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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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460740 No.460740 [Reply] [Original]

>In this second version, ZRemesher now generates better automatic retopology results with only limited spirals or none at all.
>Or none at all

Just a bit longer until retopo is dead right guys? Right?

>> No.460756

as long as it has dat horrible ui attached to it + its no where close to being open source, it will never be mainstream 3d. Its like if phong had the algorithm for phong lighting back in the day, but refused to share the maths. In that case, phong's way would never have taken off.

>> No.460773

when crack

>> No.460785

idk mate.

i buy all my software because im not a nigger

>> No.460788

>using non-floss

>> No.460790

>it will never be mainstream 3d.
>Open Source

Blender is shit and wont ever be taken seriously. Quit trying

>> No.460802

im not talking about blender, bro. Im talking about anything that wants to be taken seriously in 3d - it needs to be open source and free license. Think about it - opensubdiv meets these requirements, so does things like bullet physics, alembic, openColorIO, exr2.0.

If these creators were like NO! YOU MUST PAY! ALWAYS YOU PAY! AND NO SOURCE! then they would get laughed out the building. Instead, we have those technologies in many many programs. Holding something back like this just holds the rest of the industry back. And until we the open source hackers find an equivalent to zremesher we wont move forward.

>> No.460804

All the things you described are extremely simple pieces of fucking software that don't require a huge development team working full-time to program. ZBrush does, so it requires a custom base. Stop being a FLOSSFAGGOT and join reality. We don't live in a moneyless utopia. Programmers need to fucking make a living.

>> No.460806
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>All the things you described are extremely simple pieces of fucking software that don't require a huge development team working full-time to program.



lmao son. Even Ed Catmull said that opensubdiv took 20 years of research, and its their cutting edge, that no one else on earth has matched

>> No.460837

It didn't take 20 years of research, it was 20 years of their experience making films that culminated in the choices made behind said piece of software. It's just a slight improvement on Catmull-Clark, you taint.

Why doesn't Pixar release it's fucking hair system for free, or make Renderman open source and free? You know full well why but you'll never admit it.

>> No.460840

>It didn't take 20 years of research, it was 20 years of their experience making films that culminated in the choices made behind said piece of software. It's just a slight improvement on Catmull-Clark, you taint.

thats your opinion as an anon versus Ed Catmulls words on video. You're just insanely jelly.

>Why doesn't Pixar release it's fucking hair system for free, or make Renderman open source and free? You know full well why but you'll never admit it.

Renderman is dead technology, just another pathracer now and its hair system is beyond meh. What the industry needs is tissue

>> No.461014

im getting sick and tired of all these tissue shills shitting up 3. really showing your consumerism here.

>> No.461025

you're saying zbrush is not taken seriously?

>> No.461038

yup. its a temporary roadblock, but believe me it WILL dissappear completely once muh floss hackers pick up