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399376 No.399376[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone want to watch me do my animation final?
Dialogue, only half completed. Due tomorrow morning.

>> No.399382

Coincidentally, I'm working on (one of) my animation final projects so I'll pop in the stream while it's rendering.

What is the control panel in the upper left corner?

>> No.399386

Tween machine LITE

>> No.399397

Taking a few hours break, then coming back for facial animation.
Going to do an all nighter.

>> No.399401
File: 93 KB, 1015x644, b&.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.399407

do you go to RIT

>> No.399409

Nah, I'm from Vancouver, BC.
Stream up again in a bit.Gonna have to work on life drawing stuff afterwords for the final, might stream it too after this assignment.
tinyurl com/k52pl65

>> No.399428

I'm interested. I can't see the live stream though. Are you doing it right now?

>> No.399431

No I had to work on other assignments, it's as some as I could get it without neglecting other classes but later today I'll upload the animation for those who were curious about the final product.

>> No.399437

>pulling an all nighter for 3d animation school

are you literally retarded?

>> No.399439

It's usually people like that that makes it in this business, people driven beyond reason to perform just for the art itself , working tirelessly, for little or no reward.
Saturating the market with cheap labor and making the working conditions for everybody horrible.

>> No.399440

I'm not concerned about my grades until final 2 terms which contain portfolio I & II.

>> No.399441

>It's usually people like that that makes it in this business, people driven beyond reason to perform just for the art itself , working tirelessly, for little or no reward.

no, people that make it put in hours during the day and also are great at social interaction and making friends IRL. Not some dumbass fucking working through the night on some babby level animation like a freak

>> No.399653

post the final result, like you promised?


>> No.399681

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

There are plenty of awkward people at studios; however, there aren't many people that pull all-nighters due to procrastination. Only a few studios outside of Cali would even allow an all-nighter to happen because they don't want to pay over-time unless it's REALLY necessary.

>> No.399760


9 seconds in a single night was a bit rough.

Lost some work on 2 other finals with my USB drive, others were priority over this since those deadliness were up next.

Renting a cloud service for next term definitely with 2 USB flashdrives.

>> No.399764

woah this is terrible. I came in with no expectations but this is far below anything I could have expected.

Shame on you. No amount of schooling will fix this.

>> No.399842

First 4ish seconds were passable but still very stiff. Almost like you never finished the blocking pass. The last have was just awful. The final pose was not good and there was zero emotion.

>> No.400865

So the movement here is crap but on a higher level I also don't understand the impetus for her shouting at this cookie jar. You need to come into the scene with a clear idea of what you want the character to express and why she is expressing that, not just give her a prop and pop the dialogue in the timeline.

C'mon, you're an animator. You need to stop and think. And also budget your time better.

>> No.400920


I told you to watch the arcs during blocking bro.

Also it looks like you didn't work the timing on all the major actions.

If you fail to plan you plan to fail spend more time on blocking and make your blocking look almost final.

You blocking should look like
his 0:12 - 0:23 major poses in place after that make copied pairs for moving holds and then spline.

More examples
tinyurl [] com/o4o7ycc

Useful database of articles on the various stages:
tinyurl [] com/oqg5nmw

Work flow check list to make sure you don't fuck up as much
tinyurl [} com/oc4mqk8

Fucking url spam protection, this is like the slowest board. I've seen slots take over worlds faster why would i try and spam?

>> No.400921


>> No.403030
File: 318 KB, 852x455, 1rt1b5fq.vichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vichan nie zpomina

>> No.403163

I didn't and went mostly straight ahead with a vague idea in my head.

>And also budget your time better.
Yeah I'm doing that for the remaining terms. My computer bricked almost immediately after I rendered that animation out. Had it been before I would've failed two courses, I think it was even visible on stream near the end when ever I saved or opened a file in explorer how my PC locked up and starting chugging.

No more of this day before class nonsense, I got cocky because I could finish my drawing assignments like that but this Maya stuff kicked my ass last term.

The audio file was poorly chosen as well, just three random quotes from a game character stitched together.

You sound like my teacher ahah, yeah I know what you're saying.
Right now we're being shown references and rotoscoping.
Really slick checklist thanks as well as the new bookmarks, I lost all my favourited and saved stuff from my HDD dying.
I'll throw one back at you, from a lecture about composition (and it looks like the third part was just added yesterday, nice).

floobynooby.blogspot [] ca
He's got some great resources in the download section.
Here's an in-class assignment I did from last term as well.