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464924 No.464924 [Reply] [Original]

Differences between Blender, 3DS, and Maya for incoming artists? Money isn't an issue, but what I want is pure features and what you can do more easier with what software.

>> No.464925

Maya over max over blender as far as features go. But choosing between max/Maya/any other program really depends on what you want to use it for. Could you be more specific?

>> No.464927

Reminds me of an analogy I read on another thread where software = hand tools. Maya versus max is like a saw versus a drill. These three all work wood but it depends what you need it for.
I guess blender would be like a screwdriver. It could potentially shape wood but it's more effective at causing brain damage

>> No.464954

Never used Maya, but as far as features go, I'd definitely go with Blender over 3DS. I'm going to compare the programs out-of-the-box as objectively as I can.

Blender has built-in sculpting, game engine, fluid and smoke simulator (last time i checked max didn't).

Both of the programs use modifier stacks, and it seems max has more modifiers with fewer settings while blender has fewer modifiers with more settings (you can get pretty much the same result in both)

Max has better viewport in terms of performance. Blender stutters at around 2mil polys, something that is planned to get improved this year. However, as far as my personal experience goes, max has a lot of unresolved viewport issues, something I've never experienced with blender. Also max has some weird

The two programs are eachothers exact opposites. It's nearly impossible to love both UI's as they are so different. Personally I like Blenders the most because it seems a lot more responsive. For instance, in 3DS, the program isn't aware where your cursor is. If I were to move my cursor to a scrollbar on the ui after modelling, and just scroll, the camera would zoom in.

Where Max would really surpass Blender would be high-poly modelling. Simply because Blender cannot handle too many polys without hiding some elements from your scene while working.

Blender has much better box modelling. And I base that off one, major difference. Blender has the capability of constructing faceless mesh. That is, a mesh constructed of vertices and edges, but no faces in between. This is a major gamechanger and after using it you'll never go back.

Hotkeys are also much better in Blender. It doesn't matter if you're extruding a vertice, an edge, a face, a bezier curve, a single or multiple. It's always the hotkey E. Same goes with filling being hotkey F, whereas in max you'd have to scroll down the right-hand panel and find the bridge tool or assign a hotkey for it manually.

>inb4 "blender has a shit ui"

>> No.464961
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>Never used Maya, but as far as features go, I'd definitely go with Blender over 3DS

>> No.464964

everyone on /3/ is so fucking vanilla it hurts.

listen OP, I'm going to tell you out right, it doesnt matter. AT ALL. Period. I like max's modelling tools the best. I like Maya's UV unwrapping the best. Blender has awesome nuances that make it enjoyable to use all around. The UIs are all different, but none of them suck there is an ambitious reason why Blender's is so atypical.

More companies are using Maya, so I would start there, but i would actually advise you get at least a little familiar with all of them.

>> No.464966

I would advise you go to a community like CGsociety or something similar. You shouldn't ask for advice here everyone is a noob who makes piss poor models for Garry's mod in their basement disguised as professionals. The only thing you will get out of this is a software war where everyone sniffs their own farts.

>> No.464967
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>> No.464971

polycount is good too, if game art is your thing

>> No.464972


>> No.464979


OP here.

I'll start with blender since I am only going to do low poly stuff for now. I'll see about using trials of other programs next month after messing around with Blender for the time being.

>> No.464982

My advice to you would be finding the hotkeys for the things you need instead of the UI button.
Here's a cheat sheet on the most commonly used keys to get you started:

tab - toggle edit / object mode
e - extrude
f - fill / connect
w - specials
g - grab / move
s - scale
r - rotate
a - select all / nothing
shift+d - dublicate
ctrl+b - bevel / chamfer

>> No.464983

Thanks! As an artist who uses Photoshop, I'm better with shortcut keys and slower navigating UI elements.

I'm watching a character modeling tutorial on Blender ATM. Hopefully I can make a low poly char.

>> No.464993

this might sound weird, but its easy to get pulled into the "omg blender is the best everything else sux" mindset. I was like that for a little bit, then I learned all 3. Just remember its just a tool.

>> No.464994

*drum roll*...........what do you have to show for it, noob....

>> No.464996

>I'd definitely go with Blender over 3DS

Stopped reading there.

>> No.464998

>money isn't an issue
Hire hundreds of mexicans to do the calculations by hand.

>> No.465003

It is also easy to get pulled into the "omg blender is shit" mindset. Because it's free and not a standard. This is the kind of reasoning that suppressed atheism many years ago.

>> No.465048

Blender is a hammer. When you have it, all problems are nails.

>> No.465056

That's a pretty accurate analogy

>> No.465057


Nope, it actually just is pretty shit compared to Maya, Modo and 3DSMax.

>> No.465059

What can be asserted without raisins can be dismissed without raisins.

>> No.465061

without the ridiculous highlight over the top gums this would be awesome

>> No.465064

>Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.465065
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My career in 3D goes:

Started in Lightwave
Moved to Maya 3 years ago
Tried Max, didn't like the interface
Interested in checking out a few of The Foundary products next, like MODO

>> No.465067

Alrighty, I do work in the industry i'll give you a run down.

Blender is horrible in relation to its UI, Tools, Features and so on.. However it does have a few neat features.

don't advertise that you use it, you won't get hired mostly because your advertising that your using that program.

people don't care most of the time..

Max, Useable because the UI is layout good and is great for most things however it has some bad features and other issues that it just doesn't do right.

Maya, A trend.. Basically we took blender then threw up all over the UI and then gave it some nice features and added stuff from softbox.

Zbrush, Great program, Has shit UI however its pretty simple once you understand it and has good tools as well.

They actually listen to their users.

In an ideal world you would learn a single program, however you really need ZBrush and something that can model and animate.

Max or Maya? Maya is recommended. Sadly. However its your choice, So i don't care what program you use.

if money is no object, buy both max and maya along with zbrush.

>> No.465068

Whether a UI is horrible or not is subjective. It is not a fact that blenders UI is bad. It is only horrible to you because you do not know how to use it. Comprende?

But you are right, you will miss out on some workplaces if you choose it, because it is easier for a company to hire another guy than to include another program in their pipeline.

Maya is probably the best all-around choice.

>> No.465069

>Max, Useable because the UI is layout good and is great for most things
That right there proved you do not work in the industry and are simply someone who decided to learn Max and thus prefer its UI over others. Even most Max users agree that the UI is horribly setup, especially compared to Maya's well labeled and organized UI. And let's not forget the hotbox and radial quick menus that Maya has which speed up workflow immensely. The separate of UI elements is much clearer in Maya, and the Viewport 2.0 is miles ahead of what Max has now.

Maya is not a trend, it is simply a better choice than Max now. Autodesk is killing off Max, cry more.

>> No.465120
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OP Here.
After using Blender for the last day, the UI isn't really that confusing. I don't see why people have such a big problem with it. :/

Or maybe its my problem for adapting easy to change.

I made a little low poly bunny character from my art and am really liking it. I added texture and cloth physics to the cloths, but I'm on my phone now and this is the last screenshot I took.

The only problem I'm having is rigging and I heard that rigging low poly chars is hard. Seems like it.

Blender is nice, but I'll try some other programs this weekend.

>> No.465210
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Well now since you've decided to learn blender first of course you're going to prefer it over anything new you try. You should have learned max first. It would have been easier for you.

>> No.465221

Then I would have preferred Max over the rest.

>> No.465263

Yes, which would have been a good thing. Now you've learned the worse software and won't be willing to change.

>> No.465265
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And at least by learning max you would have learned actual 3d, and not just "keyboard shortcuts", so you could actually transfer your knowledge into maya or whatever else you want.

>> No.465266
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>And at least by learning max you would have learned actual 3d, and not just "keyboard shortcuts",

>> No.465268

What to heck? Did you watch a tutorial or do you have previous experience? Because learning about edge loops, where to use triangles, and making "complex" (>100 polys, for beginners) models like that in your first day is pretty impressive.

>> No.465552

OP here. Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but no previous experience. Just tried to follow tutorials. I'm making different models now without the use of tutorials and they are coming out nice.

Funny thing is, I was just about to look up what "edge loops" are because people keep talking about them, haha.

>> No.465724
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Are edge loops extra verts around joints to more realistically move a limb?

>> No.465746
File: 65 KB, 1119x733, edgeloop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an edge loop.
In Blender you can place them with ctrl+r

>> No.465749


Yes those are there so that the deformation is more fluid

>> No.465881

Nah I don't think this is completely true. I used Blender on and off for years, then tried Modo one day and just straight-up switched to it. It's miles better and I can't really tolerate going back to Blender now.

(Blender does have a few nifty modifers though.)