation voice procedure on coms.
Twitch reaction reflexes and highly accurate motor skills are the wow-factor of 'E-athletes' that make first person shooters like CS so suitable for competitive play.

>> No.523004

I really wouldn't mind more boobs to work with. I can even find a waifu while I'm at it. Usually people like the work I'm doing coz its all visual and they have no idea about how its done or anything technical about it. And the moment I start talking about ambient occlusion, normalmaps, raytrced reflections, fps and shit it just feels like an alien language to them and they just wanna get away. And the only people who I can talk these things with are only males which theres more than enough already. I call for gender diversity in CGI industry. We really need some boobs in here.

>> No.523009

>There isn't any inherent sportyness to the play of such a game
Depends on what kind of game mode you're playing on. CTF is always the best game mode for competitive play or something like CoD's Sabotage game mode . And you don't have to use the whole map. Just a decent sized portion of it. portion of it.

>'wannabe viewed as simulator'
How is it not?

>> No.523011

>How is it not?

Where as any serious simulator is doing a fairly accurate job of simulating the subject it depicts, be it aircraft or driving etc.
Arma simulates the mechanics of a human body holding a gun extremely crudely and where as you can control and drive quite accurately with a joystick or a wheel.
A mouse + keyboard are a shit analogy for the bio-mechanics involved in pointing and firing a gun, and moving around on a pair of legs IRL.

Soldiering is just as much about physical stamina and dealing with the severe psychological stress of endangering your life when exposing yourself to fire.
Neither is present in a computer game. All that is left that is vaguely analogous to real combat is the maneuvering for effective positioning.
Much of which becomes invalidated by the super human fitness of the avatar traversing the gameworld.

While a realistic flight simulator game may be up to 90% real in how it translates to the actual experience (subtracting the psychological stress and forces involved)
Arma by comparison is more like 10% real in how it translates to the actual mechanics and challenges of what it attempts to depict.
Calling it a simulator is more indicative of it's ambition than what a videogame can actually deliver upon as of 2016.

>> No.523013

So you're saying that 90% of what arma could be could only come from if there was a way to induce real stress upon the player? If so then I completely agree. But other infantry based tactics and ballistics are pretty much spot on. But comparing an mainly infantry based sim to a flight sim will have a lot of discrepancies. Maybe an armored sim vs. flight sim, but not infantry.

>A mouse + keyboard are a shit analogy for the bio-mechanics involved in pointing and firing a gun, and moving around on a pair of legs IRL.
True but it is the only thing we have.

>> No.523016

Let me put it this way, you can put guys with no prior experience of the subject on a diet of realistic themed flight sims and have them take off, fly and land a real world aircraft fairly safely.

You cannot put guys without any prior experience on a diet of ARMA, stick AR-15s in their hands and have em mount a well executed assault on a hostile forces strong point.

That is kinda the true test for how much something is actually a simulation of what it depicts.

>> No.523017

Oh and don't forget it has to be dumbed down because casuals will complain too much. If only they allowed VBS3 be be available to the public.

And if you have ever heard the JSRS 3 sound mod you can feel a bit of stress if receiving heave fire. but of course not that genuine life threatening stress.

>> No.523018

Yeah agreed, that is a big thing to. ARMA could be a lot more realistic than it is, but hardly anyone would wanna play it if they actually went all out.

>> No.523019


>> No.523020

>You cannot put guys without any prior experience on a diet of ARMA, stick AR-15s in their hands and have em mount a well executed assault on a hostile forces strong point.
Because that goes right back to the biomechanics thing.

However you cannot put anyone with no prior piloting experience on a diet of VBS A-10 and really expect him to perform perfect CAS runs either.

Or you can't give some regular Joe a racing sim and expect him to race in the nurburgring and come in anything less than last.

>> No.523024

Yeah racing and air combat is a step down on the simulation level because of the added complexity of what they depict. The former because the current algorithms do not fully capture tyre capacity, brake fade and driver G-loads.
The later largely because of how the actual operation of military heavy weapon systems and their performance isn't exactly information fully available to the developers.

The best military flight sims with accurate flight models will however teach you realistic combat aerobatic maneuvering, if not how to deal with yourself being exposed to those kind of forces.
And I do assure you that your Nordschleife laps will be much faster if you understand how to take the race-line and know all the brake points and blind corners of that specific track from a racing game.

>> No.523026

That last point is very crucial actually, if you ever go there yourself make sure to play them games well first. Assholes drive their real-world sports cars there all the time without even having seen the track for themselves.
Then they don't wanna be upstaged by some more profienct driver overtaking them in a piece of shit auto so they try to go fast and get themselves into all sorts of expensive and dangerous for everyone trouble.

>> No.523028

>And I do assure you that your Nordschleife laps will be much faster if you understand how to take the race-line and know all the brake points and blind corners of that specific track from a racing game.
Knowing is only half the battle. Now wait until that guy steps into a Prosche GT and watch him spin out. Assuming he already doesn't drive fast on a regular basis. Balancing the gas and clutch is different from a sim to IRL.

Of course an infantry sim can't be compared to real life like a flight sim can because the controls, but it can teach you about cover and concealment, tactical movement, and working as a group. Anyone who really thinks that just because they play arma that they can go out and operate and shoot bad guys flawlessly is fucking retarded. There's a reason why they train in sims and IRL.

>> No.523030

Yeah, that last part is very valid in favor of the simulation label. Something like Arma can teach someone who undergone basic military training to hone aspects of their skill set further.
Just as a racing game can teach a already proficient driver some aspects of racing without costing them any rubber or fuel.

>> No.523034

Well if we're agreeing then why are we arguing?

>> No.523041

We're perhaps not really arguing, more like we're discussing a topic expressing our opinions on the matter and finding some common ground in the process.
It's just very odd for a internet discussions to turn out that way without having either of us starting to call the other names I suppose.

Perhaps we're getting to old for this, our edges have been all blunted.

>> No.523051

>Perhaps we're getting to old for this, our edges have been all blunted.
Impossible. I browse /v/.

>>>/leather club/

>> No.523054

I like were this thread went.

>> No.523058

If by girl you mean those and those guys,
https://www.youtube.com/user/RelativeMinds ,
then yeah, but I don't think that bitch does any 3d, I think she is the editor, though, which is pretty amazing for a woman.

>> No.523100


Someone post the ubisoft picture. That will really make you reeeeeeeee. Like every other industry it will be dumbed down to the point where women can enter. Once marvelous designer gets more automated women will make up 50% of character artists.

>> No.523105
File: 190 KB, 966x1280, 1446414944751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, most models are taken from the game.
Mostly just the textures are custom.

Yeah I was thinking the same, kinda like a marketing trick.

Those are just the movie teams she's in?
Nobody in those teams is as advanced in 3D like what is shown in the OP video. The closest was maybe this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYZsD-ttX44

You mean this picture? Yes, I can't understand how people ITT are like
>more womyn in the industry is a good thing muh dick muh titties
My point was having more women in the 3D industry might lower the overal quality (as we can see in video games) and she wouldn't be interested in you anyway because they're nearly all feminists and prolly into BBC.

Here is some russian guy who probably had the best fan/hobby 3D until now:
VFX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nmIl77Kx3E

>> No.523124

lol wtf theres two girls in the top pic, why is only the white girl in front?

>> No.523130

Because they didn't want the un-photogenic unsmiling asian too slouch in front of everybody with her arms crossed.
What do you have against white people?
And can't you see the old lady just to the right of the white lady's head? That makes 3.

>> No.523131

Explains why most newer Ubi games are such horseshit.

>> No.523143

im pretty sure she does everything by herself. her "about" page on youtube reads

>3D Generalist
>Software Proficiency -
>Adobe After Effects
>Adobe Audition
>Adobe Illustrator
>Adobe Premiere Pro
>Autodesk AutoCad
>Autodesk Maya
>Autodesk 3DS Max
>Davinci Resolve
>Cinema 4D
>Mocha NextLimit Realflow

>Professional Script and Expression writer using JavaScript and Python.

>> No.523173

she is the lead designer or director, if I remember correctly

also they used to make better games with a smaller team..

>> No.523837

>Implying she didn't just slap random programs.

>> No.523884

never understood this mentality. Are you that uncomfortable in a room full of men ?

>> No.524043

Closet homos.

>> No.524046

No I just want more sugarwalls and less weiners around me.

>> No.526102

>wearing an expos hat in 2014
clearly fake.

>> No.526217

>Went to a college program where 99% of us were dudes
>Only a few girls in our program
>They were fucking good, the program weeded out noskills pretty quickly
>Asked out by literally everyone in the program
>No time to date, only time to git gud
>Now working at big studios, one went Sony, another Blizzard
>Currently work at big game co on the East coast
>Nogirls.jpg (there are some, but fat tumblr lesbians)
>Normie girls don't understand my career and my dedication to it
>Will never have a cute 3DCG wife

And not for lack of trying. By all that society grades people on, I've made it, I'm living the dream, but I would just about give it all away for a creative girl.


>> No.526318

She didn't make any of the models though :/

>> No.526336

jeez fuck that nicky she's such a bitch

>> No.526337

To be honest... These kind of montages suck. You can't even call them montages because it's just bunch of fucking VFX and nothing more.

>> No.526410


>> No.526588

Its not uncomfortable, its boring... Mundane.... Uninspiring.

>> No.527451

He thinks working with women is anything but.

If anything it's even mode boring mundane and uninspiring.

>> No.529227

Exactly, they aren't real clips so there's no wow factor and it's not telling a story so there's nothing interesting about it other than muh pretty fx. Super boring