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/3/ - 3DCG

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384459 No.384459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who do girls like more: 3d artists or 2d?

>> No.384460

2d cos first thing they say is draw me.

with 3d youre sat at computer for hours. not sociable hobby.

>> No.384461


>> No.384463

>take picture of nakkid girl posing
>tell her you'll draw her naother day and bone her
>acquire paper wih the size of the computer screen
>trace (from the monitor) enough amount of features by drawing unnoticeable marks
>be next day, make her pose exactly like the last time
>use the paper you prepared and draw that shit
works everytime (worked twice)
>inb4 but muh skill, you cheater

never change


>> No.384467


You'll never hear a girl say
>Model me like one of your French girls

>> No.384468

Why not?

>> No.384602

2D...unless you're an animator which your eccentric and slightly creepy personality draws out the crack whores and hipsters in abundance.

>> No.384603

Girl artists usually stick to 2D so they find 3D a lot more interesting.
I once spent a whole couple'a hours dicking around on an Intuos in Zbrush with a girl that way.

>> No.384604

you guys make up the funniest stories

>> No.384615

While that unwashed goateed faggot down the street who does abstract oil paintings spent hours dicking around on his penis in her vagina

>> No.384616


>> No.384628


>> No.384662


>> No.384663
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2D is bohemian lifestyle, you go to Starbucks, museum, park, snowy winters day street and draw like its your ultimate love in the world, all whilst your qt 3.14 gf sits beside you and hugs you and buys you steaming hot cocoa from the local independent coffee shop.

3D is just a nerd sitting at his computer. All day. All night. Sit at computer. Model and do work for a few hours then brows 4chan, then reddit, then logon facebook, then play video game, then some more work. Maybe on weekend you go out with work colleague or friend for a few hours but then you need to come home and sit comfortably in silence because outside is too loud and too annoying.

>> No.384665

>then logon facebook

>> No.384666
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>2D is bohemian lifestyle, you go to Starbucks, museum, park, snowy winters day street and draw like its your ultimate love in the world, all whilst your qt 3.14 gf sits beside you and hugs you and buys you steaming hot cocoa from the local independent coffee shop.

>> No.384671

>because outside is too loud and too annoying.

too right.

>> No.384673

Who do girls like more: 3d artists or 2d or tattoo?

>> No.384674

That feel when you were just going to work on something for 5 minutes,
when you done, is dark outside, back ache, blisters on fingers, stomach is rumbling.
tired, need water.
go to bed, cannot even get to sleep cos thinking of model.

>> No.384675

cannot be bothered to cook - eat noodles.

go look on 4chan at thread you were watching - no new replies.

>> No.384682
File: 61 KB, 800x531, look into my eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 2D man, at his core, is a relic from the past. Clinging stubbornly to a bygone era, shaking his fist at the media before him, clutching paper and pencil close. His efforts, the design and beautiful math of motion and human touch is overshadowed by production value and marketability. He sits at the bus stop reading a paperback while the person to his left plays angry birds on a smartphone. He stares, morosely, at the frozen rictus of Walt, wondering what it would have been like to work when he was wanted. His career is perverted by know-nothings and pretenders, seeking retro credibility among other empty-headed dolls. His pens dusty, his desk stale; He buttons up his coat and goes to his part time job.

>The 3D man is modern. His computer is an impressive, but not overtly so, machine that has been optimized for his personal taste. He has a library of entertainment at his fingertips, compensating for the stunted social contact, limited by his workdays. His conversations are silent, accented by the enter key. His meals are pre-made, and eaten in light of demo reels or youtube videos. He looks out the window and sees a man reading a book next to a cute girl, and wonders when he'll go out again and find someone in the short time he's not at home. The models render, he sips his coffee. The bezier curves are adjusted again, and he smiles when the points line up and things move correctly. It occurs to him then, that he's 26; He wonders for a moment where the years since he was a teenager had gone, and how much time is left before the old comes.

>> No.384685
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>> No.384698
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manly tears ;_;

>> No.384704

This is... surprisingly accurate.

I have siblings who are nurses, managers, etc. Their jobs end when they punch out. The 3D man is never done. He's always working, always creating.

I will admit my social life has gone to hell since I've taken up 3d art as a career choice. If I'm not working in the studio or on a contract, I'm at home creating something else. I'm an introverted individual and prefer the company of a few over many; maybe that's why I chose this career. I get to do what I love while not having to interact with huge crowds or lots of people. I can just sit in front of my machine, creating content.

I remember when I was at E3, I just wanted to walk outside to the loading docks and get a breath of fresh air. All of those crowds weren't my thing.

>> No.384706


>> No.384709

I'm not sure if you're trying to insult me, or genuinly suggesting I have Aspergers Syndrome. I'm an introverted person, but that doesn't mean I have Aspergers. I don't exhibit any other signs of the Syndrome. My communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, are excellent, and I'm far from being clumsy.

The reason why my social life has gone to hell is because I'm not getting out much because of work. I'm always being invited to sporting events, parties, dinner, etc., but most of the time I have to turn my friends down because I have a deadline to meet or I'm staying late at the studio. I still talk with people, but I'm not hanging out as much as I used to.

>> No.384710

Sure why not.

>> No.384719

if you don't have enough 2d skillz to impress any girl despite being more 3d-focused you are doing it wrong from the get go and not qualified to lay hands on modelling software.

you are also a fucking faggot.

but generally ... yeah 3d makes you look like an aspie nerd manchild. 2d makes you look like a talented dude with lots of artsy intellectual friends.

>> No.384914

Don't forget to get rid of anything that she might consider "imperfect" so when she looks at the picture she thinks you see her as a perfect angel, then she proceeds to suck your dick like she's the devils daughter.
she might if you actually used clay, she'd probably laugh at you and call you a pathetic geek for using 3D tools as she walks away in her Harley Quinn cosplay costume and thick rimmed glasses that she doesn't even have prescription for.
>implying nerdy 2D artists don't also browse 4chan, then tumblr, then logon facebook, then play video games, then some more work.

>> No.384915

Is there hope if you're a 3d artist who cant draw, has no money, lives with parents, and has a small willy?

>> No.384918

yes, lower your standards and improve your persona. Beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.384919

and what if my weiner was huge? How would that change the dynamic?

>> No.385054
File: 143 KB, 640x647, 1369708816662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2D Artists or 'Artists': mysterious, romantic, passionate, interesting, possible chick flick love interest

3D Artists or 'Computer guys': fat fucks, social retards, junk food eaters, virgins, masturbators, boring idiots, gamers, possible comic relief

>> No.385056

>can't draw

there was also a time when you couldn't speak, read, write, ride a bicycle, not shit your pants etc.

>> No.385057

Big black cocks.

>> No.385058

Lold at cactus

>> No.385067

Physically, not all that much really, most girls can be accommodating to all penis sizes and don't really enjoy very deep penetration anyways.
The added reach of a nice sized cock however enables you to comfortably penetrate from any possition expanding your arsenal of sexrobatics.
There is the occasional girl with a really big pussy though (they vary in size too you know) and in those odd cases unless you have a epic cock
neither you or she will find much enjoyment in the connection due to the simple lack of friction.

The biggest advatage of a big schlong is psychological in nature since it'll help you act more more selfconfident around girls you wanna bed.
Human female has a well documented glitch in their brains that latches onto male selfconfidence, in ~90% of cases it doesn't matter to them if it's motivated or not
so just act like you're convinced your the hottest shit ever, without being offensive about it, they can't help but getting moist around you.

>> No.385331

>tiny dick detected
girl looove deep penetration. just not when the guy is fucking retarded and bashes their cervix.

>> No.385333

Now you're gonna have to specify what this means because tattoo artists attract a different kind.

>> No.385334

you mean drug addicts and speed freeks?

>> No.385342


you sound like a major faggot.

i can't believe someone took the time to write all that

>> No.385558

If you can't do both you'll be shitty at both.

True facts.

But 2d.

>> No.385715
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>> No.385759

chicks dig artists who are comfortable with a variety of artistic mediums and styles

>> No.385809
File: 24 KB, 356x471, 1381025345826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.385817

Whenever I mention it to girls (I've been hired by enough clients to accurately say that I freelancer in this field and that it's a current job of mine [plus I also freelance as a graphic designer]), it always peaks their interest, even when I show them really mundane and simplistic stuff like testing out a cloth simulator, or animating some strands for hairs, or particle simulations, etc. But they (and guys as well) honestly don't know the first thing about 3DCG aside from movies that use it, so pretty much anything, no matter how umimpressive it is to others in the industry, has garnered some questions and compliments.

>> No.385826
File: 10 KB, 800x650, Graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many people know much about 3D work so it doesn't take all that much to impress someone because you can fall back on the features that your software provides but as you get better from there it gets a bit unclear how good you actually are. Eventually as you improve you'll be able to make beautiful art but not with a very interesting or understandable workflow.

2D artists however actually need some above average skills before they're anything worth paying attention too but anything within that sweet spot of decent art skills will instantly get you recognised as an artist because people all know and understand 2D art but don't know how to make it good. From there it's a gradual increase until the point where only other experienced artists will be able to distinguish you from the best.

This is all about my experience with impressing ladies though. I can't tell you what'd get you your girlfriend though.

>> No.385827

Everyone who visits me is stunned by the paintings i have in my room. They dont want to believe that i have painted them.
It works effortless. I never have the chance to impress with my shitty 3D stuff.

>> No.385828

go to a /3/con sometime and show off your csgo guns maybe the dads will let you in on their orgy

>> No.385835
File: 26 KB, 350x362, 1359819920001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 2D man, at his core, is a relic from the past.

The 2D guy creates and designs all the shit you little peon have to recreate in 3D for the games and movies your company produces.

On the other hand, if you are a very good, more or less independent 3d artist, you also have to be at least a advanced 2d artist, because no pro creates his 3d shit without sketching his vision in 2 d before. Concepts, do you even know them? Ever looked into a 'Art of XY'-Book related to a movie or computer game? Many of the really good 3d artists are even stick to paper and Copic Markers instead of Photoshop, could YOU even imagine? How do you want to render nice scenes (which in fact are 2d pictures shown the screen) without even knowing a little shit about all the things the 2d guys discovered over decades and centuries? You don't have to be an genius in 2d painting, but being good enough for sketching saves you hours and hours of time. If 2d is not 'good enough' for your ego, then i would say you are not a good 3d guy, or even any kind of graphic artist et all. You are simply an idiot.








>> No.385837

A lot of assumptions here. Sketching in 2d is a crutch and slows you down. Most people get their ideas from their imagination and closing their eyes and seeing something in their mind's eye or from a vivid dream. 2D is just hype - drawing the same crashed spaceship over and over like feng

>> No.385838

feng doesn't just draw spaceships he draws various environments up the ass. same with creatures and vehicles.

>> No.385840

> Most people get their ideas from their imagination and closing their eyes and seeing something in their mind's eye or from a vivid dream.

Yeah, that's what all the beginner guys are thinking, making shitty 3d scenes they never finish.

>> No.385842

Go cry into your photoshop, girl. Real artists do things like read books then close their eyes and use their imagination to picture the scene to get ideas.

Tldr you're below hatchling level and arguing like a desperate retard

>> No.385851
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>> No.385852

show me something you did

>> No.385854

No one shows something (good) he did. This is /3/. No one wants to be identifiable and realted to /3/. What you geb for is a typical knockout argument. So, fuck you, i-close-my-eyes-artist.

>> No.385860

This fuckin guy knows what he's talking about. The rest of these figs are just trying to bullshit themselves up excuses to why they're shit at 2D.

>> No.387355

Females are far more impressed by my 2d skills. IDK maybe it has something to do with being good with your hands and by extension good at fingering their pussies and twiddling their clit.

>> No.387357

What about Graphic Designers?

Their work is 2D, but they don't necessarily have to draw.

>> No.387358

GDs are Mac using, Photoshop cut and paste pleb scum.

>> No.387366



>lol look guys I made another minimalist movie poster set using basic shapes lmfao! I know basic color theory and can draw simple vector shapes in illustrator I'm a fucking genius! just look at all that negative fucking space, I'm so fucking deep!!!

>> No.387382

Okay. What ever you say, faggot.