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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, Raptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
479353 No.479353 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /3dcg/ I have this model of a raptor, it is my first model made in maya (Blender for posing, rigging) and I am wodering, what can I do to improve it? (besides textures)

>> No.479356


>> No.479359

But, sculpt what? Like what changes should be made?

>> No.479361


>> No.479368


>> No.479371

Did you do this tutorial?


>> No.479379

Nope, that is an entirely probably more skilled person than me.

>> No.479394

the head is way to big. what is this the george lopez of raptors

>> No.479440

show us the wireframe so we can see the topology

>> No.479506

Well you see Jonathan, the problem is is that it's fucking shit. You must have used smoothing groups to fuck up the shading that badly on it.
Also it's far too shiny and smooth, like a metal statue of a dinosaur rather than a real one, which has scales.

As was suggested, either sculpt details or get normal mapping on that thing for scales

>> No.479509

> You must have used smoothing groups to fuck up the shading that badly on it.

>implying smoothing groups are inherently bad for shading

Do you even know what you're talking about?

>> No.479511
File: 50 KB, 400x505, eat shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at OP's model then retard.
See how just under the nostrils, the mesh has seperated and is completely black?
Looks like shit.
Check out the area around the eyeball. See all those triangles?
Looks like shit.

I never said they're inherently bad for shading, dipshit, don't put words in my mouth.
I said in this particular instance they look like shit.
Lurk more retard.

>> No.479513

not op but

>every model should be dreamworks tier

>> No.479514

>He asked what he can do to improve his model
>I told him what I think he should do

What's so difficult for you retards to understand about that?

>> No.479529


You're fighting a losing battle.

/3/ is saturated with autistic man children who will fling shit at you for not saying their modelling is the best that ever was, is and will be.

>> No.479549

and just like /ic/ insecure autists with big dreams who have to project their own shortcomings and self-hatred onto clueless visitors and noobs with infantile insults like this
OP was only looking for honest criticism and your obnoxious responses only makes you look like a fag and really sad, though I'm sure you've got a 15 inch cock and everything figured out since that's why you're compelled to do such quality posting
>that picture
grow up would ya?

>> No.479569

Those issues have nothing to do with normals; You aren't going to harden normals around the eye. That's a problem with the geometry.

>> No.479629
File: 1.29 MB, 413x192, fag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touched some anal nerves, have I?
Get some thicker skin faggot, this is 4chan, not tumblr. Fuck off somewhere else if all you want is people to wank you off about how amazing your turds are and never say anything critical.

>> No.479632

i would suggest starting with fixing the neck.
that's the most "stand-out" cartoony looking section to me.

>> No.479649

Actually my entire post was about you being a 12 yr old and reading comprehension is also about that level
>lmao I butthurt diz scrub gud didn't I?
>dis is 4chan not tumblr aim so hardcore and tough
Let me guess you're so overwhelmed by internet anonymity your monkeybrain can't handle the situation without typing fuck and retard every two seconds and posting asinine meme pictures?
your post was literally the personification of a faggot so I know this is hopeless but let me say it once more, this is a 3dcg board, OP posted, you made sad posts and then posted dodger which just made it even sadder, do grow up or find another site where you can flex your inspired vocabulary you literal meme fucking child

>> No.479692
File: 2.92 MB, 220x220, thumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I take it that's a veritable yes then on my first sentence.
I take my leave knowing my job is done.

>Getting mad at pictures being posted
>On an imageboard
One of us has a "monkeybrain", and just a hint but it's not me. Here's another triggering image 4u

>> No.479699

ah jesus christ, dude if anything you're funny in a sad way, I actually did get worked up imagining what an imbecile you are when trying to explain it to you, but your last comment alone was hysterical in how pathetic it was
No one fucking cares, you're just a literal child and as I thought explaining it to you did nothing, and yeah good memespout you're really "4chan" bruh

>> No.479703
File: 498 KB, 300x222, 2014-11-05 23.26.38.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy, but you're an idiot dude.

>> No.479758
File: 15 KB, 385x136, smoothingerror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're really looking for advice, I do have a couple of suggestions as well as gripes with this model.
>There are smoothing errors, I've puushed them.
>As >>479356 suggested, you should sculpt details into the raptor. It's too flat in some areas, and too smooth in others.
>I don't think this has to be suggested, but eyes.
>The raptor is disproportional, the legs are far too stubby, and the head's too big for the body. This was probably from a reference, I'm sure.
>Not important, but uou probably should have used better lighting for this, even though it did expose some of the flaws. It's hard for me to see where it's lacking.