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375425 No.375425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, I know /3/ thinks learning 3d via a school is a waste of money, but how do I go about learning on my own?

I've been fucking around for a few months now, and though I know the ins and outs of my programs, my actual skills at 3d aren't really getting better.

Picture unrelated

>> No.375446

I hate 4Chan for slagging school. It's true you can lean the software and shit on your own and schools are expensive as fuck, but the value of a school -- the right one that is -- can be worth it especially if you want to further go into a career.

Art is something that you need feedback to become any good at it. A school environment is a great place. You got teachers who hopefully are great at what they do and students who can point out mistakes and problems that you would miss normally. (That human model may look good to you but everyone else can see how you fucked up the hips or something.)

If you can't afford school, go join a 3D modelling community online and practice there and submit stuff for evaluation by others. And practice. A lot.

>> No.375447

sticky and google and practice
and sage

>> No.375457

Learn the basics, then sign up for Gnomon Master classes. They'll teach you not just technical skills, but art theory, and you'll have a teacher who is actually successful in the industry, not someone who failed and fell back on teaching for DigitalTutors lol.

>> No.375624 [DELETED] 

>Gnomon Master classes

Can you link me?

>> No.375625

Can you give me a run through of all the classes I should be looking into on gnomon?

Not sure what I should bet taking? You say master classes. but which?

>> No.375648

The advantage of doing an undergrad degree in 3d is that you are doing nothing but that for 3+ years. If you have any kind of work ethic you should get very very good at it. Many 3d computer Vis students are extremely high quality these days.

>> No.375650

>Many 3d computer Vis students are extremely high quality these days.

has more to do with renderers being point and shoot with no work involved except a 5 minute setup and an overnight bake

>> No.375652


If you don't know what you want to learn, or don't have time to browse a website, this is your problem.

>> No.375709

It's called practice OP.
Knowing "the in and outs of software" is the equivalent of "I know how to hold this pencil" for art.

Well not exactly, but you get the idea.

>> No.375710

Hey OP, this resource may come in handy for you.


>> No.375735

>guy with elite art degree tells his potential competition not to go to art school

yeah sounds legit

>> No.375737

noah bradley is a fucking 'tard. who the fuck goes to RISD to do freelance gigs making Magic cards or whatever...you go to RISD to interface design at Apple or work Yves Saint Lauren or something...if you just want to make pictures of orcs in photoshop, yeah, you can skip RISD.

>> No.375738

you shouldn't go to art school because then you realize fantasy art is bad art.

too bad every 3d forum is filled with fags making cyborgs and dragons....

>> No.375774

Cyberdragons esp. i thought i had a cool idea. then i found out EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER does Cyberdragons! fuck.

>> No.375780

observe this gallery of decent designs http://xxvectorzeroxx.deviantart.com/favourites/56756661
alot of them are shit, but some of the ideas here would be good to build on, you know, if it hadnt already been done a million times before

>> No.375785

>If you don't know what you want to learn, or don't have time to browse a website, this is your problem.

Well, looking at the gnomon things, all I see are tutorials to do X model or set up Y scene animate Z rig. What I'm looking for is something that will teach me the TECHNIQUES.

Sure, I can apply what is taught for making that X model for other things, but without actually viewing the entire video, there's no way for me to tell which "tutorials" (for lack of a better word" on gnomon will be the most useful.

>> No.375842


He has a point.

OP should be saving and working plus doing art on the side. You don't need to go to Art school to learn to draw. Nobody can teach you how to draw so it pointless.

If he put in a solid 5 hours a day after work or worked part time and put 10 hours when he isn't working, then he will be fine.


Hey OP the best thing you can do is make an account on polycount and do the challenges. If you speak in the irc you could probably find someone to help you or another student who could learn with you.

The best thing you can do is look at how you make Dota 2 skins and try to make one. Follow the tutorials on how to make a sword or how to make a hat.

If you can't make money from that in a year or so, then you should just give up.

>> No.375843

>Hey OP the best thing you can do is make an account on polycount and do the challenges

no, this is really the opposite of what you should do and ill tell you why. Polycount is a toxic community (1) and it only runs modelling challenges (2). Modelling is extremely oversaturated (3). You also dont want to be judged by the loser mods on polycount (4)

>> No.375861

Come to think of it, pretending this is an art class, what assignments would /3/ give out that would most efficiently make people understand the ins and outs of their particular modeling package while teaching them the basics of 3D, all the way to animation and rendering?
Because y'know "just model whatever you want" doesn't really work as people tend to overshoot

>> No.375894

> Nobody can teach you how to draw so it pointless.

What the hell? This is very wrong. Tons of people are taught how to draw.If op wants a cheap put still effective alternative to art school, he should search for local art classes in his area.

>> No.375895

Except that's not really true. Tons of people attend schools that claim they can teach you to draw, but if you actually look at the results, it's almost always the people who already had shown some natural artistic talent that had improved well. Many people really do just not have the type of mindset for it. Some people have minds better suited to mathematics, some to athletics, some to comedy, some to acting, some to art... You can't radically change how a teenager or adult thinks.

Sorry if that sucks to read for many artist hopefuls on here, but either you have the eye for it or you don't.

>> No.375898

wrong, you can teach a person to draw, granted they may never make their own style, they may never make a name for themselves, but you can teach someone to draw. stick figures to not half bad is about as far as most people will go though, because to really get good, you have to understand (lets go humans) muscle structure, proportion, and all that shit, while knowing where the light source is and how the person would cast shadows... mosf of this is teachable, but requires a fucking large amount of time if you don't already see the world in a "this is how i draw this" way.

i would go on to say that sculpting (real world with clay, not 3d) is a bit easier on people, but also a harder field to get good at, mostly because of how much you need to know anatomy, but you can sculpt a base figure look at a reference and see where yours lacks.


it depends... if you want hard surface, i would say make a car, something you can a fuck ton of reference for, but also something that if you aren't spot the fuck on you make a glaring flaw. for human... i would say get a base skeleton and lay down muscle one at a time so you know where they go, and how they are laid out.

but this is just modeling, rigging and shit is beyond me right now.

>> No.375902

You want techniques? I've never watched any gnomon videos before, but Digital Tutors has a quite a bit of technique videos.

>> No.375903

You're looking at the pre-recorded "tutorials" that Gnomon has, most of those are for later on if you want some extra technique stuff. What you want to look into are the Master Classes and Online Courses.


First decide what you want to be... Do you want to be a texture artist? A character modeler? environment modeler? You want to primarily focus on one of those.

If you'd like to do characters, the anatomy course is an obvious choice. I'd pick up the Maya course as well while you're at it. Browse through the categories on the left and see what looks good to you.

>look at how you make Dota 2 skins
>make Dota 2 skins
>Dota 2 skins

This isn't that faggy LoL game, bro. They are custom models, not skins. Individual parts for heroes.

>> No.375904

Digital Tutors is shite and will teach you bad habits and theory. Stay away from them. It's a website full of people who failed to make it in the industry so they make a shit tonne of videos for the website.

>> No.375905

The reason you see so many hacks come out of art school is because those people don't practice outside of school and their teachers let them get away with half assing everything.

You also have a generation of teachers that don't exactly teach things like realism because they were products of the modern art movement. So you have a lot of teachers that really can't teach what they're supposed to well. This is of course usually seen at art schools that aren't so good.

Otherwise you can easily teach art. Back in the renaissance, art was a trade. If you were born in the family of an artist, you learned how to paint too.

>> No.375906

I've seen people who had no artistic talent come out with better drawings, and people who loved to do art... not improve at all. It's really about patience and being able to accept critique.

These same people who never got anywhere with their drawings became animators because they couldn't do fuck all in 3D modeling. All it really comes down to is if you can really truly focus enough to better yourself, and usually it's the weaboo trash that you see on deviantart who get no where. There was a girl in my class who wanted to become a 3D modeler, she drew fairly good animu shit, then , she started making a 3D model that she wanted to later rig and animate.

She never finished. We never learned UVing, and instead of being a smart individual who seeks out how to do it, she just puts the project in the trash and says she wants to become an animator. She got a job, but I really do wonder for how long as she's not entirely reliable to begin with. I would know, I got stuck in a disastrous group project with her.

It really all comes down to the mindset, not whether if you can already draw or not.

>The reason you see so many hacks come out of art school is because those people don't practice outside of school and their teachers let them get away with half assing everything.

This, so fucking much. These art schools are pretty annoying, most of them don't actually care and just want your money. Doesn't matter how good you are to some of these schools. That's why you get: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2010618696/dkss-reality-death-maze

>> No.375913

free schools in finland so here it is the best way to learn 3d, just sayin and bragging

>> No.375916


If you're in finland you're already paying a high price suomi boy.

>> No.376322
File: 213 KB, 267x199, bobbylaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA! Get a load of this poorfag!

>> No.376346

>Digital Tutors is shite and will teach you bad habits and theory. Stay away from them. It's a website full of people who failed to make it in the industry so they make a shit tonne of videos for the website.

Digital Tutors can help get you on your way. Good for beginners. I totally agree though that they can sure lead you astray. I like Goemon (sp?) a little more.

>> No.376350

Poorfag? I didn't say don't pay for tutorials/training, I'm just saying the DigitalTutors sucks for that, kid. Gnomon all the way!

>> No.376826

How is http://www.gnomonschool.com/programs/online_training/ vs the subscription and watching the tutorials on gnomon?

>> No.376830


It is like in creating software. You need to learn the tool, the actual programming language. And then you have to learn something about algorithms and data structures. Then you are a programmer.

>> No.377094


>> No.377095

trips get kek

>> No.377484

Can we get some sites that are good for learning?

And maybe some examples of good portfolios?

>> No.377493

Is lynda.com good?

>> No.377507

I've found Lynda stuff a bit hit or miss- really depends on the instructor.

>> No.377550

lynda.com hasn't aged well.

>> No.377623

Oh... my... fuck...

>> No.377732

How is game character academy?

They have a free webinar with some naughty dog people on now