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File: 536 KB, 1440x900, loli blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
371353 No.371353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw /3/ said that scultpting is the way to go.
>mfw /3/ dizzes me because I want to make 10k models extruding vertex by vertex (maybe one face here and there).
>mfw /3/ said that sculpting in zbrush is the way to go.
>try zbrush
>make crap
>go back to blender and my favorite way
>relax, feel like making pixel art
>make much better model with much better topology

You're full of shit /3/

>inb4 pedo shit
Son, I need a loli character in my non pedo game, relax.

>> No.371357

I often use both, sculpting and modeling. I don't really much care for proportional editing...

>> No.371359
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 1367524547507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you to not to use Zbrush

>> No.371361

anon warned you about Zbrush, bro

>> No.371371
File: 1.63 MB, 502x725, loli blender.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.371373

Your topology is shit, as is your anatomy. Of course you model turned out like shit in ZBrush on the first try, it's not fucking magic. It takes practice to sculpt well, and you have to be intelligent, you have to be able to think critically about what needs to be done. True modelers can sculpt well, learn it or fail at life.

>> No.371378

>is shit
wow, thanks buddy, you sure convince me with those hot arguments.
I'm pretty sure now I can fix my model.

>> No.371380

Aren't you supposed to build the model in a 3D program, and then sculpt in more detail later with something like Z-Brush, or Mudbox?

>> No.371383

>thinks Zbrush is too hard to use
>thinks Blender is easy

>> No.371385
File: 75 KB, 983x1013, 5GB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you feel good about yourself, eh?

>> No.371396


you can do that but you don't have to in zbrush for example you could just start with a sphere and pull around on it until you get what you want and just retopo it in a couple of seconds to get new workable topology. It's fucking magic

>> No.371400

That used to be how you did it, before we had things like auto-retopo and dynamesh. But now it's more efficient to just sculpt it directly in ZBrush, it allows for more creative freedom as well.

>> No.371401


I'd like a finished version of that loli model.

>> No.371402
File: 28 KB, 960x540, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.371410

The truth hertz, donut.

>> No.371411

lol, it looks soooo bad man. I could sculpt something better looking than that under 5 minutes in ZBrush.

>> No.371416

I'm sure you can, champion.

>> No.371420

If I wasn't busy watching The International 3 Dota 2 tournament, I'd stream it. Perhaps later today.

>> No.371424

I think the only real question here is wtf is the source of that JPG in the upper right of your screencap, OP. Is that a zbrush sculpt?

>> No.371427
File: 494 KB, 1599x666, 1369125906492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.371429

The reference is a zbrush sculpt.

I want you to rig this model anon. I need a laugh and it would make my day.

>> No.371430

Yeah, it's a ZBrush sculpt, which makes this thread even more ironic.

>> No.371445

Dude, unless you can show me something a shit ton better I don't think you'll convince me on abandoning zbrush or sculptris. Looks like you put in alot of work for something that, with a little practice, can be done in a quarter of the time. Just calm your toes and practice with it for a day. Try sculptris, that's not as heavy on the system and easy as hell to use. Takes a day or two to get the hang of it, but it's worth it.

>> No.371449

>zbrush is terrible

>blender is great!

Is this a ruse thread?

>> No.371451

The ass was not fat.
Not fat at all.

>> No.371454
File: 44 KB, 800x800, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, why would you think I would spend an entire day to troll /3/?

>> No.371455

>amazing blender quality

>> No.371456
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 5b19004889847f6481ce99c255d25b78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you making rule 64 on jimmy neutron?

>> No.371467
File: 1 KB, 100x100, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that glorius feel of doing pixel art on top of 3D.
stay pleb /3/

>> No.371468

re install zbrush so you can use it to add details

>> No.371470

holy shit. everyone needs to shut the fuck up about anatomy. No one is impressed. You're not tricking anyone into thinking you know what you're talking about.

>> No.371471

I prefer using mesh editing in wings but sculpting is also useful depending on what a client's criteria calls for, such as massive detailing in clothes that might not resolve my schedule properly through loop manipulation alone. I generally go to sculpting for very small details then go back to mesh editors, and then back again in case i missed spots.

>> No.371475


>> No.371483

The same goes to you, nobody is impressed by your apparent knowledge about what all /3/ users know or don't know. You're not tricking anyone into thinking you know what you're talking about.

In this situation, it is 100% correct. His anatomy, not from a realistic standpoint, but just general good aesthetics and nice forms, is horrible.

>> No.371485


Even if you completely ignore aesthetics this model is a failure from a purely functional viewpoint. This thing is going to deform like the horrific hobbyist monstrosity that it is and give everyone uncanny valley nightmares they'll never be able to forget.

This is a lazy model by a lazy person who quite obviously doesn't care if they get better, so I feel no particular need to coddle their shitty work in the vain hope that they'll someday get a clue. Maybe if they get some bruised feelings they'll actually start applying themselves next time.

>> No.371486

But you won't. So put away your e-penis there Lance, nobody cares.

>> No.371490

I will. Lemme set up a livesteam. :)

>> No.371497

Alrighty, I'm ready. I'll be waitin, fiddlin around.

>> No.371512

>lazy person
this is a model done in the traditional old ways, if something he has more patience to do that than zbrush sculptors.

>> No.371515
File: 146 KB, 750x650, loliref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably won't help the model, but better reference for crying out loud.

>> No.371529
File: 339 KB, 1739x782, anatomy_practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I made last night in the live stream, from a dynamesh sphere. Few people stopped by.

>> No.371536
File: 544 KB, 1226x1280, Hentai shader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was working on this but creating a 3d hentai face is really challenging, I don't even know where to begin. I'm confident with the shader though.

>> No.371542

It's a good thing you stopped when you did anon. That thing was utterly horrific, Just watching it now actually makes the blood rush out of my penis.
I'm actually not kidding either, I'm serious as cancer when I say that I was already completely flaccid but I totally felt it curling backwards.

>> No.371546

OP, you should model your base-mesh, leave it very low-poly but with good topology, and then import it / sculpt it further in ZBrush. I used to be afraid of ZBrush when I started out, but I saw the light. I would use ZBrush for anything that requires a lot of organic curves, you can use the Move brush with symmetry on and it's cake -- pulling vertices in a modeling program with a mouse is unbelievably tedious.

>> No.371547
File: 109 KB, 268x314, bales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> instant crying buttmad
well that escalated quickly

>> No.371548

This nigga is hilarious, but his criticism rings true.

Somewhere between those odd, odd breasts, dat jaw and an almost comical vagina, that thing does a bit of the ol' reverse penising.

Seriously though what is going on with those nipples?

>> No.371549

i like it
but instead of bothering with its face you should just put a paper bag over its head

>> No.371551
File: 18 KB, 350x450, female comic char.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, the face is just a basemesh. I threw in a couple of polys and meshsmoothed it. I'll have to boxmodel the head from ortho images

>> No.371573


He's abandoning a new tool that has been basically been proven by the majority of his peers to be a quicker and more effective method of doing what he wants to because its "too hard".

Its intellectual laziness, he tried it and wasn't immediately as good with it as he was with his safety blanket (though calling him good seems to be s stretch) so instead of applying himself he ran all the way back to 2007 because he'd rather be obsolete then admit he needs improvement.

>> No.371578


>> No.371638
File: 22 KB, 195x194, 1373479289782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download link

Are you retarded ?
He won't make that shit available for download and why would you want to download it anyway ?

>> No.371648

>starting with z-brush
>caring about topology

You're funny, anon. Z-brush isn't about geometry, its about sculpting. if you want decent geometry, you'd either need to start with a decent base lowpoly mesh, or re-top everything after you finish the sculpt.

>> No.371649

holy shit i want to learn to draw like this

>> No.371650

if you can't see the potential of having such a hot 3D model i don't even know why you are here

>> No.371675

it looks like it was rendered outside of zbrush, possibly with a ray-tracer like vray? i dunno i haven't rendered with zbrush but the specularity makes me think of it.

>> No.371679

Nah, that was rendered in ZBrush. Looks similar to Hazardous's skin shader, and he just quickly painted in some red/blood tones in key areas to bring a little more believability.

This >>371529 was rendered in ZBrush as well.

>> No.371680

dat flat spec

>> No.371710


So that's what the rest of the Easter Island statues looks like.

>> No.371747

well, there's a lot you could do with a model

>> No.372882

take out the heavy fucking line the retarded large boobs, and the shitilly sculpted pussy, and its a fine shader, just not the best model to work with it.

>> No.372895

>fine shader
>looks like shiny icons from 1999