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438800 No.438800 [Reply] [Original]

>learnt a lot of my modelling in Maya
>have to work with a model in Blender for a project

>> No.438801
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>learnt a lot of my modelling in Blender
>try to work with Maya because "muh industry standard"

I feel you OP.

>> No.438816
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>learnt a lot of my modelling in Blender
>try to work with Blender because is already learnt

>> No.438819
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>learnt a lot of my modeling in fucking nothing
>try to work with a model in Blender for fun

>> No.438824

Stockholm syndrome. You've become so used to a shit interaction method, you can't see how good Maya's is. It's a shame =/

>> No.438825
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>learnt a lot of my rigging in Maya
>have to work with a model in Blender for a project

>> No.438837

that image makes me angry
fix the cut-out at the bottom of the face so it goes around the exhaust properly
and make a shadow of the face on the clouds below

>> No.438865

Export it as an obj. Import it into Maya

>> No.438869

Okay, so while we're talking about layout and workflow compatibility, as someone who has learned in 3DS Max, how is it switching to Maya?

It seems most studios use Maya or Cinema 4D.

>> No.438875

Uhh, the interaction is still a bit different, but it's not a major difference like Blender's fucked up interaction is. You still left click to click on things, just like you do with EVERYTHING ELSE ON YOUR DAMN COMPUTER, thankfully. Right-click brings up various contect menus depending on what else you're holding, and is also for doing a pan-zoom.

>> No.438899

because it's so difficult in blender to change the "select" settings to "Left", or any other shortcut function for that matter.

>> No.438902


> can't 3 clicks into setting to change select button
> can't install contextual menu plugin

How did you even started your computer?
Just google it dammit

no.. no. Google isn't "installed" on your computer...
you type google.com in your browser's address bar...
tha... that's the thing over the 7 toolbars

>> No.438903

Blender is such a shit program it cant even get selection right.

>> No.438906

You run everything you've installed on your computer with the default settings?

>> No.438907

I dont keep shit software installed for long. If you cant even get selection right you are going to the bin

>> No.438909

Why? It's got box selection, loop selection and shit, what else do you need? I'm asking honestly, haven't used anything else yet.

>> No.438913

I need standards

>> No.438916

Everyone runs everything on their computer with default settings, nerd.
Defaults matter, and if the defaults are shit, nobody will bother learning your program because if it takes changing the defaults to learn it, then there will be a thousand youtube videos, all with different configurations, and with nobody learning anything.

>> No.438924
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>learnt a lot of my sculpting in zbrush
>have to work with random shit modeler

>> No.438929

ha ha ha

>> No.438931

The fact that Blender is so ass backwards that it requires everyone to change the interaction method, is a bad sign from the start. Why would I keep software installed that is clearly being programmed by people who are complete retards? There is much better software at my disposal, no need to mess with that shit. And yes, I customize my software, when the software is clearly good in the first place, like ZBrush, custom UI up the wazoo. And custom scripts and shelf for Maya.

>> No.438948

Doesn't blender have a maya and 3ds max mode that also changes hotkeys?

>> No.438949
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>> No.438951

look at that autistic menu / horrific ui. Truly puke inducing

>> No.438959

Jesus Christ, I use Blender and even I think that layout is disgusting.

>> No.438985

None of those are working for me.

>> No.439005

Still annoying to navigate around
Plus it defaults the camera movement to Shift instead of Alt

>> No.439059

Blender is shit. Tht´s why it´s free.

>> No.439062


>> No.439072



>> No.439203

>try setting emulate 3 button mouse

>> No.439208

>Designing a 3D program to not work with a 3-button mouse
>Is it programmed by fucking Mac-fags?

>> No.439209

No, it's not minimalist and hipster enough looking to be programmed by apple sheep.

>> No.439221

The cancer of Blender is the concept where every widget can be split and turned into any other widget. You might think it's great because it is "modular", but it's just autistic as fuck to have a dozen windows which don't appear to relate in any way.

Good software will always find a good balance between being functional and being ergonomic, and Blender just does not accomplish that. That and then the abysmally cumbersome and awkward interaction within the widgets - it feels like trying to hammer a nail with Parkinson's disease.

>> No.439224
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You know adults can't take seriously kids trying to explain a concept while using the term "autistic" right ?

And you should also know that anything with the name autodesk stamped on has the shittiest UI ever conceived.

The really best UI was the XSI one before the acquisition by the devil.
But you will shit on that too i guess.

>> No.439231

xsi ui was trash. Thats the simplest I can put it.

>> No.439232


And then we have that anon that never used XSI.

>> No.439233

I did. I stopped using it because of the retardation. Now I use industry standard software like Maya and Nuke, never looked back.

>> No.439234

>Now I use industry standard software like Maya and Nuke, never looked back.

Industry standard, students and teenagers always love to use this word.
You just started using what people told you out of insecurity, and XSI as ironic as it can be my dear ignorant is industry standard in japan:

metal gear solid 2-3-4, bayonetta 1-2, devil may cry, every final fantsy from 10 and a fuckload of other games have been created entirely in XSI.

>> No.439235

Those games are created primarily in the tex editor and debugger. Making art assets are < 1% work in a game.

>> No.439236


>Industry standard

Oh come on man we can see you started at best one year ago, after getting advices from /3/.

>> No.439237


And we are talking exactly about 3d assets and animation, which have been in that 3d software you called retarded.

>> No.439238


*been created

>> No.439239


They are using it for phantom pain too.

>> No.439240


Let's add Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children too.
But i guess our dear anon is much more of a pro since he use maya and nuke.

>> No.439242


When will people learn that most 3d software are the same fucking thing and that skills make the difference ?
Never i guess.

>> No.439244

>Making art assets are < 1%

If making assets and animations is so unimportant then your retarded nitpicking doesn't make any sense.

>> No.439245

git good and use standards only. maximum interop, no deadware.

>> No.439247


And like a good boy you answered ONLY the simplest question like the tool you are kid.

>> No.439261

I cannot compare polygon modelling softwares UI , but for CAD Inventor has the shittiest fucking UI of all times. It just is retarded.

>> No.439266


Well what did you expect from autodesk ?

>> No.439271

>explain a concept
Autistic here just means "not decipherable by a normal person" - you have to spend great effort to see relations between interface elements. You see, UI design is a huge topic. There are books with whole chapters on how to color and contrast even just a scrollbar and ISO specs for how many elements a selection-list must at least be able to show at any given time, not to mention the metaphors a software developer must conceive to visually explain the structure of the program. I recommend "Mental Models" by Stephan Dutke if you want to find out some about that.

>autodesk shittiest UI
A trait which most multi-purpose programs share.

>shit on XSI
I don't shit on stuff I have not yet used, I give you that.

>> No.439274

Yes, and it breaks shit like the UV editor.

>> No.439299
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>almost 2015
>still modeling without a 3d mouse

>> No.439301


You just silently agreed with him anon.

>> No.439410
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>not owning a tablet monitor

>> No.439414

>not having to use a mac mouse without a middle mouse button for 3d class

It's like you two don't even know suffering.

>> No.439431

>tfw using Microsoft Touch Mouse with simulated middle mouse button
Feels amazing man

>> No.439589
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>know how to use Blender
>have to download 3DS max for a project
>mfw blender is 40mb

>> No.439775
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>Learn everything in Blender
>Use Maya
>It's utter shit

This is the part where you guys yell at me, right?

>> No.439788

Blender is the best ever

>> No.439797

It's the part where you continue to have your skill crippled due to only using Blender.

>> No.439801
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Tell autodesk to stop charging $1000+ for software that we will have to pay royalties to if we ever make money off anything made in them.

>> No.439802

You don't pay royalties on the $1000 versions, it's full ownership.

Also, you're already not paying for Maya by using Blender, so how would pirating Maya be any different? Either way you're not paying.

>> No.439805

Did they ever say why it's so pricey or is it simply for royalties free?

>> No.439807

Because it has dozens of people paid full-time developing it on a constant basis? Because it has people dealing with lots of support cases? Because it has people who go around to studios and gather input to improve the software? Releasing new content on a half-yearly basis.

3D software is a niche market. If people are working full-time to develop it as their career, it's going to cost a pretty penny to make up for the only thousands of sales.

It's only $240 a year for Maya LT if it has all the features one needs ($30 a month).

It's hard for a freelancer to understand just how much more software like Maya or Max has in features and performance over Blender, but in a studio environment the difference is night and day. If you just want to do a bit of poly-modeling, feel free to use Blender, but if you want it to ever be more than just a fun hobby, or you want to at least try and produce some truly stunning imagery for fun, Blender will hold you back.

>> No.439812

Alright. Noted.
On a similar note, what's your opinion on AIE? Last time some anon said they were minimal effort for maximum profit or something along those lines but he never elaborated.

>> No.439818

AIE? I don't believe I've seen that abbreviation before. Is it archviz? If so, yes, that's generally minimal work and high pay since there's lots of money to go around when it comes to architecture. The problem is trying to get your foot in the door for such work, bu that's really true for all CG related work.

>> No.439824

No it's Academy of Interactive Entertainment.

>> No.439828

nice dubs, and there's a setting that will change the shortcuts and mouse behaviors to those of maya

>> No.439833

Ohhhh that. What does that have to do with profit? It's pretty much just an organization made up of people in the industry, who vote on who to recognize for excellence in various subjects. It's basically the AMPAS, but for CG peeps. I think it's nice for us to have awards we can strive for, the people who produce the VFX in movies we watch, go through hell.

>> No.439874

>industry standard in japan
which explains why Jap CG sucks

>> No.439890

The Japanese produce the highest quality CG of any country you fool. They have been on the forefront of it for ages. They did realistic CG in 2001 that you would still struggle to do today, scrub. Spirits Within blew people's minds.

>> No.439911

are you currently working in Japan?
b/c if you dont work for a pachinko you dont win a lot of money in the cg industry.

>> No.439992


>Because it has dozens of people paid full-time developing it on a constant basis

how can it be more expensive than an Operating System?

Windows is cheaper, even OS X.

AFAIK, OS is a more complex and tedious software project than a 3D modelling/animation software

>> No.439993


And has more customers.

>> No.440009

Apple makes it's money off of Hardware.
Microsoft sells millions of copies of Windows.
Autodesk sells thousands at best.

You're basically implying everyone who uses a computer, also buys 3D modeling software.

>> No.440041

An OS doesn't produce things, the programs do.

>> No.440124

>shit interaction
blender has superior interface.
you have stockholm.
bla-bla-bla your mom's fat.

seriously though, blender is better.

>> No.440126

look at that superior interface!
here's a youtube vid explaining how superior it is.
an our long of maya getting btfo, you're welcome.

>> No.440137

Not him but I'm considering working in japan. Did you work in pachinko ?

>> No.440139

Lol, it's so sad how little that guy actually knows about Maya. It's like he's a day into his Animation Mentor class and thinks he's experienced enough to make a comparison video. Even complaining about the clipping planes when his model is clearly fucking massive for the scene.

>> No.440140
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Yes, but they pay you in steel balls.

>> No.440141

>it's so sad how little these guys actually know about blender
apples and oranges, anon.

maya is made for assembly line projects.
blender is made for the one man show.

same exact programs.
blender has better interface and always will.

>> No.440143


There's some thruth.

Max and Maya are used in the industry and for assets creations, nowadays those are the standards, nobody want to mess with blender and destroy a consolidated work-flow.

But blender works wonder for an illustrator or someone that has only to produce a final result.

It's a matter of needs honestly.

>> No.440147

>blender has better interface and always will.
Laugh, my, fucking, ass, off. It has the worst interface of all the popular 3D applications, this is a well accepted fact. It is full of useless clutter. Maya is very streamlined and clean looking, with most things easily done without even leaving the viewport. And no need to go through various teirs of menus, unlike in Blender.

Also, left clicking being changed to placing your center point is an incredibly inneficient waste. Moving around the center point is something you should only need to do now and then, it's is not a left-click worthy action. Left click should do what it does in every other application in the history of computers, select.

>> No.440149


Calm your tits man, blender has UI problems like any 3d software suit, i don't know how you can defend any UI done by autodesk.

>> No.440153
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>balls of steel

I-I'm gonna work for him ?

>> No.440154

im >439911 yes i worked for a 3d pachinko, thats annoying as hell, but they pay good if youre worth it. shit thing is evrything so fucking expensive here so you better have a rich dad to start lol

>> No.440155

>3d pachinko

Isn't that boring as hell ?
Is it worth it ?
Why did you went to japan to work there ?

>> No.440156

>I've never used Blender but you can't be serious when you say Maya is clean looking. It's heavy, it's a mess and it intimidates everyone new.
>easy to use
No. You can't guess and explore stuff in Maya, you need some kind of tutoring. Cinema4D is the only example I can think that is clean and intuitive.

>> No.440157

Interesting, how did you end up there ? Did they recruited you outside of Japan ? Why did you left ? Also, >>440155

>> No.440160

Autodesk Sketchbook has the best, more intuitive and clean UI of any 2D drawing app out. Checkmate.

Compared to Blender, it is very clean. As soon as you open Blender, you're bombarded with all kind of panels and text-buttons everywhere, it's horrid.

XSI was pretty clean and intuitive like C4D. Especially the node system that was the basis of nearly everything.

>> No.440161

>XSI was pretty clean and intuitive

I agree completely on this (i learned everything on nodes and FG+GI in XSI), blender needs an overhaul in the UI and luckily it seems they are going for the XSI feel.
You can already get a decent UI out of blender, but you need to customize it, which isn't hard at all.

>> No.440167

Blender is shit.

>> No.440181

that be dangerous talk in this part of 3

>> No.440591


sorry for the slow reply lol no internet
Well its worth it b/c its a fucking cool experience. Bad thing is they dont speak english a lot (im french but im fluent in english) so if you REALLY want to work in that industry you better learn japanese.

the work itself was okay but the bad thing was the models were made in china and they were horribly modeled and rigged. the project wasnt very exciting either. but eh i was a junior so

I was here for an obligatory internship( 2 months) so not paid but my coworkers were really well paid (one of my coworkers had his plane ticket for free, help with the rent & he was well paid. Yakuzas are mostly directing pachinkos so they have a lot of money)

if you have the experience & the talent you could try to work for polygon pictures Tokyo (they speak english)

>> No.440759

Thank for not forgetting us.
Ahah I can't believe you're a frenchfag like me.
I have the working holiday visa and hoped to find an entry level job in tokyo where you couldn speak english but apparently, there aren't much companies like this.

If you speak japanese would you go back for a longer time ?

>> No.440956

I worked for a french/japanese company so it was easier for me.
I would totally dig to come back in Japan, in fact I plan to find learn japanese either in Paris or London and when I know enough (and have enough of the jewgold)i will come back to Tokyo.

Most of the coworkers i worked with wanted to stay 2 months at first but they ended up staying 8 months, 1 year... BECAUSE JAPAN IS HELLA COOL.

>> No.441206

Does the company you did the intership still exists ?
I never heard of a french/japanese company before.

>> No.441335

They still exist! It was a very little company, not well known, with only 12 workers (excluding the interns) and they generally take interns in summer. I dont really feel comfortable sending their mail and name here but! If you searsh around for french companies in Tokyo you may find them.
Good luck!

>> No.441345
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>> No.441442

Stockholm syndrome. You've become so used to a shit interaction method, you can't see how good Blender is. It's a shame =/

>> No.441444
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>learnt modeling & texturing in Maya
>learnt animation in 3dsMax
>didn't learn rigging yet
Should I switch to go all in on one, or learn how to do everything on both?


>> No.441445

theres something wrong with society if you use closed source shovelware over beautiful floss and then act proud about it. I would ask you to post your work, but we all know that its shit.

>> No.441447

I haven't even tried Blender so I don't actually know if it's any good. What I mean is that I have no intention of dropping both programs that I already halfway know how to use in order to start out with another as a complete newbie. I would much rather learn all the ins and outs of one of the two I've already used.

>> No.441448

Thats right. You've "used" some shit but havent made anything worth a shit. You dont have a choice from here on - Free Software only.

>> No.441449

Don't listen to >>441445
He's just a FLOSS troll who goes around pretending FLOSS software is the next best thing since sliced bread just because it's free.

If you want to learn rigging and Animation, just stick to Maya. The modeling tools are more than good enough now, and the Animation+Rigging is lightyears ahead of Max.

>> No.441473

Would you mind sending they name here please anon ?

I did all the searches I could already.

>> No.441641

Thanks man. The rigs I have available for animation practice are all Max of course, but I'll give Maya a shot and look into making the switch.

>> No.441690

Sent! :D

>> No.441711

Just print out a cheat sheet like one of these:

Once you are in shortcut mode you will miss it in other software. To learn blender really did change the way I use computer programs in general. Clicking on icons is retarded and takes too much time.