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File: 176 KB, 770x250, UE4_ishere_noLogo-770x250-603108303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
415171 No.415171 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like UE4 is out for everyone. $20/month.

I wont be buying it because I'm far, far, faaaarrr beyond that kiddie node shit.



>> No.415172
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>> No.415174

visual programming left to right with nodes is straight shit, son.

Also, this content browser shit is so terrible as well as the whole unreal methodology being shit

>> No.415178 [DELETED] 
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> buying a software
How are things in the autism dimension ?

>> No.415179

You were going to tell me how it was?

>> No.415180 [DELETED] 

Ofcourse not. Unlike you I don't live there.

>> No.415181
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>> No.415182

Oh you're talking about programming with nodes.

Yeah that is shit.

>> No.415183


>> No.415185

>$20 month
>full source code access
>pay just 5% of gross revenue

It's over, Unity is finished.

>> No.415186

They're both shit.

>> No.415188


>UE4 is shit

Compared to what, buddy? You've got some imaginary engine that is better?

>> No.415189

anything is better than this shit. Are you even looking at the videos on the jewtube? This shit is the definition of inefficiency and bloatware.

>> No.415191

>How are things in the autism dimension ?
LoL self burn.

>> No.415192

seems baller as fuck
im tempted to try it, its like those retarded steam promotions, you dont even like those games, but fuck me, they are like 90% off

Good step by epic.

>> No.415198

>anything is better
>cannot name an engine

>> No.415199

commercial engines are all shit. This is just another in a long line of shit. Grow ^

>> No.415200

>No GI

No. You are dead to me, UE4. Dead to me.

>> No.415201



plz have the decency to use a trip so I can block you

>> No.415213
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>$0 month
>Extendable with DLL's and plugins
>No royalties

It's over, UDK is finished.

>> No.415215
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>No way to try before buy

I ain't dropping 20 dollars just to see if I fucking like it.

>> No.415224


>$20 is too much for a brand new AAA game engine
>something that has traditionally cost 5 to six figures

Well holy shit. You can never please some fucks.

>> No.415225

this engine is shit. Mass market shit. Bloatware.

>> No.415226

>20$ a month
It`s unity all the way now, folks.

>> No.415229


Unity is more expensive, dipshit.

Unity = $1500 or $75/mo, if you cancel your sub the you can't use it any more

UE4 = $19mo, cancel at any time and continue to work with the version you have

gee, what a hard choice to make.

>> No.415230


go someplace else

>> No.415232

>Wannabe "artists" thinking they know shit about game engine quality

Oh lol.

>> No.415233

>unity = $1500
Unity free is... free.
You don´t need to pay shit no matter how much you make with a game made with it.
You pay $1500 for a bunch of shaders on the full version, that´s it.
Changing the policy from the old free UDK (that would charge 45% of all profit above U$5000) to a forced U$20 a month will have UDK abandoned by everybody.
We don´t mind paying a lot AFTER we make some profit with the engine, we mind have to pay BEFORE IT. Fuck you, Epic.

>> No.415234

I bet UDK4 is the perfect quality for big studios with a huge budget and bloated infrastructure.
Indie devs like us will always prefer Unity.
You can start using it without paying a dime.
Game engines need to charge for game profit AFTER (and IF) the game is made, or else it´s just a scam, like TORQUE game engine or 3D Game Studio, who charged before you were able to use them.
tl,dr: charge first and you´re out, period.

>> No.415235

Yeah if you're making a simple game use Unity. If you're making a big game with high end graphics, build your own engine.

>> No.415236


>Unity free is... free.

top kek

The gimped version is free. It lacks basic fucking features which even UDK has. Comparing UE4 to the free version of Unity is laughable. You might as well say Blender Game Engine is a better choice.

>Changing the policy from the old free UDK (that would charge 45% of all profit above U$5000) to a forced U$20 a month will have UDK abandoned by everybody.

monster kek

Epic is releasing what is pretty much the most advanced game engine and editor ever, source code and all, and all they want is $19/mo subscription for updates and 5% of your games revenue. That is un-fucking-heard of. Developers are dying to get a hold of something like this and if you think they are going to be turned off by a cheap ass subscription fee, you are fucking mad. The people who use the free version of Unity are worthless. They aren't creating anything worth a shit.

>> No.415237


>tl,dr: charge first and you´re out, period.

You whiny entitled fuck. Why don't you just pirate it, you stupid little shit.


>> No.415242

Unity has this already implemented though.

>> No.415245

>Epic is releasing what is pretty much the most advanced game engine and editor ever, source code and all, and all they want is $19/mo subscription for updates and 5% of your games revenue. That is un-fucking-heard of.

Wait wait wait wait wait WAIT !!!

whats so advanced about this engine? Theres nothing new here except more spaghetti nodes.

>> No.415246
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you need to pay unity 1,500 once after you made 100k you walking numbhead. also the free version is a goddamn joke and enough content will make your game a hellish lag-party. even the pro version is shit, trust me. you should update your reading skills for commercial conditions. UE4 conditions are freaking heavenly. UDK was free to use, but commercial conditions were 25% of revenue which is a totally abnormal nutkick. UE4 only 19 monthly which is 228 a year "also you only need to pay 19 to have access to the newest shit all the time, you could pay 19 once and then use that particular verison of UE4 for all eternity" and it uses newest technology in freaking everything for example physical based rendering and shading. and paying 5% for commercial use, cmon this is nothing. do you even know how hard it is to create your own engine? you save yourself months of coding and you can instantly create content and games if you have the knowledge. if you are not the total programming master, this is the best you will get for that price.

>> No.415247

>do you even know how hard it is to create your own engine?

how hard is it, anon? How do you ever except to make a good game if you cant even make a game engine aka an editor? Thats rhetorical.

>> No.415249
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>> No.415250


>Thats rhetorical

no, thats retarded.

take your trolling bullshit someplace else.

>> No.415253

>How hard is it
>How do you ever except to make a good game if you cant even make a game engine aka an editor
A game engine is not a game editor, anon. It's everything there is in an engine. It includes shader, physic engine, and everything that you can imagine. An editor is just an editor.
Epic and many other companies have a mountain of programmer graphic professional working eight hours a day five days a week in a whole year just to make an engine like UDK4. It's far from perfect, but I am not in any position to judge if it's bad or not.
The point here is, you need a lot of knowledge in programming to make your own engine, with your own shader, physic simulator, particle system, and what-have-you.
I bet this is bait.

>> No.415256

anon, your shaders are glsl from opengl. your physics is bullet. your audio is probably part of SDL2. to get in objects from the outside you import an obj. how hard is this to understand? thats rhetorical.

>> No.415257


>> No.415258
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>Unity is free
>Export to every platform I want
>Graphics aren't a priority so Pro isn't required
>No royalties

>UDK has no linux support
>No BB support
>WP7 support
>Subscription model
>Node programming

top kek

>> No.415260

>still have to build lighting
yeah nah fuck epic

>> No.415261


>Unity is free

You get what you pay for (in your case that is probably more than enough)

>Export to every platform I want

Great, what have you exported so far? Anything I've heard of?

>Graphics aren't a priority so Pro isn't required

Guess not.

>No royalties

5% of $0 is $0, so you should be fine anyway.

>UDK has no linux support

UE4 supports OS X though an OpenGL backend, and with the way things are going with StreamOS, it's unlikely that UE4 be ported to Linux.

>No BB support

BlackBerry? Nobody owns those, and people who do don't play video games.

>WP7 support

Nobody owns a Windows phone, so you are straight.

>Subscription model

I've paid more for magazine subscriptions I didn't even want.


Déjà vu

>Node programming

Try scripting with runtime-compiled c++ and access to the full engine source. That beats the everloving shit out of JavaScript and C#.

State of denial. Welcome to it.

>> No.415262


>UE4 supports OS X though an OpenGL backend, and with the way things are going with StreamOS, it's unlikely that UE4 *wont* be ported to Linux.

>> No.415263
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this is probably bait, but i will answer for those who actually dont know how hard it is.

now lets think about creating a game engine. you will need:
>a programming language, many prefer c++
>a renderer, for example direct x or opengl
>a graphics library for shaders n stuff, hlsl, glsl
>a library for mouse/keyboard/gamepad input
>a sound library, fmod, openal
>a physics library, bullet
>if needed UI + editor for the easy way sperglords

this is like the most basic wood stuff for creating your average nintendo 64 game engine. but even for this simple stuff, you need to understand every single step and basics for each library to combine it into an engine.

now think that you need to polish your engine in every single aspect, for example graphics, which means you need to code your renderer and shaders for lighting, shading, effects like water, glass, lets go further, BRDF lighting, Fresnal-Term, Cubemaps and so many shit you wouldnt even imagine. you not only need mathematical but physical and programming understandings in advanced levels.

luckily we live in the times of the internet, and you can research everything, including mathematical/physical formula and converse them to code, under the condition you own a functional human brain to learn them. but still this crap takes a lot of time. there arent a shitload of people who take years to research and create engines just for fun, "google siggraph and you will find out what is behind all this" i am someone who learns this all out of interest, but some people are not very talented or interressted in math and physics, and only want to learn basic game programming, so for them, ready and usable engines/editors like these are very useful.

>> No.415265

I'll believe it when I see it, UE development progresses at a snail's pace so I won't expect anything within the next two years.

>> No.415266

anon - you described a cutting edge, state of the art game engine thats also completely cross platform. protip: opengl is incredbily powerful and so is bullet.

>> No.415267
File: 33 KB, 512x288, brian ashcraft has sucked more dicks in his entire life than the japanese schoolgirl whores he faps to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying games will ever look this good or use all of UE4's features like this.
>Implying there was ever a game that even looked as the Good Samaritan demo from UE3.

Yeah nah go fuck yourself.

>> No.415268

yes indeed, but opengl and bullet are only as powerfull as those who can code with it. what i wanted to say is, you will need knowledge in all these fields to use them and code them in a way, so they reach AAA game level. ready engines like UE4 will provide a completely fine tuned library, ready for game programming/designing/editing.

>> No.415271


>comparing a low level graphics library and physics library to a game engine

Basically all you need is opengl, bullet, maybe assimp, a few lines of code and bish bash bosh, bob's your uncle, you got yourself a UE4 clone. I could do it in one night with one arm behind my back. I have no idea why companies like Epic use teams of highly paid and experienced programmers for month or even years of development.

>> No.415274

programmers at epic games know 2 things: jack and shit. they spent like 18 months making their node editor and blueprints for other clueless "devs"

>> No.415275


>programmers at epic games know 2 things: jack and shit

They developed a flexible next gen game engine, and you probably live in your mothers basement and work at Taco Bell.

>> No.415276

Cant wait to be able to pirate it, fuck paying for education.

>> No.415277


>edgy 16 year old

>> No.415278

>Look mom, I'm on the internet I'm 64 ft tall ha a 4digit IQ and my cock is so large it touches the rings of saturn - at the base of the shaft.

>> No.415279

the ue4 engine doesnt even do dynamic gi. in no way is it next gen. like i said, epic games devs are a fucking joke

>> No.415280 [DELETED] 
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> If you don't spend $999999 on my retarded software I'll call you edgy kid
> that will do the trick
Sad really because you already know that just makes peope wanna pirate more.

>> No.415281


>the ue4 engine doesnt even do dynamic gi

yes it does



try $19, kid

ask your parents for it

>> No.415282

lol no it doesnt lol. you bake lightmaps dumbshit hahahahzhaha

>> No.415283 [DELETED] 

> try $19, kid ask your parents for it
why don't you suck my dick faget xD xD xD
I wouldn't buy crap if it was $1. Go sleep on it.

>> No.415284


>engine supports lightmaps
>therefor it can't support dynamic gi

Brilliant logic. You realize that there are plenty of engines that support both? If you have a mostly static scene then lightmapping can offer you higher quality GI at a lower cost. It's called using the right tool for the job.

>> No.415285


>why don't you suck my dick faget xD xD xD

Be careful now. If your parents catch you talking to people on the internet like that they will take your xbox away.

>> No.415286 [DELETED] 

> weak tryhard comebacks after realising you can't stop people from leeching off.
There there kid. No tears now. I'll enjoy the shit out of this software, or throw it way if it doesn't satisfy me. But I won't pay a single cent for it.

>> No.415287


>Cant wait to be able to pirate it
>I wouldn't buy crap if it was $1
>But I won't pay a single cent for it.

How do you not cut yourself on all that edge. Teen angst is so adorable. Don't worry, you'll get over it when you grow up and your hormone levels even out. Unfortunately you'll still be an idiot though.

>> No.415288 [DELETED] 
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see : >>415280
So pathetic... so desperate xDDD

>> No.415290


>So pathetic... so desperate

Yes, I agree, you are. But like I said, the urge to rebel against authority will diminish with time. Until then you will unfortunately be an annoying little brat who like to "stick it to the man" by declaring your intent to pirate software on the Internet, as if anyone cares.

>> No.415293 [DELETED] 

> resorting to imitating opponent
> keeps calling kid out of desperation
*yawn* aren't you the most boring buttmad loser ever ? Let me know if you got something better. Otherwise, don't waste my time with this garbage.

>> No.415295
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>paying a subscription for software

>> No.415296


Haha. You were the one who resorted to imitating, sir, and the reason I call you a kid is because you fucking act like one. You aren't my opponent. You're just some idiotic fuck on /3/ who seems desperate to have the last word because I called you an edgy child. Seems I struck a nerve, I wonder why.

>> No.415297
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>Resorting to logical fallacies
You guys are getting desperate.

>> No.415298


>Unityfags will say anything

>> No.415299 [DELETED] 

> still calls kid
> calls desperate right after his opponent
> i-im not even mad guiyse. im winning this fight i swear guis
Ssshhh....only dreams now...

>> No.415300


You have me beat. I was was no match for the power of your emoticons and epic memes, bro. Your Internet fighting skills are top notch. You must not be a kid after all.

>> No.415302 [DELETED] 

> i-i wasn't fighting in the first place i swear g-guiys...
Stay mad. Oh, and don't forget to say the last word so you win ;)

>> No.415303
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>Kek I bet he hasn't made anything
>Lel no one publishes on those even though it doesn't cost anything to take the time to do it.

Every UDKfag's defense ever.

>> No.415304


>Stay mad.

Oh, I assure you I am furious. I can't believe I lost another Internet battle.

>> No.415305

As an observer I just wanted to pitch in and tell you guys how impressed I am by the way you conducted yourself during this exciting internet debate.

I particularly enjoyed the sharpness of the argumentation when one anon pointed out other anon was acting like a child with autism that was both his son and had to many vertices, or was it edges?

>> No.415306

love how everyone now bashes each other on the lowest level possible. at least try to act like you are using logic kiddos. loving and hating software like black and white wont get you anywhere, at least compare shit with facts, or you will be stuck in the infinite flame wars instead of actually creating something.

>> No.415311 [DELETED] 
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> paying for software
Troll thread I guess

>> No.415314
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I don't think I have ever seen so much butthurt in one thread before in my life.

>> No.415315

It doesn´t matter if "it´s only $20 a month, its cheap!!!"
Were NOT buying subscription, period.
Epic is following a marketing research: 90% of people who used UDK never released anything; they studied, prototyped, etc.
If everyone who studies/prototypes/whathever actually paid U$20,00 a month, they would make FAR more than they make with royalties, since royalties can only be charged by someone who actually publishes and sells a game.
If they can convince suckers that they engine has a cheap subscription and that they HAVE to release something or else stop crying, they´ll make a fortune and they now it.
Not with my money, they won´t.

>> No.415316

Tell your bosses at Epic that 4chan is against your stupid shitty subscription.

>> No.415317

And who the fuck is his "we" you are talking about?

I guarantee you that hundreds of people have already subscribed for UE4.

There is no "we".

>> No.415318
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>No Linux support

>> No.415319

Tell your president at your autism club that you're stupid.

>> No.415320

>bunch of butthurt children who can't download UE4 because they have no credit card

top kek

>> No.415321


It comes with source code and already has an opengl backend. You can already port it to Linux yourself.

>> No.415322



>> No.415323

we dont want epics babby tier code. the end.

>> No.415324



speak for yourself, faggot

>> No.415327

Guys you are paying the 20$ for the updates and access to the resources. You can cancel the subscription and still be allowed to use UE4 unless you want the updates. Though you still have to pay 5% for any profit made from the game.

>> No.415328
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>There are people on /3/ that payed for autodesk programs
>Nobody complains about how they charge you money because "ITZ DA INDUSTRY STANDARD"

>> No.415335
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>Pay $20 to port it to Linux yourself.

>> No.415336

So where's the source?

>> No.415344

You sure?
If i pay $20, then cancel the subscription to use/learn it for free for some months (and during development), the editor won´t say "Subscription cancelled: Please re-activate your subscription to use UDK. Press any button to exit..."

>> No.415349

yes, you can pay the 20 bucks for one month then cancel the next month and then 7 months later reactivate it and update your version of UE4 to the latest one. As long as you dont make millions with your game you wont get fucked over

>> No.415350

The only well designed game engine is Source and that shit is like three trillion years old by now and has shit dev tools. Although if Epic improves their fucking texture streaming for UE3 I might be impressed.

>> No.415367

the difference between ue3 and ue4 royalty licensing is "unreal" - and for reasons you might expect.

Ue3 took royalties of 25% of net income. Ue4 takes 5% of gross. If you do the math, ue4 is more expensive (much much more) to use than ue3. Devs wont use this if they have any understanding of gross vs net because if your game does catch on you'll be completely screwed every month for buttloads of dosh.

>> No.415368


Where is the difference between net income and gross income? As a German I'm not sure where the difference lies.

>> No.415369

Net income is cash made after all deductions are made including taxes.

Gross income is cash made before any deductions are made.

>> No.415371


Wouldn't it depend on the tax rate in your country then if 5% gross is more than 25% of your net income?

>> No.415372

Your gross income is going to be huge and your net is going to be small. You never want to pay percentages gross, except when you really have to like for the itunes store or steam.

For this reason, actors always ask for percentages of the gross but they almost never get it. Instead, they get net. In fact, lawyers use loopholes so that the net income becomes a negative number

>> No.415373


Holy shit, that's good to know.

>> No.415378

>UE4 supports OS X though an OpenGL backend, and with the way things are going with StreamOS, it's unlikely that UE4 be ported to Linux.

from their site
>This first release of Unreal Engine 4 is just the beginning. In the C++ code, you can see many new initiatives underway, for example to support Oculus VR, Linux, Valve’s Steamworks and Steam Box efforts, and deployment of games to web browsers via HTML5. It’s all right there, in plain view, on day one of many years of exciting and open development ahead!

Anyone cloned and shared the sources yet?

>> No.415379

>Anyone cloned and shared the sources yet?

I have the source. Its even more hideous to read than unrealscript. Everything is so "unreal"

>> No.415380

Can somebody please tell me what's so bad about node scripting?

>> No.415381

Not 1337 enough

>> No.415386

Let´s see:
>make complex RPG with U4
You earned $15000!
>valve´s get 50%
...you earned $ 7500.
>gov gets 10%
...you earned $ 6750
>life expenses and production is 25% from that
> ... you earned $5062,50
> Epic want´s her 5%... from your $15000!
...you´re left with $4312,50 after epic get their $750,00.
You paid $20 during all development months, wich would be at least a year... which is rougly $240,00, leaving you with $4072. Big business: U4 only costed $990,00 in THIS case.

>> No.415391

>>gov gets 10%

anon, where do you live where you pay 10% in taxes? In lovely norge, I pay over 50% in taxes - on my gross of course

>> No.415394


>valve´s get 50%

Valve gets 30%

>> No.415397

The 5% cut is based of gross sales, not your profit.

So that 5% is based off the sale numbers. If you sell a game for $15 and you sell 10,000 copies, then you owe Epic $7,500. If you sell it on Steam, valve wants 30% gross which is $45,000. There may also be credit card transaction fees which come out of that gross. Whatever you are left with is your net income, and from that the government will take a chunk as they always do (just as they will take more chunks when you go to spend whatever is left.) The government also gets chunks of the chunks you gave to Valve, Epic and the credit card companies. Isn't life wonderful?

>> No.415398

the us government takes from your gross, not your net.

>> No.415399

Valve takes 30%, like all 3 major outlets (Play store/iOS/Steam). Government tax will only be on net profit of the company, or on your total income, if you're a lone developer.

>> No.415400

Taxable income is generally speaking the gross income.

>> No.415402


I'm pretty sure your personal taxes only apply to YOUR personal income. The government is going to tax the sell of the games (most likely) and then after everyone take a cut and the leftovers are given to you it becomes your personal income, which is also taxed.

Fuck if I know, I'm not a lawyer or a tax professional. All I know is that the government is taking like 50 different cuts.

>> No.415404


>All I know is that the government is taking like 50 different cuts.

and despite having their dick in every pie they somehow can't pay off their loans.

>> No.415409


>> No.415506
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The best solution would be to just pirate it and then when you're ready to release the game just pay the $20 to get a legit license and port your project over.

>> No.415507
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 1334329164853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are fucking stupid.

>> No.415511


Being free isn't even enough. Epic should have to pat ME $20/mo to use their software.

>> No.415518

>Not posting the one with his head as a dick instead

>> No.415519

Yep. 5% from gross is enough to pay their fucking interest - those 20 bucks per month are simple plain epic jewish jews being jewishes.
But i bet they´re planning countermeasures already, like software not working if it does not connect online in their servers for validation, etc.
There will be two versions: pirate cracked and monthly updated/paid... when a game was developed with the cracked version, they will find out and charge extra/sue, etc.

>> No.415531

It's ridiculous how little people read.

You get the entire C++ source code for everything. You can adjust the rendering pipeline; add procedural generation; add content streaming; change the tools so you can make stitchable maps(for MMOS); change the entire network code. You can add your own code to the tools for map makers to use.

You can network the tools.

You can compile to HTML5 (running in browser) without a plugin like Flash or Unity.

What's the point in shitting on something when you have no idea what it is? Or complaining that it's $20 when if you knew what you were doing you wouldn't have any trouble making that back?

>> No.415534

So, o wise one....why is epic marketing this so hard? Whats radically different with this vs ue3? Heres the answer: coming up........nothing. The codebase is still shit - ive read it.

its the same as the source code for blender. Sure you have source, but you're way better off writing your own program because its so steeped in shit. You have to reverse every epicism to get anything even close to usable. The only ok things about the source is insight on how they handle bloom and hdr.

Theres nothing special going on under the hood here.

>> No.415538


>But i bet they´re planning countermeasures already, like software not working if it does not connect online in their servers for validation, etc.

No, they aren't, you faggot. You are thinking of the asshats at Crytek. Maybe isntead of a jewish scheme, the $19/mo is to justify GIVING AWAY THE ENTIRE SOURCE CODE TO THEIR FUCKING FLAGSHIP NEXT GEN ENGINE. In the past you had to give a company something like $150,000 and sign a NDA to get access to a AAA game engine. What Epic has done, other companies would call them batshit insane for doing. Give them the fucking credit they deserve for trying to change the status quo by taking a huge risk. They didn't have to release UE4 at all. They could have held onto it and in 5 years released a gimped version of it called UDK4 or something.

>> No.415540

>In the past you had to give a company something like $150,000 and sign a NDA to get access to a AAA game engine. What Epic has done, other companies would call them batshit insane for doing. Give them the fucking credit they deserve for trying to change the status quo by taking a huge risk.

They took zero risk. This might as well be ue3.1.

theres a buzzword

>> No.415541
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>> No.415542

you have no arguments, havent read the source, probably dont even understand what a c++ class is


>> No.415544


>you have no arguments

Neither do you. You're just some anonymous asshat on the internet who vaguely implies that he is a hot shot programmer who is qualifies to hand out unsubstantiated insults to everything and everyone.

lmao indeed

>> No.415545

anon, you havent read the source. Yet, you're discussing it. Its like if the first Harry Potter came out and we both have the books. Yet, only I have read the shit. Even though you havent read it, you still want to discuss it with me. Do you understand? You fucking dumbass. Noob, faggot.

>> No.415546


> you havent read the source


>You fucking dumbass. Noob, faggot.

Yeah, you sound like someone who is real big on rational discussions on academic topics. No, wait. You sound like some kid who is desperate to piss in peoples cornflakes and wave your greatly exaggerated epeen around the room, probably because IRL you are a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.415547

anon, what does that make you then? Clinically autistic, retarded, and with no future? Dont reply to that. Thats rhetorical.

>> No.415548

You can't even read my post but you reply to it asking something that's explained in it.
>C++ source code

I guess I'd rather have CryEngine's source, but that isn't available without spending hundreds of thousands up front.
CryEngine's $10 a month editor updates, with no source code, and no proper licensing agreement is a joke.

>> No.415549


You are calling me autistic? You are the one who can't interact with anyone. You just keep repeating yourself over and over in this thread. You are a pathetic fucking wretch that has infested this thread like a belligerent echo.

>> No.415551

You're desperate, anon. Why don't you take a break from the boards for a while.

>> No.415553


>You're desperate, anon.

It's time to put down the mirror and stop projecting.

>> No.415554

anon, remind me again who keeps posting on and on about something they havent even read nor could even understand? This isnt rhetorical. I would like to know.

>> No.415556


Could you at least try to not to sound so much like a broken record. It's wouldn't be so bad if you didn't also sound like a fucking idiot. It gets a little annoying after a while, as does your constant tendency to make absurd assumptions, as I have already pointed out. Maybe you didn't catch onto that because I don't go around waving my dick in peoples faces for no reason. I have had access to the code since before it was publicly released, and I dare say I am more familiar with it than you. I really don't care what your opinion of it is. I don't actually believe for one second that you are remotely qualified to judge this codebase, but even if you were semi-competent, your behavior discredits you.

>> No.415557

anon, fucking idiot is my middle name. However, I dont show up at a "book club" having not read the book. Furthermore, I wouldnt write a review and endorse a book that I hadnt read. That would be too retarded, even for me. However, that seems to be you're M.O.

>> No.415558


OK, so bad troll or spectacular idiot. Gotcha.

Thanks for wasting my time. Maybe I'll see your retarded posts the next time I take a lunch break.

>> No.415560

Looks like your period arrived, girl.

>> No.415576

>Breaking the status quo
Lolno they just saw Unity raking in the dosh with their sub program and wanted to get in on that action. The only reason they're giving you source is to an extra bullet point to their sales pitch and to compensate for certain lack of features such as Linux support and hopes you'll add all the missing features yourself. I doubt the majority of Indies who license this will ever mess with or even understand the source code. If your the kind of person who does that anyways you're probably making your own engine. No reason to fuck around with UE4's mess of a codebase. Especially since they just revealed how OpenGL can be 15× faster than direct ass 12 there's no reason not to make your own engine with OpenGL.

>> No.415600
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I see you are edgy. I am pretty edgy myself.

>> No.415957

>>calling Unity and UE4 shit
>>not linking to something you've created

keeping it elitist /3/

>> No.415964
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> You can't be a film critic unless you have produced a movie of your own.
Retard pls go.

>> No.415966


Critics have a reputation of actually being knowledgeable. Anonymous sperglords who just hang out on the internet all day dishing out insults are worthless.

>> No.415968

But a very big percentage of critics have not even intended to produce a movie. Doesn't that contradict with your completely retarded statement a post ago ?

>> No.415972
File: 12 KB, 351x270, you lose good day faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has absolutely nothing to do with the content of this thread.

>> No.415973

Neither does your post.

>> No.415974
File: 30 KB, 560x300, you think this is a motherfucking game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and neither does yours.

>> No.415976

Then just stop posting.

>> No.415977


That wasn't my post, dipshit.

>> No.415978

If it obviously wasn't addressed to you, then why do you feel the need to reply to an irrelevant post you retarded faggot ?

>> No.415984


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? Of course not. Fucking faggot.

>> No.415985

Stop this madness :S

>> No.415987


How is babby formed? How girl get pragnent? Thats rhetorical.

>> No.415990

( ._.')

>> No.416048

All i know is that i didn´t got this UE4 thing yet.
I bought games and engines in the past - I paid almost $2000 for all 3D gamestudio versions prior to UDK release - and i don´t feel even a bit compelled to sign up and fork over $20 bucks to Epic.
Why? Something is wrong, that´s why.
Where are the people who bought it boasting about graphics, capabilities or whatever?
Can it make an open world now? Is it easier to understand? How does it integrate enemy AI? Where are the demos?
And why Epic didn´t made Unreal Tournament 2014 and sold it together with the first version of the engine in steam?
....i keeping my money.

>> No.416081

It's all marketing fluff to make it look cool. Look at the feature videos for UE4 and Unity5. Most of the UE video is just trying to impress you with pretty graphics while the Unity video actually tells you what the engine can do. Seriously when my last team used UDK there were several features that very few people in the Unreal forums ever knew existed because Epic never bothered to advertise them.

>> No.416082

No, its not that. Ue4 marketing is trying to sell you on "blueprints" ie the ridiculous idea that even non coders can make and ship a non shit game by using these blueprints

>> No.416270
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lol...this thread full of butt hurt losers who found out making games is HARD and takes lots of time and effort and stuff...boo hoo.

>> No.416275

lol. all of my this.
20 dollars a month is nothing. once you basement dwellers move out and get a job, 20 dollars wont be your entire savings.

>> No.416276

so true. So, so, so true. Some of us have jobs. These buttbeards should get one, too. McDonalds?

>> No.416505

when i saw UE4 i thought lightmaps and lightmap baking was finally gone forever? where the fuck is the 100% real-time GI lighting? are you fucking telling me that in 2014 im still going to have to spend 99% of the time staring at my screen waiting for this garbage to calculate the lightmaps?

fucking lightmaps.. the cancer of human civilization.. that shit is so fucking ancient. JUST DIE ALREADY

>> No.416508

is there a torrent for the current version?
i don't care about updates, i just want to get my hands dirty so i'm ready when a stable version is out

>> No.416511

also full of freetards who think an engine made by a few developers can, not just come close, but surpass something like UE4.. i read your comment before viewing this thread, boy you were correct.. i was hyped to see what /3/ thought of UE4 but this thread is not even /b/ tier bullshit, probably /g/ tier

>> No.416531

anon, unreal devs busted their collective nuts over the Blueprint system instead of making a good engine. That same blueprint system, mind you, was the one that mark reign said he could use to make a complete game in the editor without knowing how to "kode".


>> No.416538


>when i saw UE4 i thought lightmaps and lightmap baking was finally gone forever?

Lightmaps will never be gone, dipshit. Unless you game calls for 100% dynamic lights and 100% dynamic meshes, then you will benefit from lightmaps. Lighmaps give you better GI at a fraction of the cost. Calculating dynamic GI everywhere when a large fraction of your geometry and lights never move is a fucking waste.

>> No.416539

unity 5 does gi in realtime without lightmaps, anus

>> No.416540


Are you fucking retarded? I didn't say you couldn't. I said you fucking shouldn't.

>> No.416541

Unity 5 is a real engine. Udk is wasted development time and Zakk Parish doing your marketing trying to sell you on BluePrints

>> No.416543


Sure it is, Timmy. Here, you get a gold star for effort.

>> No.416544

>still believes in Santa and the Easter Bunny

>> No.416599

as it turns out they removed the real-time global illumination and replaced it with lightmaps / lightmass because the real-time GI was 'too heavy' (probably because of shitty performance on consoles).

real-time GI was the only reason i wanted UE4. now that they've removed it i dont see the point, its basically just UDK with a new interface..

>> No.416600


>UDK with a new interface

and a way better default BRDF
and better mesh handling
and better use of DX11
and complete fucking source...

>> No.416601


>and a way better default BRDF
so what

>and better mesh handling
nobody cares

>and better use of DX11
[insert examples]

>and complete fucking source...
useless for artists

new interface for 20 bucks a month and 5% from gross. no ty, give us real-time GI or fuck off.

>> No.416602
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> they removed the real-time global illumination
> replaced it with lightmaps
> 2014
jesus fucking christ

>> No.416603
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What's so bad about lightmass?

It is still global illumination, isn't it? What's the big deal?

>> No.416605


>What's so bad about lightmass?

the fact that it takes fucking forever to calculate. oh you wanna quickly tweak the color? wait another hour. oh you wanna change brightness a bit? wait another hour. oh you wanna change the direction of the sun a little bit? wait another hour. its unbelievably inefficient for making art and it doesnt belong in the modern dev environment. when it comes to lighting your scenes you literally spend 95% of the time waiting for light bakes to complete.

not to mention how much fucking memory this shit uses while baking. and dont even start about all the fucking artifacts, leaking light problems and other shit that comes with lightmaps.

>> No.416606

Well that's cleared up quickly.


>> No.416608

While I don't really give a shit about UDK, your post is still pretty stupid.
>and a way better default BRDF
you>so what
But then you go on to say:
>and complete fucking source...
you>useless for artists

Better BRDF means better and easier to tweak materials for you ART-Only fags, dumbass. Pull your head out of your ass and actually learn something about computer graphics, or else get the fuck off /3/.

>and better mesh handling
you>nobody cares
If you don't care, then again, you're a fucking self-contradicting dumbass. Since better mesh handling means you can afford more polygons, which means you can MAEK UR ARTZ BETTUR, dumbass.

It grinds my gears to see such faggotry on this board sometimes.

>> No.416612


i picture you as a 12 year old whose doing some shitty college course and just learned how to bake a normal map in 3ds max.

>> No.416615

And here we see the wild chan child in his natural habitat, making claims of age in hopes others will believe he is actually an adult! How fascinating! Let us watch as he potentially embarrasses himself more.

>> No.416618

>also you only need to pay 19 to have access to the newest shit all the time, you could pay 19 once and then use that particular verison of UE4 for all eternity
Hold on. It doesn't kick you out if you don't pay the $19? Because that's how monthly subscription's supposed to work.

>> No.416628

UE4 is beta anyway, doesn't that mean GI could still be added later?

>> No.416632


It has CLPVs (same as Cryengine) which is beta and can be enabled through configs. There may even still be voxel code in the source for all I know.

>> No.416663

>Better BRDF means better and easier to tweak materials for you ART-Only fags, dumbass. Pull your head out of your ass and actually learn something about computer graphics, or else get the fuck off /3/.

anon, you need to get *your* head out of your *own ass*. The "PBR" brdf you derp about is extremely simple. In fact, it can be implemented in a single line like this. This isnt a selling point - it shouldnt be anyway. Why? Because its literally one of code. And your material masking by color is also one line. How do I know this? I'm an expert - you're not.

>Kr * mix(ggxSpec(roughness), cubeMapReflect, gloss);

>> No.416664

>choosing anything but the best for something as important as your 3d engine
unity is the most expensive for a reason

>> No.416667

Now THAT nonsense dumb shit begins again! What a fucking loophole where only self-declared "expert pros" know shit about shit and think they know even something. Faggots, /3/ is full of shit

>> No.416673

This kills me.

>> No.416683

why pay $20 when it's free on cgpeers

>> No.416696

no it doesn't kick you out. you pay $20 and for an entire engine except they don't give you updates if you cancel subscription

>> No.416707

so what have you made, dumbshit

>> No.416726

Sight. If they were charging %10, even 20% from gross sales and giving the engine away without the subscription nonsense, i´d love to have a peek and weight the new tools. I paid hundreds for games and tools, i have Zbrush original... and i don´t feel even a bit compelled to pay Epic a single dime.

>> No.416739

What if you're making a F2P game?

Do you still have to pay them anything besides the subscription?

>> No.416745

anything related to making money from it including any future deals, any in game purchases, any youtube ad revenue.

>> No.416796

Maybe it will get better when they manage to make those Enlighten binaries available.

>> No.416805
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Node scripting is essentially generating code from flowcharts. That's alright for some things, but not for others. There's a reason why there are different sorts of uml diagrams out there.

Flowcharts are especially an eyesore when it comes to representing math (picture related). Which is also the reason why I loathe material editors: Shaders are nothing but math, they have little control flow - if you are using branching or loops in shaders, chances are you are doing it very wrong. So flowcharts are the least appropiate representation when it comes to shaders.

>> No.416807

>Shaders are nothing but math, they have little control flow - if you are using branching or loops in shaders, chances are you are doing it very wrong. So flowcharts are the least appropiate representation when it comes to shaders.

you're wrong. if you have either a maxwell card like the 750 ti or a gtx 780 or any new nvidia card coming out you can branch and do if statements and only evaluate the one side. this is how shaders are now and all shaders will be in the future. its called dyanmic parellism. get used to it, shitkid

>> No.416811

Thanks for the heads up, ... shitparent I guess?

>> No.416814

Their legal wording this time is scary as fuck. UDK made sense, you pay them 20% of what you make. But now they want 5% of what it sells for, regardless of who makes the money you are the one who will pay them.

So for example if you make a game and give the rights to some one, and that some one then sells that game, then you are the one obligated to pay epic, not the person who is selling the game.

>> No.416816
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you pay through the nose for those blueprints, shitty. Not that they're gud anyway. See vid


>> No.416819

Yeah, it does sound scary. You would have to try and make your publisher pay the royalty.

>> No.416832


>> No.416848

Everybody doing GPU shaders should read this: http://www.humus.name/index.php?page=Articles&ID=6 (he's also doing a presentation at this year's GDC)

>> No.416849

Easy: D = distance(v1, v2)

>> No.416851

yes anon. yesssss

>> No.416854

I loved reading that.

>> No.416877

>lurk game dev threads since ive been on 4chan
>wonder where all the bullshit useless pissing contest have gone
>today i will browse /3/
Wow, I am surprised yall are still here.

>> No.416882

>UDK is now Nuke.

>> No.416941

you just went

>> No.416942

lol fucking retard. get your facts straight.

GLOBAL ILLUMATION is one of the main features

>> No.416943

you can access the code directly and code it yourself too idiot

>> No.416945

Listen you fucking moron, he asked what was bad about node scripting and I answered that. At no point did I say you couldn't write code, you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.417073

Anyone know if UE4 is getting FleX integration (https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-flex)) at some point?

Or if voxel cone tracing GI is ever going to be re-implemented?

Fuck vidyas, this engine would be godly as a real-time renderer with these two things.

>> No.417078


>Or if voxel cone tracing GI is ever going to be re-implemented?

it's gone for good. right now they're working on Light Propagation Volumes (LPV) to get real-time indirect lighting.

>> No.417083

>right now they're working on Light Propagation Volumes (LPV)

Well good if they are at least moving towards some solution.

>> No.417089


>muh proprietary APIs

oh, nvidia

nobody wants a physics api that can only run on half of computers

>> No.417092

actually, it runs on near 100%. The new amd drivers wrap cuda kernels very very well.

>> No.417094

You can already enable LPV realtime GI in the current build. There are definitely some glitches and such, and it's not production ready yet, but it's there if you want to test it out.

Instructions are on the official forums.

>> No.417095


>> No.417110

GDC 2014 slides available: http://www.humus.name/index.php?page=Articles&ID=9
>This is the slide deck from my GDC 2014 talk titled "Low-level Shader Optimization for Next-Gen and DX11". This talk continues on my GDC 2013 talk "Low-Level Thinking in High-Level Shading Languages", showing low-level optimization tricks for DX11 level hardware, and GCN architecture in particular.

>> No.417118

>next gen

all these buzzwords. How about deleting those posts, dumbass

>> No.417119


>> No.417133
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>ew those UE4 jews wanting my 20 dollars, i am not paying since i am edgy
>no realtime global illumination so no matter what other features, its shit
>nodes and blueprints are for faggets
>you are dumb! no you are!
>i am the master of all coding, graphics and engines therefore i know everything
>unity is soah much better

kids, the reason EPIC wants the laughable 20 bucks which you easily earn my mowing your neighbours lawn, or by simply unsubscribing your WoW account, is because they dont want little faggots like you in their forums or any other boards, but people who are actually serious about it. the real money is made with the revenue. also GI and features you want can be put in the source by yourself. blueprints are optional.

also instead of coding and debugging your own engine for months which would still be inferior, because you all are incapable dumb fucks, you get an engine which has nearly all the newest features available for making a top notch game, for nearly nonexistent money input. then you just easily need to put dat game into steam or somewehere and you dont have any marketing problems, as long your game isnt shit. its the fucking dream, i cant even fathom how it could be easier to get successfull. but you ungrateful fucks still cry because you never will be pleased with anything, which is the reason that the only games you will ever make are some unity minecraft clone abdominations, dreaming one day you will be getting rich with it. no matter if you get UE4, CryEngine or Unity, your games will be shit if you dont grow up.

how can anyone still be unpleased with the infinite possibilities and codes available today, which are either for free or very cheap.

>> No.417136

0/10 trolling

Ue4 codebase is a mess. UI is a mess.

>They are asking for money and want percentage of gross for babby level matrix transforms and directx

oh nigger, if you cant see how shit this is, you must suck ass at developing games. Hell, I bet you cant even ape flappy bird without needing to pay someone at least $20

>> No.417191
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>epic jewish jews being jewishes
>implying they haven't poured thousands of man-hours into making the engine, updating it, marketing it, etc
>implying 90% of people actually release fuck all
>implying the $20/m isn't just insurance to cover for all the people that they won't see a dime from the 5% of $0

>> No.417193

>>implying 90% of people actually release fuck all

anon its more like 99.99999%

>> No.417201
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But I was being generous with numbers, so he couldn't cling to it in his rebuttal instead of actually addressing the point.

>> No.417205

There is no real time supported by Epic Games for the moment, but people have already found the code for LPV (same GI technique CryEngine uses) and are implementing that. You can use it now if you want, but there's probably a couple of bugs. Epic Games also intend to get LPV back into the engine once they've fixed all the current bugs and issues they've got.

>> No.417206

If you don't intend to publish a game and just want to play around in the editor all you have to do is pay once and then cancel the subscription and you get to keep the engine but without updates.

>> No.417208

>even once


>> No.417217


Uhm, no. Physx does not work with AMD or Intel.

>> No.417236

Could someone without liquid bias dripping out of their well fucked ass please list the available engines an indie dev might want to work with and some pro's cons?

For all of us baby.

>> No.417237

your rendering engine is OpenGL. Your windowing engine is SDL2.

There you are. You now work on every platform. If you dont know C++ in 2014, dont expect anyone to pay you for being retarded.

>> No.417262


>he cant afford a one off payment of $20

>> No.417280
File: 37 KB, 533x371, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so let me get this straight.

they want a monthly payment of $20, and i can cancel my sub at any time and keep using the software.

what if there are no shippable updates for 2 months? i'd be giving them free salary, because the person who canceled their subscription 2 months ago is on the same version and feature set as i am.

also, UE4 is a major release with major changes, i really don't think $20/mo is worth it for small updates. any version of UE4 is perfectly sufficient for small/medium studios.

i don't understand how this payment model works at all

>> No.417301


>your rendering engine is OpenGL
>rendering engine

top kek

and all you need to make your own sistine chapel is a brush

>> No.417302


its 62 cents per day, get over it

>> No.417305

Which equates to 4.62962962962963e-4 cents per second you are paying to Epic for having access to the source code even when you're not using engine. If bet you actually pay for your TV license don't you?

>> No.417307

>i don't understand how this payment model works at all
You pay $20 once then cancel your subscription. Do your work until you get to a point where you're almost ready to ship. Now you have 2 options, renew your subscription and ship or renew your subscription, update UE4, test for issues, then ship.

>> No.417313

It seems these guys finally realized that 99.9% of the guys who used the engine never made anything worth selling.

>> No.417315

When Epic left UDK freely available and created all the content/forums/etc, it was amazing, but created a fanbase of noobs and 12 yo - ten million of them or so.
Do the math: 5% of a bad developed game sales, shipped by twenty little noobs playing with UDK, who will be the only team to release a title, against fifty thousand others who will "try" in development hell, against EVERY single one of them dishing out 20 bucks per month - making a game or not.
Epic DID the math... and they realised that dupping kids for money monthly would be far more profitable than getting revenue from released titles, because almost NO ONE releases a title in UDK.

>> No.417318


>TV license

get the fuck out of here britbong/yuropoor and never return

>> No.417323
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After carefully reading this thread, i made up my mind on UNITY for now.

>> No.417331

Care to tell what the reasons were?
I'm kind of on the edge and I'd also favor Unity.

>> No.417332


>> No.417334

Oh... that's the only reason?
Ah well :/
I was hoping for more.

>> No.417335

the want money up front and then gross, anon. Gross.

>> No.417452

>Ue4 codebase is a mes
Looked at it: It's quite clean actually.

>> No.417471

everyone wants it, dont twist the facts to match your theory

>> No.417494

Why do you always model your characters with their mouths open?

>> No.417497

You need subscription to access the content store and some other services. I imagine there will be a ton of people selling content eventually.

>> No.417498

at least new fags can make some slightly more quality shit than what you would find from some newfags using unity engine.
> unity engine= new fag prone.

>> No.417538

>TV license


>> No.419741

Anyone here know anything about networked game dev? I'm getting a 3rd person action RPG/shooter game running in UE4 and I've been pretty good about keeping the networked shit straight, but I can tell this project is gonna balloon when I have hundreds of spells in, instead of the 3 I have currently. What's the general design philosophy behind networked games with tons of spells? Right now I'm hardcoding them into my player class but I think I'll have to make a spell handler soon.