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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 58 KB, 1000x666, lesukov front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
373370 No.373370 [Reply] [Original]

>go to school for 3d
>finish up, time to check for jerbs
>all studios in the us: not hiring artists
>hiring: engineers, tech people


>> No.373373

it's funny cause I have a friend who is a tech guy but he's unemployed.

>> No.373375
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>go to school for a career
>finish up, time to check for jerbs
>all studios in the us: not hiring anyone
>hiring: seniors, relatives, 3rd world grunts that can be payed on pennies a day.


>> No.373425

what do you learn in a "3D school" (I didn't know it existed)

>> No.373427
File: 63 KB, 1000x666, lesukov bi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modelling and after effects I'm afraid ;_;

>> No.373432


this. also good experiences with family. annoying fucktards trying to eat your food away by reporting every small shit is happening to your boss.

>> No.373433

If you go to VFS or Seneca it`s instant hire.
People want more specialized people than someone who works in his basement. Half the companies hire someone with 3D or related diploma.

>> No.373435
File: 80 KB, 1000x666, lesukov tri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant find a single company thats hiring 3d artists, much less a generalist. just tech guys and nuke cleanup

>> No.373437

>I cant find a single company thats hiring 3d artists
You're not searching hard enough.
Stop hanging out on 4chan and actually do your research.

And even if they're not hiring, you still send out your resume.

>> No.373439
File: 10 KB, 300x291, d2c0d_ORIG-vacuum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wont do anything, so many artists get laid off this past year and everyones looking with more experience than mine (0). None of my classmates have gotten jobs either. I think i have to learn nuke or forget about this.

>> No.373440
File: 123 KB, 714x508, Screenshot_2013-08-12-00-46-50_20130812004754856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look harder bro

>> No.373441

You have to be really good to get a job in this industry.. who woulda thought?

But actually there are tonnes of studios hiring. Yeah there have been layoffs, but most of the laid off people aren't willing or able to relocate, and usually aren't very good artists to begin with, usually scrub level seniors who make shitty props.

>> No.373443

And that's why it is better to learn art related professions at home.
sure at schools you learn faster than you would at home, but at least if you can't find a job you aren't up to your neck in college debts.

Only take these as courses if you are able to pay it off/have scholarship.

>> No.373444
File: 248 KB, 1262x1923, imgE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just seems like a pyramid scheme. Relocate to london?, sorry i dont have any money to do that and i have car payments and everything here in the us.

>> No.373445

this kid wont live past 30 from all those roids
what is he 20 ? and he looks bigger than pudzianowski at his best

>> No.373446

I dont want to be an ass or anything but maybe you should have checked where the work was located before getting in this field then.

>> No.373451


yeah, looks like he thought the pursuit of aesthetic perfection was just a matter of seeing what sheer volume of steroids you could consume without just immediately dying.

>> No.373453
File: 112 KB, 650x360, jay-cutler-16-weeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i started school, the industry wasnt wat it is today with mass layoffs, hundreds fired every month.

>> No.373482

How long have you been in school? 10 years?

>> No.373495

>much less a generalist
If you're a kick ass 3d artist all around AND have worked multiple years in the industry then you are okay to be a generalist. Otherwise, don't even think about it. Don't even think about thinking about it.

The second studios see a generalist reel from a junior (and it doesn't matter how godlike of an artist you are, if you haven't worked in the industry for a couple years minimum you are automatically classified as a junior) tehy think "oh boy, another kid who learned everything in school and isn't good at anything.

I know it's probably disheartening to hear but it's better to know now than waste years of time and not get a job. If you really do want to work in the industry and haven't before then go into Nuke cleanup, rotoscoping, render wrangling, hell, bring people coffee for 6 months.

If you haven't worked in the industry they aren't going to trust you, no matter how good of a job you do, so get that one year of industry experience out of the way by any means necessary.

>> No.373504


>> No.373516

no hes definitely using creatine

>> No.373517

I was in the same boat as you, then I learned of the glorious world of freelancing.

I'll go on work binges for a couple of months, working 50-70 hour weeks, then take a whole month or two off doing nothing but whatever the fuck I want. At this point, the only reason I'd consider working at a studio is for the benefits.

Knowing the right people helps, but I was a self-taught artist with absolutely no connections and I managed to get employed. Once you're employed though, you better make a fan-fucking-tastic name for yourself quickly or it's back to flipping burgers. You want to be the guy your client goes to for every little thing that comes up, no matter how large or how small.

Good luck, anon. Should have listened to /3/ and avoided going to school for 3d. Enjoy your debt.

>> No.373519


I'm actually doing work for a top-level exec at Marvel at the moment. I'm not a 3D artist though. But it makes me think, it's all who you know! Go to meetups. Learn to network. Also, I tell this to 2D graphic artists all the time and I'm sure it applies to 3D just as much. You've learned a tool, but that isn't what gets you hired. Couple that with a precisely focused specialty, and now you're talking. Learn everything you can about the specialty that you want to get into. If it's film, you better know how to set up lighting on a set and how to do camera tracking, etc. If you're into game dev, you should know what what the difference is between C++ and plain C is. And so on.

tl;dr: You have to stand out.
I just read this and that's basically what I am saying too.

Creatine isn't THAT effective. And if anything it makes you look bloated more than muscular.

CAPTCHA: Tryapt inside

>> No.373521

how did you come into that? sounds like my dream

>> No.373522

I started by doing shit-tier work for pennies an hour for people on the UDK and Unity forums. After a couple of months, I found work on /3/'s arch nemesis, the Polycount forums. From there, I continued to expand my client list and was able to start charging real money for my work.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like one day I was unemployed, the next I was rolling in cash. I still had to work my way up. Some of my first clients were hesitant to hire me because they saw how little/no experience I had, but I made up for it in my prices. Once my foot was in the door, I did everything I could to impress my client and pumped out high quality models to prove myself. I made sure they WANTED to hire me again. After I had some experience, I was able to start charging more, etc.

It really is all related. Still, you have to be really, REALLY good and have your pipeline down. You can't be wasting 1-2 hours a day shitting around because your pipeline and workflow sucks. Time is money.

>> No.373528

Can I see an example of one of the high quality cheap models you made please?

>> No.373531

turbosquid download or stolen online concept then changes a little in zbrush the retopos with zremesher. LOL @cheap and fast and high quality

>> No.373536

>Art school
How many times do we have to tell people that going to school for art is stupid, when all companies care about is that you have a kickass portfolio?
It's getting fucking old.

>> No.373539

>shipped AAA

>> No.373545


Some people only get a degree in art because they need a degree to meet some sort of requirement, and otherwise whatever field the degree is in is irrelevant.

>> No.373550 [DELETED] 

+1. 3d is about teamwork, working with teachers and collaborating with other students then going on to work at a studo where you work with a big team. Its not about sitting in your parent's basement, doing 3d on your own, thinking that posting in Pimping and Previews on Polycount will help you.

>> No.373552
File: 314 KB, 248x200, nope button.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1. 3d is about teamwork, working with teachers and collaborating with other students then going on to work at a studo where you work with a big team. Its not about sitting in your parent's basement, doing 3d on your own, thinking that posting in Pimping and Previews on Polycount will help you. Its like playing a sport, you wouldnt play soccer or football for years on your own and then try out for a pro team. Its a team effort, 10vs10, not 1 soccer player practicing on his own for years.

>> No.373553 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 76x75, Bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sent out the resume even if they're not hiring.
The place I'm currently working receive a constant streams of resume that they felt that it was unnecessary to post any openings, and they never throw away any of the resume that they received in case of sudden need of manpower...

>> No.373558
File: 79 KB, 676x507, dusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send your 'folio in anyways, my co gets so many that we dont even advertise.
>we keep all of them
>if we ever ramp up we know who to contact

Top lel, you wont ever contact anyone, and if you already have 500 resumes to go through that you stored already, what luck does the newbie have? None. Zip. Zero. This is your future, /3/tards - the cold streets.

>> No.373572

in my company we always need more engineers, as technology evolves we try different things in order to win over competition and it works. so we have to keep our engineers to maintain all the current technology architecture, software and stuff but at the same time we need more to grow.
In the other hand, we have only a few artists, we fired already 4 of them because art, needs to fit well and be perfect. i can't count how many times we hired artists and then disliked their work after, so we don't need quantity but quality.

>> No.373573

get on oDesk and do some free lance you new fag.

>> No.373574

learn how to script you bum

>> No.373588


>started by doing shit-tier work for pennies an hour for people on the UDK and Unity forums.

I was planning on doing that too but I'm 2spooked of people thinking my work is shit

>> No.373605

>after effects
I mean, I didn't know a CG major also dualed in Gfx design

>> No.374072


Wait, so udk forums aren't dead?

The support is way better than on crytek's forums, but still getting answers for your questions is almost fucking impossible

>> No.374081

>The support is way better than on crytek's forums, but still getting answers for your questions is almost fucking impossible

What questions do you have?

>> No.374090

>Read OP post.
>Search for art jobs in the US
>find 50 the first minute

OK, then. SAGEY.

>> No.374095

You're not looking in the right places

Or this is a not-so-thinly veiled troll thread

>> No.374151

i wish i had a good formal art education. at least if all else fails, i can start my own business

>> No.374153
File: 265 KB, 214x250, 1376334496317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Camera shakes outside UT gametypes, terrain clamp for fluid surfaces, modifying pawn's acceleration and max speed by kismet/console cmds and so on

>> No.374162

Agreed. As long as you touch anything beyond photoshop, scripting and gerneral technical knowledge to build and establish your pipeline is a required.
Learn MEL/Maxscript
Learn python

It also helps to be near the area. At my firm we basically pick PAs and wranglers who are generally at most 50 miles from the studio, because we sure as shit won't pay them to move cross-county let alone at all.