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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 241 KB, 1333x1000, PenisGeneral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
370322 No.370322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Penis General.
Sculpt your penises here.

>> No.370328
File: 311 KB, 1024x768, cock bling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.370334

Oh wow

>> No.370348


the left nut should hang down lower.

>> No.370360

You mean the right one.

>> No.370367

for me its both that are way lower

>> No.370371

I'll never understand why so many amateurs fail to grasp the concept of geometry smoothing, or at least adding enough subdivisions so something looks non-polygonal... Smooth that cock ring man!

>> No.370373

left side has veins and right arteries, that causes left nut to hang lower. lrn to bloodflow.

>> No.370374
File: 157 KB, 451x237, tumblr_m4tl92oTy21qiwty3o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh /3/, its been a while, lets see what's new
>this as first thread

>> No.370376

Oh ya, then why is my right one lower?

>> No.370393

Is than an original character for Sonic the Hedgehog? "Is this the ring you were looking for, Sonic?"

>> No.370411

welcome to /3/ the only board that wont criticise you on your penis models

>> No.370738
File: 308 KB, 1024x768, cock bling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.370742
File: 16 KB, 960x540, cawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's mine.

Seriously, i'm kinda new to 3D modeling

how would one make such a high level of details without having 3 millions poly?

Normal map i believe, but then how you'd make such level of detail / realism ? there must be a technique beside being a professional graphic artist on top of 3D modeler

>> No.370743

Good, good.... Now for you to learn how to mirror normal maps properly ;)

>> No.370777

By having 3 million polys. Have you heard of or used a sculpting tool

>> No.370782


I have
never used

So you basicaly make a very high poly version, sculpts all the details and you can bake in a normal map ?

I'll have to get / learn zBrush

>> No.370815
File: 37 KB, 900x515, Penis_tankWIP01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penis general, you say,,,

>> No.370847


>> No.370954

You all are idiots. The testicles pull up at times depending on hot or cool environment.

>> No.370958

Pretty cool dick IIDSSM (if I do say so myself), but it's a bit lacking in the foreskin department.

>> No.370963
File: 58 KB, 273x448, 1365461845655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying everyone has foreskin
>Implying girls like foreskin
>Not cutting off your foreskin

>> No.370964

>Not realizing the vast majority of men are uncut
>Not realizing it protects your head from damage, resulting in more pleasurable sex
>No real foreskin if you have a good sized cock when it's erect
>Not being mutilated for life
>Being able to masturbate easily without lube
>More comfortable sex for women

>> No.370965

Don't start this bullshit you fucking homosexuals

>> No.370968

>Hairless balls
How can you even be that disgusting

>> No.371103

>Not shaving
You filthy sand nigger.

>> No.371106

Zbrush or mudbox my friend. high poly sculpt, from low res base mesh, bake our normal maps and apply to low res mesh.

>> No.371174

OP here.
The sculpt is around 700k.
I don't go over 3/4 million on a subtool because zbrush starts to lag.

>> No.371184
File: 288 KB, 1633x827, Viewport Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old cock model. I've since made the balls bigger

>> No.371187

>Literally in a thread about cocks.

Stay classy San Diego.

>> No.371188

I have the right to be in this thread. Just because you are doesn't mean I am. Flithy faggot.

>> No.371194
File: 23 KB, 500x353, 1367355430154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting in a thread about cocks
>Compulsively perceives others as homosexuals and feels the need to address this in every post

>> No.371520

Sheeit! Does your closet have a computer in it? 'Cause motherfucker, you in deep!

>> No.371571
File: 48 KB, 640x480, Cetn Qk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.371587

Horse dicks are disgusting.

>> No.371592

There's something wrong with your flare there.
Go download and decompile the thorbat, that's a good piece of reference

>> No.371604

thorbat ??

>> No.371642
File: 39 KB, 500x323, 1375501855458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.371722

Holy shit. My penis doesn't look anything like these...
Fuck, I have this ring thing around my penis, is this normal?

>> No.371723

Ring thing?

>> No.371724

It looks like a huge bump all around my shaft part of my penis.

>> No.371725

are you a horse

>> No.371732

that's called your glans?

>> No.371737

I'll assume right after you posted it you googled it and discovered that it is the first results

>> No.371856


Is this really happening?

>> No.371876

proper testicle form is integral to penis modeling

>> No.371952
File: 1.52 MB, 640x480, dynamic_cock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.371953

>My judaio-christian infused western upbringing has taught me that anything involving penises must be ridiculed and that some people are taking it seriously confuses me.

>> No.371975

I just find out about /3/ and the first thing I see is this.


>> No.372029

the genitalia is all wrong.


>> No.372030

Horse cocks are awesome, get out.

>> No.372091

I know, right?

I though this as a FAMILY friendly board.

>> No.372123

No one has dicks in your family?

>> No.372182

Anon no! Don't insult the Amazons!

>> No.372194

Girls only like cut in countries where it's the norm. The downsides are far more numerous than the upsides, and most of the upsides are myths or trivial.

Thing is. If I wanted to get it cut, I would. If you wanted to stop being cut, you can't. You're the one being defensive, because you have to live with what you have.. I have all the options open to me.

>> No.372671


>> No.373638

Why the fuck would you bump this thread you fucking dumbass.

>> No.373640

>four days ago
>Why the fuck would you bump this thread you fucking dumbass

>> No.373645



>> No.373649

>cut fag

>> No.373654 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 462x469, 1374123722516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a cutfag says he's glad to be mutilated

>> No.373664

>Not knowing /3/ is one slow fucking board.

>> No.373701

Guys this is a worksafe board my girlfriend almost saw a penis>ahhh

>> No.373707

>art board
>thinking genitalia is nfsw

Let's censor all the greats sculptures and paintings. Kids hang out in museum.
Remove the penis/boobs from the sculptures and paint a black block on the paintings.

>> No.373722

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.373734

>typical conservative afraid of the human body

>> No.373738 [DELETED] 

>Let's censor all the greats sculptures and paintings. Kids hang out in museum.
Remove the penis/boobs from the sculptures and paint a black block on the paintings

Because kids come here and gain a great deal of intellect, right? top nigger.

>> No.374355
File: 747 KB, 944x740, Goldfinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my penis!

>> No.374364


>> No.374372
File: 36 KB, 911x918, dickman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 404

>> No.374382

Shiny! *grab*

>> No.374989


>> No.374990
File: 764 KB, 1440x878, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o fuk wrong thread

>> No.375236

The distribution of effort clearly shows your priorities

>> No.375643

He clearly has an ear fetish.

>> No.375824
File: 121 KB, 960x540, bag of dicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.375831

That's a kinda funny shaped urethra

>> No.375883

Do you think that you could submit this to the kind folks over X Moon Productions?

>> No.375908

this thread needs more dicks.



>> No.376026
File: 39 KB, 433x594, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a old one i made for the fun

>> No.376409
File: 1.15 MB, 320x240, dickwag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doin some animations and damn this dick is all over the place

>> No.376468

how's she gonna fuck someone with that bigass ring

you're killing me m8

>> No.376483

I don't think it matters. Who would want to fuck that anyway?
If that thing came near me I would kill it with fire.

>> No.376504

I'm pretty kinky, might as well try everything once.

>> No.376505
File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, talant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.376507


>> No.376600

where are the 3d vaginas?

>> No.376605

Man what the fuck is with you guys and dicks? whether you pirate or not, its 5k worth of industry leading software and the best you can do is same shit as a horny teen with a $10 digital camera.

>> No.376614

I did mine in blender.

>> No.376623

vaginas are gross

>> No.376738

Sounds pretty gay but I was actually thinking of making a tumblr with 3d penises from movies/games etc

>> No.376747

what's it called?

>> No.376772

are there movies or games with 3d penises aside from porn? I know my skyrim mod has pretty dull, low poly penises with no variation even between the races. kind of an immersion breaker.

it seems kind of silly that just about every movie these days has breasts and occasionally vaginas, but penises are still too taboo.

>> No.376777
File: 480 KB, 380x214, notamused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hm I am bored
>already went through all my default boards
>rightclick anyway to open extension
>hm 3d why not it could be fun
>first thread literally virgin neckbeards using their free time to craft virtual dicks

I couldnt make this shit up if I tried.

>> No.376784

>I couldnt make this shit up if I tried

Because your imagination has been rendered impotent by years of watching animu and reading pleb-tier fantasy novels

>> No.376927
File: 74 KB, 819x475, car-jacking1color.crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it seems kind of silly that just about every movie these days has breasts and occasionally vaginas, but penises are still too taboo.
No, it's not silly. Penis is much more erotic than vagina. The said situation reflects on this fact.

>> No.376929


Okay, the reality is that it is infinitely harder to find men willing to show their dick on screen than women willing to show their vagina on screen. Vagina is nothing, so it's no big deal. Dicks are vulnerable to judgement, vaginas aren't. There's no such thing as a poor vagina or a great vagina, save for deformed ones.

Also, real-life dicks look underwhelming compared to 4chan life, so this censorship actually saves us from losing interest in sex.

>> No.376943

the only thing impotent is your dick faggot.

>> No.376964

>Dicks are vulnerable to judgement, vaginas aren't. There's no such thing as a poor vagina or a great vagina, save for deformed ones.

You would be absolutely amazed, anon.

>> No.376965

>You would be absolutely amazed, anon.
I have seen many vaginas on the web.

>> No.376968

That has nothing to do with anything.

Women can be INCREDIBLY critical of vaginas. Men too.
There are entire fields of aesthetic medicine devoted to "reconstructing" and beautifying the vagina.

>> No.376967

I'd say willingness to go spread eagle is even with showing a dick

>> No.376969

>There are entire fields of aesthetic medicine devoted to "reconstructing" and beautifying the vagina.
I admit I have heard about it, hard to argue with facts.

>I'd say willingness to go spread eagle is even with showing a dick
Porn film directors report difficulty finding male performers compared to female ones. If it's true, it speaks for itself.

A pity I have no reference for this.

>> No.376972


>> No.376973

>Porn film directors report difficulty finding male performers compared to female ones. If it's true, it speaks for itself.

Because a male performer in porn is not about just showing dick. It's about...um performing. Getting hard and staying hard (or quickly back to hard) for a few hours while they film a 10 minute scene. Then there's all of the awkward angles so the camera gets the action and then there's the flexibility to either go for 20 minutes or 'pop' on cue.

>> No.376977

Then you must not be that picky then. Or you've only looked at per-pubescent/jailbait pussy for the most part. Teen and more often adult pussy can have massive meat curtains, or large clits that are almost penis like. Or just fat lookin pussy with lots of little folds and bits to it. Or if she's really fat, it gets elongated and looks like some sort of horse pussy from the back, it's nasty.

>> No.376978

>large clits that are almost penis like
Now this is more relevant to my interests...

>> No.376982


This sort of supports my claim that vagina action isn't much action...

Porn without penis is soft porn... almost automatically.

I'm not really even trying to win the argument and you may even be right, but this asks to be pointed out.

>> No.376983

>Porn without penis is soft porn... almost automatically.

Not automatically true. Soft porn doesn't display cunnilingus or explicit vagina in either an intercourse,masturbatory or lesbian sense in addition to no penetration or ejaculation. I take it you don't watch the skinemax or showtime stuff (my girl only gets honry from soft porn so I've seen my fair share).

>> No.376986


It would definitely help if female orgasm was more conspicuous.

I must go now, have fun.

Will read later.

>> No.376989

Guess you've never watched any videos with girls who can squirt? (And yes, squirting is a real thing that women can do, and no, it is not them pissing. And yes, most women can be taught how to. It just takes practice)

Women ejaculating is so much more hotter than when men do it, because their whole bodies shake from intense pleasure, it's this explosion of joy, it's amazing.

>> No.376991

It happens, true, but it's not common.

>> No.377008
File: 66 KB, 570x381, zebodoy.crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back.

>and no, it is not them pissing
I have read a scientific research which demonstrated that half of these squirting women just piss. To complicate things further, even the women involved were unable to tell when it was piss and when it wasn't. I wouldn't want it in my mouth...

Female ejaculation: fatally amibguous, fatally flawed.

Male semen is nice and thick, even clingy. It needs not be drunk, it can be eaten too. It's clean stuff: no mistaking it for urine! You can even make cheese from it.

>so much more hotter than when men do it, because their whole bodies shake
Yes... once it happens, it's VERY nice. Clearly very strong orgasms. Men can have it too, but it's rare in women and rare in men. The common male orgasm is really suborgasm. Still captivating!

>> No.377097
File: 69 KB, 1023x952, bw0RGRXmCI0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


blows away everything on this thread

>> No.377107
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, theycuminnumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuking skin texture, how they do it

>> No.377112

It's a sub-surface shader. Google 'skin SSS *insert your package here* *insert your renderer here*'

>> No.377142

Probably, because you're not even seeing the Vagina, and by that I'm guessing you mean the Vulva. Which is all internal, in comparison to the penis. All your seeing is the mons pubis, some bush, and if you're lucky, the 'Venus cleft'.

>> No.377143

So all hardcore Lesbian porn, is now softcore? Yeah. No.

>> No.377146


>> No.377151

>So all hardcore Lesbian porn, is now softcore? Yeah. No.
It is!

Is showing nude genitals all that takes for porn to be hardcore? I'd say it takes orgasm on camera.

Now find me any hardcore lesbian porn JPGs, or even GIFs, to prove me that it's radically different from softcore lesbian porn. The key word: RADICALLY. Good luck!

That's the problem.

Which? Male semen or female ejaculate? Or sex in general?

>> No.377152 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 353x435, the rock is cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.377154

>what is BDSM?

>> No.377155

>what is Google

>> No.377157

>What is being lazy?

>> No.377158

It's worksafe around here faglord, but MFX has been going from bad to worse in the recent past, with just raw violence, blood and the whole 9 yards

>> No.377160
File: 206 KB, 620x876, 1377297692323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is all internal, in comparison to the penis.

>There are entire fields of aesthetic medicine devoted to "reconstructing" and beautifying the vagina.

Okay. The master reason why I believe that male organs are much more exciting than female organs... is very relevant to /3/.


They have volume.

Okay, female organs aren't exactly 2D. But they lack visible volume, don't they? If you model female organs in 3D, it's going to end up as a displacement (bump) map. LOL. LOL. Unlike male organs which require a mesh and a topology of their own. Female organs do not bulge through clothes. (They can produce the opposite of a bulge called camel toe at best. Mons pubis is not female, all humans have it.)

For the same reason I find female body more exciting than male body. Male body is angular, therefore it has plenty of flat surfaces. Flat = disgusting!

Literally everything that turns me on, is related to the concept of volume. If it doesn't bulge, it doesn't arouse.

P.S. This explains the appeal of futanari as the ultimate erotic being. A 3D artist's wet dream. Pic related. (Moderator reminder: it's SFW.)

>> No.377163

>>what is BDSM?

Oh, so female biology can shine in scenes of pain and humiliation...

Another reason to appreciate male sex organs.

And... how is BDSM even specific to women?

>> No.377178
File: 84 KB, 630x814, Blindmans buff by Daniela Uhlig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like trannys, you´re gay.
Tranny ia a man with tits.
You like traps, you like men.
You like men, you´re gay.

>> No.377181


I'm not straight. But gay? If I am gay, why I prefer non-tranny women to non-tranny men?

Why is LGBT not just LGB?

Am I being homophobic by denying my homosexuality? I think that loving men is less socially embarrassing than loving futa.

>a man with tits
More like: a trap with tits.
There's more to femininity than tits only.

I like the conversation but polite sage because we have strayed from the topic of /3/.

>> No.377186

You like penis, you're fucking gay.

>> No.377194

>Prove to me that it is radically different than softcore porn.

Reading comprehension, m8.

>> No.377196

>What is Bisexuality?


>> No.377200

>Reading comprehension, m8.
Okay. So hardcore lesbian porn is radically different from softcore lesbian porn thanks to sadomasochism... It's not what I expected. But it still isn't thanks to vagina. Penis wins.

>You like penis, you're fucking gay.
So you like men with vaginas.

>> No.377202

Liking penis in your videos isn't gay. Having the urge to suck a dick is what's gay. I like seeing a nice cock in my porn, cause it's nice to see a chick get fucked good and be impressed by the cock, but I don't want to suck one, nor fuck the male body. It helps you imagine it's you fucking the chick.

>> No.377203

Which is also why dick-girl on girl action is so hot. Because you get the benefit of a nice cock to fuck the girl, but with the beauty of a sexy female body. It's basically two chicks fucking, but one has a flesh strap on.

>> No.377896

If anyone thinks futa is gay... is a fucking idiot.

>> No.377900 [DELETED] 

You have saved this thread from the brink of an inevitable imminent extinction.

>> No.377903

You have rescued this thread from the brink of an inevitable imminent threat of extinction.

>> No.377904

>where are the 3d vaginas?

choose one


>> No.379114

i just want to say that i clicked on this board out of curiousity and this was the first thing i saw

i like you people. this board is a bastion of 2008

>tfw i want to post my penis and get critiqued on my DNA's sculpting skills

>> No.379395

wow... you just blew my mind

>> No.379431

it's okay you have a surgically embedded cockring it was a gift from your parents just accept it

>> No.379440

Nice faceting, asshat

>> No.379441

Nice, maybe you can stop inner penetrating geometry, faggot

>> No.379598

There is nothing grosser than the human penis.

>> No.379599

What's wrong with inter-penetrating geometry?

>> No.379617
File: 546 KB, 1268x833, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have actually modelled the gauges for the peircings just for the rare ultra close up but I was trying to save polys because it's going into unity.

>> No.379655
File: 253 KB, 252x252, 1378202341117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
