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File: 725 KB, 1024x768, unnamedpicture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
367198 No.367198 [Reply] [Original]

i'm thinking, any retard can make a character move in unity. while i am by no means an expert in it, i can certainly provide basic game logic, health, weapons, vehicles, physics.

how about we start with an empty world and fill it with objects we made, if only with the goal to walk around them. No other restrictions or goals. If it ends up being a game with a dong shooting dongs from a dong cannon, so be it.

Basically, create whatever you want, post it here (i'd prefer .fbx), I will put it into a place so we can walk around it and see if i can script an appropriate function for it.

>> No.367201

Polycount? Texture format? Do i make specular maps as well?

>> No.367202


polycount as low as possible, no smoothing, texture format i guess doesnt matter, i usually use .psd and .tiff, make specular maps if you want your object to have speculars, same goes for bumpmaps.

>> No.367218


>> No.367223

>polycount as low as possible

and you lost me.

>> No.367224
File: 432 KB, 1876x948, 10.29 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blender coop project was a better idea as it didnt require anon to constantly export to different formats and upload files themselves.

We made this last time.

>> No.367226

got it. you wanna texture it?

the consideration is being that it still remains playable. if we get a couple multimillion poly objects, the game will slowly begin dropping fps. i won't stop you from going to several 100k, and even into millions, but dont expect the scene to run smoothly.

>> No.367228

so how do you suggest we handle this in a game context? i could upload the source for the scene of course, but that would require people to have unity and know how to work with it.

>> No.367241

OP, do you mind if the .psd texture file is layered with all the different maps? Because I usually just PSD network in maya

>> No.367244


Will try to make it work. Worst case, i can extract the layers myself.

Meanwhile, I set up a starting point for us, with an FPS controller and the first building.


>> No.367252

OP, I'm giving you the loudest fucking slow clap of all time right now. Finally, a game thread on /3/ with a slightly greater than zero chance of actually working.

I actually think that even this will crash and burn, but fuck it, at least someone is finally setting a reasonable expectation.

Only two things can come of this:
A: We learn that /3/ can actually complete a co-op project, but it just hast to be elementary school level
B: We learn that /3/ can never, ever, ever complete a co-op project of any kind.

If the answer is B, the board deserves to be deleted. But at the very least, we'll be able to bring up this thread whenever another idiot jumps in with a thread saying "come on /3/, lets fuckin collab and make Doom 5"

>> No.367253

A shitty cardboard box to see if i exported it right.
Every vidya gaem has them.


>> No.367255
File: 272 KB, 1297x700, 2013-07-14 22_35_57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yep. all good.

>> No.367259


and thanks man, i appreciate it. currently i'm more concerned i won't be able to deliver appropriate game mechanics for whatever crazy shit /3/ comes up with, and i'm mainly motivated by the medipack thread. give teapots a small enough challenge and enough people jump on it to make the whole thing fun. we'll see where this goes.

>> No.367265
File: 152 KB, 960x540, thebox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I think the game is finished now.

Yes, I textured the SHIT out of it, too.

>> No.367269
File: 69 KB, 812x647, afwafwfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should vehicles be constructed? I mean should parts of suspension be separate or just wheels? Here's some old space rover i've made. Not particularly amazing but better than nothing. Tell me how to rework it, assuming you'll use it.


>> No.367272

I'm not a blenderfag. If I post the OBJs and Textures, can you import it ?

>> No.367288

>This thread
>Every fucking time
This is so incredibly stupid.

>> No.367290


nice job. done.


I wasn't gonna make an active suspension, its fine as is. Only thing you have to remember is to put the pivots exactly in the center of each wheel, thats the point the wheel rotates around. Its a quick fix though so i did it myself. You guys have to remember to send the texture file as well, the embedded material is not enough.


I thought basically any software can handle fbx. .obj works too, I prefer .fbx cause they can handle animations properly. At least when unity is concerned.

Have a build with the House, few of the boxes and the rover. Enter rover by clicking on it, leave by pressing e.


>> No.367321
File: 1.74 MB, 4096x4096, wip 4k .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The texture.

>> No.367332
File: 973 KB, 1288x625, 2013-07-15 12_41_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got it. looks awesome. ran into a bit of an issue, the model seemed to have forgotten the uv mapping, but that seems a common issue with unity imports. reimporting the model solved it somehow. Will add the physics model from the previous one and include into next build.

>> No.367336
File: 1.17 MB, 1216x652, 2013-07-15 13_44_47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actually, it would save me a ton of trouble if you could go and set the pivots yourself. Supereasy, just make sure the axis is exactly in the middle of the wheel.

whenever i load it up i lose the uv maps apparently, both in max and blender. c4d refuses to open it and unity doesnt offer the option to set them.

until then, best i can do is have all but the wheels textured.

>> No.367358


Ok i think that does it. I've tried exporting with texture but for some reason maya can't find it, even though it's right there in the same folder. Also some UVs are overlapping (like the wheels actually), maybe that's the case.

>> No.367361
File: 682 KB, 931x514, 2013-07-15 17_57_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice, thanks. the issue was quite simple. you now how you can set your pivots in your software to local and global? unity only recognizes the global ones, and when you start rotating stuff it rotates around (0,0,0) instead of the actual wheel coordinates. I could have uses the previous wheels with texture, but that would have made them rotate around the center of the vehicle.

Will play around with the physics a bit, this feels quite skiddish. will see if i just need to adjust parameters or switch to a different script alltogether. have another two arcadeish ones lying around, but the model itself is now in a great shape.


Have a build with a textured rover.


>> No.367383

Pretty cool. The rover controls are a little weird... it just stops moving after a while. Also noticed that there's some kind of giant dong sticking out of the bottom of it and going into the earth... maybe that's what's messing up the steering.

Also, it really needs an "exit" key. I had to CTRL-ALT-DEL to get out of it.

>> No.367384

Does it have an executable, or do I have to install blender to play this ?

>> No.367392

its not blender its unity.
and its a webplayer not an executable, go download the unity webplayer plugin to play it

>> No.367394

k thx

>> No.367395

unity sucks. if you weren't lazy as fuck you could create the same things in blender, with much greater performance, hdr graphics, no real limits to resource use and distribution

>> No.367396
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, Beach Scene_v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I give you a mesh in OBJ format and the normal map texture, can you use it as a map to ride the rover on :o ?

Mesh is around 7k and map is 3000x3000

>> No.367397

how do upload to dropbox?

>> No.367400

>get dropbox account
>install dbox client
>put file in public folder
>right click
>"copy public link"
>post link
it's as if we're still in 2004

>> No.367401

Or make mediafire account, no client bullshit, plus drag & drop interface.

>> No.367403

i have 2 models you can use OP.
a barrel model and a flying saucer model, there rather simple but whatever.

>> No.367416


>> No.367417

i wander what OP's doing in unity right now.

>> No.367483

I'll model something, I just don't know what.

What do you guys want in this thing? I'll see if I can still model after doing nothing.

>> No.367487

after doing nothing for a couple months*


>> No.367493

horse. I'm sculpting a horse in zbrush and want to compare I guess

>> No.367510


The dong is just the current player shape, a cylinder object. Will make it invisible when its in a car. It's physics is already disabled, so its not the issue. I could explain what's going wrong but that goes too far into math and scripting, I#ll just say its an issue with the wheel friction until someone asks for clarification.

You can get your mousefocus back by pressing ESC, but i will make a proper exit menu soon.


Currently it's only a webplayer like Flash, when you start it the first time it will promt you to install Unity Webplayer. Personally I dont use Blender at all.

Let me clarifythat I'M using webplayer to show the current state of development quickly, and enable you to test it out without having to download etc pp. After major milestones or if anybody asks, i can provide Webplayer, Win, Mac, Linux standalones.


I do not trust that most of this is actually true, but I'm willing to post the source for anyone who wants to show me otherwise.


I was hoping someone would do a terrain. Yes please. Will do my best to iron out issues with polygon terrains.


Got it. Will get to work after this reply.


I was sleeping like a bitch. Europe.


From a development standpoint, buildings. Easiest to implement. From a gaming standpoint, I don't even know. Ask yourself what you would like to play with.

>> No.367511

"The Unity Web Player is not currently compatible with the operating system that you appear to be using."


>> No.367513

try these:




>> No.367517

Thank you based OP.

>> No.367519

what os are you?

>> No.367523

>what is octrees?

And this is why if you know C you use C.

I could probably make something like this using OpenGL on top of SDL, but I got my own projects...

>> No.367531

>if we get a couple multimillion poly objects, the game will slowly begin dropping fps
Then OP will split the world into separate scenes, and stream them in using LoadLevelAdditiveAsync() (OP seems to have Pro so it would be seamless)
Of course, going into even hundreds of thousands is overkill but any mesh created with realtime in mind should be fair game.

You sure could write an engine and rapidly implement gameplay all by yourself in C.
just go back to AGDG and stay there

>> No.367532


pretty much. i wouldnt even know how to start with octrees and don't intend to spend major development time for that.


this seems like a valid solution. will have to play around with that if we get to when its needed. didn't actually use it. as always, i'll take code just as gladly as models.

In any case, here's a build with the barrels and saucer. Enter/ leave as we had with the rover, add hoverheight with F, decrease hoverheight with G. Disabled the dong when in rover too.

In other news, I will just assign plain Unity shaders to anything without a texture, just so it's not grey.


Linux and mac will follow shortly.

>> No.367534
File: 448 KB, 883x547, 2013-07-16 13_45_48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standalone for




>> No.367544


>> No.367547


Is it intended for the saucer to move when you walk if you are standing atop it? I have to jump to remove myself from it after exiting, because it does that.

>> No.367548


yeah i noticed you can "ride" the saucer when it's disabled. will play around with static friction and weight for the next build. Also forget to set the G variable, so raising altitude should work, but lowering it shouldn't. Fixed that for next build too.

>> No.367552


>> No.367555
File: 363 KB, 1015x430, 2013-07-16 18_14_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can't do it justice with the default unity shaders. will try to write something to make it use all channels properly.



>> No.367560

The ride is a bit glitchy dude. When you jump, the wheels always gets stuck under the map.
Also I'll post you another map in a minute for the terrain, so you don't have to deal with the normals.

>> No.367562
File: 3.00 MB, 2048x2048, Terrain Diffuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go m8

>> No.367565


thanks, will see what i can do. increased the simulation fidelity, seems to prevent the wheel raycasts from going through as easily. doesn't seem to impact performance much either.

>> No.367570
File: 1.62 MB, 540x300, craterz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can remove the normal map, give it a pitch black to diffuse channel and just use that map as self illumination. I baked the shadows, the AOS and everything.

>> No.367589

If I donate a character, would you want a static version or rigged?

>> No.367597


rigged for animation.

>> No.367598

and, ideally, animated.

>> No.367654

How do I stop the mouse from going off the game window?

>> No.367661
File: 657 KB, 2560x1600, I Need to see a doctor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPC get

>> No.367663

Your existence is a mistake.

>> No.367673


>> No.367680

You should at least add hands.
It'd be awesome to see the labia rigged though.
Pretty sure people would be shitting their pants to see it talking from its chest vag

>> No.367688

lol fuck that's a challenge. I'm mainly in Max, I might give it a shot though, haven't done enough organic stuff.

I can do some buildings sure. Actually may have some extra from some projects a while back, will dig.

>> No.367689


Shit i was preparing to implement it, realized there's no download yet. Keep working buddy.


You can't. That's the price we pay for not having to deal with >>367383

Clicking back into the window will get the focus back, but not hide the cursor. That's just how webplayers work. The issue will disappear in standalones.

>> No.367694

OP, can you post the project zip?
I want to make you some non-retarded movement code.

>> No.367698


decided to go with a rigidbody controller with just a collider to have physical interaction with other objects out of the box without applying forces. i guess the standard character controller unity offers would work too, but thats a different kinda thing as you know.

project(dont mind the folder organization):


just the walkerscript that works with a rigidbody capsule collider:


>> No.367700

Exactly, you have physics based movement yet it's not done right.
Hell, strafejumping is the only way to move around without falling asleep right now.

>> No.367701

>yet it's not done right.

if you are implying you can do a physics based controller right i will fucking take it. all day erryday.

>> No.367705
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, slope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slope and piece of an overpass you can stack on, so we can ride on it and fly the fuck off.
Textures and horrid bump map included.


>> No.367817
File: 716 KB, 1219x601, 2013-07-18 12_16_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with a new build including >>367705 also fancyass bloom and shit. Wound be neet to get a straight slope and a flat turn so we can make some kinda road.




Bloom just for shits, will remove in future builds. Played with the rover physics, built in like 3 failsafes for going through the ground, can't reproduce it anymore. We'll see how that goes.

>> No.367826

Making them turns.
Did you scale it up? The road was roughly twice the width of a rover when i worked on it.
Also idea for "gameplay" - driving around, shooting some things, like in Mass Effect. Manageable to some extent? Crosshair, hitscan weapon, no visible turret as of yet and some stock effects?
I don't know how that works exactly, but maybe instead of grand complicated M. Bay destruction fest (that no one has the time or knowledge to make ) we could have at least some static objects that change meshes when damaged?

>> No.367827


turns. cool. yeah scaled it x3 so the rover has a bit more space to skid around. wide turning radius too and the handbrake refuses to work.

for "gameplay", crosshair we have, a raycast is already being cast on click to open doors and enter vehicles, the only thing i need to change would be the movement of the camera when in a vehicle actually. M.Bay destructionfest, if your'e thinking explosions, can be done too, actually. like, we shoot a barrel, it starts an explosion effect, then changes its own mesh to a wrecked barrel.

>> No.367830

Btw terrain guy here. Since this is a rover, and since the gravity is low, I can give you a moon-like terrain, and maybe provide a space-like skymap. If you would use it.

>> No.367833


Would be fitting indeed. Almost a shame abandoning the beach terrain. Maybe we can think of a way to have them both and travel between them. Either by teleport or by UFO, we do have a flying one just sitting on our roof.

>> No.367843
File: 210 KB, 727x340, 2013-07-18 17_08_38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Added a turret to the rover. Looks at mouseposition, shoots a raycast, instantiates placeholder explosion, replaces the hit object with a different one. I just load up the same object again until i get some wrecked shit.



>> No.367845
File: 123 KB, 962x598, betatesterdoinghisjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do now?

How do I get off this ride?

>> No.367848

e to leave the car, F5 to get the car bac if you know what i mean :I

>> No.367888
File: 20 KB, 591x287, newpieces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight one, 90° turn and intersection. They all use "slope.tif" texture.

Thingken of things to blow up. Like Ewok village for example.

>> No.367890


>> No.367893

One moon terrain coming up.

>> No.367895

this is cool

>> No.367896



>> No.367899
File: 194 KB, 398x499, ron paul this ride starts now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn't even begun.

>> No.367900

when will OP be adding the address to the webplayer?

>> No.367902

We need a single link to the latest version.

This dropbox malarkey is silly

>> No.367904
File: 363 KB, 799x472, 2013-07-18 23_57_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need a single link to the latest version.

How the hell do i do that? simply upload under the same name? how do i dropbox

playing with roadblocks in the meantime.

>> No.367906
File: 262 KB, 1128x960, roof objects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrain guy here. I'm compiling an old low poly roof set I did a long time ago. It includes the OBJ files of the models in the pic, the diffuse and the normal map.

>> No.367914

Here ya go. It's not really moony but I had to remove the craters for the sake of a cleaner terrain surface. Theres also an earth image that you can put in the sky so it looks like space.


>> No.367915
File: 517 KB, 1920x1080, Moon Terrain Render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.367920

>the Earth that close
What is this, 20 million BC?

>> No.367922

can we have the car controls switched to asdw? arrow keys feel awkward as fuck

>> No.367923

what language are you using, op?

>> No.367925

Okay cool, will add tomorrow. In bed on my phone.

Will try, its hardcoded for some reason.
Javascript. Unity takes c# and boo too.

>> No.367957

holy shit that looks fantastic. I cant wait to ride on that terrain

>> No.367959
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, Moon Terrain Scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here.

Also if you can mix textures and combine it with a tiled texture like in the pic, it would be awesome.

>> No.367977

darn. I'm best with c#

>> No.367980
File: 223 KB, 220x200, 1365170364395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, a babby could handle javascript.
If you can code anything else (except python lol) you can handle javascript.

pic related: babby

>> No.367986

I'm pretty sure Unity also allows you to use both C# and JS at the same time.
It's asinine but it probably works.
Any performance differences?

>> No.367992

It's all compiled to a common DLL, so yes.
Performance is like any other .NET application, even if you're using UnityJS (which is heavily optimized compared to actual JS). I don't think mixing the scripts will affect the performance adversely.

>> No.368018
File: 467 KB, 952x598, 2013-07-19 14_18_42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok done, with detail texture from the beach. check out how the actual moon terrain texture looks. thinking the format you had first on the beach might be better so i can play around with different shaders.




Apparently if i upload under the same name, the link stays active. URL should not change from now on.


The car script is in C#, the rest is JS, so mixing works. As far as i'm concerned it's not slower than using JS alone. The only issue i know of is compilation order, stuff compiled first (C# and everything in Assets/Plugins folder) can reference other scripts (JS and everything in other folders) but not vice versa.


In any case, current build with Moon Terrain, a bit of road i need to restack because of terrain change, and rover controls on wasd.



>> No.368024
File: 713 KB, 1024x1024, Dirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First format, you mean without shadows ? I can generate terrains like that if you like. Also, it would look more rocky and moony with this texture instead of the beach one.

>> No.368030
File: 745 KB, 1099x583, 2013-07-19 16_31_36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn that one's nice.

i mean split into diffuse/normal/detail. but then again, i'd have to write a shader to accomodate everything. i guess we're good as is.

having realtime shadows, not including them on your end might be worth consideration, but it might look worse cause shadows don't render far enough to be displayed over the whole thing. how about you give me a few different versions you can come up with and we see what looks best.

>> No.368051
File: 1.15 MB, 1024x1024, Gravel Sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got it. I'll post them as I finish. Also it would look better if you can tile it 2 or 3 times more. The rocks look too blurry to be the small detail grounds.

Also I ripped these beautiful seamless textures from BFBC2 and Crysis 2. I have a decent folder with very professional texture maps with 1024x1024 diffuse+specs+normals... So I can post some time to time for some experimentation. You can use normals for tiled ground right ?

>> No.368059
File: 81 KB, 253x634, 2013-07-19 20_20_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. stitching a shader together that takes enough channels. so far using diffuse, and detail detail normals. should add a second bump/normals channel for the whole thing maybe.

>> No.368065
File: 1.42 MB, 2048x2048, Seam Desert Diffuse_LOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, thats helpful. This means the base texture will be the main terrain, and the rest will go for tiled ground tex.
I know I'm sending you one step back with every new terrain but I have more new terrains with different concepts. For example this desert. 3ds Max is busy right now so I cant export the terrain mesh, but I'll post it after I'm done here.

>> No.368069

hah and i feel bad for having you compile so many different packs. all i have to do is add a mesh collider, and drag the textures into the slots, so no worries.

how are you doing these anyways, max plugin? i need awesome shit like that for my own projects.

>> No.368072

It takes me less than 15 minutes to create and compile a new terrain, textures and mesh from scratch. I make these with a plugin called world machine. It's fucking magic.

>> No.368075

Is it me or does this shit actually look exactly like kerbal?

>> No.368079
File: 287 KB, 1000x480, mounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I meant a program, not plugin sorry.


>> No.368117
File: 63 KB, 724x512, Tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something to shoot at. Blown up mesh coming tomorrow, and maybe a normal map if i learn how. My attempts to make one in maya didn't end well.
If i cut out some scraps out of it, pieces of metal, can we get them to appear together with destroyed mesh so they fly off? Could disappear later, like in most games.


>> No.368148
File: 286 KB, 787x406, 2013-07-20 00_11_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rocket fuel. How fitting. Exploding in pieces, i think can be done. The explosions already add a force to objects around them. Yeah i bet we can do that.

pulled the texture onto the beach mesh and was wondering why its not working. next time.

updated the build




>> No.368151
File: 207 KB, 1600x900, Roof Objects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I compiled some industrial equipments and devices. You can create a lunar transmission station.


>> No.368153
File: 304 KB, 634x400, 2013-07-20 00_44_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh mate i hope you didn't spend too much time on compiling that. putting everything into the same file makes a single mesh, where i cant move the single parts. just moves all together.

you'll have to make each object a separate mesh. looks awesome thou, if thats any consolation.

>> No.368158

I'll arrange them separately soon. In the mean time, can you set a key to boost the rover ? Also do you know how to put objectives in the game ? If there are small quests, it would give people motivation to discover the map.

>> No.368159


Not sure about boosting, the car physics isnt really set up for that. Might be weird. What i can do is make it a bit more nimble and gear it up so it accelerates quicker.

was thinking about objectives too. setting a marker and then pointing there with an arrow would surely work. now that we have a weapon maybe destroy alien bases for objctives or something. we'll make it grow out of whatver objects we get.

>> No.368207
File: 948 KB, 1023x2048, road car proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw I made a whacky downhill road. This should be fun to try riding on. It's veeeery long, so if you can put the car at the top right side it will be great.

Pic related ; its approximately how big the car should be


>> No.368227

I'm gonna need an .exe for this.

>> No.368258
File: 445 KB, 712x400, 2013-07-20 14_50_45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is one whacky ride indeed. mostly fear of falling off or putting the car on its belly. that one turn is mean. didn't even make it to the bottom yet.

would need more gravity or grip or fucking rails or something. camera movement is shitty too, will have to see which solution would make most sense.

Updated the build, for now starting out at the top of the whacky road, going down to the third terrain. If you fall off, which you will, you will land on the beach terrain. If you bottom out and immobilize your car, so far no other option than to restart the whole thing.



win build


lin build as usual


>> No.368326

not op
have any links to some good terrain tutorials for world machine. i really want to know how to make those textures for the terrains

>> No.368350

> dat fucking road
although im pretty sure i can make it all the way down, but the left, right vechile controls dont work time to time

>> No.368374

The moon terrain and Desert terrain textures should be in self-illumination channel and not the diffuse channel. All the light necessary is already baked on the textures to the smallest detail.

>> No.368498

Have you read Snow Crash?

>> No.368529
File: 820 KB, 961x599, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The camera controls are pretty dreadful in the car.
Maybe you could have it so that the camera's up and down movement is also parented to mouse input?

>> No.368542
File: 60 KB, 754x492, blown the fuck out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to it. Goddamn relatives using my precious time that could be spent on pixels.
Self explanatory, tank uses destroyed.tif, scraps all use scraps.tif.


>> No.368614

this this this.
driving is fun but i cant see where the fuck im going at 170km/hr

>> No.368616

This, and you should also make the pivotpoint for the camera while in the car slightly above the model i think. Right now you are either seeing too much ground or too muc rear or the car.

>> No.368628

Here is the separated roof objects and the textures.


There are also some flares so you can place them on top of the antennas.

>> No.368689
File: 320 KB, 778x409, 2013-07-22 16_47_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh, don't even ask. Long story short, should be a bit better now.


Gives me weirdass results on the current shader. Will play around more.


No, just googled it for a short description. What about it?


I agree, basically the camera reads out where the center of the car is and positions itself 4 meters higher than that. Works out on flat terrain, but not on slopes. parenting to mouse movement was my first thought too, but that interfered with the other camera scripts, so what i did instead is to add in the car's rotation halved. Pros: You dont need to rotate the mouse manually, you can see where the fuck youre going regardless of speed and slope angle. didn't adjust the pivotpoint yet, want to see if you guys are happy with it as is. Another thing i'd like to add is a collider for the camera, so it doesn't go through the terrain on angle changes.


This works great, thanks.


Dem explosions man. If that's not michael bay i dont know what is. Also the model was a breeze to work with, i didn't even have to reassign the textures to the materials as usual. Wonder why. Same for the cardboard box, for that matter.

Updated build, links as usual


win build


lin build


>> No.368691
File: 1.08 MB, 450x400, Explosion-01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great man. The left-right controls seem to be working perfectly now.
Now please tell me you can use sprite frames in the game so I can give you this neat explosion effect.

>> No.368692

i think i can even use a gif as is even. Sprites i know work too, will have to look up how thou. But yeah, should be possible.

>> No.368694

Gifs have poor alpha transitions, Here's the raw uncompressed PNGs


>> No.368723
File: 377 KB, 956x605, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the camera is a little bit worse than before. It also makes it incredibly uncomfortable to shoot the car gun.

The car is in the way blocking everything now. You might try raising the camera up so that we don't see ANY of the ground behind it.

Also it would be great if the car camera would stop fighting against my mouse input and trying to center itself.
If possible it would be best to get rid of that completely, or dial it down ALOT.
You could also have it so that there is a few seconds delay before it starts moving back to center itself.

>> No.368725

basically you want me to move the pivot up anyways. got it.

cool. working on it.

>> No.368727

your doing a great job man. Try not to take anything I say personally, because it's not meant to be so.

>> No.368729


of course not, constructive feedback is always much appreciated.

>> No.368730

And add nitro key to the car plz D':

>> No.368758

Any chance for some AI enemies? How hard it is to implement them?

>> No.368760

depends on how sophisticated they would be. Characters that walk around and shoot at the player, quite easy once we have a final terrain we can bake a navmesh from. ai cars that drive around, or fancy stuff like taking cover goes over my head. maybe the other unityfags would want to chime in.

>> No.368772

do you have those saved as a spritesheet instead of broken up in separate files?

it works as is, but loading and drawing 120 textures per explosion is intensive. once you set off two-three you lose a couple frames. a single file will be bigger, but will have to be drawn only once and then just offset properly.

figured i should ask if you have that already before i assemlbe it in photoshop by hand.

>> No.368773
File: 302 KB, 1024x1024, BlacksunRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.368777


don't bother, got it already. according to google other people before me had to do this as well and compiled tools to do so.

cool, another building. will add to the next build tomorrow.

>> No.368779

Good, coz i have no experience with spreadsheets :\
I have a couple of more sprite animations. I'll post them here as I make them into gifs. I'll post their frame folders again if we see them fit the game.

>> No.368782
File: 304 KB, 961x448, 2013-07-23 03_13_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


used http://www.codeandweb.com/sprite-sheet-maker , made an 8mb file as opposed to 61mb in photoshop.

okay, sure is shiney. doesn't have an interior though. And polySurface1/2 are empty, not sure if that's intended.

would be neat to give it a cube with inverted normals as interior and cut the door so it could be opened. then we could make this into a badass moon night club with smooth jazz and disco balls.

>> No.368783

Going great mate. Are the explosions available now ? Can we get the updated build ?

>> No.368784

not quite yet, finished the offset script, but have to toy around with it for a bit to get it right. and ideally play with the pivot point on the rover. it's 3.30 am. if i get it done in the next hour, i'll upload then without the rover fix, if not, tomorrow with.

>> No.368797
File: 205 KB, 619x292, 2013-07-23 04_31_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay builds are updated with the explosion sprites and the Black Sun as is, work on the rover camera position tomorrow.

Explosions could use few of the previous particles we had, maybe a position correction and an explosion sound that is able to overcome the gun shot.

moral of the story for sprites- dont use separate pictures if you want performance, dont use .time if you want to instantiate more than one instance, count your fucking columns and rows if you dont want to spend hours figuring out why it doesn't align properly.


win build


lin build


>> No.368935
File: 697 KB, 1920x1080, Climbable Tower Thingy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a climbable tower thingy. It looks cool with all the lights, but the self illumination channel is very important to appear on the model.

Model & Textures here :


>> No.368936

Cool! Can't wait to see it ingame.

>> No.368937
File: 492 KB, 1920x1080, Climb Mix SS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. Here are some different angles

>> No.369028
File: 602 KB, 976x577, 2013-07-24 03_55_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying different things mate. nothing i would be happy releasing so far.

horizontal rotation doesn't fight anymore and pivot up by quite a bit.

man, ive been working on this since you posted. it seems shaders are becoming my bane of this project.

illumination works, but transparency doesnt. I bake both the lightmaps and alpha for transparency onto the diffuse and, that kinda works but doesn't render far enough to show the detailed frames from far enough. in both cases there's many backfaces showing, so i have to disable backface culling which doesnt play well with the rest.

i included both versions so you can see where i'm at right now. if you wanna work on it further, we can discuss how to change it to get the best possible results we can.


win build


lin build


>> No.369101
File: 461 KB, 552x399, dingolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vehicle camera is infinitely better now.

Also I made this statue.


>> No.369105

please dont shit on this project with childish stuff

>> No.369108
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, Climb Mix 2 SS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Illumination looks okay. I'd say go with the transparent one, because the other one looks very dull and ugly with those black gaps. Transparent one doesn't looks so bad.

But the transparent one doesn't have specular reflections, it will look better after specs applied. Also, can you increase the intensity of the point light a little, and drop down the ambient light ? It will give better contrast to the forms.

I made another tower thingy using the same textures :

>> No.369116

Transparents look wierd because Unity only uses black and white when reading alpha, and skip the grayscale. There might be a way to use it as grayscale but it's not really my area.

>> No.369117

really, you think that looks better? kinda flimsy. looking at the polycount i was gonna suggest you make the grates actual topology, but looking at the second one that's not really feasible. will include the transparent one with a bump next build, not sure how long this will take me.

im any case, can you check your normals for me? On the first one for sure, second one i didnt check yet. it appears you made topology for the backfaces, but they are facing the wrong way. pic related, everything blue should ideally be inverted.

aand there's the dong ive been waiting for. will add next build too.

>> No.369118
File: 149 KB, 838x550, 2013-07-24 09_54_47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.369119

Checking in progress...

>> No.369122

Most of them are open meshes, but closing the gaps will cost almost twice the polycount. Same goes for the second building :\
We should go with using 2 sided material.

>> No.369123

Lol why you so rustled xD
>implying dicks aren't an adult subject

>> No.369124
File: 423 KB, 733x559, 2013-07-24 11_08_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok i'm actually happy with how it looks. i notice the current shader doesn't produce errors on backfaces, so gg. and adding polygons we dont need anyways if we're not going for the non transparent shader.

by the way holding space functions as a rocketpack one cant steer, so its easier to check out higher places.

adjusted the light too a bit.


Go ahead, click it. I know you want to. Scaling it down and placing it into the first building seems fair game.


win build


lin build(upload 5 min remaining)


>> No.369132

This is still the old build btw

>> No.369136

I don't know how you did it, but you did it man. The transparent parts look very clean and you can see them from away. I think this looks great.
Nice job

>> No.369224

anybody else running into this issue? cause i checked thrice and its fine from where i'm sitting.

Thanks mate, great work from you too.

>> No.369256

works fine for me. also how hard would it be to use realtime reflections?

>> No.369261


not hard, just intensive computing wise. one would have to make the cubemap im using for reflections update every frame based on inputs from 6 different cameras. which/how many objects are we talking here?

>> No.369262

none specifically. was just curious.

>> No.369290
File: 1.08 MB, 4000x2000, Space 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a better Space HDRI btw.

>> No.369325

It really needs some air movement.

>> No.369336

How to transparency? Targa texture with alpha channel in it?

>> No.369339

Just native .png transparency is fine. Otherwise add a grayscale picture to the folder. If its in the alpha channel some shaders mistake it for specular mapping.


>> No.369375

are the cardboard boxes and barrels supposed to duplicate when you shoot them?

>> No.369380

if you mean that if you shoot one, it explodes, and produces two boxes, then no, that shouldn't be happening.

if you mean that shooting them makes them explode and spawn a single brandnew one, then yes, that's where the destroyed one should spawn like with the fuel tank, but since we have no wrecked models of the box and barrel it just instantiates itself. we could replace it with generic scraps. or with nothing.

>> No.369388
File: 471 KB, 959x547, boxes 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It definitely seems to be doing the latter, at least for me.

The fuel tanks work fine though.

>> No.369389
File: 485 KB, 961x600, boxes 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.369391

>It definitely seems to be doing the latter, at least for me.

shit, i meant former

>> No.369393


haha yep, does the same for me. thanks, will check for the next build.

>> No.369394

alioto 2.1

>> No.369396
File: 709 KB, 960x601, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.369413
File: 600 KB, 952x586, screencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun game OP

>> No.369423
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, Navsat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satellite dish. It's supposed to rotate, i don't know if you can loop it.
Also the wireframe uses png for transparency so it's kinda big.

>> No.370298
File: 1.22 MB, 1228x580, 2013-07-30 00_22_47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumpin with a new build

didnt get the keyframes imported and replaced with a new rotation. see if its not too quick.

no duplicating boxes here, move along :I


win build


lin build(upload 5 min remaining)


>> No.370660

I checked the "include animation" and "bake animation" in exporter, also it rotated in that tiny preview window unity has. I fucked something up again probably.
S'cool though, looks good as it is.

>> No.370762

well if it rotated in unity for you, more likely than not it's me who fucked up. i started out in c4d anyways, checked if it had any keyframes, it didn't, so i didn't even bother trying to import those in unity. Might be just c4d thats wrong here.