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373402 No.373402 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to create a space, and then move around and interact with various objects using the source engine? Think Half-Life 2, but insert your own location.

Easy? Difficult? Can't be done?

>> No.373403

Its called gmod

>> No.373404

Source engine sucks a million dicks, you'll be ten time faster using Unity

>> No.373405

> Source engine sucks a million dicks, you'll be ten time faster sucking dick using Unity


>> No.373406

Faste rin unity huh? You'd have to program it all from scratch besides the FPS movement. Source engine won't requiter any at all.

>> No.373413

You can design and play your own unique location in Garry's mod? Please elaborate.

>> No.373416

apparently importing models into source engine is an absolute bitch, if all you want to do is dick around with them in real time, unity is probably the better option.

>> No.373417


>> No.373434

unity has integrated software physx

>> No.373460

QFT. I love Source for a lot of reasons, but it's model pipeline isn't one of them.

>> No.373643

source has been dead for almost a fucking decade, move the fuck on with your lives

>> No.373648

Make a mod for HL2.

>> No.373653

>try to export a simple prop to source from maya
> mfw I have no face
This shit is ridiculous what the fuck was valve thinking

>> No.373658

Valve wasn't thinking at all, they licensed an outdated engine and made no improvements, made two shitty corridor shooters that survived on marketing, and gaming journalism being a fucking joke. Meanwhile in Unity you can drag and drop a Maya scene and it auto-updates as you work in Maya

>> No.373662
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Pretty much.

mfw I look at the QC code for the TF2 models in sourcesdk_content... then realize that they are horribly out of date too. Also valve is supposedly phasing out the source SDK launcher and everything broke with the latest steampipe update. Also still stuck with the same shitty command-line dev tools with equally shitty documentation. Fuck source.

>> No.373699

so that's why it's taking so long to make half life 3

>> No.373728
File: 495 KB, 1924x1080, cryengine-3-sdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using Cryengine right now, and while it's not optimal for interior locations since it's optimized for large outdoor locations, it's very user friendly. Once the correct plugins are set up, exporting assets from 3ds Max is as easy as pressing a button. Just wish the god damn crydev site would get back up. Been down for half a month now and it contained most of the documentation and tutorials available.

>> No.373731

>it's not optimal for interior locations
good one m80

>> No.373739

am i the only one that thinks this is a hilarious question?
create a space and interact with objects?

isn't that what ANY game engine is supposed to do since fucking Tennis for Two?

>> No.373752

>good one m80

But it's true

>> No.373759
File: 9 KB, 190x190, 1375761087347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when CE finally got some docs, it somehow managed to have no docs again.

>> No.373760

It does have docs that nigga is just 2stupid to look at the version that's cached on google

>> No.373772

>documentation for a pet engine that will never be released for indie use unless you have $1mil


>> No.373777

The fug are you on about ?

>> No.373778


>> No.373783

why are you telling him you're laughing out loud? what are you trying to achieve? some sort of emotional disparity?

>> No.373787

>defending cloud shovelware

>> No.373788

Maybe he is just retarded?

He might be on about that cryengine is worth a fuck 'cept for dicking aorund if you don't have an expensive license.

>> No.373789

but doesn't that apply to every other engine?

>> No.373790


>> No.373794

I haven't checked so take my word with a grain of salt:
With UDK you don't have to pay anything unless a 5000$ margin
With Unity: Free to a certain point but can't remember
Vision: Free unless 10 Dollars of more per unit
Ogre: Free for Indie
Cry: They want you soul!

>> No.373795

>With UDK you don't have to pay anything unless a 5000$ margin


>> No.373797

oh right, cheers m8!

>> No.373798

cheers to you as well !

>> No.373799

>With Unity: You have to buy the pro version if you are a commercial entity making $100,000 gross a year

FTFY. That means no royalties for projects made in Unity.

>> No.373801

FTFY. All you need is OGRE to make it on steam and sell 2 million+ copies.


>> No.373810


OGRE isn't a game engine, it's a higher level rendering API, and not a very good one at that. Ask any published graphics programmer what they think of OGRE's design. It wont be pretty.

>> No.373813 [DELETED] 

>OGRE isn't a game engine, it's a higher level rendering API, and not a very good one at that. Ask any published graphics programmer what they think of OGRE's design. It wont be pretty.

thats what all "engines" are. Also, it sold 2+ million copies

>> No.373815

>OGRE isn't a game engine, it's a higher level rendering API, and not a very good one at that. Ask any published graphics programmer what they think of OGRE's design. It wont be pretty.

thats what all "engines" are. Also, it sold 2+ million copies plus you get FULL source and a MIT license. Unless you've sold 2+ million yourself, you have no reason to complain.

>> No.373833

Where did this 'Cryengine licenses cost billions of dollars' thing come from?

They have an indie license at 20% revenue.

>> No.373835

>Link to games made with this from 1 man teams and sold online

>> No.374791

buy UltimateFPS plugin, it's like 10$

The guy who made it is responsable for the FPS system in battlefield 2 and some other games.

>> No.374793

No, OGRE is not a game engine, a game engine is a lot more than a graphics engine. Unity is a game engine. The idea that OGRE is good because some game sold a certain a number of copies is just childish. According to that logic, Source would be a good engine when in fact Half-Life 2 isn't even a good game.

>> No.374801

>duuuuurrrp duuuuuurrrrrrpp duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrpppppppp

>> No.374878

>hurrrrrrrrrrr hurrrrrrrrrrrrp hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp

>> No.374880

herrrrrpppaaa herrrrrrpaaa heerrrrrrpppppaaaa

>> No.374881


>> No.374884
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/3/ - Full retard

>> No.374896
