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466936 No.466936 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /3/. Anyone want to collaborate on a project with me? I'm a C++ programmer using Unreal Engine 4. Art takes way too much time for me to be doing myself and it really distracts me from programming. Maybe some of you who need a project to work on would like to join me? When we are done we can sell it or start a kickstarter.

Lets chat about it. Ask me anything, or hit me up on skype. My username is Zyphet.

>> No.466938

whats on your "resume"

>> No.466940


Good question. I'm graduating this May in computer science and have a decent background in 3D art despite focusing in CS. Took a few modeling and animation classes at my community college, so I work well with 3D artists and understand the amount effort that goes into the artwork.

I have a few videos on my youtube people can look through if they want:


This was something I was doing a few months back in Unreal. The art was draining all my energy though so I didnt have much time to program. Lately Ive been doing some VR stuff at my university and the game I had in mind would be VR compatible.

>> No.466942


OP, can you do any procedural generation or understand stuff like Cellular Automata, BSP dungeon generation?

Also, that project doesn't really prove you are good at C++. Do you post code on github?

>> No.466943


Question: Which modeling program is best for someone like me who:

>wants to make low poly models for use in GAMES ONLY (probably my own games)
>I only need to model+rig+animate+texture I don't care about fancy rendering engines etc
>will NEVER be a professional
>will only use it as a hobbyist
>will always fucking suck to some degree
>low learning curve preferred

Blender is too complicated for me, I've already thrown it out the window after weeks of trying to learn.


>> No.466944

>>wants to make low poly models for use in GAMES ONLY (probably my own games)
>>I only need to model+rig+animate+texture I don't care about fancy rendering engines etc
>>will NEVER be a professional
You can´t model, rig and animate if you AREN´T a professional, retard. Is like asking to be able to compose your own orchestral piece without being a musician. If you know about the sticky, READ IT.

>> No.466948


I'm not interested in procedural generation. If that's something you are interested in then I probably wouldn't be the best bet, there are other people out there... but lets say I were doing that, I'd look into maze generation algorithms and just go from there really. I doubt it would be an issue, its just not something I've encountered personally.

I know that project doesn't show any evidence of coding. I wanted to give the artist an idea for the atmosphere... hm, well as far as coding goes I don't have anything uploaded on github because I never feel like my projects are fleshed out enough to be shared. Im a bit self conscious in that respect. If you want to add me on skype I can talk to you more in depth about some of my projects and maybe give you a few examples.

>> No.466950 [DELETED] 


Now don't get me wrong though, you might be able to convince me to look into procedural generation. I don't want to sound unopen to the idea. I've just always liked the traditional approach, hand designing levels. It feels more real to me personally.

>> No.466953


Eh fuck it, here's a VR GUI project I started recently for class. I really hate sharing code but I guess I should get over that.

>> No.466954


Grr, forgot link. My bad.


>> No.466955

lol this is completely terrible. Before you even attempt 3d stereo or VR you have to master 2D.

I dont even know what to tell you my man except that urdum

>> No.466957


Lmfao. I'm literally working in a virtual reality lab at my university, I focus on 3D graphics lol.

>> No.466958

pathetic. You have the disease called noskill

>> No.466959


you must be a pro can you teach me to be like you? :(

>> No.466960

first step is to gitgud

>> No.466961


yeah but how?? Im just a clueless woman who doesn't understand these things. :c

do yo uhave any resources to teach me how to git gud?

>> No.466962

once you've gotten gud, you wont ever have anyone online tell you to git gud, because they'll recognize the gud in you

>> No.466963

This is obviously a troll. Don't reply to him OP.

>> No.466964


I see, thank you anon you have taught me a valuable lesson today.


Nah I know, I just like to play along sometimes.

>> No.466965

this is >>466962, addign on to my post: once you've gotten gud, people start calling you a troll, yet can't back it up with any raisins.

>> No.466972


OP there is no point in even starting to 3D model if you got that attitude.

I personally think you could put 6-7 hours into 3D art. I work a non 3D art job and I put in 6 hours a day.


Oh it seems you are doing just VR stuff. I'm personally just focusing on improving my 3D skills and building a portfolio so I can't do any side projects.

The advice I can give you is come up with a cool gimmick and then you don't really need a graphics

The above is two good examples, anti chamber having really basic graphics and most of it is in the shaders.

As it currently stands the work you have shown can be done with blueprints in unreal engine. Your VR stuff might work, but I don't know.

>> No.466973


Pretty much everything can be done in blueprints. Almost all engine functionality is blueprint accessible, but its not necessarily easy to organize or fast to develop that way. My code could be done with blueprints, but it would have taken me longer. Their blueprint system is a full fledged visual programming environment, you could probably make a fairly complex game with BP alone really.

I know it might seem that way, but Im not just doing VR stuff. That's just the project I'm doing for class. Im really just looking for people who want to build their portfolio AND potentially end up with a product that could be sold. I understand people are busy though, everyone has their own things going on.

>> No.466975
File: 222 KB, 1240x786, 1426354739687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im really just looking for people who want to build their portfolio AND potentially end up with a product that could be sold.

>> No.466977


Its cool if you disagree. Have fun being someone's bitch in the industry, because they don't treat their artists well from what I hear. Especially in the game industry. If I were an artist I'd be looking for people to work with constantly so I can *avoid* that situation. *shrugs*

>> No.466980


If blender is too complicated I dont think 3D modeling is what you are looking for. All 3D applications are tough and have a steep learning curve.

>> No.467018


Thats sort of the point, your demo could be easily done with blueprints is the problem. Note, I've seen this done with blue prints

Your not really going to get an artist on board if you don't have something fancy to show.


If you was a good artist you will get people constantly asking you to work for free. There is no point in doing that. You are essentially asking people to work for free.

You are sort of screwed more than the programmer. You can't really kickstarter a game without fancy graphics today.


Modo indie is really good to model in. Blender has a bad interface and you could end up modelling stupid when you use blender.

But, yeah all 3D software has a steep learning curve. Unless you are doing stuff like voxelart.

>> No.467022

Rigger, Maya, always looking for interesting projects.

benjiaird dot co dot uk

Send me an email lets talk

>> No.467029

i currently use photo and ableton live for illustration/music production. i have ue4,maya,zbrush, and visual studio but i haven't delved into those areas yet. i felt like bringing up my drawing skills a bit more so i could do some conceptual design of various characters/assets before going on a particular project. i have no real experience. any takers?

>> No.467034
File: 36 KB, 210x202, 1420177576719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ableton live

>> No.467053


I'm not looking for professionals. If the person is getting paid for their work then they *arent* the type I'm looking looking to collaborate with. That would be cool but definitely not what I'm expecting here. Like I said, collaboration is for someone whos currently developing as an artist. Likely a person who's working on their portfolio. If they aren't at that stage in the career then move along, I have no delusions about that. I know how it is for artists and getting asked to work for free. This isn't a request to work, this is just asking if anyone wants to collaborate. There's a difference.

Look, like I said lots of things can be done in blueprints. Of course theres someone out there who did a maze in blueprints. It doesn't surprise me at all. People have done all sorts of things in blueprints.

So what is "fancy" to you? I'd like to know if only so I could impress any potential employees.

The GUI stuff I'm working on is functional. There are entire APIs like QT which are for GUI interface design. What I'm doing has some of the same things from a system like that; a virtual screen with an x-y coordinate system that can placed anywhere in the world coordinates and still function properly. A virtual mouse that gets projected onto the canvas. The ability to add, scale, and bind widgets to attributes. Its still a work in progress, but honestly as the person who made it I can tell you it wouldn't be "easy" to do in blueprints. It'd be a huge pain in the ass, moreso than in code. Just because its not some fancy looking thing on the screen doesn't mean their isn't complexity to it.

>> No.467122
File: 32 KB, 1284x856, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to colabo i made this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcXrv-3poUU

>> No.467131
File: 375 KB, 830x947, mage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to download UE4 for a while, but i can't program for shit and have no interesting in it.
Currently working on this character, ready to animate. I think i'm at a point skill wise where i can start producing folio quality work, at least for an amateur.
I'm definitely open to colab on something.

>> No.467151


Man, you should learn to take video capture haha. But looks interesting, I like the style and atmosphere.


That's badass, I really like that. If you want your portfolio work to be in playable form just hit me up and we can plan things and work together so your art doesn't go to waste. ;)

>> No.467160

That looks nice but your shoddy capture ruins it, get OBS it's FOSS capture software and it's excellent

>> No.467163

>but i can't program for shit and have no interesting in it.
Visual scripting motherfucker. Its awesome. Do some research, UE4 is fucking rad.