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File: 446 KB, 1022x1200, Daniel Simon Sasd11ed Side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
400767 No.400767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do i manage to create smooth and aesthetic curved surfaces in sketchup?

for instance see pic related... i wanna do stuff like that. it's not rly possible is it?

>> No.400770


>> No.400772

not really ... no

>> No.400774


fuck. was afraid of that truth.

time to learn modo i guess

>> No.400788
File: 1.09 MB, 800x3824, 1387991812988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modo or max or softimage

even though sketchup has great capabilities, its shit when it comes to meshsmoothing and creating curvy topology.

>> No.402658

b-bbut people make sketch-up models of cars and architecture with fluid curvy shapes all the time, it's obviously not impossible

>> No.402659

Obviously not but it's unproductive when there are programs which are far better suited for the job

>> No.402671

it's possible, but so is sketching your model out on some graph paper and hand-placing each vertex
shit, you could use notepad as your modeling program if you wanted to, but as >>402659 there are waaaay better ways of doing it. sketchup simply isn't suited for anything other than rapid prototyping.

>> No.402699

I wonder if Karanak just has a big fat library of greebles.

>> No.402749


he has.
he also take 5-6 month for a ship. he lives from drawing and some games commissions. mostly drawing for industry and commercial signs.

>> No.403052


that shit was modelled in sketchup?? no way, i don't buy it.


does that guy actually make a decent living? his DA profile pic makes it look like he is a complete disgusting slob who is barely scraping by. will i end like that if i pursue t/3/apotting professionally?

>> No.403053

>does that guy actually make a decent living? his DA profile pic makes it look like he is a complete disgusting slob who is barely scraping by. will i end like that if i pursue t/3/apotting professionally?

if only you could be so lucky.

>> No.403054


so lucky as to what? plz speak to me in plain sarcasm-and-implication-free english i'm a 4chan noob

>> No.403055

lucky to scrape buy in 3D.

>> No.403060


rly? but that dude work(ed) in a studio? is pay really that shitty in this profession?

does 2d art pay more?

>> No.403061

you can get by in 3D, if you have knowledge of new trends and things that are going to be big and can program cuda, opencl, and open gl and make your own game and sell it and people buy it. otherwise, you will be poor

>> No.403064


so basically... if you do absolutely everything right, you can "get by". holy fuck i had no idea this job was underpaid. guess i should enroll in uni and become a "anything" after all.

>> No.403065

>holy fuck i had no idea this job was underpaid. guess i should enroll in uni and become a "anything" after all.

"uni" doesnt guarantee any success in anything, especially without a masters degree

>> No.403066


i would study industrial design and master in transportation design. or fucking accounting or business.

shit anything seems better than to be poor as fuck trying to enjoy working with 3d out of your tiny shitty apartment in the middle of nowhere eating ramen 7 days a week.


>> No.403067

>shit anything seems better than to be poor as fuck trying to enjoy working with 3d out of your tiny shitty apartment in the middle of nowhere eating ramen 7 days a week.

if you pursue 3D you're going to be living in the room you grew up in, with mom.

>> No.403068


how fucking terrible. is 2d the same? please tell me 2d is not as bad? it's harder to get good though, isn't it?

>> No.403069

you'll need to be very close to feng tzu level to even get considered, but you wont be able to sell a game that you programmed and make a passive income

>> No.403073


>need to be very close to the most famous and successful concept artist to even be considered

jesus fucking christ how do people even get motivated to embark on the learning-journey for these careers? is it just trustfund kids and prodigies?

fuck my life

>> No.403101


bump for answer

>> No.403170


bump for cancer

>> No.403189

These guys are fucking with you. It's not nearly that bad. You might have to work a part time job until you're established, but if you have the skills, you'll be in demand. Don't worry about it.

Once you've established yourself, you can set up a DA or a vimeo to act as a point of contact, and then you can work from any remote location. So you just set up shop somehwere you can live comfortably on $14k a year. Places like Stewiacke, Canada my not be glamorous but are pretty decent once you figure out the culture. You'll be able to cut out most of your auto-expenses -as there's nowhere to go- so you can just sell your car.

You won't live like a king, but you won't be eating ramen unless you want to.

>> No.403196


>not that bad

>> No.403197

I think that is not that bad for a freelancer without reputation. As you get better, you'll earn more for your work and you may get bigger jobs. With a nice commercial portfolio you may even get a job at a company paying you.

>> No.403200


welcome to /3/

>> No.403206

>Zero income. Wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.
Better then /b/.

>> No.403209

What do you expect.
100k income in your first year?
I think you're overrating the position
as (self-proclaimed) artist.
Most of the things a 3d 'artist' does can be done by cheap workers in India today. They are the people you're competing with as a beginner. You want more money? Then you have to be experinced and innovative in your creativity. And that happens only over the time. As long as your work is not more worth then the work of the guys from india, you'll not earn lots of money.

>> No.403214

I dont think you understand, son. You need to make $500 a week to survive in america, meaning $2000 a month. Not $250 a week, like you're suggesting.

>> No.403216

First. Fuck you, kid.

Second, i think small towns in Canada are much cheaper than big cities in the US. In the US you may pay 1.5k for renting a small rathole. At other places you may pay 350 dollars for a room in a flat rou rent with some others, having 650 dollars left for food and some other shit. You don't become rich in this state of a career, but if you think a apprentice of a craft would earn more money, then you should not call others a 'son', kiddie.

>> No.403218

Son, canada is a frozen wasteland with only 30 million people living in it.

Nobody wants to work in that deserted tundra, let alone live there.

>> No.403220

Fuck yourself, basement dweller.

>> No.403221

go crawl back to your ice, retard.

>> No.403222

Go and show your mother upstairs what you did, basement dweller.

>> No.403224

*hiding this thread to get away from this retarded loser*

>> No.403225

>get away
Best thing you did so far, basement dweller.
Maybe you should leave /3/ et all. Would be better for everyone, basey.

>> No.403230


thanks! i don't care much about being rich but i do kinda want to feel like i will be able to feed a family (at SOME point)

lol at ragefest ITT why even bother?

>> No.403338

srs question though guys.

DO concept artists make more working inhouse? or have i been fed bs by 2d elitists (plz be objective i know you probably are all 3d elitists lol)

>> No.403379

what did Canada ever do to you, you great big faget

>> No.403405



>> No.403419

>hurrr durr canada is awful and cold
>no one wants to live there because of this, which is why they only have 30 mil ppl
>hurrrr durrrr awful game companies making ass-assains creed 49

>> No.403864

As a Canadian i can back this up.