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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 22 KB, 680x280, Gnomon_School_of_Visual_Effects_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
502361 No.502361 [Reply] [Original]

What about Gnomon, /3/?
I got the money.

>> No.502385


>> No.502400

If you can then do it. I live in the UK and what I would give to be able to go. You have the opportunity so I would take it. Employers love gnomon.

>> No.502435

Gmomon loves employers too

>> No.502436

Before you even consider going to gnomon you need to study on your own for a good 3-4 years, at least 15 hours a week.

>> No.502437

Wait what are you suggesting?

>> No.502490

im guessing he isnt going in blind and has a portfoilio.
let us see what you have, we might be able to let you know if its even worth applying

>> No.503028

im actually planning on going to gnomon after i graduate from my shitty community college, gonna have to move across the country but from what i hear gnomon is the best choice for schooling. if their website is correct 94% of graduates find a job and if A.S.S is correct only 3% of graduates cant pay thair loans on time.
also the tution is pretty good for a school that good. only 24k a year compared to other much shittyer privet schools and goverment schools that start at like 55k

>> No.503079

How do you even afford to go to gnomon, it says you need 64k ontop of the tuition to even be allowed to enroll.

>> No.503107

where does it say that?
that's impossible seeing as they offer government financial aid... they wouldn't have a financial aid program if they needed you to have 64k + tuition to even enroll... might as well change the scroll title to "rich kids only"

>> No.503111

OK. im this guy >>503107
and i just went to thair site and read up on that. the 65k requirement is for international students from other country's... its more for your own security than tham. its a safety net to make sure that students who move to USA from say France or UK won't end up homeless because they can't afford house or food so they require you to have 65,000$ to cover housing and shit while you take thair 2-3 year program

i knew that was bullshit cuz like i said,they offer financial aid...

>> No.503706

i got a question, does gnomon count as industry experience? like when company ask for 2-3 years of experience

>> No.503711

Are you serious?!

>> No.503713

might as well since gnomon works your ass off and basically trains you to survive in the industry not just how to use programs

>> No.503714

10/10 bait.
>does school count as job experience HURR DURR

>> No.503716

ur mum counts as sex experience XDDD

>> No.503717
File: 282 KB, 1920x1200, 1430758786068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.503723
File: 572 KB, 700x666, 1432304213420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
