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/3/ - 3DCG

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370028 No.370028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one render 'jaggies'?

>> No.370029

Switch off texture filtering.

>> No.370033

That just made it so the faces aren't smoothed, doesn't seem to lower the res or make jaggies. Isn't that just basically smoothing groups?

>> No.370034


>> No.370035

In render settings, disable multi pixel filtering, or set it to Mitchell/Netravali or Lanczos (depends on renderer), with filter size of 1 for X and Y. Disable Anti-aliasing or set it to 1 sample per pixel (in mental ray, that's fixed sample level 0).

Maya Software I've never been able to get it to render unfiltered, but mental ray, VRay and modo can do it. In VRay, set Adaptive DMC levels to 1 (same as sample level in mental ray), and Filter to Lanczos or off. Blender I do not know.

>> No.370038

I can tell you how to do it in 3dsmax with :
Scanline Render - Go into Render Setup -> Render and deselect Antialaising

Mental Ray - Go into Render Setup -> Render and set both pixel sample numbers to 1

>> No.370042

In Blender, go to texture settings, switch off Interpolation. This switches off texture filtering, but you will still have AA. To switch this off also, go to render settings and switch off Anti-aliasing.

>> No.370057

What do you mean by "jaggies"?

Do you mean pixelated textures?
If yes, search for the texture filter options and set it to linear filtering.

Do you mean no AA?
If yes... just turn the fucking AA off...

>> No.370062

Most raytracing renderers, including mental ray (Maya/Max), Maya Software and modo do not support turning off AA for technical reasons. This tells me that you've never even looked at the render settings, why are you even on this board?

>> No.370070

I use blender and I'm an OpenGL programer, OP specified nothing.

>why are you even on this board?

>> No.370089

ok, you want to mimic the look of older games, here is the resolutions you reneder at without aa
256 × 224 to 640 × 480

if you are going for Nintendo 64 look, those games had an AA pass, in some cases like megaman, it tanked the fps but did have aa.

you than blow the images up, because thats why jaggies were a big thing back than, we had a 480i screen that was 32 inches big.

when you blow it up, i suggest you only blow it up to sizes that are exact pixles bigger, 4X or 9X would probably be the best.

>> No.370111

Gee, hows that polycount contest entry going

>> No.370120

this shit has got to go

this is the 3dcg equivalent of "lomo" photography.

>> No.370133
File: 766 KB, 400x250, turbowagon_360.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad pleb

>> No.370165

what the fuck is "lomo"?

>> No.370168


>> No.370997

from what i understand, lomo is a style choice...
how does low poly mean bad?

id honestly take a low poly stylized cg over a uber real one almost any day.

>> No.371003
File: 28 KB, 352x437, 1353437722001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does low poly mean bad?
It's not bad. But the only thing the lamers here around on /3/ can do is zbrushing with some 10 millions of polygons. That's why they hate everone who can do it another way, or want's to try it.

>> No.371017

horrible aliasing, up your samples, faggot. this is 2013, not 1986.

>> No.371753

Is it all that bad? It pretty much looks Saturn/Playstation era in terms of it's aliasing, which is the point right?

>> No.371758

Because those "lamers" have moved past such kid level modeling. Any amateur in middle school can make stuff like that. It's not hard extrude a few quads and move the points around to get a basic, simple design like that. There's not a whole lot of fun in that process either, unlike sculpting.

>> No.371786

>There's not a whole lot of fun in that process either, unlike sculpting.
That's pretty subjective right there.
Also, it can still be a nice test of your skills as a modeler to create something in as little polys as possible, shows you know how to not go full retard, and are actually a versatile asset in the industry. Sculpting is great, but don't just frown upon a style of modelling like an elitist.

>> No.371796

I have soo many ideas for short animations i would like to do, but i am unable to archieve this if i have to create high detailed models and animate them. And since i am more interested in animation, i rather go the low poly route and try to create diverse styles, than work my ass off for one big thing (which i don't know if i can pull off).

>> No.371820


lomo is for hipsters faggots just like this PS1/N64 shit.

>> No.372041

why are you so mad? don't you understand there are different styles for games, movies, paintings, even songs. each to his own.

>> No.372089
File: 373 KB, 625x625, jeremyKool_toolSet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one who modeled and rendered that, just turn off AA, mipmaps, texture filtering and render away. I used the default blender render, and used a self-illuminated material (obvious, but thought I'd point it out). The low poly thread on polycount should say as much in the OP.

People like lowpoly for the same reason people like minimalism or code golf or raspberry pi's - it's fun to play with less and push things to the limit.

Honestly I think this shit is hot as fuck.

>> No.372743

/3/ loves to say how easy low poly is, yet no one can ever produce anything better then the stuff they shit talk.

>> No.372745

They also think weapons and blob monsters are the only things worth modeling and texturing
Forgot to mention they also think 3D is ONLY for gaming, and there's nothing else worth their time
If you combine both statements, you get a solic 90% of /3/ users; gotta say they also pretend to live off FPS games so it's a pretty sad thing

>> No.372795


isn't low poly better for gaming

I mean, having a smooth model with 5k+ unnecessary polys is just bad

>> No.372808

depends on what you mean by better. A main character's standard ingame model can easily go into the 15k polys for a realistic type game, not including tessellation.
Certain games can pull off having <1k polys, others can't. In general you want it as low as you can get it but you also don't want to sacrifice the art direction. Either way this question's pretty dumb and isn't specific enough.

>> No.372903
File: 646 KB, 1920x1080, lp_tree_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low poly for the win.

Trying to get a bit into this for myself at the moment too.

>> No.372950

"In Uncharted 1, each character was built from an average of 22,000 polygons which jumped to an average of 27,000 polygons for Uncharted 2, with some characters at 30,000 polygons, and the highest character weighing in at around 42,000 polygons." - Robh Ruppel (Art Director) in The Art of Uncharted 2

Poly count is largely a stylistic choice, modern computers and next-gen consoles can easily handle millions of polies on screen.

>> No.372961

>5k+ unnecessary polys
Unnecessary things in realtime is always dumb.

>> No.372962

sucks hard. looks nothing like the others.

>> No.372972

Did i say i want it to look like the others? No.

>> No.372978

You have no idea about low poly and stzle in general.

>> No.372996

So you wanted it to suck dick ? then congrats

>> No.373002

>suck dick

Like you? No, thanks.