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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/3/ - 3DCG

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375518 No.375518 [Reply] [Original]

ok /3/ here's the deal.
I had tried to install Maya, zbrush and all those candy software you like.
But, they crash, I have to use windows xp because I have a legacy computer (1GB ram with intel celeron 430).
I don't live in the first world, so is expensive to get a new 300US computer just to learn to make shit.
So, I became a blenderfag and I would like to be a blenderfag because I have linux and I would prefer to make gold with FLOSS software (GIMP, krita, inkscape, audacity, alchemy, mypaint) using Lubuntu.

So, I want your help.
I want other blendefags to show me the best youtube blender tutorials they find.

Also, I would like to receive recommendations about DVDs on cgpeers to become a master blenderfag.

>> No.375520
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> wall of text

>> No.375523

Go away foreigner. You guys bring down the quality of work in the industry and offer way too cheap deals to US studios who don't seem to care that they are getting crap work done for their big time movies. You're part of the reason Rhythm and Huehues went out of business... Move to Norway, they'll pay for your schooling and living. Get a proper education, learn skills and then join one of the good studios there or move to the US.

>> No.375525

dude, I don't want to steal jobs from you.
I want to make my own indie animations.
I was the fag who posted if making 10 minutes animations was profitable in the other thread.

>> No.375564

Don't listen to this Ameritard.

>> No.375592
File: 626 KB, 1525x1946, laughingsluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants to turn "magic beans" into golden eggs