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File: 99 KB, 663x274, MayavsBlender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
481947 No.481947 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say someone, like me, wanted to work in 3D Animation, non freelance, with a company of sorts, for example Pixar. Do most big companies use Maya? I'm currently doing fine with Blender, but I just don't know if most companies use a well known product like Maya

>> No.481949

Pixar uses proprietary chickenshit like Presto

>> No.481950

ah, shame. what does everyone else use?

>> No.481952

they use whatever they want and make their own pipelines.

>> No.481954

Maya is used much, much more in the industry than blender. To get hired, Maya is good to have on your resume. Blender is quite a bit different, isn't used in many professional entities, and doesn't really compare to maya on a resume.
Reason being blender is a free, community created program whereas Maya is truly developed and supported. Artists within a company generally use the same programs because stuff works better that way, too.

>> No.481956

>Reason being blender is a free, community created program whereas Maya is truly developed and supported.

what the fuck? 0/10,

>> No.481961

Maya is widely used by larger companies (mostly animation) along with 3dsmax (mostly gaming). Pixar uses Maya + Renderman, among other stuff; Dreamworks uses Maya too.

>> No.481962

Oh yeah, also you can get student licenses for free on Autodesk's website

>> No.481964


>> No.481966


>> No.481967
File: 529 KB, 3300x1300, 34-835-tgt-ris-pipeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pixar's "small production" pipeline
>Now you know

>> No.481969

Nope. Presto isnt even in there so thats not even accurate.

>> No.481972
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>small production pipeling
>image taken directly on pixar's learning website

>> No.482340

If you're ever going to work with a company like that, you ought to be clever enough to either already know how to use both of them, or pick it up quickly.

>> No.482342
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tell me about

>> No.482375

i made the jump from blender to maya in college. you can too. Every studio i know uses Maya.

>> No.482376
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

general Maya related question, been out of the CG scene for a few years. What is the best "free" version to be using? 2014 seems to be the most seeded version on popular websites.

>> No.482377

Presto is an extension of Maya, breh. They use Maya primarily.

>> No.482378

Presto is for animation. Pic is the asset pipeline.

>> No.482380

I know people who work at DNeg and they said they just use Maya as a viewport, all the nodes are custom built.

>> No.482381

2016, absolutely. It got a major overhaul, and until 2016, most of the new modelling toolkit tools added in 2013 were like a work in progress basically. VP2.0 also gradually supported more features until finally becoming the default viewport, no more Quadshit/Firegay cards needed for fast viewport interaction.

The mentalray integration got shit-tonnes better in 2016.
Hypershade got an overhaul.
UV tools got some sweet UV brushes and a new algorithm that's faster.
Bifrost and XGen got better.
New sculpting engine added in that seems to have been taken from Mudbox's code, as you can sculpt on 11m+ meshes without much issue, and even direct to texture paint on them, all within Maya.

>> No.482383

It's custom built around Maya's core framework. It's not the same as say Vray, where you're just transferring information to VRay software but outputting the results in the viewport. Some of the new features Maya has gotten over the years actually happened because of Pixar.

>> No.482384

Well the viewport sounds good, and hypershade did need an overhaul but the rest of that stuff sounds fucking awful. I don't even know what Bifrost and XGen is. I don't really see the appear of polypainting in Maya when a third party tool is probably going to do it better anyway? But I guess I'll give it a shot. Thanks anon, hope you're right.

>> No.482389

Nobody uses blender.

>> No.482391

Bifrost is a new particle simulation engine bought out from Naiad. It has a dynamically expanding bounding box and all simulations naturally interact with eachother. It's a lot easier to use than the existing nParticle system.

XGen is a new integrated hair and object instance feature, with a node base workflow. It can create both realistic film hair or polygon-strip type hair. And also has very powerful object instancing features.

The point of the painting is if you see something you want to touch up or you just want to quickly jot something out on your object, you don't need to go send it to another program, you can just do it quickly within Maya. Obviously it's not a replacement for your actual texturing work.

>> No.482496


doesn't matter

since like Pixar using their own proprietary stuffs, u are expected to familiarize urself with what they use from day 1, no matter what u're using before.

>> No.482497

pixar is totally irrelevant. They make shit movies for little girls, their software is all non-free. I mean, seriously, 30 years and they havent made a movie thats not over PG thats not b movie shit like john carter or tommorrowland

>> No.482499


Yeah man, Pixar doesn't even make any money.

Oh wait.

>> No.482500

I could care less how much money they make. Strippers also make money, so does big tobacco

>> No.482502



>> No.482503

could care less about that, same as if you see a porn ho making a million a year. Just dont care

>> No.482508

Some of us have families to support.

>> No.482727



>> No.482735

And those of us without, still want a comfortable life style. Money gives you opportunities in life, to do things with others and to go places and have experiences.

>> No.482739


Show me some job listings where they ask that you know blender, please.

>> No.482769

>could care less about that
then shut the fuck up and let adults talk

>> No.482778

why is pixar using all that shit when all their models are nothing but blobs?

>> No.482779

Depending on what kind of work you do, it really doesn't matter what kind of program you use and really, Blender is possibly one of your best options at this point if you've got around mid-level skills in programming. This is in terms of modelling, at least, and possibly animation and rigging but if you ask me Blender's still got a large set of problems to deal with involving animation and rigging. However, I'm not really familiar with whether Maya has any better solutions to the rigging problems Blender has either, from all the time I've spent with 3d it's never sounded like it.

However, regardless of what's better for you practically, as many others have said Maya is obviously more used and trusted by the industry. Unless Blender becomes one day very well established as a capable suite(regardless of whether it is currently or not--in my opinion, aside from modelling it isn't quite yet, but it is if you can program well enough), people are riding on trust that you can do the job by using Blender, regardless of whether you really can or not. Professional, paid software like Maya is like a seal of "I can do it" to someone who's not into 3d personally(not that it doesn't deserve it).

Most importantly though is that any team looking to hire you will want to guarantee that your workflow will fit in with theirs. There's no telling if any given Blender user is going to be able to transfer their work between software.

This was probably a troll thread but I replied seriously for some reason, what's wrong with me?

While I'm moping I'm going to bitch that this image recognition captcha shit is just that, a bunch of fucking SHIT. What the fuck? I've been around since way before captcha was implemented(not that I'm proud) but this is ridiculous. This newest captcha test is pretty much the last straw. This site is dead to me if this doesn't change. Inb4 no one gives a shit.

>> No.482790

kids want to work at pixar with blender, amazing. the fact that it's so popular on 4chan and the quality of the works you see here should tell you a lot.

>> No.482795


That is a fairly basic pipeline honestly. It's just a lot of different practices combined in one image.

>> No.482798


nigga you srs?

blender is free software used by fedora wearing neckbeards to create shitty half ass models for shitty half ass games made in unity. only like 1% of blender users are actually good.

while maya is like 4000$ professional piece of software that is industry standard along with 3ds max .

comparing blender to maya is like comparing gimp to photoshop or sculptress to zbrush.
get that free shit out ma face.

oh and don't make plants to work at pixar when you don't even know what software is used. learn the programs, git gud, than dream big

>> No.482801

>only like 1% of blender users are actually good.
Only like 1% of photoshit users or maya users are actually good. Your "point" is moot and void.

>> No.482803


blender being free, has a alot more of garbage users

>> No.482805

100% of the industry is Photoshop (not gimp) and other pro packages (not blender

>> No.482806
File: 22 KB, 333x433, press.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the industry
>muh industry

>> No.482812

I have said it before and I will say it again:

If you started with Blendur and you have artistic skills those artistic skills and modelling skills should be easily transferable to any comparable program, like maya, in a couple of days/under an month if you start in "le industry", since the vast differences are mostly only different UI, controls and shortcuts.

Its not like when you switch programs all your skills suddenly diminish like "le industry"-maymay posters would want you to believe.

But if you really want to work in le industry you probably have to use some sculpt tool like zbrush or mudbox, since both Blendur and maya are pretty much euqally shitty in terms of sculpting.

If you hand in your portfolio for a job in le industry and your stuff is really good and compares to professionals "even though" its made in blender they wont reject you for it but you will have to use their tools, if you say "I only work in blendur" noone will want you.

>> No.482813

>if you say "I only work in blendur" noone will want you.
Of course no one will want you, because you need to work in GIMP / Krita as well.

>> No.482814


Look at OPs post. What the fuck do you think this thread is about?

>> No.482819

so what makes maya better than blender?

>> No.482820

Blender is free, free as in Freedom. Maya is a $4k, and not worth a single penny. I will never use non-free software, its like they want to simoultaneously rape my rights and my wallet. Nein.

>> No.482821

price aside

>> No.482822

Spoken like a true autist.

>> No.482824

Free price is the least of the concern. The biggest freedom is a GPL licensed code that you can see. You can see changes that are made, distribute it, etc. With autoshit you have no idea if something's being updated, what exactly was updated, if things have been the same for 5 years in an area, etc. It's just trash by a trash company. Any company that sells 3d products not under GPL are scum

>> No.482825


>implying Maya isn't modular and recodable

Are you functionally retarded?

>> No.482826


>> No.482835

>The biggest freedom is a GPL licensed code that you can see

You could see the code to OpenSSL and it still shat the bed with Heartbleed. Take your FOSS "we're going to smash capitalism, man" elsewhere and get a job that isn't shitposting on an australian paper folding BBS

>> No.482845


thats a stupid questions, its a professional piece of software that has a lot of influence from pixar and disney, as in they actually have programmers and artists that work with autodesk to improve the program for next gen animations/renders.

blender is free, nothing free is ever good.

>muh freedooms

how is a 3d program attacking your freedom you tard.
i bet if maya was free you'd say maya was better. but autodesk is a busness and everyone working there has a family and kids to feed thats why it costs money

>> No.482874


Where is that graphic from? GIS brings up nothing.

>> No.482875
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1432177898100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a professional piece of software that has a lot of influence from pixar and disney
>how does i make g to pg movies for 30 years in a row, catering to the under 5 demographic and their moms and get away with it

>> No.482881

If you're worried about it, go spend a month or two with Maya; you'll find you'll very quickly be able to adopt concepts and practices from Blender to Maya

>> No.482885

>spending any amount of time with non-Blender

>> No.482984

Is this bait?


Almost all the software that runs the entirety of everything you do on a daily basis on the internet is free.

The best operating system for enterprise applications are free. (OSX and Linux are both free)

The software on those servers is also free.

The best security software is free.

Something being free does not make it bad, it just means that when something goes wrong you pray to the gods of whoever is making it that they fix it.

>> No.482987
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>> No.482995
File: 17 KB, 320x344, Average_Argentinian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Max is the best in the world for modelling/rendering

Maya is the best in the world for rigging/animating

Zbrush is the best in the world for sculpting

Blender sucks, there is not a single serious company that uses Blender

>> No.482996
File: 39 KB, 460x613, a5NY35E_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!
Other softwares are also useful and on the rise, but that's a /thread right there

>> No.483013


The best videogames are free, oh wait.
The best music production apps are free, oh wait.

>> No.483025

The best things in life are free.

Cha cha cha cha!

>> No.483027

Nah, Max isn't the best for modeling anymore. Modo is. Maya is pretty decent now too. As for rendering, lel, Max is not the best. Maya has a lot more renderers available for it and the MEL framework allows for much more advanced visual effects to be created. It's why Maya is so popular in VFX rendering.
The mentalray integration in 3DS Max simply used to be better than Maya's for a long time, so there was less of a burden of knowledge for people to create nice renders in Max than Maya, up until recently at least, Maya's MR integration got a major overhaul over the past few years and is now even better than Max's.