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494753 No.494753 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I go on a gaming website or board everyone is talking about "muh ue4 photorealism". I just feel like whenever somebody makes something impressive in UE4, people never commend the artist, just the engine.
And that's the thing, graphical improvements are driven by artists, programmers set the foundation.
As t/3/apots greater than I have said,"It's not about the paintbrush or canvas, but rather about the artist."

>> No.494754

Unreal Engine 4 "Photorealism" demos are mostly Pre Baked everything. The only thing that gives it the illusion that you are no just looking at lighting baked into textures is a spec map.

>> No.494757
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the thing about "photorealism" in CGI is that once it moves and animates unless its mocapped it always looks uncanny, 100% of the time.

>> No.494761

>daily reminder that when we see someone winning the Formula 1 Gran Prix, we say that was the better car, not the best pilot.

>> No.494764
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>People still use lightmass

>> No.494774

Computer graphics is ultimately dependent on the shaders, post processing filters and lighting models.
It's not like computer graphics is being innovated by artists tasked with making mesh and texture, it's being innovated by software engineers and tech artists.

Everyone understands that the best artist in the world could never make a PS2 game look as good as he could a PS4 game etc because the algorithms and hardware just doesn't allow it.
It's not hard to understand why we marvel at technology rather than artistic accomplishment as we already know artists can make better graphics than what's currently on offer if given the tools.

If you want actual personal fame as an artist outside of your own community and friends and family etc that is impressed on what you do, you really shouldnt get into an anonymous field like computer graphics.
Best you can hope for is having a character or project you worked on become famous, which in turn will make the name of the studio you worked for become famous in your place.

>> No.494783

>come here from /r9k/ for the first time
>pepe post raging about normies
I feel right at home here.
I tried UE too, but I think most normies don't have a PC good enough for it.

>> No.494785


>> No.494789 [DELETED] 

It's just an advanced form of baked global illumination. So most of it can't change dynamically. Whereas new lighting methods that have come out with the "PBR" craze have replaced these ancient methods with fully dynamic ones that are also more accurate.

>> No.494791

as opposed to what ?

>> No.494797

>muh ue4 photorealism
that's because they don't realize any engine that can use image textures can do photorealism.

>> No.494798

>referring to a driver as a pilot

>> No.494802


>> No.494811

Voxel cone tracing .

>> No.494812

I've always questioned why AAA games from huge studios have such shitty animations? I know nothing about animation at all, but how do games such as Grand Theft Auto 5 have the choppiest animations ever? Is it simply due to the large quantities of animations that needed to be produced? Just shitty animators?

>> No.494848

They are all motion capped, human motion just looks like dog shit.

>> No.494849

every action has to be "exagerrated"

>> No.494853

Animations have to play at a certain speed, and if they'd be played at real-world speed you'd get bored to hell and back just by watching your character climb into a car for the 500th time.
If we had real-world animation speed in games, they'd become slow as fuck.
Also, like >>494849 said, animations have to be exagerrated in poses and motions to show the player exactly what is going on and to make them interesting.

>> No.494854

They don't "have to be". Right now, every animation that tries to be real even from AAA looks unrealistic and uncanny as fuck. It's god-awful horse spit

>> No.494855

Also keep in mind that game animations aren't one long animation, they're made up of several mixed animations to introduce flexibility into the system.
You can't mix using complex functions though, most system do linear and maybe cubic interpolation, anything that'd feel more natural would make animations the #1 resource drain in any game.

>> No.494858

Whatever "system" "they" have in place looks godawful and needs to be killed

>> No.494865

I mean moreso during the cutscenes than anything. Animations during actual gameplay are understandable, but maybe they're exaggerating a lot of it, but how can the character reach and pickup a bottle drink and the arm be choppy as hell and the drink look like it's lagging behind the hand?

>> No.494868

Lightmass isn't voxel cone tracing, it's shitty pre-baked lighting breh. Voxel cone tracing is what they tried to replace it with but it took too much processing power.

>> No.494899

I know. But I meant to reply only to >>494791, not >>494785

>> No.494903

A fit person can climb into a car in like 2 seconds. What takes time is strapping yourself to the seat, grinding your butt into a comfy position
ignite the engine, stove away the phone, and tinker with the radio/music, things you probably wanna keep skipping even in realistic games.

Animation in games that attempt to be realistic feels off because they're just these blendings between set animations.
A real human body can improvise unbalanced stances as needed, turn on a dime and shape itself to slide past cramped spaces without bumping into things.
But a real human body has eyes to understand and make future predictions about the surroundings and a brain to move the limbs around that surrounding.
Where a CG character has like a few raycasts for vision to see if the next step is blocked and a algorithm of perhaps a few thousand lines in place of the brain.

>> No.494915

uncanny valley animation is the gta 5 style. its below shit tier

>> No.494920

its becuase high quality animation takes a lot of time. there is a huge quantity of animation required for games and not enough time to make it as well animated as say, live action cg

>> No.494921

You have all the time you want to make a game. Companies choose to have shit tier gta / last of us anim style. It's all bullshit moneygrabs

>> No.494922

-Huge amount of animations required.

-Animations need to be blendable.

-Animations need to be constrained to a one-fit-all rig.

-Rig is low fidelity because it's a game engine and you can't go fucking crazy.

-Open world games can't have as much detail in each rig.

-Animations have to not take forever as to bore the player.

-technical issues when importing the animation in the engine due to incompetent programmers

-bad animators

These all take part in the issue.

>> No.494926

You're describing band aid fixes for a problem that requires open heart surgery at the least. The uncanny valley perpetuates itself with all of these little "fixes". The results are laughable.

Just look at this shit - "muh realism PBR" and "muh beyond shit anim"


>> No.494934

It takes 5-10 hours to make ONE second of animation, mate.

>> No.494935

*Citation Needed

>> No.494936

*Several timelapse videos on youtube and my own experience

>> No.494937

You're slow as shit and your results are probably as shit as >>494926 so your findings are null and void. Have a good day, faggot.

>> No.494940

You forgot to call me "kid".

>> No.494942


>> No.494943


If you spend more than 5 hours making 5-10 keyframes using a rig designed for a videogame then you've fucked up.

>> No.494949

he's talking about seconds not keyframes, fuck up.

>> No.494950

In all seriousness, there are too many people trying to go for realism. It'll almost never work out, definitely not until at least 5 years from now.

However, since realism is so popular, smarter people can make stylized games that look and feel better.

>> No.494952

>However, since realism is so popular, smarter people can make stylized games that look and feel better.
like what?

>> No.494954

Games with uniqueness comparable to that of kirby. Shovel knight did so well because of its uniqueness, too.

>> No.494956
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what are you thinjking of next, bub? No Man's Sky? Stop being a sheep.

>> No.494959

I've got my own ideas in that got me a spot with Nintendo. If they didn't like my work, I'm sure I'd be coming up with something else.

>> No.494961

Sounds like your taste is gay and hipster as fuck, same with nintendo

>> No.494963

Cool. And what major company pays you for your work as a game designer?

>> No.494976

I'm not in it for the money. I love 3d art and do it as a hobby / enthusiast while working a real job away from a computer. You wish you were me.

>> No.494980

Whatever floats your boat, I guess. I certainly won't complain about having a career doing what I love.

>> No.494981

I sure as hell won't buy no nintendo crap you're shilling. Fuck, I won't even get near that queer wii shit. Stay away from this board.

>> No.494986

Uh...okay? Good for you...?

>> No.494987
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That's all you got?

>> No.494995

All I got for what?

>> No.494996


>> No.495076


>> No.495078

The only practical use for photorealism in game engines is for showrooms and such.
